January 07, 2017

Russian Hack Briefing Report Based on 2012 Russian Television

Timothy Birdnow

The intelligence report claiming Russia "hacked the elections" was based on a Russian television report from 2012.

Gateway Pundit has the story:

"According to an article overnight from Sputniknews.com regarding the highly-anticipated declassified US intelligence report information included in the report was published in 2012. The intelligence report was supposed to prove that Russia supported Donald Trump in the recent US election for President,

The annex in the [declassified] report contained so-called evidence from Russia Today (RT) that was compiled in December 2012, right after the reelection of Barack Obama.

'The report focuses on television shows and interviews that took place four years before Trump was elected, and well before he was even a politician.

In Annex A of the report, intelligence agencies claim that "Kremlin’s TV Seeks To Influence Politics, Fuel Discontent in US.” Buried at the bottom of that page is a note stating, "This annex was originally published on 11 December 2012 by the Open Source Center, now the Open Source Enterprise.”

Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections Intelligence Report the report notes that two RT shows, ‘Breaking the Set’ and ‘Truthseeker’ focused on criticism of US. The problem is, both of these shows were off air before the 2016 election season began.'"

End excerpt.

If this "Russian hack" story isn't fake news I don't know what is. It has all the makings of a black op.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:54 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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China Harnessing Fusion While America Wastes Away on Designer Energy

Timothy Birdnow

China is making great strides towards developing commercially viable nuclear fusion.

The Chinese produced a stable minute-long fusion reaction that whispers promises of more in the future.

From the article:

"On a quiet, scenic peninsula jutting out into Hefei’s Dongpu Reservoir, physicists recently set a world record, creating hydrogen plasma, hotter than the core of the sun, that burned steadily for more than a minute.

The nuclear fusion researchers kept the ionised gas burning steadily for twice as long as the previous record, set four years ago at the same reactor on Science Island, home to some of China’s largest research facilities

Professor Luo Guangnan, deputy director of the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) facility in Anhui’s provincial capital said some previous fusion experiments had lasted for more than 100 seconds, but they were like "like riding a bucking bronco”, with plasma that was volatile and difficult to control.

However, the experiment conducted at EAST in August was more like a dressage event, with the plasma tamed in a high-performance steady state, known as H-mode, in a donut-shaped chamber shielded by a extremely strong electromagnetic field."


"In contrast, the Alcator C-Mod tokamak nuclear fusion reactor at America’s Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which set many world records in 23 years of service, shut down in September due to federal government budget cuts in the United States. It set its last world record, for the highest plasma pressure, on its final day of operation.

The funding and opportunities available in China have attracted fusion scientists from around the world, eager to solve the world’s energy shortage and environmental pollution problems once and for all."

End excerpts.

Get that last? Why was funding cut off? It probably died when, due to Obama's spendthrift manner, the automatic budget cuts required by the now-defunct sequester forced an end to funding. Of course, huge amounts of money have been squandered by the BHO on solar and wind, giving vast sums of cash to scams like Solyndra.

The article points to the reason why America should care:

"The rapid pace of development in China has, however, led to concerns in other countries, worried that if China is the first to commercialise fusion technology it will gain the upper hand economically and geopolitically.

There was even discussion among the other six ITER members – Japan, South Korea, Russia, the US, India and the European Union – about kicking China out of the project because of concerns it would use knowledge gained from ITER to accelerate construction of CFETR."

End excerpt.

America invented nuclear fission and turned her back on it. Fission could also have been a godsend, with new approaches making it safe and cheap. But environmentalists preyed on people's fear of radiation - a fear born of ignorance - to scare people into turning against fission, and now most fission reactors are in France or Japan. Yes, Japan had a reactor meltdown, but it was an old reactor sitting in the path of a tsunami; hardly a normal problem in America. And the Chinese, who never let environmental or safety concerns stop them, have been advancing relentlessly on safe fission. Thorium reactors, pebble bed reactors, and other safe reactors have changed the modern fission landscape, but the U.S. isn't on the cutting edge. No; we spend our time and money playing with pinwheels and mirrors. Had we sunk the money we have wasted on "renewables" into fission we would have perfectly safe, clean nuclear power. Our failure to lead made fission a failure.

And even nuclear waste could be dealt with easily. Breeder reactors can recycle the spent fuel until it becomes inert. We could use the spent fuel for nuclear batteries which would be inert. The problems of fission were always solvable; what was lacking was the political will.

And that was because the Gang Green, the radical environmental lobby, wanted a world where energy was expensive and rare, forcing Mankind to "reduce it's footprint" and depopulate the globe. Cheap energy means more people and freer people - something intolerable. They wanted fewer people under tight control, and that means expensive energy carefully regulated. That is why they have purssued "renewables" which produce small amounts of energy at high cost; it would guarantee high energy prices. Cheap fission - the truly green alternative - could not be allowed to flourish.

