October 23, 2021

Remembering Rush

Roy W. Spencer

James Golden (Bo Snerdley) on his book describing his many years as Rush Limbaugh's call screener. I cannot agree enough, Rush was a class act, and took the time to help many of us succeed. There will never be another like him.

"We cannot let a hateful political left define who Rush Limbaugh is for history. It is our job to make sure that the proper story about who Rush Limbaugh is and what he achieved is told from this day forward. That's our job." - James Golden #InspiredByRush

The New Book by James Golden about Rush

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:11 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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The Wisdom of Silent Cal

"About the Declaration there is a finality that is exceedingly restful. It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and new experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern. But that reasoning can not be applied to this great charter. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers.
--Calvin Coolidge, on the 150th anniversary of the American Revolution, 1926, Philadelphia. Quoted by Wilfred McClay, Land of Hope, p. 292, and by Matthew Lohmeier, Irresistible Revolution, p. 42.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:54 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Helter Skelter

Mark Musser

"Give me control over he who shapes the music of a nation, and I care not who makes the laws"

Napoleon Bonaparte

"Back in the USSR! You do not know how lucky you are, boys!" After a wonderful and great, but difficult trip, to marry Alex Musser and Autmun Burdett at Pretty Place, South Carolina, we sadly had to quickly turn around and head back to the former Soviet Union with our first stop in Kyiv, Ukraine - and then off back to Almaty, Kazakhstan overnight tonight. We wanted to spend some more time with family, but were not able to do so. It is time to get back to the daily work schedule and grind, the unavoidable reality check on our lives which cannot be escaped from no matter how hard people try - particularly those on the Left side of things - and in spite of the cultic virus madness which has currently seized our postmodern world to an all time high of suffocating proportions, pun intended.

The so-called bourgeois, the empty-headed capitalism which was spawned under the authoritarianis m of the various kings and kingdoms of Europe (Russia too!) during the 1800's, which Marxism and Socialism strongly opposed because of its inherent alienation, was all anticipated and presaged by Solomon's own kingdom in the book of Ecclesiastes when he writes, "There is nothing good for a man under the sun except to eat and to drink and to be merry, and this will stand by him in his toils throughout the days of his life which God has given him under the sun." Solomon often complained it was all in vain. In other words, since God has cursed the work environment by cursing the very ground upon which we live and work, the problem of alienation in a very fallen world cannot be rectified even by politics and science, let alone philosophy and/ or religion. In fact, one might argue - the bourgeois, so roundly condemned by Marx and company, not to mention the hippies of the 60's generation - is probably the best one can do this side of the grave in spite of its empty materialism. Such a sad state of affairs is, of course, an insult to the pride filled progressivist mindset which presumes it can overcome the fallen world through evolution - a scientific and political eschatological fantasy of virtually semi-apocalyptic proportions as we see the day approaching closer and closer.

As we do our best to navigate the postmodern world of madness today, the old Beatles song, "Back to the USSR" rings loud and clear - yet with a fascist twist to it all since the primary guru of postmodern exisentialism is/was National Socialist philosopher Martin Heidegger, who, Frenchman Jean Paul Sartre, followed too closely in his "life is absurd" philosophy, as did Herbert Marcuse of the Frankfurth School. Thanks to such wonderful western thinkers, our postmodern existential world is now a place full of absurdity, madness, foolishness, and abject lunacy. Sadly and tragically, all too many are even publicly justifying and promoting the same as our world sinks more and more into the abyss of God's impending judgment in one form or another.

As people reject the obvious truth that the God of the Bible is the Creator of the universe, Job himself warns us, "With Him are strength and sound wisdom, the misled and the misleader belong to Him. He makes counselors walk barefoot and makes fools of judges. He loosens the bond of kings and binds their loins with a girdle. He makes priests walk barefoot and overthrows the secure ones. He deprives the trusted ones of speech and takes away the discernment of the elders. He pours contempt on nobles and loosens the belt of the strong. He reveals mysteries from the darkness and brings the deep darkness into light. He makes the nations great, then destroys them; He enlarges the nations, then leads them away. He deprives of intelligence the chiefs of the earth's people and makes them wander in a pathless waste. They grope in darkness with no light, and He makes them stagger like a drunken man (Job 12:16-25)." Today, even in America, we are now witnessing the judgment of God against the idiocracy of its leaders as they have foolishly rejected the Creator of Genesis, "But now ask the beasts, and let them teach you; And the birds of the heavens, and let them tell you. Or speak to the earth, and let it teach you; And let the fish of the sea declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this in whose hand is the life of every living thing, And the breath of all mankind?" (Job 12:7-10)

