June 13, 2024

Garland in Contempt

Timothy Birdnow

The Republican House has held Biden Consiglier, er, Attorney General Merrick "The Moyle" Garland in Contempt of Congress for his willful refusal to turn over tapes of the interview between Joe Biden and Special Prosecutor Robert Hur, the one Hur used to determine Biden was too senile to prosecute for his mishandling of top secret documents going back to his days as a Senator and Vice President (with an emphasis on vice). Mr. Garland apparently has taken the fifth, or at least simply refused to turn the tapes over for Congressional oversight.


"The Committees need the audio tapes to verify the accuracy of the written transcripts given this White House has been known to heavily edit the President's statements," Johnson said. "This is a simple matter -- we have the transcript, and we need the audio."

The contempt resolution directs the House speaker to refer the case to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia for possible criminal prosecution.


So basically it goes back to the DOJ. Why do I think that nothing will happen?

IF that is the case then Congress needs to completely defund the Department of Justice. Cut it's budget to the bone. Maybe find new quarters for them - like a decomissioned prison (which is where they belong anyway at this point.)

Every Democrat voted against the charges and accuse Republicans of playing politics. REALLY!

The reason Garland stated for not releasing the audio in the first place was he claimed Republicans would edit it and make a deep fake to make Biden look bad. But we have the transcript so we know what he said and they can compare the two. It's a damnedable lie.

Garland reminds me of an old Mafia Consiglier testifying there is no La Cosa Nostra.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:53 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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