So an endless campaign has killed it in America, and we aren't doing our bit on fusion, either. The future appears to belong to China, which is willing to embrace such things.

America has pioneered hydraulic fracturing, making oil and gas affordable again. If we embrace clean coal technology and nuclear we could make the 21st. century the most prosperous, cleanest, and happiest in human history. But first we have to want to do it. Wealth is not a matter of what you have but of what you choose to have. If it isn't a priority you will be poor. I've seen it many times in my career in real estate; people who seek just enough to get by and who waste things because they aren't convenient or exactly what they want. I've seen it where poor people spend large amounts on designer clothes and the like rather than save the money and use it to better themselves. Green energy is the American equivalent of designer clothes for environmentalists.

If we do not lead we will follow. China is leading. Perhaps the time of America is over.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:48 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Root Cause of Violence? Chris Matthews Thinks it's Video Games

Timothy Birdnow

Chris Matthews, the mad tingler, is trying to blame the Ft. Lauderdale shooting on video games. In fact, he says on MSNBC:

" MATTHEWS: "Are we a more violent society — sane or not sane? I was just in India for two weeks, it’s a very — what’s the right word? — courteous country. People don’t blow their horns at each other. They show courtesy as they go in traffic. There’s not road rage going on. I’ve always sensed, based on the stats, that not just counting guns but other means of killing somebody that we are a pretty violent society.”

HENRY: "There has been studies that look at video games, for example, where there’s this permissiveness this is normal. When they are playing a video game this is part of the game and life is not a game in that regard. I’m certainly not suggesting that video games cause people to do this, but when you talk about what is the environment that enables people to operate in an irresponsible way, that certainly could be a contributing factor.”

MATTHEWS: "Like in the old days whether the mobsters began to act like the mobsters they saw in the movies. They began to act like the guys they saw. Anyway, it’s a horrible thing, and I just think it’s part of our free society. And, you might say that the fallout of a free society is that occasionally people are going to do this kind of thing. It’s a grim night.”

End excerpts.

A few thoughts to ponder.

First, it was once understood that the densely populated countries of Asia practiced extreme courtesy for one very simple reason; there were too many of them, too many opportunities to take offense. Civil society in Japan or China - or India - required careful courtesy lest a stupid incident escalate. It was not a measure of docility so much as the only way for over populated oriental societies to keep people from tearing each-other's throats out.

That said, is it any surprise America is increasingly violent? America is the third most populous nation on Earth, behind only India and China, but we have not developed the oriental trick of enforced courtesy that these heavily populated countries practice. On the contrary, America has become less courteous, less civil, as a result of liberalism's emphasis on the absolute autonomy of the individual where moral and civil behavior is concerned. Black Lives Matter exists because a certain segment of the population wants to not have limits placed on its behavior by the larger society, and we are told by oour left-wing masters that this is something we have to tolerate. So rioters and looters can come out to "protest" and we can't stop them, because we supposedly do not have the right. Crime is not punished anymore so much as "understood" as a funcction of societal oppression, so criminals get free passes. Discipline is not enforced in schools because that would hurt the child's self-esteem and act as a tool of microaggressive oppression.

And all the while the population keeps rising. Why? Well, for starters, because America is allowing unprecedented numbers of aliens - both legal and illegal - to settle here. Over sixty million people in this country were born overseas - just a little over one in five! How much more civil would our country be if we didn't have those extra sixty million here? There would cedrtainly be fewer people to cause trouble, and fewer opportunities to take offense - especially when many of those aliens are taking your job.

That is not to mention the fruits of the liberal sexual revolution, which has led to huge numbers of chiildren born out of wedlock. According to the CDC there were 1,604,870 live births to unmarried women in 2014. Think about that! A million and a half extra people born who would not have been born fifty years ago. And those children born to unwed mothers often suffer neglect, whether because the mother was too young and irresponsible or is just overworked and cannot provide adequate attention to a child she must nurture in her spare time. The end result is a large swth of society being raised haphazardly. Lack of attention frequently leads to acting out, to histrionics which later in life can lead to awful behavior, even criminality. This party favor from the swinging sixties means an ever growing population of barbarians or at the very least poorly enculterated people who may not be good at discerning the proper social boundaries.

This despite the easy access to abortion, which liberals told us would prevent the problems associated with illigitimacy. Not only did abortion not solve these problems but in fact I would argue they exaserbated them as they provided an emotional safety valve to young women who figured the consequences of sex could be eliminated with a quick, sterile act of violence. All it did was further degrade the moral character of Americans.

I would also like to ask Mr. Matthewson if he ever considered who it was who put that sex and violence into video games? 'Twaren't the Mormons.