The silly love songs of the Beatles of 1962-66 spawned the postmodern madness of their hippy-drug infested eastern guru mysticism of the 1967-70 where songs like "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" and "I am the Walrus" became routine. I have always been skeptical of the touchy-feely love fest pop-psychology which characterized the early Beatles, even though I liked their harmonies and tunes, precisely because it invariably leads to the contentless insanity of their later songs and escapades. They then all divorced in 1970 which shows their appreciation of what love was all about was only a figment of their own aritistic imagination. The Beatles music thus became a tragic prophecy of things to come, which has affected and effected our entire western world these days as they are no longer just songs, but now an enforced way of life. Hippyism, which my uncle (late) Charles (he was a barber for many years) used to whistle at on the streets of Olympia, is now demanded of all or else. Yet sadly, my first inklings of enforced hippy madness was at church where the silly and banal silly love songs of the beatles became the litmust test for true spirituality beginning in the mid 1980's when I first began to walk with the Lord. My old boss, Tom McCabe, said such were songs that can/could be sung in the shower. Yet so many Christians presumed such songs were the ways of the Spirit and had to be sung to be really spiritual in tune with God.

The Beatles were prophets and gurus of things to come. Even Elvis Presley was critical of their antics. I am always very suspicious of such self-fulfiling prophecies, but have the utmost faith in those prophecies which are not - the biblical kind which cannot be explained mathematically - but are yet nonetheless very real and historical in spite of all the philosophical, political, and religious opposition arrayed when the Messiah, Jesus Christ, was born, lived, died, and was resurrected from the dead according to any numer of Old Testament prophecies which found historical fulfillment in the New Testament during the Gospel period.

The apostle Paul himself summarized, "Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God, which He promised beforehand through His prophets in the holy Scriptures, concerning His Son, who was born of a descendant of David according to the flesh, who was declared the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead, according to the Spirit of holiness, Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 1:1-4)," Paul goes on to say later on, "For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly (Romans 5:6)." I will take such prophecies and histories any time compared to what I am now being routinely subjected to day in and day out - a lunacy of cultic proportions which only the judgment of God apparetly can sort out in a world gone mad.

May be an image of mountain, sky and natureMay be an image of tree and sky

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:00 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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"Must We Always Be Tolerant?"

Selwyn Duke


"Must We All Be Always Tolerant?” asks commentator Hugh Fitzgerald. Writing at Jihad Watch, what inspired his question was the reaction of British lawmaker David Amess’s family to his October 15 murder.

Amess, 69, was stabbed 17 times by a Somali Muslim while meeting with constituents in a Methodist church in Leigh-on-Sea in southern England, in what authorities consider a terrorist incident. In response to this, Amess’s family said in a statement released via London police, "Whatever one’s race, religious or political beliefs, be tolerant and try to understand"....

Tim adds:

It used to be called being a chump - or a patsy. Someone every so tolerant as that was laughed at as a fool. Now it's our main cultural trait. Naive fools do not last long in the real world. BTW Why is tolerance never extended to Conservatives or Christians?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:41 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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October 22, 2021

New Liberal Trick; Withhold Police Protection

Selwyn Duke


"It is one thing to refuse to provide police protection. It is quite another to announce far in advance that police protection will not be provided.” So wrote dissenting 10th Circuit judge Harris L. Hartz in the case of VDARE Found. v. City of Colorado Springs, addressing how in 2017 a resort canceled a VDARE event it had booked — after its city, loosely speaking and in the mafia sense, made it an offer it couldn’t refuse.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:46 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Baldwin Shoots, Kills Director of Cinematography

Timothy Birdnow

I don't like to do gossipy stuff here, but this is one I can't just ignore.

The Radical Rager Alec Baldwin shot and killed a woman on a movie set.


Baldwin allegedly accidentally killed the director of photography Halyna Hutchins while handling a "prop" gun on the set of the movie Rust. He also wounded writer-director Joel Souza.

Who uses a real gun with real bullets as a prop in a movie?

Santa Fe New Mexico police are not considering this a homicide at this time.

If you ask me this stinks to high heaven. If nothing else it was gross negligence on the part of both Baldwin and the prop master and director.

