June 17, 2024

Dyson Spheres and Fears

Carlos F Velázquez

Dyson Spheres are hypothetical structures, of what we would call solar panels, constructed by a supposed super advanced civilization (of UFO aliens) that completely encompass and surround a star capturing all the energy the star gives off.

Now some scientists think they may have found some of these preposterous structures. No doubt these scientists will continue receiving grants from our tax dollars to continue hypothesizing about Dyson Spheres instead of researching how to develop KNOWN geological energy sources deep within the Earth's mantle.

"Well, the evidence isn't too compelling. The scientists detected "infrared heat near stars that couldn't be explained in any other way." That was one of the signs that Dyson said we should watch for when observing the cosmos."

I used "solar panels" as a descriptive term. Such an advanced civilization would surely have much better technology.

Scientists say they may have found evidence of "Dyson spheres" created by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations

2c from Tim:

Color me skeptical. I've always rather doubted Dyson's reasoning on this; it presupposed a civilization advanced enough to enclosea star but so primitive it uses solar panels to harvest sunlight. I would think a civilization would have a more advanced technique. And they would have to be very active outside the shell as well as inside (they would require a lot of real estate if they needed that much energy.) Granted,they could use the sphere in the science fiction fashion, but that would require artificial gravity; I think we would notice THAT. I just don't buy Dyson Spheres.

I'm sure they would have better technology than simple solar cells. I would think it was advanced beyond simply enclosing the star too.

I would add that the mass of such a thing would require disassembling most of the planets in the given solar system, in all likelihood. How can they afford to build such a thing if they can't afford to NOT build such a thing? It's just too big for the resources. It';s like the Trans Siberian railroad; it WAS done but bankrupted Russia - leading tothe Russian revolution. And it was a useless piece of junk too, "the best third rate railroad money could buy" they used tocall it. I would think a Dyson Sphere would have the same problems.

I think the reason they are so hot to trot about this is that they are promoting solar energy and want us to think advanced aliens use it. If it's good enough for ET...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:37 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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