July 26, 2024

The Air from the Deep

Timothy Birdnow

The ocean depths are an alien world, no question. I don't see how this is possible. I assume some form of chemosynthesis is involved. But chemosynthesis usually releases sulphur, not oxygen.

The more we learn the more we realize how little we know.

This from Fascinating. Again, science is never settled.

Scientists discover that in certain places in the ocean Oxygen levels rise instead of falling as they go deeper. And it is produced by material or nodules found on the ocean floor.

"Now researchers have discovered that these valuable nodules do something remarkable: they produce oxygen and do so without sunlight. "This is a totally new and unexpected finding,” says Lisa Levin, an emeritus professor of biological oceanography at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, who was not involved in the research. The oxygen gas on planet Earth is typically understood to come from living organisms that convert sunlight, carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and sugar. The idea that some of the gas may come from these inanimate minerals and be produced in total darkness "really strongly goes against what we traditionally think of as where oxygen is made and how it's made,” says Jeffrey Marlow, a microbiologist at Boston University and a co-author of the study, which was published on Monday in Nature Geoscience."

Bizarre Mineral Clumps Make ‘Dark Oxygen’ on Deep Seafloor

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:34 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Skyrocketing Home Prices

This courtesy of Jerry S.Rainforth:

The monthly cost of housing in swing states across the country has nearly doubled since the 2020 election, according to data published on July 16 by real estate brokerage firm Redfin.

Average monthly housing payments in swing states have risen 92 percent in the past four years to an all-time high of more than $2,000 as both home prices and mortgage rates have skyrocketed, Redfin said.

Meanwhile, home prices in battleground states have risen to a record $316,063, up 40 percent since the last election when voters were asked to choose between candidate Joe Biden and President Donald Trump.

Epoch Times

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:58 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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More on Crooks

Timothy Birdnow

Lone crazed gunman my boney white behind!

Thomas Crooks Second Phone: Calls, Search History, Photos

Turns out that Crooks had three overseas bank accounts with $1.5 million in them.

He called Washington on numerous occasions, probably the FBI (which is where the Heritage Foundation traced calls) or the CIA.

This was a plot by our government to assassinate Donald Trump.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:43 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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For Want of a Nail

This from Jeffrey Tucker courtesy of Jerry Rainforth:

This past week, one tiny mistake in the code of a single third-party provider, one designed to secure software, was released without proper staging. Over the course of hours that turned to days, vast swaths of the civilized world stopped working. Flights were grounded. Deliveries stopped. Bank software collapsed. Security systems froze. Even many electronic doors stopped working. All over the world.

Now we find that the whole of life depends on systems no one in particular controls, which have never really been tested, and which cannot be fixed. The possibility of global breakage for an unlimited amount of time is very real. Think of it: even our lights and air systems are networked and running on apps, to say nothing of the whole of the fiat-based and debt-driven monetary and financial systems themselves.
And yet here we are, with all the capital and energy being designated to building even more such systems, this time being run by artificial intelligence. Again, they are being constructed not as strong by virtue of decentralizatio n but weak due to their central points of failure. As the parable says, these are houses built not on stone but sand.

Jeffery Tucker

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:29 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Climate Crazies Claim we had the Hottest Day ina Thousand Years

Timothy Birdnow

The Gang Green is now claiming we just had the hottest day in a thousand years.

I don't know where they were looking; here in Missouri it was a cold week in July, more like a day in early October.

The Gang Green just gets crazier and crazier.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:24 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Tidal Pumping and Planetary Alignments

Richard Cronin

More on planetary positions and tectonic stresses imposed by Tidal Pumping from positions of all major celestial bodies from the Sun out to Jupiter. The source of the image is Fourmilab.ch (Switzerland), a wonderful site for a host of Scientific disciplines.

Drill down from Fourmilab main page to : "Astronomy and Space” —> "Solar System Live” —> "entire Solar System”. Default display is "Icons”. I find it easier to select "Images”. Then you can input your date.

This chart displays the Images on Jan. 4, 2025 when the Earth is at its Perihelion (the Earth’s closest approach to the Sun). This the annual event of maximum Tidal Pumping & tectonic stresses.