Were this, say, Tom Selleck I am sure the media would be all over this. But since it's Bolshevik Baldwin they just yawn.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:30 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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Genesis of a Pandemic

Timothy Birdnow

On Facebook Dr. Roy Spencer asked:

Can someone tell me why the U.S. taxpayer should pay the ChiComs to modify an animal virus so it hurts humans?
And why is this called "gain of function"?

Cate Bennett left this comment:

If you want a serious answer, I can tell you my educated guess. Such genetic manipulation is done to see what Nature might inevitably evolve, so that we can be better able to fight against it (make better vaccines, antibodies, etc). Scientists who sit on review panels do not think in terms of malign entities using something for evil. Perhaps that is naive. Every grant review has a 'foreign country" component that evaluates whether the work could be better done in the USA. A grant has to pass this test. Perhaps -- and I'm speculating -- it was determined that the bat population in China and the Wuhan facility was in a unique position to conduct this research.
I don't think anyone thought in terms of malicious government action.
Personally -- and I emphasize this is my personal opinion -- if it was from the lab, I suspect it was an accident by sloppy scientists, not malicious. Who had the most to lose? The Chinese! If this has been a planned attack, surely so many would not have gotten in in Nov and Dec 2019. If you go on my profile, you will see that I know more than the average citizen about this, but again, I emphasize that I'm speaking for myself only, not my agency.

Rich Cogsey disagrees:

Consider this. SARS-2 would take over 22,000 years to form in perfect laboratory conditions.

According to Dr. Perez who published the study along with Dr. Montagnier that for this virus to form naturally would take and to confirm the inserts from HIV allow the bat virus to make the jump from animals to humans would take over 22,000 years. .

Again, for this virus to form 2 pHds, one who won the Nobel prize for discovering HIV
and the other a bio mathematician come out confirm this virus could only be made in a laboratory.

over 22,000 years in perfect laboratory conditions.

Along with 3 other papers.


Tim adds:

Cate Bennett you say

"Who had the most to lose? The Chinese! If this has been a planned attack, surely so many would not have gotten in in Nov and Dec 2019."

I disagree. The Chinese had everything to gain and little to lose (except some of their own people, which they can afford.)

The Trump policy was killing them economically. His tariffs were really hurting their economy, and they had to take action. So they released a virus not to wipe us out but to damage our economy, and to hurt the President's chances of being re-elected. They had already infiltrated the World Health Organization and knew they could count on that corrupt body to promote economy-busting policies around the globe. They knew this virus was really not that deadly as pandemics are concerned.

They had the most to gain, not lose.

Chinese leaders have long said war with the U.S. is inevitable. They were running a biological weapons program. We KNOW this.

And China was the first to reopen their economy (actually, they never shut down their industrial production) and so were able to take a lot of market shares.

And they were able to get China Joe, their bought and paid for guy (look it up; Biden has a lot of ties to Chinese corporations) in power in the U.S., and Biden has actively worked to hurt America and American interests.

There is every reason to believe it was intentional.

And why did Fauci lie about not funding gain of function research in China? He is still lying about it. We have his e-mails, which include notes from some top guys telling him exactly what they did to create the virus.

Donald Trump was going to win re-election by a landslide had the pandemic not struck. Trump was being undercut by many of the career people in the administration, I might add, when he tried to deal with this (for instance, a career State Department official appointed by Obama overrode Trump's travel ban and allowed a bunch of Chinese to come into the U.S.) The Deep State was desperate to remove Mr. Trump. Do you really believe the CIA would shrink from allowing a few hundred thousand people to die in the process? I don't.

The Chinese had everything to gain. The Democrats had everything to gain. The CIA and FBI and other agencies had everything to gain. The Internationalists had everything to gain. Only the People had everything to lose.

The same people who voted Mr. Trump into office in the first place.

It may be that many of those who cooperated with this didn't  realize how bad it would be. But it does not change the fact that the Chicoms didn't tell us about the virus early on, and then they wouldn't give us any information, or allow us to do our own research in situ.

The great military philosopher Sun Tzu said that the greatest victory is the battle unfought. If you can win without engaging directly is the acme of skill. Seems to me this virus was a great unfought victory. Sun Tzu was Chinese.

Ron Albertson adds:

I would be curious to hear a reaction to this piece, written by a professor who teaches 'Critical Theory' (which is Marxism reconstituted, of course, and is the tree off which Critical Race Theory, Legal Theory etc are branched). So, a view from 'the left' that could easily have been written by someone on 'the right'. Roy, the answer to your excellent question *may* be here. May ...

