June 17, 2024

Dyson Spheres and Fears

Carlos F Velázquez

Dyson Spheres are hypothetical structures, of what we would call solar panels, constructed by a supposed super advanced civilization (of UFO aliens) that completely encompass and surround a star capturing all the energy the star gives off.

Now some scientists think they may have found some of these preposterous structures. No doubt these scientists will continue receiving grants from our tax dollars to continue hypothesizing about Dyson Spheres instead of researching how to develop KNOWN geological energy sources deep within the Earth's mantle.

"Well, the evidence isn't too compelling. The scientists detected "infrared heat near stars that couldn't be explained in any other way." That was one of the signs that Dyson said we should watch for when observing the cosmos."

I used "solar panels" as a descriptive term. Such an advanced civilization would surely have much better technology.

Scientists say they may have found evidence of "Dyson spheres" created by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations

2c from Tim:

Color me skeptical. I've always rather doubted Dyson's reasoning on this; it presupposed a civilization advanced enough to enclosea star but so primitive it uses solar panels to harvest sunlight. I would think a civilization would have a more advanced technique. And they would have to be very active outside the shell as well as inside (they would require a lot of real estate if they needed that much energy.) Granted,they could use the sphere in the science fiction fashion, but that would require artificial gravity; I think we would notice THAT. I just don't buy Dyson Spheres.

I'm sure they would have better technology than simple solar cells. I would think it was advanced beyond simply enclosing the star too.

I would add that the mass of such a thing would require disassembling most of the planets in the given solar system, in all likelihood. How can they afford to build such a thing if they can't afford to NOT build such a thing? It's just too big for the resources. It';s like the Trans Siberian railroad; it WAS done but bankrupted Russia - leading tothe Russian revolution. And it was a useless piece of junk too, "the best third rate railroad money could buy" they used tocall it. I would think a Dyson Sphere would have the same problems.

I think the reason they are so hot to trot about this is that they are promoting solar energy and want us to think advanced aliens use it. If it's good enough for ET...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:37 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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What is Truth?

"No government has the right to decide on the truth of scientific principles, or to prescribe in any way the character of the questions investigated.

– Richard Feynman, The Meaning of It All: Thoughts of a Citizen-Scienti st (1998)

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:57 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Human or Not?

Lyle Hancock Sr.

This post adds an important perspective to the climate debate rarely discussed.

A key point often overlooked in discussions about climate change is the statistical significance of human contributions. If human impact is negligible, climate change is simply natural variations in our climate system. However, if human activities significantly contribute, it can be claimed we are facing serious issues.

Agencies like the MET, BoM, and the IPCC use a non-integrative , first-order autoregressive model (AR(1)) to assess the statistical significance of human contributions. This model claims to show that human activity is the primary cause of climate change. But does it really?

The AR(1) model is under-parameter ized and has a poor Goodness of Fit (GOF) to the temperature data. It is a single-order autoregressive model that assumes no relationship between today's temperature and that of two or more years ago, despite known cyclical trends spanning many years. This choice of model makes no sense. Additionally, because it is a stationary model, it drifts when applied to the non-stationary temperature datasets, becoming less reliable over time. In short, the AR(1) model cannot determine the statistical significance of human contributions to climate change.

Dr. Doug Keenan proposed an integrative model using third-order autoregression, the ARIMA(3,1,0) model, which I validated in my paper presented to the UK Parliament as testimony. This model has an excellent GOF and impressive predictive skills. So, why don't MET, BoM, the IPCC, and others use this model? Because it shows that human contribution to climate change is not statistically significant.

In a surprising admission, MET acknowledged their AR(1) model is flawed, yet claimed they don't need models to determine statistical significance—th ey can make this determination by simply eyeballing the data. Despite acknowledging the AR(1) model's inadequacies, they continue to use it, maintaining it shows statistical significance of man's contribution to climate change -- a claim not at all supported in their choice of model.

The attached image is a test I made of the AR(1) model and it's predictive skills. It has no predictive skills whatsoever. I might go into why this is important. But for brevity, I'll table that discussion for now.

May be an image of text

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:41 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 363 words, total size 3 kb.