So his argument is an indictment of many of the most cherished policies of the Left.

Of course, Mr. Limbtingles completely ignores the Religion of Peace, which Thomas Lifson so eloquently pointed out via the miracle of photography; the shooter is seen wearing a Palestinian garment and making the "one" sign, a symbol of Islamic devotion. And he told the F.B.I. a while back he was being "forced" to work for ISIS - something the Obama people and James Comey were too busy to pursue.

The increasing violence in our society is completely understandable given we've made a high art of nonjudgementalism. When you refuse to call something bad you legitimize it. We no longer call any behavior bad except voting for Donald Trump or praying to Jesus Christ or Yahweh. In a society where anything goes, well, anything goes! Why are people surprised when black thugs torture a mentally handicapped white man after having been told all their lives that white people are the source of all their problems and the root of all evil - and that you won't be punished if you do it. They were so brazen as to post it on Facebook using their own names! The media never reports black on white crime out of some bizarre fear of a white backlash, when we haven't had such a thing since the 1950's at the latest. But there have been numerous blacklashes, including such places as Ferguson, and the media is quick to report a claim of an innocent black kid gunned down by racist white cops. Why, it's as if they WANT racial violence.

As I say, there is little in the way of black on white crime reported. And there has been plenty; remember the white girl whose black ex boyfriend shot lighter fluid up her nose and in her mouth and lit her sinus cavity on fire? Nothing from the media. There have been countless other such crimes that the media has simply ignored because, well, it doesn't fit the narrative of white supremacism and non-white victimhood. And black on black violence is largely ignored as well.

But none of this registers with Matthews or any other liberals. They are incapable of understanding this because they don't want to understand this. Their lives, their world views, their philosophy has been built on lies and they Cowill never ever face that.

Conservatives understand it. As was said in Fiddler on the Roof "I pulled out a thread and where has it led". You cannot dismantle the basic structure of a society, remove the things that restrain violence and chaos, then expect everything to continue as it always had. Contrary to liberal thought, most societal structures exist for a reason. They are not just unreasonable. They may require some updating, but hardly dismantling. The Left always seeks to throw the baby out with the washwater.

No wonder we're in such a mess!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:52 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 06, 2017

Shivering Through Global Warming

Timothy Birdnow

Record cold in Moscow as Global Warming heats up.

The record cold in Russia joins a deep freeze in the U.S. where 48 states experienced record cold and in Britain which is experiencing a deep freeze and record snowfall. In fact, the Northern Hemisphere is freezing this winter despite a massive El Nino.

As I pointed out there was an unprecedented snowfall in the Sahara as well as in Saudi Arabia, which has naturally been blamed on Global Warming despite the anti-intuitive fact that a warming world (which temperature data does not show) should not get colder. But if Judah Cohen is right in his claim "it's cold because it's hot" then at least it should only happen in a restricted area - not across the globe. Perth is coming out of the coldest winter in decades. South America had a prolonged cold spell last winter as well.

As the super El Nino waned last summer planetary temperatures dropped precipitously.

It is a strange global warming that sees so many parts of the planet suffering from excessive cold.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:14 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 184 words, total size 2 kb.

An Unfolding Legal Drama in Belleville Illinois

Timothy Birdnow

Here is a bizarre story that seems destined to appear on one of the real crime television shows. A circuit judge in Madison County, Illinoi (a suburb of St. Louis) is in hot water because he housed a criminal who has been charged with murder and assault. The judge, while claiming to not have had a sexual relationship with the criminal, is homosexual and had the criminal living at his home with him.

" David E. Fields and an unidentified man burst into an apartment, struck two women, then shot Carl Z. Silas in the face in front of two children, according to police.

Fields, who previously resided with St. Clair County Circuit Judge Ronald Duebbert, was charged late Tuesday with two counts of first-degree murder."

End excerpt.

A special prosecutor has been appointed to consider charges against Judge Duebbert in the case.

From the article:

"A special prosecutor was appointed Wednesday to decide whether obstruction-of-justice charges should be filed against St. Clair County Circuit Judge Ronald Duebbert in connection with a murder case.

St. Clair County County State’s Attorney Brendan Kelly requested the appointment of a special prosecutor in the case. In the motion, Kelly stated the subject matter of the case involves the offense of obstructing justice.

Duebbert was interviewed Friday by the Major Case Squad, which was investigating the killing of Carl Z. Silas, who was shot in the face in front of two children. The Major Case Squad was called out on Friday at 5 a.m. after a home invasion and shooting at 2913 West Boulevard near Belleville. Duebbert, at the time, told the News-Democrat that his former roommate, David E. Fields, 20, was "a person of interest” in Silas’ killing. Fields was charged with murder Tuesday.

During the course of the murder investigation, the Major Case Squad requested charges against Duebbert, according to Kelly."

