August 12, 2024

And You Will Like It!

Robert Fenton Gary

I think we are verging into a 2007-2008 situation.

Banks have a lot of liar loans hidden in their credit card portfolios.

They are asking the MOST credit worthy people to pay them 23.99% APR for more credit card borrowing on new purchases or cash advances.

The last time we had these conditions, the sub-prime mortgages collapsed, the portfolios collapsed, and Lehman Brothers went under, and we had the Great Recession.

One person saw it coming. He examined the mortgage portfolios and found the liars loans, and told the world, and NOBODY listened to him. So we had the HARD LANDING.

People were out of work. Had no income. Could not pay. Lots of businesses went under, lots of people lost their jobs, people could not buy houses, or appliances, or cars.

Now, to keep all that at bay we have Powell/ Yellin and Zimbabwe-fication of the US dollar. Cash is trash. People who worked all their lives to have a decent retirement income, and comfort in their Golden Years are taking on work again after retirement, so they can afford food and heat, and rent.

Yes, well, I'm no scholar, as you well know. I recount the obvious. If I know it, most of us know it. I do hold an MBA, with distinction, from GW. But what I know is profiling/ personnel, not economics. All trial lawyers know profiling, or they would not be in that business.

Trump could bring a rejuvenescence of business enthusiasm. He could cut regulations and taxes enough to make it worthwhile for start-ups to appear and for people to earn money by innovations and marketing new products.

Or, Kamala might win, even if hyenas are not given the franchise.

If Kamala/Watz get in, kiss the economy goodbye. Hello --- Venezuela. Hello failed Marxist state. Hello Eugene Debs, where ya been, we miss you, come have your moment in the sun. OK, OK, Marxism has never worked anywhere in over 100 years, but maybe this time it will be different. Thus the teachers unions have told you, and thus you believe. What we will have is the No Growth/ Sustainable/ Smart Economy with the New Men, and the New Women. Like in "1984". And you will like it, says the Ministry of Love.


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:16 AM | Comments (27) | Add Comment
Post contains 522 words, total size 3 kb.

Doomed to Repeat

Chet McAteer

Through nearly seven decades of life, I've come to recognize that people generally fall into two categories. There are those who, through careful reflection and experience, understand that the wisdom of the present is deeply rooted in the knowledge of the past. These individuals seek out history, learning from its lessons, and applying them to the challenges of today.

Then, unfortunately, there are those who remain oblivious to history, neither seeking its wisdom nor possessing the ability to grasp its significance. They struggle to apply any historical insight to their current circumstances, leaving them adrift in their understanding of the world.

Tim adds:

Well said! Thomas Sowell (brillian man that he is ) devoted an entire book to essentially saying what you said in just a few words.

The Left scoffs at history as a bunch of ignroant savages who knew nothing, while we today know more than did they so there is little to be learned. Their eyes are always on the horizon and where their dreams will lead them (they think).We have one eye on the past and know that what they want and want to do will fail because it had failed already. We understand there is wisdom in learning from mistakes.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:54 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 210 words, total size 1 kb.

August 11, 2024

What Sea level Rise?

Bjørn K Vottestad

A closer look at the coastlines at Bangladesh shows extreme variations of sealevels that cannot be explained as just searise.
Open the post.

"Earth's surface gained 115,000 km2 of water and 173,000 km2 of land over the past 30 years, including 20,135 km2 of water and 33,700 km2 of land in coastal areas."

Coastline colours;
-3m/yr Red, Orange, Sand, Light green, Green. +3m/yr

According to long-term global tide gauge data (from the 100 tide gauges with more than 80 years of continuous data), sea levels have been gradually rising at rates of about +0.25 mm/year with no perceptible acceleration since the early 20th century.
Likewise, when satellite altimeters were originally deployed in the 1990s to early 2000s they consistently did "not show any sea level rise.”
A lack of sea level rise didn’t advance the narrative, of course.
So instead of reporting on what the actual satellite observations showed, arbitrary, subjective assumptions were employed to "correct” the data to show sea levels have been rising at rates of 3.2 mm/year instead.

The GMSL satellite altimeter data showed no rising trend for the first 5 years of the record. The first 5 years were then "corrected” to show +2.3 mm/year of sea level rise.