In pre-Covid times, the world economy was on the verge of another colossal meltdown. Here is a brief chronicle of how the pressure was building up:

June 2019: In its Annual Economic Report, the Swiss-based Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the ‘Central Bank of all central banks’, sets the international alarm bells ringing. The document highlights "overheating […] in the leveraged loan market”, where "credit standards have been deteriorating” and "collateralized loan obligations (CLOs) have surged – reminiscent of the steep rise in collateralized debt obligations [CDOs] that amplified the subprime crisis [in 2008].” Simply stated, the belly of the financial industry is once again full of junk.

9 August 2019: The BIS issues a working paper calling for "unconventional monetary policy measures” to "insulate the real economyfrom further deterioration in financial conditions”. The paper indicates that, by offering "direct credit to the economy” during a crisis, central bank lending "can replace commercial banks in providing loans to firms.”

15 August 2019: Blackrock Inc., the world’s most powerful investment fund (managing around $7 trillion in stock and bond funds), issues a white paper titled Dealing with the next downturn. Essentially, the paper instructs the US Federal Reserve to inject liquidity directlyinto the financial system to prevent "a dramatic downturn.” Again, the message is unequivocal: "An unprecedented response is needed when monetary policy is exhausted and fiscal policy alone is not enough. That response will likely involve ‘going direct’”: "finding ways to get central bank money directly in the hands of public and private sector spenders” while avoiding "hyperinflation. Examples include the Weimar Republic in the 1920s as well as Argentina and Zimbabwe more recently.”

22-24 August 2019: G7 central bankers meet in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, to discuss BlackRock’s paper along with urgent measures to prevent the looming meltdown. In the prescient words of James Bullard, President of the St Louis Federal Reserve: "We just have to stop thinking that next year things are going to be normal.”

15-16 September 2019: The downturn is officially inaugurated by a sudden spike in the repo rates (from 2% to 10.5%). ‘Repo’ is shorthand for ‘repurchase agreement’, a contract where investment funds lend money against collateral assets (normally Treasury securities). At the time of the exchange, financial operators (banks) undertake to buy back the assets at a higher price, typically overnight. In brief, repos are short-term collateralized loans. They are the main source of funding for traders in most markets, especially the derivatives galaxy. A lack of liquidity in the repo market can have a devastating domino effect on all major financial sectors.

17 September 2019: The Fed begins the emergency monetary programme, pumping hundreds of billions of dollars per weekinto Wall Street, effectively executing BlackRock’s "going direct” plan. (Unsurprisingly, in March 2020 the Fed will hire BlackRock to manage the bailout package in response to the ‘COVID-19 crisis’).

19 September 2019: Donald Trump signs Executive Order 13887, establishing a National Influenza Vaccine Task Forcewhose aim is to develop a "5-year national plan (Plan) to promote the use of more agile and scalable vaccine manufacturing technologies and to accelerate development of vaccines that protect against many or all influenza viruses.” This is to counteract "an influenza pandemic”, which, "unlike seasonal influenza […] has the potential to spread rapidly around the globe, infect higher numbers of people, and cause high rates of illness and death in populations that lack prior immunity”. As someone guessed, the pandemic was imminent, while in Europe too preparations were underway (see here and here).

18 October 2019: In New York, a global zoonotic pandemic is simulated during Event 201, a strategic exercise coordinated by the Johns Hopkins Biosecurity Center and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

21-24 January 2020: The World Economic Forum’s annual meeting takes place in Davos, Switzerland, where both the economy and vaccinations are discussed.

23 January 2020: China puts Wuhan and other cities of the Hubei province in lockdown.

11 March 2020: The WHO’s director general calls Covid-19 a pandemic. The rest is history.

Joining the dots is a simple enough exercise. If we do so, we might see a well-defined narrative outline emerge, whose succinct summary reads as follows: lockdowns and the global suspension of economic transactions were intended to 1) Allow the Fed to flood the ailing financial markets with freshly printed money while deferring hyperinflation; and 2) Introduce mass vaccination programmes and health passports as pillars of a neo-feudal regime of capitalist accumulation. As we shall see, the two aims merge into one.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:36 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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Plunging Biden

Timothy Birdnow

Usurper Joe Biden's poll numbers are dropping faster than Bill Clinton's trousers on Slave Island, and not just among Republicans or even independents.