End excerpt.

The judge may well have taken in this guy as a matter of "Christian charity" as he claimed, but it certainly does look suspicious.

This may wind up on 48 Hours at some point.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:21 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 354 words, total size 2 kb.

Where's the Beef? Bull from Wendy's Employees who Refuse to Serve Cops

Timothy Birdnow

Employees at a Wendy's burger joint turned their backs and refused to serve a police officer in Fort Worth.

According to the Belleville News Democrat:

"A Fort Worth Police Department patrol supervisor went into Wendy’s at Trail Lake Drive and Interstate 20 in southwest Fort Worth at 6 p.m., said police spokesman Sgt. Marc Povero. As he walked to the counter, the employees turned their backs and walked to the back of the kitchen.

The employees stayed in the back and wouldn’t take his order, Povero said. The officer was the only person in the restaurant at the time, and the drive-through employee made eye contact with him and didn’t help him. He left, believing they refused to serve him because he was an officer in uniform.

On Twitter, Wendy’s said the fast food chain is aware of the incident and is "abruptly handling the situation.”

End excerpt.

If by "handling the situation" they mean firing the employees I would say they are doing the right thing. People do not have a right to refuse to do their jobs based on their ideology. The Left has argued repeatedly that Christian bakers and the like may not exercise their constitutional rights to religious freedom then defend leftist political actions that are even more discriminatory. These employees do have the right to free speech but Wendy's has a right to fire them, and in my opinion as a consumer a duty to do so. Failure to fire them suggests the fast food chain is in agreement, which is their right, but it is my right to boycott the grease pit. There are other, better fast food places one can frequent.

The police will continue to protect this particular Wendy's and even the employees guilty of this insult. The people who do this sort of thing know this, which is why they pull these stunts. They would be furious if, at a time when they needed police protection, the cops would tell them no.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:04 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 345 words, total size 2 kb.

Obama's Legacy Part II

William Been

It appears that the outgoing president is STILL struggling with the construction of his LEGACY and its relationship to his political platform consisting of Hope and Change. As a result, following is the original starter list (GROUP 1) and an update received from several recipients of the original email. Thanks.

I believe he will give us a lot of additions to his LEGACY before he finally becomes the former president. Will welcome your additions to the list and will update this starter list with final suggestions for the former president as of January 20, 2017!!!!!

Please respond with your additions to this LEGACY starter list and will update in a couple of days and resend. Feel free to publish as you see fit.

* Illegal Immigrants Surge Across the US Southern Border at Record Rate (Newsmax 11/23/16)
* Refugees flood Michigan cities with 1317 from 10/1/16 to 12/31/16 and 5481 scheduled for 2017 per Obama plan with most from dominant Muslim countries being resettled by several of the nine VOLAG groups including Christian, Jewish, and charities financed with federal funds. That this is a huge LEGACY item is validated by Church World Services receiving $44M or 64.4% of its annual revenue from the US government (securemichigan.org &CWS)
* Michele Obama who had never felt proud of the USA until 2008 now, in 2017, feels lack of hope after eight long years of Barack Obama
* Today (1/4/17), there are 4100 GOP State legislators (most in history), 34 GOP Governors, 52 GOP Senators and 239 GOP House members (Newt Gingrich)
* Democratic Party weaker today than any time since FDR created the New Deal in the 1930s. (Newt Gingrich)
* 64 police officers killed in 2016 as outgoing president meets and welcomes "hate speech" crowd from Black Lives Matter (CNN)
* Added $9 trillion in national debt (Treasury Dept)


* 56 Iraqis killed in several bomb explosions on January 2nd per NY Times. (Obama pulled out knowing Iraq not ready without US presence)
* The JV team claims the 39 killed in Istanbul night club. (Explain this is ISIS for the liberals)
* Have done nothing and basically said nothing while watching 762 murders in Chicago, his adopted home town. (Did he say gun control?)
* Defied US continuing commitment to Israel by allowing UN resolution to stop Israeli settlements in West bank. (High Crime?)
* Cuts sentences for federal drug crimes. (Wonder why heroin addicts are reported as dying at a very high rate, locally and nationally.)
* Moved to block ocean drilling to block Trump energy endeavors. (He prefers all of us in the dark-remember his solar accomplishments.)
* Release Guantanamo prisoners even though the worst of the bad are all that is left. (No words appropriate.)
* Government takeover of western land with multiple regulations--sounds like his contribution to Agenda 21. (He is preparing for his global job.)
* Trump tweet quoting Bill Clinton stating that Obamacare is "crazy." (My personal #1 in this first listing.)
* Russian sanctions for "hacking" computers to support Trump election against Hillary. (Truth and facts be damned, no light of day wanted.)