Windies Hate Nuclear

Jim Church

The wind and solar industries are treating nuclear power like some kind of evil, arch-enemy. Fair enough. While the number of human fatalities caused by nuclear power generation would fit in a couple of school buses, the entire subsidised wind and solar scam faces total wipe out, simply because they can never compete – on any level – with ever-reliable nuclear power generation – which is the only stand-alone generation source that does not generate carbon dioxide gas in the process. It’s the latter attribute that was said to be the reason for throwing massive subsidies at wind and solar in the first place.

Now that policymakers are waking up to the realistic prospect of watching their country’s grids totally collapse, safe, reliable and affordable nuclear power is the talk of the town.

Among the sillier arguments being run by wind and solar propagandists is that nuclear power is unaffordable. True enough, the wind and sun cult are desperate and desperate times often lead to delusional arguments.

However, as Nick Cater outlines below, the pitch about the (purportedly exorbitant) cost of nuclear power lasts about as long as it takes to compare prices in countries where nuclear power dominates, such as nuclear powered France, where retail prices are around half of those suffered in wind and sun powered Germany.

Nuclear Fatality: Rent-Seekers Rage As Wind & Solar ‘Investment’ Collapses

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:33 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Right Where They Want"em

Diane Kimura

Hamas doesn’t want a deal, except one where Israel just gives up.

And if Blinken doesn’t know that, then he’s not getting the basic info he should, not from US intelligence nor even from whoever’s in charge of getting him essential press clippings.

Hamas military chief Yahya Sinwar admitted that the teror group views Palestinian casualties as "necessary sacrifices.”
Hamas military chief Yahya Sinwar admitted that the teror group views Palestinian casualties as "necessary sacrifices.”

Two days before Blinken chastised Hamas, The Wall Street Journal revealed private correspondence of the terror group’s military chief in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar.

Sinwar admits openly that he wants more Palestinian casualties. They are "necessary sacrifices” that will "infuse life into the veins of this nation, prompting it to rise to its glory and honor.”

More, more, more deaths mean that Sinwar and his genocidal crew "have the Israelis right where we want them.”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:00 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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June 16, 2024

Little Manny Manny Won't - Go Home

Timothy Birdnow

In France President Emmanuel Macron was just crushed in a referendum by Marine La Pen, the conservative voice of sanity. Macron now says he may refuse to appoint anyone from her party as Prime Minister as custom dictates. And he won't quit.

So he called a pleibescite and lost and now won't abide by the rules. Much like the Democrats who refuse to follow the laws.

Watch for Joe Biden simply to refuse to turn power over to Trump if he loses as well.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:20 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 93 words, total size 1 kb.

Vote Early Vote Often

Timothy Birdnow

105% of Michigan adults are registered to vote.

No vote fraud in Ameirica my white rear end!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:09 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Nose Growing Newsom

Timothy Birdnow

California Governor Gavin Newsom lies about sending the National Guard to the border.

Despite his self-serving claim there appear to be none there.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:04 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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I'm Not But What Are You!

Timothy Birdnow

The newest tactic of the media - say TRUMP is suffering dementia!


Man this is pure desperation!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:55 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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House Resolution Rescinding the Bannan and Navarro Subpoenas

Cindy Schumacher

BREAKING: Next week, members of Congress will introduce a resolution to rescind the subpoenas issued from the fraudulent January 6th committee to Steve Bannon, Mark Meadows, Dan Scavino and Peter Navarro. This will invalidate the Contempt of Congress charges

Freedom Caucus members will be co-sponsoring the resolution including Bob Good, Dan Bishop, Anna Paulina Luna, etc

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:58 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Hospitals Murdered Covid Patients

Diane M. Kimura

Hospitals murdered COVID patients.

The more they killed, the more money they made.

Dr. McCullough testifies that "virtually all the deaths occurred in the hospital.”

Hospitals received enormous financial incentives to implement lethal protocols.


"Remdesivir is so lethal it got nicknamed ‘Run Death Is Near’ after it started killing thousands of Covid patients in the hospital,” wrote @StellaPaulNY in a previous report.