Biden's Job Approval on Decline Among Several Groups

This was a study weighted to Democrats.

And it shows a whopping 20% of Democrats do not approve of the job Biden is doing. That only ten months into his regime administration.

Afghanistan and the border crisis are at the heart of this disapproval.

The vaunted Independents are most unhappy with Biden (60 - 32 percent) , followed by white middle class people.

Biden received negative scores in the double digits on all but one key issue when Americans were asked about his handling of ...

  • the response to the coronavirus: 48 percent approve, while 50 percent disapprove;
  • the economy: 39 percent approve, while 55 percent disapprove;
  • his job as Commander in Chief of the U.S. military: 37 percent approve, while 58 percent disapprove;
  • taxes: 37 percent approve, while 54 percent disapprove;
  • foreign policy: 34 percent approve, while 58 percent disapprove;
  • immigration issues: 25 percent approve, while 67 percent disapprove;
  • the situation at the Mexican border: 23 percent approve, while 67 percent disapprove.

When it comes to Biden's personal traits, Americans were asked whether or not Biden ...

  • cares about average Americans: 49 percent say yes, while 48 percent say no, compared to 58 - 37 percent yes in April;
  • is honest: 44 percent say yes, while 50 percent say no, compared to 51 - 42 percent yes in April;
  • has good leadership skills: 41 percent say yes, while 56 percent say no, compared to 52 - 44 percent yes in April.

More than half of Americans say 55 - 42 percent that the Biden administration is not competent in running the government.

"Battered on trust, doubted on leadership, and challenged on overall competency, President Biden is being hammered on all sides as his approval rating continues its downward slide to a number not seen since the tough scrutiny of the Trump administration,"

This is during the "honeymoon" I might add.

But no doubt the junta will pull in it's horns, and perhaps find some distraction. A war maybe.

It's not over until Rosie O'Donnell sings.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:10 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Philly Election Official Charged with Fraud

Timothy Birdnow

Just in case everyone missed this, a high level election official in south Philadelphia has been charged with voter fraud.

According to Western Journalism:

According to Philadelphia magazine, Marie Beren, 67, faces federal charges for participating in a voter fraud scheme from 2015-2019. The outlet said Beren faces four charges related to voter fraud, one of which is conspiracy. At the time of the charges, Beren was serving as a staffer for Philadelphia City Councilmember Mark Squilla.

Yes, this is old news and it does not address the 2020 election. But it makes it clear there is a corrupt machine in place that possibly stole the election from President Trump.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:55 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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October 21, 2021

State Department ridiculed over celebrating 'International Pronouns Day' amid global crises

Dana Mathewson

If any more evidence is needed that the Biden Administration is nothing more than a bunch of kids playing in the sandbox, this should do the trick.

Outraged citizens and lawmakers wondered why the State Department celebrated "International Pronouns Day" on Wednesday amid a series of global crises they argued better deserved its attention.

"Today on International Pronouns Day, we share why many people list pronouns on their email and social media profiles," the department tweeted.

The State Department explainer, which encouraged an understanding of "Pronoun Proficiency," provided a list of some of the updated identifications being used by individuals.

"Third-person personal pronouns are used to describe a person or people, in American English grammar, as the subject, as the object or in the possessive," the State Department wrote. "These pronouns include the gender-neutral they/them/theirs — words that traditionally refer to a plural number but that today are used by some individuals who identify as gender nonbinary or who prefer not to share gender information. Other pronouns include the feminine she/her/hers and the masculine he/him/his. Some people are pioneering gender-neutral pronouns such as ze/zir/zirs."

The agency tweeted out the celebratory progressive message amid reports China caught U.S. intelligence off guard by launching a hypersonic missile, and while Americans were still stranded in Afghanistan, among other pressing foreign policy crises.

Several lawmakers took aim at the department too.

"What are you doing about China’s expanded nuclear capabilities?" Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., asked. And Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., did a virtual shake of his head after seeing the State Department's priorities.

Folks, we're doomed. I don't see any way around it.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:51 PM | Comments (194) | Add Comment
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"Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to. ”

 - Theodore Dalrymple

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:28 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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The Warm Earth Below

Richard Cronin

I’m prepping material for another essay regarding the geochemistry of the Upper Mantle. A bewildering number of reactions are proceeding 24/7 in the Upper Mantle and are ALL exothermic (give off heat). None of this heat contribution has been included in the heat balance of the Earth.

