September 17, 2019

Gadflies: Why the Left Must Get Rid of Kavanaugh

Timothy Birdnow

Frozen actor Josh Gad makes a fool of himself:

Wait! Supreme Court Justice #Kavanaugh is a sexual predator and lying scumbag?! Who could have seen this coming?!!!!

— Josh Gad (@joshgad) September 15, 2019

Now Gad isn't exactly a household name, but he's an example of how liberals think and who they are. He is only virtue-signaling to the powers that run things in America.

This gadfly is following the course that the Demo-left are setting; they HAVE to get rid of Kavanaugh, as Ruth Buzzy Ginsberg is about to turn worm chow and the Left will lose the Court. They hope to make Kavanaugh resign, or if they take Congress to impeach him. But they have to get him out of there before Trump gets another appointment. They will do ANYTHING to accomplish that.

They also want to make it impossible for Trump to find anyone willing to accept his nomination. Who would, after what they already have done to Kavanaugh? The next appointment will have it much worse.

It's Al.insky Rules for Radicals; pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. We need to start doing that to their people. I would suggest going after Kamela "the horizontal ladder climber" Harris.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:18 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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1 Tempest in a teapot. An editorial writer is flogging a newly published book because the author is a friend. Nobody actually cares about Kavanaugh. It's about selling books.

Posted by: Bill H at September 17, 2019 10:30 PM (vMiSr)

2 Well, Bill, we're seeing what the left is trying, once again, to do to Kavanaugh. Once again it isn't working, except in the view of some of the left, for whom he'll always have an asterisk after his name.
As far as going after Harris, I read an article that indicates she's failing badly in some of the polls. We may not need to go after her. It's turning into a Sleepy Joe / Gray Beaver race, and even Bernie Stalin is fading.

Posted by: Dana Mathewson at September 18, 2019 10:25 AM (8QCK0)


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