All predictions for later in 2024 is a shift from El Niño back to La Niña conditions. Expect higher incidence of Atlantic hurricanes and dry conditions for California & the U.S. Southwest.

The planet images are identitied with:

Sun = yellow
Venus = white
Mars = red
Mercury = grey

Earth - a mottled green/blue, hidden behind Mars

Jupiter = stripes of orange/white

The configuration shows Jupiter in opposition to the Sun & Venus. That is, Jupiter pulling in one direction with the Sun and Venus pulling in the other way. Mars should have a minor effect. It will be curious to see the impact on our tectonics and submarine heat release in the S. Pacific.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:58 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 234 words, total size 3 kb.

How Many Coups Does It Take?

Dana Mathewson

When one wishes to sound profound, the best thing he can do is find an article by Victor Davis Hanson to post, as I'm going to do now.

In March 2020, all the major Democratic primary candidates abruptly, mysteriously,and in near unison withdrew from the presidential race, ceding the nomination to Joe Biden.

Yet Biden had lost the first three races in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada—and only won his first victory in South Carolina.

Suddenly,on the eve of the Super Tuesday mega-primaries, the candidacies of front-runner Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren, and others simply evaporated.

The fear of a front-runner Sanders’ socialist victory and nomination—and thus an enviable landslide loss to incumbent Donald Trump in the general election—had prompted the donor class and shadowy political insiders to act.

And they did so by choosing a perceived moderate, old Joe Biden from Scranton. That required the coerced departures of all his far-left rivals,who had hitherto performed much better than Biden in the primaries.

Now front-runner Biden still displayed obvious symptoms of serious cognitive decline that had only seemed to mount through the 2020 campaign. And his dementia continued to accelerate during his first three years as president.

Biden had deceitfully promised to conduct a healing campaign and a unifying presidency. But once in the White House, his extreme agendas proved the most divisive and far-left in nearly a century.

Rumors of that prior March 2020 Faustian bargain emerged. The Bidens got to serve as useful moderate veneers. So, they enjoyed the ceremonial functions of the presidency while outsourcing the real operations to former Obama officials, consultants, and advisors.

Indeed, Obama did not, as most ex-presidents do, exit Washington upon leaving the White House. Instead, he bought a mansion and stayed close by.

Democrats demonized anyone critical of Biden’s obvious mental decline. Their smearing crested during Biden’s now-aborted 2024 reelection bid, even as Biden could no longer display even a veneer of mental and physical engagement.

Polls revealed an impending Trump landslide victory in November—and a massive Democratic loss of Congress.

So suddenly on a Sunday, July 21—just days left before state ballots were formalized with the names of the parties’ official nominees, and on the eve of the Democratic convention—party bosses, mega-donors, and Obama puppeteers went into action for yet a third time.

They reportedly threatened candidate Biden with a complete loss of any further campaign funding and raised the specter of invoking the 25th Amendment to end his presidency—should he not suddenly withdraw from the race and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris as his surrogate on the ticket.

In one moment, the choices of nearly 15 million Biden primary voters were vitiated. No delegates were consulted. No other alternative Democrat candidates were even considered.

Biden was dethroned; Harris was coronated—without much public input or even knowledge of how or why.

Democrat grandees stopped smearing Biden’s conservative critics, who had worried over his dementia. Instead, they now trumped opposition criticism of Biden’s decline.

Yet Biden most certainly did not resign his presidency. Instead, he promised to serve out his remaining six months in office.

So Democrat insiders not only removed their leading candidate, who for the prior six months had won all the 2024 primaries and almost all the delegates,but insisted that Biden keep Democrats and himself in power—but only if he agreed to quit the race.

In sum, at the 11th hour of a two-year reelection effort, a cabal arbitrarily decided that Joe Biden might well lose the Democrats the White House and the Congress.

So, they reversed course, now claiming his dementia was so acute as to destroy their November prospects. But mysteriously, his decline was not severe enough to imperil the American people, whom Biden must continue to lead until January 20, 2025.

Furthermore, the bosses’ replacement choice, Vice President Kamala Harris, had entered no primary. She never won a single delegate. Harris also never captured a single delegate in her first and only presidential run back in 2020. She then dropped out of the race even before the first Iowa and New Hampshire balloting.