"The experts claimed that Remdesivir would stop Covid; instead, it stopped kidney function, then blasted the liver and other organs.”


Dr. Joseph Mercola previously reported:

"Within weeks of the pandemic outbreak, it had become apparent that the standard practice of putting COVID-19 patients on mechanical ventilation was a death sentence.

"76.4% of COVID-19 patients (aged 18 to 65) in New York City who were placed on ventilators died. Among patients over age 65 who were vented, the mortality rate was 97.2%.

"The recommendation to place COVID patients on mechanical ventilation as a first-line response came from the World Health Organization, which allegedly based its guidance on experiences and recommendations from doctors in China. But venting COVID patients wasn’t recommended because it increased survival. It was to protect healthcare workers by isolating the virus inside the vent machine.”

People should be in prison for this.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:19 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 216 words, total size 2 kb.

Steal II; The Return of the Vote Thief

Murray Stewart

Watch this crucial 20-minute video featuring prominent Democrats, computer science professors, and election security experts discussing the vulnerabilities in America's election system.

They warn that the system is online, easily hackable, and often operates on outdated Windows 7 or older systems.

Key Points:

Easily Hackable Voting Equipment: All electronic voting equipment can be hacked as they must receive programming before each election from memory cards prepared on election management systems. These systems are often connected to the internet and run outdated Windows versions.

Spread of Malware: If a county election management system is infected with malware, it can spread to USB drives, which then transfer it to voting machines, scanners, and ballot-marking devices throughout the county.

Programming Practices: Most U.S. election systems are programmed by local county officials or third-party vendors. They use previously used USB drives on internet-connected computers before plugging them into scanners, tabulators, and voting machines.

Outdated Systems: In 2019, the Associated Press reported that most of the 10,000 election jurisdictions, including swing states, were still using Windows 7 or older systems for ballot production, vote programming, counting, and reporting.

End of Windows 7 Support: Windows 7 reached its end of life on January 14, 2020, with Microsoft stopping technical support and security updates.

Remote Access and Modems: Voting machine manufacturers have installed remote-access software and wireless modems, connecting voting machines directly to the internet. NBC News reported in 2020 that ES&S, the largest U.S. election machine vendor, had installed at least 14,000 modems.

Dominion Voting Systems: The second-largest vendor, Dominion, has publicly acknowledged using modems in their machines and running remote-access software during the 2020 election. For example, in Georgia, election worker Susan Voyles testified that Dominion employees operated remotely on ballot-marking devices and poll pads.

Findings from Wisconsin and Michigan: Investigations found Dominion and ES&S machines online and connected to the internet. In Michigan, a modem chip was discovered in an ES&S voting machine, potentially allowing hackers to intercept and manipulate election results.

Conclusion: Hackers can potentially infiltrate elections through vulnerable USB cards, election management systems, and voting machines themselves. This underscores the urgent need for securing America's election infrastructure.”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:14 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Confirmed; No Grounds to Prosecute Merrick Garland

Daniel Jupp

In a shock move, Merrick Garland has announced that he will not prosecute Merrick Garland for contempt of Congress.

"I have investigated Merrick Garland thoroughly and I can tell you that Merrick Garland has done nothing wrong”, Merrick Garland stated to applause from Merrick Garland.

We asked Merrick Garland for an expert opinion on Merrick Garland, who confirmed what Merrick Garland said about Merrick Garland was absolutely true. "If anything, it’s clear that Merrick Garland is more innocent than Merrick Garland suggests, but I guess that’s the beauty of our system. You don’t just have to rely on Merrick Garland’s word, any other Merrick Garland can also tell you that Merrick Garland is right.”

In explaining his decision Merrick Garland stated that nobody had ever prosecuted anyone for refusing a subpoena before. When it was pointed out that Merrick Garland had agreed that Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon be prosecuted for the exact same thing that Merrick Garland had done, Merrick Garland patiently explained that Peter Navarro was not Merrick Garland, and that Steve Bannon was not Merrick Garland either.

Merrick Garland was unavailable for comment, while Merrick Garland said a strong signal had been sent that the US justice system was working smoothly and would continue to do so as long as Merrick Garland gets to decide if Merrick Garland should be prosecuted.

