January 11, 2019

California's ongoing suicide attempt

Dana Mathewson forwards this from Powerline:


The article discusses human poo aps, urine-resistant paints, dead varmints at MacDonalds, and a host of other Fourth World Problems (Tim's term for a First World place gone back to Third World.)

David Dickinson adds:

Yes, California is in trouble, we (or should I say they, the voters) just elected a new governor who makes Jerry Brown look conservative. A year ago they raised gas taxes by 40%, they raised auto registration fees by 32%, and I just learned that my homeowner's insurance increased 22%, not because the rates went up, no, but because new California fees raised it that much. The new governor extended a warm welcome of sanctuary to anyone anywhere who wanted to come, and by golly, bring your kids, even your adult kids because now illegal alien "children" will be given free health care all the way through the age of 25 (they are already covered from age 0-18). In fact, he's also going to give "free" health care for all "kids" through age 25, what a warm and generous fellow. Next up, universal healthcare for all. He's proposing new penalties for anyone that doesn't have health insurance in the meantime.

Free community college (and major investments in higher education, whatever That means), free and universal child care and early education programs. The new estimate for the wonderful train has just been bumped to $75 billion but not a single person with a functioning brain believes that nonsense, and most would not be surprised if it's twice that. But by golly, are we going to lead the way in other areas. Yes, California is going to ban paper sales receipts, banning straws simply was not enough virtue signaling. First responders are finally allowed to provide mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to distressed pets, something that previously was limited to licensed veterinarians.

But the big one that has a whole lot of people worried is what's known as Proposition 13, that limited the state property tax to 1% of value, they want to blow that up, and with Gavin "Getty" Newsome (he's joined at the hip to the Getty family) as governor and a Democrat super-majority in the legislature they can do it. A significant percentage of the homeowners in this state, and who knows how many businesses, still live and work here mostly because of that law, without it and with our high property values, increasing property taxes even a little will make this state unaffordable for many individuals and businesses alike.

No homeless people were available for comment.

Jack Kemp replies:

Ban paper receipts? That's an imposition on the poor and middle class elderly who don't have computers or smartphones. Without a smartphone, one can be accused of shoplifting without being able to produce evidence - until you get to your or a friend's home and print out your receipt as you call a lawyer to sue the store - successfully - for false arrest. This move - if it gets enacted into law - will be ended as being too impractical, even for California.

As for the illegals, after the Kate Steinle murder, the classic song "Walkin' With My Baby By the San Francisco Bay" has taken on a tragic new meaning.

To which Mr. Dickinson says:

Jack, they are going to allow a customer to opt for paper receipts, just that businesses will be forbidden from providing them until asked. I can see it now, undercover sales receipt police.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:02 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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