I sent Bill the following suggestions:

Hey Bill, how about Obama bankrupted the top two coal producers in the world, both American companies (Arch and Peabody) and closed the last lead smelter in America (Doe Run).
Strangled America's family farms with environmental and health regulations like declaring milk a form of oil so dairy farmers must now buy expensive toxic spill equipment in case they knock over a jug of milk.
Decimated the Imperial Valley, one of America's premier farmlands, by cutting off water to protect a bait fish.
Forcing affluent communities to build HUD housing so crime can be shared equally in America and the Democrats can nullify redistricting by colonizing Republican areas.
Giving the internet to the U.N.
Killing the deployment of a nuclear missile shield in Poland and elsewhere, thus making America vulnerable to nuclear attack.

If I think of any more I'll send them.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:20 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 683 words, total size 4 kb.

Nork Nuclear Power Rising

Dana Mathewson

Better take the little freak seriously!


North Korea's weapons capabilities have shown a "qualitative improvement" in the past year, the No. 2 U.S. diplomat said Thursday.


Yes, it is serious. Glad Hillary didn't win; Trump will try to do something. Hillary's husband allowed them to get nukes on his watch and Herself would allow even more. We would have had a nuclear war if she was president, methinks.

That story comes from the AP and it talks about "Blinken said that the U.S. and its allies were not "sitting still," and had bolstered defenses to stay ahead of the threat with additional missile defenses and radars on sea and on land" which - I am sure - is just part of his statement. It's what the media has been doing for a long time, giving people the false impression that we have a missile defense system. We don't, largely because Obama killed it. As things stand now if anybody launches a missile at us we will lose a city. Oh, sure, we can take out one of theirs but that is cold comfort. The AP, who provided the info for this, is practicing "fake news" here by giving a fake impression to the public. If the Norks get an ICBM we can't stop them from nuking us. And an EMP blast would lead to an 80% casualty rate here, meaning we will lose whatever war we fight. The only defense is to stop them at the source at this point.

The story says as much; South Korea won't allow a missile defense system to be put in because China won't have it. China, it should be pointed out, is largely North Korea's patron.

Here is another point:

"Japanese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Shinsuke Sugiyama said that North Korea's nuclear and missile programs represent a "new level of threat." He said some missiles tests have failed, and others have succeeded, but their accuracy has increased.

He said that security cooperation among the three allies was "indispensable.""

End excerpt.

In other words, this is trying to force Trump to maintain the current alliance structure as is. Trump wants these countries to carry more of the weight and this is a pitch to maintain the American policy. It's a snea,y, underhanded propoganda trick by the AP, a fake news item as it were.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:35 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 402 words, total size 3 kb.

New Hillary e-mail Revelations Show Extreme Carelessness

Dana Mathewson

WikiLeaks: the gift that keeps on giving!


The election’s over – but Hillary Clinton’s emails are still coming to light. And they help illustrate why the FBI declared she was "extremely careless” with the information flowing across her secret server.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:34 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 50 words, total size 1 kb.

January 05, 2017

Victor Davis Hanson explains anti-Israel sentiment

ack Kemp

Here are some quotes from his article:

Secretary of State John Kerry, echoing other policymakers in the Obama administration, blasted Israel last week in a 70-minute rant about its supposedly self-destructive policies.
Why does the world -- including now the U.S. -- single out liberal and lawful Israel but refrain from chastising truly illiberal countries?


In terms of harkening back to the Palestinian "refugee" crisis that started in the late 1940s, no one talks today in similar fashion about the Jews who survived the Holocaust and walked home, only to find that their houses in Eastern Europe were gone or occupied by others. Much less do we recall the 11 million German civilians who were ethnically cleansed from Eastern Europe in 1945 by the Soviets and their imposed Communist governments. Certainly, there are not still "refugee" camps outside Dresden for those persons displaced from East Prussia 70 years ago.
More recently, few nations at the U.N. faulted the Kuwaiti government for the expulsion of 200,000 Palestinians after the liberation of Kuwait by coalition forces in 1991.


Partly, the reason for such inordinate criticism of Israel is sheer cowardice. If Israel had 100 million people and was geographically large, the world would not so readily play the bully.
Instead, the United Nations and Europe would likely leave it alone -- just as they give a pass to human rights offenders such as Pakistan and Indonesia. If Israel were as big as Iran, and Iran as small as Israel, then the Obama administration would have not reached out to Iran, and would have left Israel alone.
Israel's supposed Western friends sort out Israel's enemies by their relative natural resources, geography and population -- and conclude that supporting Israel is a bad deal in cost/benefit terms.


