April 19, 2020

Holder Cheers the Wuhan Virus Revolution

Timothy Birdnow

Obama's "wing man" and first Attorney General Eric Holder is thrilled with the Coronavirus pandemic.

According to WND:

"Coronavirus gives us an opportunity to revamp our electoral system so that it permanently becomes more inclusive and becomes easier for the American people to access,” Holder said.

"It would be foolhardy to take these pro-democracy measures off the table after we get on the other side of the virus. These are changes that we should make permanent because it will enhance our democracy."

What are the "pro-democracy measures” Holder is so ardent about? Measure like voting by mail and no-excuse absentee ballots -- the kind of voting "reforms” Democrats champion that would make national elections so open to tampering and fraud that they could be subject to endless challenges.

Does anyone doubt the over-the-top reaction to what is turning out to be nothing worse than a seasonal flu is intended for anything but fostering Revolution?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:54 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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