Molten sulfides, molten silicates (mafic & ultramafic silicates) and molten carbonates. These melts proceed as simple acid/base reactions and decompositions to yield SO2, H2S, many other acid gases, Hydrogen, CO2, methane, and oil. At shallow depths, coal is produced much as charcoal, by cooking off the volatiles from heavy tars oozing up from below. The very term "fossil fuels” is in error.

Molten sulfides also produce metal sulfides. Such metal sulfides exist in the fumaroles (chimneys) of hydrothermal vents and are the basis of sulfur reduction, the energy source for anaerobic life.

The pH of your blood must be controlled tightly between 7.3 to 7.4. The pH of the ocean waters ranges from 8.1 to 8.2. Our distant anaerobic ancestors lingered just outside the scalding hot acidic discharge of hydrothermal vents.

Sulfide melts and reactions in Upper Mantle








Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:47 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Pre-Columbian Visitors to America

Bob Clasen

Vikings were in Newfoundland in 1021.

John McCormick adds:

They didn’t last long, and we already knew this. Furthermore, there’s plenty of evidence that others were here long before the Vikings, including the Romans, who made it to Brazil in the second century BC. They may have also gone up the Mississippi River.

Tim replies:

I have little doubt about the Vikings coming. Their ships were superior in every way to any that went before them, and they moved across the sea in the North so land was never that far.

I have my doubts about the rest. Roman ships were never able to get far from land. They didn't have the technology to sail long distances, and they didn't have the ability to tack into the wind. They couldn't feed a galley of slaves to row. Crossing the mid Atlantic doesn't seem feasible to me.

The Pacific was different. The Polynesians did it. BUT they island hopped. We should find evidence of Indians or Chinese doing likewise if they did come to America via that route.

I just don't buy it. The native cultures in America show positive signs of extreme isolation. None of them had the wheel, for instance, and nobody would forget THAT once they encountered it. It is way too useful. Ditto metal tools.

The Vikings had a very limited contact with a very primitive native population and so the technology of the day was never shown to them (probably). That is quite different from Romans landing in Brazil. Romans always built stuff.

Color me skeptical.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:42 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Morbidly Obese Money

Stevem Chase

Just 40 years ago, our debt was one trillion. Today, $30 Trillion. Incredibly HALF of all the money EVER created was done so in the last 18 months. No government looking to massively expand its size and power is going to act against rising prices, despite claiming the opposite.
Populist governments always talk about the middle classes and helping the poor, yet inflation still soars, making everyone poorer.
Governments always use different reasons for inflation: soaring demand, "supply chain disruptions,” or evil corporations’ greed. However, these are excuses.
Inflation is always a monetary phenomenon. Prices soar because money supply rises massively above real output. And giving away money has become THE ticket to winning votes.

And who benefits? People with BIG assets: stock prices rose +32% in 2019, +19% in 2020, 21% this year...(S&P)
I cannot think of a single thing our Gov't is doing to help the working, middle class. Every dollar spent goes to ASSET INFLATION, benefiting the already wealthy.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:41 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Truth, Justice, and the American Way

Warner Todd Huston

Artist Quits DC Comics over Superman Ditching ‘American Way’ Motto: ‘It’s a Bunch of F**king Nonsense’

Solution? First, eliminate (or reform) the Federal Reserve. Thomas Jefferson warned Hamilton: "A Central Bank is more dangerous than any standing army."

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:39 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Little Boy Blues

Selwyn Duke

Gosh, has anyone ever really believed in Equalityâ„¢?

The Queensland Suns won the Nissan State under-18 netball tournament last month, and the wrath of many, by easily defeating seven other teams. The issue? The Suns are sons — not daughters like the rest of their competitors.

Netball is a variation on basketball played in many Commonwealth countries. The game also apparently doesn't have many male competitors in Australia, which is why the Suns were allowed to compete with the lasses. As Netball Queensland, the organization running the Nissan tournament, stated, it was choosing "inclusion over exclusion."

For a little background, this is an example of the chickens coming home to roost for the feminist clucking hens.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:38 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Australia's Descent Into Tyranny

James Doogue

I'll be protesting.

Candace Owens is not the only overseas commentator highlighting Australia's descent into tyranny. A number of cable news channels in the US and even mainstream media channels in Europe, India, and Asia have been sowing their viewers footage like this.