Partly, the cause of global hostility toward Israel is jealousy. If Israel were mired in Venezuela-like chaos, few nations would care. Instead, the image of a proud, successful, Westernized nation as an atoll in a sea of self-inflicted misery is grating to many. And the astounding success of Israel bothers so many failed states that the entire world takes notice.
But partly, the source of anti-Israelism is ancient anti-Semitism.
If Israelis were Egyptians administering Gaza or Jordanians running the West Bank (as during the 1960s), no one would care. The world's problem is that Israelis are Jews. Thus, Israel earns negative scrutiny that is never extended commensurately to others.
Obama and his diplomatic team should have known all this. Perhaps they do, but they simply do not care.


Ancient and not-so-ancient anti-semitism, with a large dollop of jealousy.

As satirist/songwriter Tom Lehrer said in his song "National Brotherhood Week" (1964):

"Oh, the Protestants hate the Catholics,
And the Catholics hate the Protestants,
And the Hindus hate the Moslems,
And everybody hates the Jews."

It probably doesn't help that, as a survival mechanism, Jews learned to be pretty much the best at everything they do. No matter that the rest of the world has benefited from this. Medical technology is just one area. Classical (and non-classical) music and the other arts is another.

Not that many years ago Garrison Keillor went on a rant about how Jews wrote the bulk of the popular Christmas songs (apparently he couldn't get one of his own offerings published). Well, yeah. Think of "White Christmas."


That's a great point Dana; the Jews had to make themselves absolutley necessary to the host countries because otherwise they would be expendable - a dangerous condition for them. Adversity is the key to excellence; having it easy generally makes you mediocre. Jews never did have it easy.

One of the reasons Israel so offends not just the Mjslims but so many liberals is that, as I pointed out prior, Israel has been wildly successful while Islam has proven a failure, as has modern liberalism. In other words, the Jews are proving by their very success that their faith is true and the beliefs of the atheistic liberals or the militant Muslims is false. It is a galling reminder of that very fact. That was the purpose of Israel in the first place, to act as a candle in the darkness, to show the world that Yahweh really is the one true God. Every time they have tried to destroy Israel she has flourished and indeed grown. It is infuriating because it puts the lie to the Islamo-Left's claims to be right.

The Jews have always been successful because God Himself has made them thus. He blessed them. That is intolerable to Jew haters.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:21 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Tucker to Replace Megyn

Dana Mathewson

I think I kind of hinted at it. Tucker Carlson will take over Megyn Kelly's slot on Fox News. This should be seen as A Good Thing!


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:20 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Let’s Stop with the Carbon Con Already

Selwyn Duke

The side that defines the vocabulary of a debate, wins the debate. So we could ask: as we fight the global-warming scam, why are we using the language of the scammers? It’s harder to combat "carbon” taxes, "carbon” credits and callow "carbon” appeals if we accept that at issue is "carbon.”

Calling CO2 "carbon” is like calling H2O "hydrogen.” Carbon is about as useful to a plant aspiring to photosynthesize as a tank of hydrogen is to a dehydrated man in a desert. Carbon dioxide and carbon are not the same thing any more than a fox and foxglove are the same thing.

If chemical formulas are meaningless and one element or atom between friends can be ignored, try inhaling copious amounts of CO. It’s also "carbon,” being in fact more "carboney” ratio-wise than CO2. But carbon monoxide is poisonous to fauna and flora while carbon dioxide is plant food, which is why botanists pump it into greenhouses.

Likewise, would you like some chlorine with your food, sir? Sodium is poisonous; chlorine is poisonous. Combine the two — NaCl — and you have table salt. Chemistry is our friend.

It would be nice to think that the carbon crew is just being friendly and familiar. But not only would calling CO2 Mr. Dioxide be just as inaccurate, there’s clearly an agenda here. Carbon, the primary element in coal, conjures up images of spewing sky-blackening soot into the air. It’s a dark brand of marketing.

In fact, I challenge those crafting "carbon tax” bills to call CO2 "carbon” in their legislation’s text. They won’t because I suspect it wouldn’t stand up in court, as factories don’t actually emit carbon. The alarmists will either specify carbon dioxide or define, tendentiously, what "carbon” means for the "purposes of the bill.”

Of course, carbon isn’t really a villain, either. It’s the fourth-most abundant element in the universe, and man is known as a "carbon-based life form.” Given the latter, if extra atoms and elements and how they react with each other can be ignored when formulating labels and definitions, we could say that Al Gore’s birth was a carbon emission.
Honest people should reclaim the language and reboot the debate by rejecting "carbon” talk. As for those knowingly using the term for propaganda purposes, they should have a huge carbon footprint placed firmly on their carbon-based posteriors.

 HYPERLINK "mailto:selwynduke@optonline.net" Contact Selwyn Duke,  HYPERLINK
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Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:18 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 423 words, total size 3 kb.