We have now witnessed three left-wing veritable coups.

In 2020, covert actors decided to ossify the Democratic primary races. Next, they conferred the nomination on a clearly cognitively challenged Joe Biden. He was now tasked with serving as a useful moderate vessel for a virtual, even more radical, Obama third term.

The same operators next assumed virtual control of Biden’s presidential agenda, given his accelerating cognitive decline.

When that charade could no longer be sustained, for a third time, they circumvented the normal transparent democratic process.

So, they removed the once useful but now a liability Biden—while insisting that he was still fit enough to keep the left in power—until the anticipated Harris victory in November.

And all of this was the shadow work of those who sanctimoniously lectured America that "democracy dies in darkness.”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:01 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 823 words, total size 6 kb.

July 25, 2024

The Rush to be Hidin' Biden

Timothy Birdnow

Vedddy Eeeenterestink!

Inside story of the mad rush to get Biden to Covid isolation revealed

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:13 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Biden Lies about Lying

Timothy Birdnow

So Biden did a speech from the Oval Office yesterday. It was about what you would expect from him; self-aggrandizing, a campaign speech really, with yet again no explanation of why he's leaving.

He never once mentioned his health concerns. He should have come clean on Parkinsons and said "doctors thought it was under good control and not an issue but apparently it wasn't" but instead he skirted the issue entirely,meandering on about "for the good of the nation" and "uniting the party" and other platitudes.

The kicker in the speech for me was when Biden said "I promised never to lie to you". What! If everything else the man said was true - and most of what he's said over the years have been lies - he lied to us about his health. We wouln't have been having that conversation if he hadn't.

And by not addressing it in his address he lied to us again - by omission.

He went on to pour out a laundry list of his "accomplishment" which in fact were lies. He claimed the economy was great and there were no wars going on! The man is delusional.

He then gave a full-throated endorsement of Kamala Harris. Of course that was for AFTER he leaves office. He would not consider leaving early.

If he really wanted to endorse Harris he would have announced his immediate resignation. Harris would have gone into the election as an incumbent.

In point of fact Biden is only stepping aside because they threatened to remove him if he didn't. He's not giving up any of the precious time he still has.

In the end this was just a campaign speech. Even now, at the end, the man couldn't level with us. He has been a politician so long there no longer is a real Joe Biden, a real person. Just an empty suit and a carefully crafted persona. I wish I hadn't wasted the fifteen minutes I spent watching it.

In the immortal words of Joe Pesci from My Cousin Vinny "Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, everything that guy said was bullshit....thank you.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:36 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 361 words, total size 2 kb.

July 24, 2024

The Vax and Alzheimers

Timothy Birdnow

Didn't Joe Biden get four shots?

From James Doogue

Link Between Covid Vaccines, Alzheimer’s Disease And Mild Cognitive Impairment.

A massive retrospective study of over 500,000 people in South Korea shows a significant increase in both Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which is a known precursor to AD.

The study was done on people aged 65 and older in the three months immediately after receiving their Covid-19 vaccination. See 'A potential association between COVID-19 vaccination and development of Alzheimer’s disease’
QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, https://doi.org/10.1093/qjmed/hcae103
Published: 28 May 2024


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:04 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 1288 words, total size 9 kb.

Cheatle the Clam

Carlos F Velázquez

The NYT lists the questions director CHEATLE refused or did not answer directly.

The Questions the Secret Service Director Did Not Answer

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 03:48 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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What the Evidence Shows

Carlos F Velázquez

This can get a little complicated, so I'll try to make it as simple as possible.



has been doing a lot of research and they studiously try to avoid all other findings and theories and stick to facts.

The have now reported on the The Heritage Foundation's OVERSIGHT Project which uses phone data as provided by commercial Ad trackers which is available if the advertisers allow it. Which they have in this case.


Here's an explanation of how the Oversight Project uses the Ad data.


In the comments below is a timed-stamped summary of all the main points this video.

Bottom line: several phones have been identified visiting Crooks home and Crooks work. And two of those phones have been located in Washington. D.C. near the FBI. The question is: why would Cooks or a "friend" be in Washington near the FBI offices?

