September 25, 2023

Canadian Book Ban

Timothy Birdnow

A school in  Ontario, Canada  has removed all books from their library that were written before 2008.

Funny; I remember a time when the Left complained about book burning, supposedly by right wing fanatics. And in fact they made a big stink here  in Missouri about a state Senator named Bill Eigle who used a flamethrower to incinerate some k]boxes which liberals falsely claimed were books.

So it's o.k. to just remove them from the shelves but not to burn them?

And remember the hew and cry over the removal of pornographic books in schools in Florida?

The Left always wants to have it their own way.

But removing all books before Obama (BO)? (I know; this is Canada and Trudeau didn't take over until 2015, so it must be to honor Obama.) 

Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:59 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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