May 16, 2024

The Radical Moderates

Timothy Birdnow

This brings up some interesting points. He's right; give them what they want and you'll have them demanding more. Anyone who has ever fed birds knows that if you give some stale bread to one or two you will soon have a whole flock.

I HATE the term moderate for the people who straddle the political fence. They are nothing of the sort. They are complicit and knowingly so in my view, with the revolutionaries. But they are so terrified of being disliked by those who control the narrative, meaning the media and the ruling class in Washington, that they will fawn in obsequious fashion over the radicals ostensibly in the interests of "comity" and of "balance". But in the end they simply help advance a very radical agenda.

And many just like thumbing those with principles in the eye. Then they can tell themselves they too have principles when in fact they are craven cowards.

We need a new word. RINO isn't really accurate either.

Morgan K. Freeberg

There are moderates out there who concede the point that the Woke Left is a raging pain in the ass, and agree we don't want more of that, but at the same time -- if the nose-ring purple-hair crowd are complaining that something is "problematic," why not just get rid of it for the sake of harmony. Just give 'em what they want. "So we don't have to listen to it."

In all walks of life: Give the faction we don't want more of, whatever they want, so they'll stop complaining and we don't have to listen to it -- is a plan with a 100% failure rate. They don't go away. You feed the monster you always get more monsters.

There is this myth that we have a finite supply of "problematic" things, that if we keep removing these rough edges we'll eventually sand down the furniture to a lovely smoothness and we can all start getting along with each other. Moderates need to become acquainted with the word "problematize." It gets a red squiggly underline when you type it because it's not in the dictionary. But it's a real word, and an important concept. The Left of today is dedicated to problematizing things. It therefore follows that the supply of problematic things is being constantly replenished, and is in fact inexhaustible. It's not only inexhaustible, it is strategic. It is how The Left does things. It's their power play.

So no. You don't give them what they want. They don't really "want" anything, except to erase everything. What they really want is complete power with no accountability for making the wrong call.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:05 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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