June 16, 2024

Steal II; The Return of the Vote Thief

Murray Stewart

Watch this crucial 20-minute video featuring prominent Democrats, computer science professors, and election security experts discussing the vulnerabilities in America's election system.

They warn that the system is online, easily hackable, and often operates on outdated Windows 7 or older systems.

Key Points:

Easily Hackable Voting Equipment: All electronic voting equipment can be hacked as they must receive programming before each election from memory cards prepared on election management systems. These systems are often connected to the internet and run outdated Windows versions.

Spread of Malware: If a county election management system is infected with malware, it can spread to USB drives, which then transfer it to voting machines, scanners, and ballot-marking devices throughout the county.

Programming Practices: Most U.S. election systems are programmed by local county officials or third-party vendors. They use previously used USB drives on internet-connected computers before plugging them into scanners, tabulators, and voting machines.

Outdated Systems: In 2019, the Associated Press reported that most of the 10,000 election jurisdictions, including swing states, were still using Windows 7 or older systems for ballot production, vote programming, counting, and reporting.

End of Windows 7 Support: Windows 7 reached its end of life on January 14, 2020, with Microsoft stopping technical support and security updates.

Remote Access and Modems: Voting machine manufacturers have installed remote-access software and wireless modems, connecting voting machines directly to the internet. NBC News reported in 2020 that ES&S, the largest U.S. election machine vendor, had installed at least 14,000 modems.

Dominion Voting Systems: The second-largest vendor, Dominion, has publicly acknowledged using modems in their machines and running remote-access software during the 2020 election. For example, in Georgia, election worker Susan Voyles testified that Dominion employees operated remotely on ballot-marking devices and poll pads.

Findings from Wisconsin and Michigan: Investigations found Dominion and ES&S machines online and connected to the internet. In Michigan, a modem chip was discovered in an ES&S voting machine, potentially allowing hackers to intercept and manipulate election results.

Conclusion: Hackers can potentially infiltrate elections through vulnerable USB cards, election management systems, and voting machines themselves. This underscores the urgent need for securing America's election infrastructure.”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:14 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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