April 29, 2024

Navarro Going to Prison

Timothy Birdnow

Peter Navarro has had his appeal to the U.S. Suprme Court that he be released from prison pending appeal dismissed by the supposedly conservative court.


This is the second time John Roberts has refused Navarro's request.

Navarro, former trade advisor to Donald Trump, refused to obey a subpoena by Congress and was found guilty of contempt.

Interestingly enough both Obama and Biden have had multiple advisors who ignored subpoena's and nothing happened to any of them, but Navarro has to serve four months in the slammer.

One example was Eric Holder, who refused to comply with a subpoena over Fast and Furious. He was convicted of Contempt of Congress but never served any time,nor was criminally prosecuted.

Navarro, on the other hand, had the book thrown at him.

Navarro's great crime was in refusing to appear before the hyper-partisan J6 committee where he was going to be put in a perjory trap so they could squeeze him to finger Donald Trump.

So a man guilty only of not participating in a lynch mob is going to prison while Holder - whose Fast and Furious scheme cost lives - walks around free as a bird.

Something must be done about this.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:35 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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