The GRACE satellite data showed the was a -0.12 mm/yr sea level fall trend from 2003 to 2008. After "correction,” this was changed to a +1.9 mm/year sea level rising trend.

"…the untampered results, not showing the desired sea level rise, were replaced by ‘corrected’ results. ntil August 4, 2011 the European Space Agency’s Envisat satellite was showing less than +0.976 mm/year sea level rise since 2004. A few months later, thanks entirely to further corrections, the same data set showed +2.97 mm/year of sea level rise.”

Conclusions by Parker and Ollier, 2016.

This analysis shows that the global network of tide gauges provide the best available measurement of the sea levels while the additional or substitutional information provided by GPS or satellite altimeter is of little help. The work is based on all the tide gauges included in the PSMSL surveys. The satellite altimeter GMSL models have crucial flaws that make them close to useless. These findings are important for coastal management.
The tide gauge results of sufficient quality and length permit the computation of local relative rates of rise or fall of sea level. The absence of acceleration in the naïve averaging of the tide gauges in the network and every local tide gauge indicate these rates are stable. Local planning should be locally based on these local rates and not on unrealistic computations.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:40 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 440 words, total size 3 kb.

Cheatle Hid the Coke

Timothy Birdnow

It just keeps getting more and more surreal.

Former Secret Service chief wanted to destroy White House cocaine ...

Former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Involved In White House Cocaine Coverup

Former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle allegedly pushed to destroy cocaine evidence found in the White House in July 2023 but was resisted by the Forensics Services Division and Uniformed Division.

The cocaine discovery led to heated internal disagreements and the removal of an officer who wanted to follow standard investigative protocol.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:39 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 89 words, total size 1 kb.

A Little Tip for You

Lance Sjogren

Kamala Harris proposes to eliminate taxes on tips.

In other words, her first policy idea is one she got from Trump.

Of course, the way she would do it is a bill called the "Tax relief act" which would consist of two provisions, eliminating taxes on tips and granting citizenship to 10 million illegal aliens.

Then when the Republicans vote it down because of the second part she would whine that Republicans refused to give tax relief to tip earners.

If her bill actually passed congress it would drive several million tip earners into unemployment because their employers would replace them with amnestied illegal aliens working at lower wages.

So it wouldn't actually help tip earners even if it passed.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:11 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 127 words, total size 1 kb.

Cheatle Wanted to Destroy WH Cocaine

Timothy Birdnow

It just keeps getting more and more surreal.

Former Secret Service chief wanted to destroy White House cocaine ...

Former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Involved In White House Cocaine Coverup

Former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle allegedly pushed to destroy cocaine evidence found in the White House in July 2023 but was resisted by the Forensics Services Division and Uniformed Division.

The cocaine discovery led to heated internal disagreements and the removal of an officer who wanted to follow standard investigative protocol.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:02 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 91 words, total size 1 kb.

Andrew Gilles

High alert - Japan Nikkei 225 down 12.45% today ! That’s a big hit
ASX 200 down 3.5% today
Gold US2,480 /OZ ✔️
BBOZ ETF up over 8% ✔️- gold, bear ETFs and cash
May be an image of text

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:15 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Oh Joy!

Michael Smith

Not only did Democrats hide the deteriorating mental and physical condition of a sitting president, unconstitutiona lly dividing up his duties among themselves, they are the ones who installed him in the first place.

Now they are running a "joy" campaign, treating real problems as "Don't worry, be happy" situations, just hoping to fool enough half and quarter wits long enough to slide into office while refusing to vote for the rough speaking guy who hurts their feelings but can fix it all.

Tim adds:

The GOP should remind everyone every time they speak publicly that Harris lied about Biden's condition. The public will forget in this in the "excitement" and celebration of mediocrity and cackling if not reminded repeatedly. The Americna People will know she's a liar. But they will forget.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 136 words, total size 1 kb.