BREAKING: Did Trump assassin meet with FBI or DOJ in DC?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 03:35 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Foggy Times at the Ozark Hilton

Timothy Birdnow

The weather was more like late September than July in hot, steamy Missouri, so I packed up my troubles in my old kit bag - along with all my junk, and some victuals and even a fine cigar I had laying about - and made the great trek down to the land of blue skies and bugs and a dilapidated trash cabin that I so dearly love.

The drive was largely uneventful. I did NOT make my customary stop at the Birdnow Memorial Outhouse and Rest Center but rather continued well beyond it, all the way to the hamlet of Cherokee Pass, the last outpost of civilization. When I first started going down to the land I always stopped there, and frequently would get breakfast at one of the two diners in the town of Cherokee Pass was more like a Western town along Route 66 than a Missouri "dogpatch" community. Named for the Trail of Tears, the town featured a good sized motel, and a Dog and Suds. A nice clean community, full of life. But the State of Missouri decided to expand Highway 67 to four lanes, bypassing the main drag. So now Cherokee Pass is a shell, a ghost town with nothing left except one gas station which sits next to the new highway entrance. I frequent that place; it has th "good wood", bundles larger than what you can get in St. Louis, and better seasoned, and just better wood. There is also a Subway Sandwich shop attached to the gas station and I frequently buy my supper there.

At any rate I took care of business there and enjoyed the lack of ripe smells that accompany the Birdnow Memorial.

The rest of the drive was uneventful and I arrived at the turnoff to my place about four p.m. I had gotten a late start (due to the issue that led me to the gas station, or lack thereof; I don't like to go to the cabin without a good bowel movement in the morning.) Everything went smoothly and I was unpacked in no time.

The inside of the cabin wasn't trashed any more than it has been, but there were considerable rat feces on the floor. No good; it means rats are squatting in my cabin. I worry about that; they carry diseases and can be rabid and I saw the movie Willard as a child so there is not love lost for them. I swept up as best I could.

I needed to go there and REALLY work one of these days; get there early and clean the whole place out. But I have a bum ticker and such labor proves to be much harder than I would like, and nobody goes there anyway but me. It is sad to me; I poured my heart and soul into that place but nobody ever visits. Shoot; my family hasn't even SEEN it since I added the new room! And now it's starting t degrade and probably will just fall into ruin. Definitely once I'm gone it will die too.

At any rate I took my time with everything and started filling my lamps at the early hour of 7, well before sundown.

I was out in the "yard" sitting in a chair to catch a few rays (what few you can catch under the forest canopy) and heard some critter in the distance. About a hundred yards away was a big deer. I haven't seen one of those down here for ages. I couldn't see a rack, so I'm guessing it was a doe? Hard to tell with my poor eyesight. She was rooting around in the debris left from my abortive attempt at building a treehouse. I had built a floor deck on four small trees, about five feet off the ground. I planned on roofing it and screening the walls and would have a great summer treehouse. I used to sit on the platform and relax sometimes; it was built at the edge of the western hollow and had a pleasant view. But when my heart went kaput my treehousing days were cut short and the place fell into ruin. I don't even have a ladder to climb up to the deck any longer since thieves stole it. So, like so much else down there, it has become just another part of the trash dump. I swear I feel like one of the Fat Albert gang down there; rats and junk. I don't have any home-made musical instruments though.

I sat out on the porch until about midnight and I got cold. I love sitting out on the porch at that time; the critters come out but remain in the velvety blackness of the forest. I sit in a little island of light, my lanterns creating a warm, homey glow and driving out the blackness beyond. No critters this evening though. I did hear a love-struck owl hooting for companionship. Like a guy calling a 900 number. He would hoot and hoot. Eventually another owl answered in the distance "hoot, hoot, ho-hoooot!" The hooting stopped abruptly and I never did find out if a love connection was made. I would think there would be more commotion if it had. I fear the old boy was in for the duration in the lonely heart's club.

I fell asleep about 1:30. I like to stay up late down there and this was pretty early for me,but I was tired.