January 04, 2017

Hewitt and Ryan Worried about EUROPEAN Wikileaks Rapists and not Syrians

Timothy Birdnow

Hugh Hewitt and Paul Ryan agreed that Julian Assange is a liar and a dirtbag. According to Gateway Pundit

"‘The guy is a creep. He’s wanted on a rape in Sweden. I don’t trust a word he says. He is a Russian front,’ Hewitt said.

‘Anyone who believes anything Julian Assange says, you just have to ask yourself: When are you going to wake up to the fact he’s a very bad guy?
He said that Trump ‘does not need to elevate and in any way rely upon a creep like Assange.’

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan agreed."

End excerpt.

Wanted for rape in Sweden? Considering the number of rapes occuring there at the hands of Muslim "refugees" why is Assange wanted? Seems they have plenty of rapists to go around.

Considering Paul Ryan fully funded Obama's Syrian "refugee" program one must ask why a guy who only rapes in Sweden is a problem for him. Certainly he's engineering more rapists come into the country...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:29 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Helping Obama's Legacy

William Been

It appears that the outgoing president is struggling with the construction of his LEGACY and its relationship to his political platform consisting of Hope and Change. (Isn't it interesting that we still don't know what Hope and Change was intended to do while Trump is questioned down to the last detail of every task concerning very specific policy and action goals and commitments?) As a result, following is a starter list of the outgoing president's distinguishing accomplishments worthy of noting in his LEGACY.

Will welcome your additions to the list and will update this starter list with final suggestions for the former president as of January 20, 2017!!!

56 Iraqis killed in several bomb explosions on January 2nd per NY Times. (Obama pulled out knowing Iraq not ready without US presence)
The JV team claims the 39 killed in Istanbul night club. (Explain this is ISIS for the liberals)
Have done nothing and basically said nothing while watching 762 murders in Chicago, his adopted home town. (Did he say gun control?)
Defied US continuing commitment to Israel by allowing UN resolution to stop Israeli settlements in West bank. (High Crime?)
Cuts sentences for federal drug crimes. (Wonder why heroin addicts are reported as dying at a very high rate, locally and nationally.)
Moved to block ocean drilling to block Trump energy endeavors. (He prefers all of us in the dark-remember his solar accomplishments.)
Release Guantanamo prisoners even though the worst of the bad are all that is left. (No words appropriate.)
Government takeover of western land with multiple regulations--sounds like his contribution to Agenda 21. (He is preparing for his global job.)
Trump tweet quoting Bill Clinton stating that Obamacare is "crazy." (My personal #1 in this first listing.)
Russian sanctions for "hacking" computers to support Trump election against Hillary. (Truth and facts be damned, no light of day wanted.)

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 03:52 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Megyn Kelly Leaving Fox News for NBC

Jack Kemp

Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Megyn...I guess NBC's attitude towards Trump is more to her liking. She turned down $20 million for new Fox contract.


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 03:48 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Facts of Life for Demos

Dana Mathewson

This one's really fun. Especially the paragraph "Understand Jesus was not a Democrat!"


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 03:47 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Teens Act as Pallbearers for Lonely Vet

Dana Mathewson

Guess our youth aren't ALL going to hell in a handbasket after all!


Navy veteran Jerry Wayne Pino died on Dec. 12th in Long Beach, Mississippi. He was 70 years old

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 03:47 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 41 words, total size 1 kb.

January 03, 2017

Gotnews Spins Tillerson

Timothy Birdnow

Singing the praises of the "moral compass" of Rex Tillerson, Trump's Secretary of State nominee, Chuck Jojnson of the normally good Gotnews asks "is this why Republicans oppose him?"

Johnson is referencing Tillerson's jury duty where the ex Exxon Mobile boss voted to put a pedophile away. Johnson sees this as proof of good moral character.

Well, isn't that what he was supposed to do as a juror?

I'm more convinced by the fact that Tillerson broke the Boy Scouts, fighting to allow openly gay scouts which, within one year, led to openly gay scout masters. This was at a time when the Boy Scouts were under seige for pedophilia among Scout Masters - and the pedophilia occured under the tenure of Mr. Tillerson.

He didn't seem overly concerned about pedophilia where he had the ability to combat it. His concern came only when he was forced to confront it. He wasn't worried when a guy like Jerry Sandusky could become a scoutmaster.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:21 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 168 words, total size 1 kb.

War in Afghanistan Ended on Sunday

Timothy Birdnow

The war in Afghanistan has officially ended as of Sunday.

Once again, Obama is snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Having reduced our numbers too far too early the One is now pulling out entirely. How long before the Taliban retakes power?

Ahh... I get it now!  Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize and now he's showing what a peacemaker he is by ending wars.  Gee....

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:45 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 77 words, total size 1 kb.