The Fearful Master

Timothy Birdnow

"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence-it is force! Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master"

George Washington

This courtesy of Lynn Chu:

"In its efforts to organize the greatest number of forces to 'overcome nature', to 'suppress its enemies', to promote 'further growth' or to 'defend gains already made', modern society has generated huge administrative, military and police structures. These were intended to serve society, its citizens and every individual, who was to be recognized as the source of their power which was merely delegated to them. In the beginning they did no doubt recognize this. But then these structures began to behave like everyone to whom power is delegated: they began to usurp it for themselves, to the detriment of those from whom it originally derived. Certainly, there are societies where such structures are subject to some kind of control, but in most countries they are not. They are no longer governed: they govern. Unlike earlier usurpers of power, these power structures have no face, no identity. They are invulnerable to blows and to words. Their power is perhaps less ostentatious, less openly declared, but it is omnipresent and constantly growing. Those who represent it may appear in public or remain in the background, but the important thing about them is that they can be removed and replaced at any time: generals commanding an army rocket division, presidents of multinational corporations, first secretaries of self-appointed parties or heads of the secret police.

"Watching them from time to time as they wave at us from our television screens, we may suspect that compared with the power these people wield, the power of the divine pharaohs and emperors was no more than a trivial game. Nevertheless, we persuade ourselves that this is how it ought to be, that they embody the direction we are taking; they are defending our interests, serving our needs, safeguarding our security, or progress, our affluence, or whatever flashy and mendacious labels we give to our own preposterousnes s. What we fail to realize is that they are no longer acting in our name. We cannot get rid of them. They recognize neither a deity above them nor people below them. They recognize only themselves, their apparatus, their organizations and their own laws of motion, their destructive proliferation. They control a technology that can transform the face of the earth, that provides them the means to rule it and the arms to destroy it.

"As we look on while the first two possibilities become a reality and foreces gather for the third, we continue to believe that they will never do it, because they would be acting against themselves.

"But every power structure that gets out of control, every murderous authority determined to abandon its humanity in order to continue growing, flourishing and swelling in a vain longing for absolute size and absolute license, for godlike perfection, is playing with suicide."

Ivan Klima, "The Powerful and the Powerless," Jan. 1980, in The Spirit of Prague and other essays (Granta, 1994), pp. 106-7.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:41 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 516 words, total size 3 kb.

Lest We Forget

Michael Smith

There have been a couple of important insights published this past week about the rising incompetence in our institutions, reminding us that civilizations simply forget how to do things, especially when those things are done by "somebody else" and smaller and smaller groups are trusted with the knowhow.

Boeing is a recent example. Not much use for an airplane company that has forgotten how to build aircraft. There is a difference between reading about how to build an aircraft and actually having the knowledge and skill to build one.

Elon Musk said. "Just like the Egyptians forgot how to build pyramids, we may forget how to build spaceships. So, we should build the spaceships and make life multiplanetary while it is possible."

History is filled with things we rediscover because earlier civilizations have forgotten them and then disappeared.

Glenn Reynolds' Substack on this is a must read.

Glenn Harlan Reynolds | Substack

Tim adds:

Musk said ". So, we should build the spaceships and make life multiplanetary while it is possible."

I agree. But why is it there is so much resistance to doing that?

For starters, if we do we forever break the power of the internationalists. Their whole one world scheme is predicated on the idea that there will be no safety valve, no way to get away from them and live and think freely. So they oppose it bitterly. Sadly even some good conservatives have fallen for the "why waste money in space" line. Why? It's not wasted. There are unbelievable resources in space. The Ruling Class knows that but their power is derived from their money and it is control of resources that gives them both. New, inexhaustible sources of wealth destroys their dreams of world socialism.

And most money spent on space is spent ON EARTH, and mainly in R and D.

I would point out we actually cannot build the Saturn V again. We THREW AWAY THE SPECS. It would have to be reverse-engineered if we wanted to use it again. That is an example of forgetting what we once knew - to our detriment.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:30 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 357 words, total size 2 kb.


Timothy Birdnow

While overspending is at the root of this inflation - and the Fed exploded the money supply to cover the Covid spending spree and subsequent Biden "stimulus" everything this administration has done has been antithetical to real growth, which is the only way you can overcome more dollars in the system. Look at his push for "green energy" and his assaults on fuel prices; Biden promised to jack gas prices up. Well, all of this puts inflationary pressure on across the board in the market as everything costs more to transport and we don't live in a local economy. Making stuff costs more because electricity is more expensive, shipping costs more because of higher fuel prices, etc. This all is expressed in reduced economic growth to cover the extra dollars so voila! Inflation.

