April 29, 2024

Biden Set Trump Up

Timothy Birdnow

Well, well, well....

The National Archive story takes an intersting twist. Seems the GSA was holding a whole pallet of classified documents then called Trump and demanded he take them all shortly before the raid on Mar-A-Lago.


So the Biden Administration shipped classified documents to Mar-A-Lago to set Donald Trump up for this prosecution.

Even if that was not the intent, it was the GSA that mishandled classified material, not reviewing it before shipping it to Trump.

This has all the earmarks of a Barack Obama dirty trick.

Strange how little the media is reporting on this.

Meanwhile Joe Biden had classified documents from when he was a Senator and had no right whatsoever to be holding such material. Yet no charges were filed against him, ostensibly because he's senile.

Ameirica looks increasingly like a banana republic.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:48 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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