Fetishism? E.J. Dionne, the Washington Post, and the Constitution

Brian Birdnow

Last week, E.J. Dionne, one of the liberal stars of the Washington Post op-ed team, still smarting from an election loss he never saw coming, once again advanced his new cause, namely the abolition of the electoral college, and the substitution of the presidential election on the basis of a straight popular vote. Granted, other liberals, similarly bewildered by the events of November 8th, have sounded the clarion call as well. The New York Times and a number of other organs of the prestige media have jumped on this bandwagon, which will undoubtedly fuel conservative suspicions that the liberal media do conspire together to advance their agenda. Be that as it may, the liberal echo chamber is in full operation, as we read and hear liberals fulminate against the wisdom of the American founders, and lead increasingly strident cheers for a simplistic solution to the "problem” of the 2016 election, not to mention the elections of 2000, 1888, 1876, and 1824. So, Mr. Dionne’s column of last week may be an example of a sore loser determined to have the last word in this matter, but we conservatives should not allow Dionne and his liberal brethren to throw a temper tantrum without fully answering his charges.

In his column last week Dionne took his Washington Post colleague George F. Will to task for commenting that the electoral college system has served the country well, and that the electoral count overruling the "winner” of the 2000 and 2016 elections was only a scandal to those who made a
"fetish of simpleminded majoritarianism.” Dionne, showing Will proper respect for having opposed Trump during the primary and general election season, nevertheless called the electoral college outdated, and in fact, a major impediment toward governance by the will of the people. He got to the heart of the matter in his next paragraph when he complains that "…majoritarianism …is the way we run just about every other election in our country.” He went on to ask, rhetorically, why we choose our State Treasurer or County Recorder of Deeds by popular vote, but do not choose the president of the United States in similar fashion.

This is the point where E. J. Dionne and his majoritarian gang need an elementary lesson in U.S. Constitution 101. A reading of that venerable document reveals, in Article II, Section 1, Clause 3, that election to the presidency will be the business of the states with "electors” meeting in their respective states. This is a constitutional provision, which "trumps,” if you’ll pardon the pun, the wishes of the deep thinkers like E. J. Dionne. The mere fact that the Washington-New York I-95 corridor liberals do not like the outcome of the election means nothing in terms of legitimacy, any more that it would have meant if Donald Trump had gotten 2.9 million more votes than his opponent, but lost because she eked out a bare electoral majority. Those constitutional provisions can be changed, but only through the amendment process. On Dionne’s second point, that being the fact that we choose our state and county officials largely by popular vote, he should, again, consult the Constitution. The Tenth Amendment reserves all powers not assigned to the federal government to the several states, and that includes the power of local elections. Most of our states have chosen to require candidates for state and county offices to stand before the voters in direct elections. That is the right of each state to determine, but it is a very different matter to run for a specific county office and to run for the presidency. Our liberals know that, but will not admit as much when their anointed Fairchild has been beaten.

Dionne, at this point, has lost the argument, but digs himself in deeper when he criticizes the idea that the current system requires a candidate to show electoral strength throughout the country, not only in large metropolitan areas. He plaintively remarks, "…the winner is picked not by the law of election but by the luck of a casino. If you hit the right numbers narrowly…, you can override your opponent’s margins in the big states.” Yes, but seen in another way, the current system forces candidates to possess some appeal in rural and sparsely populated areas, even if Dionne & Co. would prefer to allow voting only by the coastal states, with a couple of liberal bastions like Minnesota and Illinois thrown in for good measure. The scenario Dionne sketched out was the 2016 election in a nutshell. Hillary Clinton ran up huge numbers in California, New York, and New England but lost everywhere else. Does regionalism count for nothing? Did the Democrats not see this as a problem during the primary season?

Dionne doubles down on his criticism of the current system, although he does concede that Lincoln won the 1860 election with 39.8% of the vote, but he was the leader in terms of actual votes among the four candidates. He might also have noted that Rutherford B. Hayes, the minority winner in 1876, turned out to be an excellent president in terms of ability and honesty. Benjamin Harrison, the minority winner in 1888, is not rated as highly as Hayes, but was no failure, either. Dionne, however, sticks to his majoritarian guns, and gives away the game, by admitting that the Democrats have supported open borders as a way of creating new liberal voters, and that a winner-take-all presidential election would be a sure win for the Democrats if they can simply get rid of the old and antiquated electoral college.

Finally, Mr. Dionne finishes his missive with a lyrical phrase, saying that "…the question of how a democratic republic should work is not a game.” He argues that we must "evolve” toward a system in which the winner of the most votes prevails. In point of fact, the USA is not a democratic republic. We are a constitutional republic, with democratic elements. Dionne and his friends on the left are fond of calling Donald Trump and others they dislike fascists. However, the modern liberal who wishes to sweep away the states, counties, and regions in order to subsume the nation in anonymous majoritarianism will lead us down that path quicker than we thought possible.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:32 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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