Diane M. Kimura

Q: Is "transitory” referencing inflation or the rate of the slow down in inflation?

A: IMO, it is the latter

Why? Because Biden’s weak leadership led to global conflicts and the remilitarization of the world which are inflationary.

Bidenomics constrain supply of needed commodities and interfere with free markets.

Spending on proxy wars raises demand by U.S. MIC workers on consumer goods while doing little to raise output of consumer goods. Spending on "guns” AND "butter” without adequate investment in new capacity due to high interest rates is itself inflationary.

Hundreds of millions of US "aid and support” are lost to inefficiency and corruption.

Tariffs on imports are directly inflationary.

The anemic growth in GDP is due to Biden|Harris attempting to offset to these forces is a massive influx of new labor across the border, but this has hit a political constraint.

Bidenomics is a prescription for persistently high inflation, bigger government, millions of people added to welfare rolls, strains on housing, schools, and healthcare.
May be an image of text

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:25 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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We Don't Need no STEEENKING 1st Amendment!

Beverly McCall Goff

It’s unbelievable that the censorship we see accelerating in Europe & Canada has made it into America where we have a first amendment! But is NY really an American city anymore if they behave like China & surveil the citizens & threaten to jail them for speech the government doesn’t like!

New York announces it will take citizen surveillance and censorship to the next level

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:38 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 76 words, total size 1 kb.

August 10, 2024

Pandemic preparedness and the road to international fascism

James Doogue

A fascinating read by Dr David Bell. Here's the ABSTRACT:

The World Health Organization's broad definition of health embraces physical, mental and social well-being. Expressed in its 1946 constitution alongside concepts of community participation and national sovereignty, it reflected an understanding of a world emerging from centuries of colonialist oppression and the public health industry's shameful facilitation of fascism. Health policy would be people-centered, closely tied to human rights and self-determination. The COVID-19 response has demonstrated how these ideals have been undone. Decades of increasing funding within public-private partnerships have corroded the basis of global public health. The COVID-19 response, intended for a virus that overwhelmingly targeted the elderly, ignored norms of epidemic management and human rights to institute a regime of suppression, censorship, and coercion reminiscent of the power systems and governance that were previously condemned. Without pausing to examine the costs, the public health industry is developing international instruments and processes that will entrench these destructive practices in international law. Public health, presented as a series of health emergencies, is being used once again to facilitate a fascist approach to societal management. The beneficiaries will be the corporations and investors whom the COVID-19 response served well. Human rights and individual freedom, as under previous fascist regimes, will lose. The public health industry must urgently awaken to the changing world in which it works, if it is to adopt a role in saving public health rather than contributing to its degradation.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:06 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 252 words, total size 2 kb.

"It's Only Abortion but I Like It!"

Jules Kunofsky

"It’s only Abortion but I like it, like it, yes I do”

The fog of politics is always top of mind. The other day I was listening to the fabulous Rolling Stones, but this is what my sick mind heard. It made me think that I should be for Abortion, unlimited without any conditions and even taxpayer funded. I’ll defend my position for abortion later.

First, this is the song I heard. I won’t write the entire song:

"If I could stick my hand in its heart
And spill it all over the stage
Would it satisfy ya, would it slide on by ya
Would you think that I’m strange? Ain't he strange?”

"If I could win ya, if I could sing ya
A love song so divine
Would it be enough for your cheating heart
If I broke down and cried? If I cried?”

"I said I know it's only Abortion but I like it
I know it's only Abortion but I like it, like it, yes, I do
Oh, well, I like it, I like it, I like it
I said can't you see that this old boy has been a lonely?”

"If I could stick a knife in its heart
Killing it right on stage
Would it be enough for your teenage lust
Would it help to ease the pain? Ease your brain?”

For starters, if Trump wins, abortion will remain a state issue. If Trump loses, somehow legalized abortion will find its way into the Constitution of the U.S. or all State Constitutions. I’d be for it because, life would become next to worthless in a woke, socialist government. Children would never again grow up with the quality upbringing that I had.