BTW I forgot my insulin and even though I just nibbled my sandwich I was up at 360 this morning. There was nothing to be done though. There used to be a Walmart in Piedmont I could get insulin - and needles - from but it closed. I was SOL.

I woke up with stomach cramps and couldn't get back to sleep so I packed up first light and vamoosed. No point in hanging around.

Actually there was and I wish I would have tarried; the thickest fog I ever encountered had rolled in. I mean it was impossible to see ten feet in front of you! I had thought it would just be around the lake but it was everywhere, and lasted half the way home. Only one other time have I seen fog this thick. I was coming home from the cabin and nearly lost my life as some dimbulb trucker started turning to go to Cherokee Pass and he stopped blocking the northbound lanes. In the fog I didn't see him until WAY too late. Licked up the breaks and purposely drove off the road! I didn't hit him or turn over the truck but it was a close, close thing. I can't imagine why that guy thought stopping an 18 wheeler in such fog was a good idea but he did it.

At any rate I didn't have anything like that, although people were out driving as if it was a bright, sunny day. I am eternally amazed at the obtuseness of people. They were riding my tail, then would whizz around me, completely oblivious to what was ahead of ME. Lots of 'em didn't have their lights on either. Run into one of those in that fog and you've had it!

So I got home and hit my easy chair for a good sleep. I sleep in an easy chair these days; much better for my back. I haven't had back problems since moving there. It also helped Cathy, who needed the whole bed when she was sick.

I had a dream. In my dream I had been bitten by a couple of bats, only I wasn't sure THAT wasn't a dream. so I was dreaming I was dreaming! But that brings up a real issue; bats could well get into that cabin, and it would be the kind of place they would like. I have to worry about that. Bats are basically flying rats and carry even more diseases,if that is possible.

When I was a Tween I walked home through Bellefontaine Park - a big, wooded park in my neighborhood. It was dusk and as I was walking along I heard a bat squeek. The little love child then strafed me, dive bombing my head. He flew up and then did it again. I got a big stick and started taking swings at him as if he were a flying pinata. Eventually I made good contact, and knocked him out of the park in a Mark McGuire-esque display. He never came back.

I HATE bats! I don't care if they do eat mosquitoes; I never had a mosquito dive bomb me repeatedly.

I wonder if that bat was rabid?

At any rate it's cause for concern, as are the rats. I need that big Black Ratsnake to come back; no rodent problem with that fellow on the job! I suspect a nice smoky fire would flush the bats out too.

And so ends my Ozark Hilton tale. I hope everyone liked it! I enjoy writing them and telling everyone about my misadventures in the prettiest trash heap that the Hills have to offer. I enjoy the call of the wild; I may be a city critter but my heart still hears the call, like the guys dog in the Jack London story.

That's all for now!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:37 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 1565 words, total size 8 kb.

July 23, 2024

Joe Biden’s Drop-Out Letter & Kamala Harris’ Letter of Praise for Uncle Joe

Chester McAteer

Ok, let's dive into this marvel of political theater that has been carefully constructed and produced for the consumption of Democratic voters who may or may not question the intent of such machinations.

I've just read both Biden's and Harris' Letters once more and I have to say all my 60 plus years, I don't recall such an intentional political cozenage in my life.

I mean, it’s truly impressive how Democrat voters, with their unparalleled intellect and razor-sharp political awareness, could so effortlessly be duped by a couple of artfully crafted letters. Clearly, the subtle genius of these documents, dripping with saccharine sincerity and heartfelt sentiment, is far too sophisticated for the average mind to grasp. Only those of supreme mental fortitude can see beyond the surface and appreciate the sheer brilliance of such maniacal political craftsmanship.

Yes, because obviously, the timing and content of these letters were the product of spontaneous, heartfelt decisions made by Biden and Harris in isolation, with absolutely no input from the meticulously calculating party powerbrokers. Oh no, the very idea that any political strategizing or orchestration could be involved is simply preposterous. How naive of us to even entertain the thought that this entire episode, starting from the debate fiasco, could have been part of a larger, well-planned maneuver.