They have a great deal supporting footage to support the claim of descent into tyranny. I remember being shocked at images from Wuhan of people being locked into their homes. But the brutal attacks on Australian citizens by police, non of whom have been charged with using excessive force to date is equally as shocking.

I will be protesting peacefully the way they are doing in many places overseas. Despite being vaccinated, I do not support mandating a vaccine. Not one which doesn't have sufficient longitudinal studies to determine long term adverse reactions.

The Covid-19 vaccines don't have sufficient cohort studies to assure safety for children or pregnant women and the children they are carrying. Usually a minimum of three years is required. I wouldn't be vaccinating minors or pregnant women.

I won't be showing a passport to get into restaurants and cafes. Instead, I will be picnicking outside their premises which is being done overseas. I don't care if people think I'm an anti-vaxer. I'm a believer in democracy and reasonable personal freedoms. Not rule by decree.

If the Western Australian premier (like a US state Governor for US friends) Mark McGowan doesn't open our borders soon, I will be going interstate and returning to the border to demand re-entry. If he introduces another unjustified lockdown or curfew, I will breach it. We need to have enough people pushing back against this tyranny.

I won't block intersections. I won't attack police. I won't damage property. Incredibly they are the actions of Left wing protesters who are not brutally attacked by police, nor charged, or heavily fined. Even repeat offenders. Go figure!

Police who say we should obey the law, whatever the law may be, are poor students of history. Compliant populations, no matter what laws are introduced, are fertile ground for tyrants.

Besides, the police should treat everyone the same under the law. But clearly Extinction Rebellion, Black Lives Matter and other Leftist protesters get a free pass. So please don't tell me the police hierarchy are not political. Unfortunately they don't appear to have police in the ranks pushing back against their politicisation.

Australian Cops Stomp on Maskless Head

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:37 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 410 words, total size 3 kb.

October 20, 2021

Vitamin D and Covid

James Hatem forwards this:

"Very low 25-hydroxyvitam in D levels measured at hospital admission were significantly associated with in-hospital mortality and are a useful prognostic biomarker in severe COVID-19 patients."

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:24 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 34 words, total size 1 kb.

Holier Than Powell

Steven Chase

About Colin Powell....
I find it amusing and interesting that (1) mainstream media hails him as heroic; the rebel media points out his war crimes. And (2) Predictably, his obituaries put great emphasis in the fact that he was "the first black” whatever, reducing his achievements – and he did have many– to a mere accident of birth.

Tim adds:

And the media ignores the fact Powell was the guy who knew exactly who leaked the name of Valerie Plame to the media (it was Richard Armitage) and he let Scooter Libby twist in the wind and face prison time.

And THAT almost brought down the Bush Presidency.

They also ignore the fact Powell was the guy who gave the presentation to the U.N. arguing there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, then he turned on the Bush Administration was it proved not to be true, as if they forced him to lie. He could always have resigned.

But today he was a true hero to the media.

They love him ever since he turned on his own party and endorsed Barack Hussein Obama for President.

And forgotten too is his working to get Trump turned out of office.

I do not see him as a hero.

I hated his sanctimonious, holier-than-Powell attitude. He was like Ashley Wilkes in Gone with the Wind; a man puffed up with his own sense of honor and importance.He was more image than substance, an empty suit, in my opinion.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:10 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 252 words, total size 2 kb.

Trucking Shortage Pandemic

This from John Lees in Britain

Apparently the post-Brexit truck driver shortage is now global.
Who can explain such mysteries?

Tim adds:

Here in the U.S. a big part of the problem is that states like California passed laws requiring a.trucks be built after 2015, eliminating smaller trucking companies and b.that there be no independents running freight. That knocks a LOT of truckers out of the market. This was a sop to the Teamsters union.

Also, changes in CAFE fuel economy standards and regulations of all sorts helped put the squeeze on trucking.

I don't know the details but suspect the ending of NAFTA reduced the number of truckers too; Mexican trucks were delivering all sorts of goods around the U.S. NAFTA would logically have reduced the number of American truckers as they were replaced with cheaper foreign drivers.

Of course the Pandemic shuttered many trucking facilities.

John adds:

There are a similar heap of factors occurring in the UK.
Including a blockage in the HGV driver certification system which occurred due to the fear of two people being in each other's company during the "pandemic".
The simple thing though, is that this problem seems to be affecting many nations, notably nations that acted with draconian measures due to Covid.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:00 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 213 words, total size 2 kb.

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