The woke socialists have corrupted and will further corrupt:

-The Sciences, including the study of climate, the study of diseases (See covid and the gain of function research), medicine testing, gender studies (see Tampons in men’s rooms), Carbon as a pollutant, biological men competing as women, and energy efficiency. (Just to name a few).

-Elections: The woke socialists had a coup to dispose of their Presidential candidate without giving us a reason and without following the Constitution. They selected a Presidential candidate who selected a VP candidate, and our country doesn’t even know who the President is right now. Can we trust a Party that has no voting and lied to the public about the mental abilities of Joe Biden? All this while spying on the opposition Party and indicting the leader with ridiculous charges while ignoring the rule of law and the Constitution.

-Law and order: Paid activists using violence and intimidation and chaos to close cities on demand and pressure all citizens. All this and city leaders hold back the police.

-Academia: Our University studies are now dominated with woke professors teaching that Capitalism is bad and communism is good. The agenda also includes CRT (Critical Race Theory that discriminates against White people), Jew hatred (Especially against the existence of Israel), DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) which opposes Equal rights as defined in the Constitution.

-Business: Forced to discriminate with DEI regulations, again denying Equal rights as defined in the Constitution.

-Government ownership/control of the media translating into NO Justice and No Freedoms: We are not permitted free thought anymore. All information comes from the government approved sources filtered to the media. This is not America without "Free Thought”.

I didn’t even mention Open Borders, Inflation, financing global wars, redefining terrorist groups as non-terror groups. Add all this to ignoring the Constitution and Weaponizing a corrupt Government.

Is it worth starting your life in this country if the Democrats get control? It isn’t our America anymore!!!

So, I say, Bring on Abortion

"I said, I know it's only Abortion but I like it
I said, I know it's only Abortion but I like it
I know it's only Abortion but I like it
I know it's only Abortion but I like it, like it, yes, I do
Oh, well, I like it, I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it.
It's only Abortion but I like it
It's only Abortion but I like it
It's only Abortion but I like it
It's only Abortion but I like it
It's only Abortion but I like it
It's only Abortion but I like it
It's only Abortion but I like it
It's only Abortion but I like it
It's only Abortion but I like it
It's only Abortion but I like it
It's only Abortion but I like it
It's only Abortion but I like it
I like it.
I like it.
I like it.
Oh yeah I like it
I like it”

Tim adds:

I hope you don't give them any ideas; how long before they start filming abortions and put them online, or on television? They would like that. Until now they wouldn't have dared. But if they take power in November they just might.

Abortion is actually decimating the Left, but not fast enough to eliminate their threat. Once they get control they will create a machine that keeps control. They are excellent at that. And then how long will it be before we have forced abortions and sterilizations like in China? When that happens it won't be the Left being sterilized.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:44 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 897 words, total size 6 kb.

Why Go to All That Trouble!

Michael Smith

Every chance I get, I try to talk to people from the other side of the political spectrum as a sanity check in case I am missing something.

On Friday, I had a chance to talk to several Democrats I know personally and asked 1) are they supporting the Harris/Walz ticket and 2) if so, why?

Of those supporting (a couple were undecided), not a single one could name any positive reason that wasn't based on conjecture or was factually wrong. The negative reasons not to vote for Trump were basically the same - conjecture (he is going to be an authoritarian) or factually wrong (mostly coming from MSNBC).

Not a single one could name anything Harris had done as VP and none knew anything about Walz until last week.

They were completely unaware of the full context of many of the media clips they are being fed by MSNBC and the Harris campaign. When I told them I never take a quote from either side at face value, they looked surprised. I said I always go find a transcript or a full video, which typically takes a few minutes - when I asked if they ever did that, they said there was no need, if it wasn't true the media wouldn't report it.

I have one question I pose because it tells me how economically savvy they are - I ask if they or their kids wanted to rent an apartment or buy a house, what is more important, low interest rates and high inventory of homes and apartments or government subsidies and rent/interest controls.

None of them said the former, they all favored some sort of government aid or intervention in the housing markets. They were completely unaware that price controls create scarcity and make things more expensive rather than less.

When I said Obamacare did not lower the cost of health insurance, they didn't believe me. I had to show them that what people who qualified were paying was only a part of what the real premiums were and the taxpayer is making up the difference. Real insurance premiums have actually gone up with the taxpayer making up the difference.