And those letters! Wow, what a masterstroke of emotional manipulation. The kind, sweet reasoning presented must have surely soothed every single political query and doubt harbored by their supporters. Because who needs critical thinking or scrutiny when you have such charming prose to guide you? Yes, let’s all just bask in the warm glow of these words and not worry our pretty little heads about the underlying political machinations.

Clearly, anyone who sees through this dazzling smokescreen must have an exceptional mental acuity. For the rest, well, their unwavering acceptance of these letters as gospel truth speaks volumes about their analytical prowess. Bravo, Democrat voters, bravo.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:41 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 336 words, total size 2 kb.

Crowd Strzok

Carlos Velazquez

As I mentioned in previous posts, what happened with CrowdStrike could have been malevolence. When folks make a lot of money from what seems an easily avoidable catastrophe, usually that is not coincidental.

BTW, Soros backed fund, Vanguard, sold Trump's Truth Social stock short, meaning if it went drastically down the short sellers would make a killing (figuratively), exactly one day prior to the assassination attempt on Trump.

I don't believe in coincidences where tons of money is involved.

Crowdstrike Insiders Sold Stock Before the Microsoft Windows Outage

Tim adds:

You may remember it was Crowdstrike that was called in by the Democratic National Committee to investigate after their servers were "hacked" and they came out with a report blaming the Russians, who from all evidence had nothing to do with it but who were the villains in the "Get Trump" movement and the Russian collusion hoax. I would remind you that the DNC called in Crowdstrike and NOT the FBI to examine their servers. Why? Certainly the FBI was friendly to the Democrats. But they would have been subject to FOIA laws.

Also, one of Crowdstrike's founders is a Russian expatriate, brought here as a child. Glean from that what you will.

My view is that Crowdstrike is in thick with the Deep State/Ruling class and that this interesting turn of events is a part of a larger move.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:31 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 235 words, total size 2 kb.

So Goes the DNC, so Goes America

Michael Smith

The funny thing is that while they scream at me for being a "fascist" and say the GOP has changed, they are completely oblivious to the fact they belong to an openly anti-American communist party that no longer resembles the Democratic Party - at all.

After what has transpired in public over the past few weeks, with the revelation of a senile Democrat president, the assassination attempt on a rival (after a full year of lawfare and bogus convictions), a functional insurrection to have a president removed and exiled, and a full on coup of the leadership of their party where another puppet was installed as their presidential nominee, if there isn't a mass exodus from the Democrat Party, there is no hope for them.

I'll take a party dominated by Donald J. Trump over one wholly owned by Barack Obama any day.

Tim adds:

If there isn't a mass exodus from the Democratic Party there is no hope for AMERICA. It means we have no moral center at all. Everything is now about power and the exercise thereof and not about core principles.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:01 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 193 words, total size 1 kb.

Purely Selected

Michael Smith

I know we who support the GOP have been on a bit of a sugar high the last couple of weeks, but do not dismiss Kamala, as ridiculous as her career and candidacy is. She has the power and resources of the American left behind her and about half of America is calling for Soviet-like rule.

They are fine being destitute serfs as long as the people they hate and envy are destitute serfs.

While the Democrat Party's own democratic process was manipulated in 2020 to yield their approved candidate, Joe Biden, there was no manipulation this time. Kamala was purely selected by the state, not the people.

Her loyalty is to the Democrat Party and the state, not the Constitution or the citizens it protects.

Trump was chosen by the citizens, and has been under attack by the state for nearly a decade.

There is a difference and we better understand it.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:56 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Cheatle Resigns

Timothy Birdnow

Another one bites the dust!

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatloe Resigns

Now we should not let her just walk away from this. The House needs to force her testimony anyway, and get to the bottom of what happened.

The more we learn the more this looks like an intentional act. What did Cheatle know and when did she know it?

After testifying before the House Oversight  Committee Cheatle said she would not resign although she said "the buck stops with me". As calls for more investigations into the incredible incompetence  have only grown louder Cheatle realized her postion was untenable.

Cheatle wanted to make the Secret Service 30% female and seemed more concerned with DEI than with actually protecting her charges.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:31 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 125 words, total size 1 kb.

July 22, 2024

Kamala in Thighland

Timothy Birdnow

The Greatest Hits of Kamala Harris

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:46 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 11 words, total size 1 kb.

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