"But incomes are up," one person said.

"Sure, but purchasing power is down," I replied. "Have you noticed that you have more money but can afford to buy less?"

Of the people supporting Harris, I asked an additional question - "Do you think Biden was a good president?"

Unsurprisingly, they said he was - and when I asked why, they named off the titles of the policies and EO's he executed but couldn't name the substance or any actual positive results. To a person, they claimed success wouldn't be seen until some point in the future and they blamed Republicans for blocking his policies, "greedy corporations" for inflation, and Trump for the national debt.

This was certainly a very small sample, but based on what I see in the media, it might be representative of the larger Democrat Party.

I've done this since the Clinton administration and I can say, at least anecdotally, this is the least informed/most misinformed Democrat group I have spoken with.

A very small subset were those who were undecided. I asked them if that meant they would vote for another candidate or not vote at all - all replied the most likely action would be the latter, they are thinking about not voting.

There is a huge knowledge gap out there and there seems to be even less curiosity about things than ever before. Giving people information is like giving them stuff, stuff given is less appreciated than stuff earned.

People need to do a little research on their own, in essence to earn what they know and not have it spoon fed to them, that's why I try to talk directly to people outside my world when I can.

Tim replies:

This reminds me of a little movie I saw once starring Jerry O'Connell and Sam Elliott named "The Ranger, the Cook and the Hole in the Sky". O'Connell is a brash young teenager and he works for the U.S. forest service. There's another kid working there who never has his own opinion; he simply parrots whatever someone else says. O'Connell confronts him:

"Did you ever in your life have an opinion that didn't bounce from somewhere else? I mean,did you ever look at all the available evidence, keep what you could prove, discard what you couldn't, and come up with your own original viewpoint?"

The kid replied:

"Why would I go to all that trouble?"

That is at least half of the entire electorate and all Democrats. It's just easier to accept the word of the media than to research and think and come up with your own position.

And it's inexcusable in an era where information is at your fingertips - but that has only made it worse as there is so much to be sifted through now and they suffer sensory overload. Easier to just let the media tell them what to think and internalize those views as their own. After all, it's the "majority view" in their minds and who wants to go against the majority?

In short they are herd animals and follow the leader. Herd animals are always prey.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 892 words, total size 5 kb.

What, We Can't Adapt?

John Lees

A response I wrote to a claim I have seen that a 3°C rise in global average temps will render the human race extinct:

It's also worth pointing out that even the average annual temperature of the regions of the world varies by more than 40°C from one inhabited region to another.
So, if we shift all of these temperatures up by 3°C, then we will simply see a shift in the situation, when some of the most extremely hot regions become more uninhabitable and some of the uninhabitable cold regions become more habitable.

Similarly for flora and fauna, which will tend to shift northward.

Why this effect will render the human race extinct, is not clear.

People are not potted plants, when a situation becomes intolerable then they either move away, of use their technological genius to adapt.

People currently live in such inhospitable regions as Dubai.

They live their in great number and are entirely comfortable.

But, if they were not, then they can leave and move north to where it is naturally cooler.
May be a graphic of map and text

Tim adds:

During the late Triassic and early Jurassic it WAS that much warmer and life didn't just hang on as it does now in marginal places like Antarctica or Baffin Island or South Georgia but it thrived everywhere. (BTW CO2 was five times higher then than now.)

This claim is just silly. Life likes a warmer and wetter climate than the current interglacial age with too low carbon dioxide levels.

Siberia , Northern Canada, all the arctic islands, and the whole continent of Antarctica and it's satellite islands would open up in a worst-case scenario for us. It would be a golden age.

Crop cultivation has shifted north and south as climate has shifted over the centuries and it didn't hurt anybody. British vinters had to go out of business but they switched to importing wines from France and Spain and Portugal and wound up creating Port Wine in one of those ventures. There are plenty of good crops to grow. And now, with hybridization and other human genetic intervention, we can MAKE crops that grow in unsuitable areas. Canada is too cold for most vinifera grapes, for instance, but they grow plenty of hybrids there. If southern France becomes too warm to grow traditional French grapes they can start growing Spanish grapes. All that is needed is to replant to fix this "problem".

 Humans are not suited to cold climates. We evolved in a hot climate in the rift valleys of Africa. But we simply adapted to less than ideal conditions using technology. All life adapts to changing climate and always has. Some species die out - but only in the form they take at present. Most of the time they change form to better fit conditions.

There are no wooly mammoths around but there are elephants, their children. They just lost the shaggy coat. Even the dinosaurs live on in the birds we see today.

And the warm creatures like crocodiles survived total disasters and ice ages. They evolved during the late Triassic, 200 my ago and survived the extinction of the dinosaurs. No, I don't think this is doomsday at all.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 537 words, total size 4 kb.

Inflation is Here to Stay - Even if TrumpWins

Timothy Birdnow

Trump's going to have a hard time getting inflation under control because it is now institutionalized and Trump is going to be faced with the daunting task of rebuilding our military and infrastructure after Biden purposely dismantled it, and at the same time he's going to have to fight Congress over spending.

The Federal Reserve pumped up the money supply to avoid a harsh recession when Congress blew so much money during the last days of Pandemic and during the whole Biden Presidency. Had they gone to a tight money policy the economy would have crashed. So they printed a bunch up and we saw skyrocketing inflation. Trump is going to come into that mess.

It's going to take a while for pro-growth policies to start catching up with the exploding money supply and of course the Media will hammer Trump on it, and the GOP in Congress will grow frightened like prey animals always do and will send giant omnibus spending bills to Trump. Trump will either have to sign to keep peace with his own RINO wing or he'll have to face a government shutdown. His task is daunting.

Biden had no such problems; he just wanted to blow all of our money to make America poorer, thus achieving "equity" with the Third World and at the same time buy votes and funnel money to his party.

Basically we tried to commit economic suicide under Biden and Trump will come in (assuming the election isn't stolen from him) like a paramedic coming on the scene where the patient has slit her wrists and is bleeding out. He will have to take swift action but it may not be enough.

So don't expect an economic miracle right away. It took a nasty recession in the early eighties before Reagan's tax realignment program kicked in. There was enormous pressure on Reagan to end his policies and go back to the Carter policies which caused all the trouble in the first place. But Reagan stood firm and there were enough Republicans in Congress to stick by him to hold the line until Reaganomics started working. Sadly Mr. Trump will be more readily abandoned by the GOP; this isn't the Republican Party of the eighties.

I certainly do not envy Trump. If you think they went after him hard last time...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:14 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 400 words, total size 2 kb.

August 09, 2024

Is Walz a Spy for China?

Timothy Birdnow

Well, now we know who the Chinese Communists want in power.

Tim Walz has Fawned Over Communis china; "Doesn't Have to be Adversarial Relationship"

Walz lived there for a time and is pleased as punch with the worker's paradise.

There is a real possibility Walz has done some work for the Chicoms espionage system.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 62 words, total size 1 kb.

Nixon was Framed Like Trump

Timothy Birdnow

This comes from Tucker Carlson's show:

Fifty years ago today, Richard Nixon became the only U.S. president in history to resign from office.

Now, newly-unearthed documents show that Watergate was a scam from start to finish.

We already knew enough to raise suspicions, including:

All of the Watergate burglars were connected to the CIA
Bob Woodward, the reporter who broke the story, was an intelligence officer who became a journalist mere months before breaking the Watergate scandal
Deep Throat, the anonymous man who leaked the Watergate scandal to Woodward, was revealed to be Deputy Director of the FBI Mark Felt

Those facts alone suggest that Watergate was a deep state coup. But if you’re still not convinced, former Nixon White House staffer Geoff Shepard joined today’s episode of The Tucker Carlson Show to reveal shocking new details that erase all doubts.

Shepard not only proves that Watergate was a set-up, but he also explains how the deep state is using the same playbook against Donald Trump.

Geoff Shepard tells Tucker:

"I’ve uncovered what was simply not known. [The Watergate break-in] is not what sunk Richard Nixon. What sunk Richard Nixon was hugely biased lawfare, the perversion of the criminal justice system designed to drive Nixon from office, to void his re-election, and to imprison his top aides.”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:04 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 221 words, total size 2 kb.

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