Merrick Garland agreed. "Nobody is above the law, and contempt of Congress is a very serious crime every time someone who isn’t a Democrat, or Merrick Garland, does it.”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:06 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Gulping God

Carlos Velazquez

As Werner Heisenberg, 1932 Nobel Prize laureate and father of Quantum Mechanics, who was by all accounts one of the most brilliant minds of the twentieth century, said: "The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:50 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Death and Taxes

Diane M. Kimura

For most of American history, tariffs dominated taxes as a source of federal government revenue:

May be an image of text

Tim adds:

Yep and that was right and proper. There was no direct taxation by the federal government allowed in the Constitution. The Tariff was it. That kept the Feds in their proper place by limiting the amount ofmoney they had to make mischief with. Since the adoption of the income tax the feds have become an imperial government because they control all of America's money and if you buck them you will suffer. That was never the way it was intended.

BTW the income tax was first levied by the Republicans and Abraham Lincoln to fund the war. They had lost considerable revenue from not collecting tariffs in the South. It was unconstitutional then and repealed before the Supreme Court could strike it down (which iswhy it took a Constitutional Amendment to give us the Income Tax.) Lincoln created the precurser to the IRS at the same time.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 170 words, total size 2 kb.

June 15, 2024

Inching TowardsWar


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:24 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Devil and Mr. Jones

Timothy Birdnow

Lawfare has completely ruined Infowars' Alex Jones.

The judge in his billion dollar lawsuit has ordered his personal assets liquidated.

Jones ws destroyed only for what he said, not for anything he did. And no higher court of law stepped in to stop this travesty.

Jones covered conspiracy theories that suggested the Sandy Hook shooting was a fake. Apparently in America you can't challenge the veracity of anything the media reports, especially if it involves children and guns.

There was a time when people would rebut Jones and laugh at him but now the Law is used to bludgeon speech some find offensive. America is no longer a free nation.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:51 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Social Security to Be Insolvent in Nine Years

Diane M. Kimura

The Social Security Trustees released their annual report on the financial status of Social Security and it is nine years from bankruptcy.

According to the report, Social Security will run cash deficits of $3 trillion over the next decade, the equivalent of 2.3% of taxable payroll, or 0.8% of GDP.

According to the Trustees, lawmakers could restore 75-year solvency with a 27% payroll tax increase, a 21% reduction in all benefits, or a 25% reduction in benefits for new beneficiaries if they act today.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:26 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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The Difference Between Left and Right

Timothy Birdnow

On Facebook a man named Gil Carvalho asked:

What's the difference between ultra far left and ultra far right?

I reply:

We labor under a delusion about left and right these days. A scale was created by those on the left that placed communism at the extreme left end and fascism on the extreme right and we were told these were opposites but that is patently untrue. There is no place for the libertarian or anarchist on such a spectrum.

The reality is left is any statist. Fascist, Nazi, are equally left-wing. Yes, the Communists are the extreme left wing of the socialist movement but the Nazis and Fascists are also socialists and fellow travelers. They just argue about how to implement socialism.

If you realize that you understand the differences between far left and far right are actually enormous. The far right believes in the rights of the individual while the left believes in collective rights. The right believes in natural law and a moral order that is derived thereof while the leftist believes rights are arbitrarily assigned by society and are derived from group consensus. The right believes liberty is allowing the individual to make his own moral choices and bear the consequences while the left sees it as allowing him to do as he pleases and then providing guardrails to protect him from the folly of his ways. The right sees rights as not obligating anyone to do anything for them while the left sees rights as being given by the group and requiring positive reinforcement and aid from the group.

The right believes in the sanctity of private property, that a person has a God-given right to own that which he has worked for and obtained legally. The left sees property as ultimately belonging to everyone and any private property owned is merely at the pleasure of the state (which is why fascism is socialist; it allows private individuals as custodians only, and it controls all property as it sees fit.)

The right generally believes in God and the left believes in Man.

The right believes in a concrete reality and the left believes reality is subjective and malleable and can be changed by an act of collective will.

The right generally believes in not throwing out the baby with the bathwater while the left wants to tear everything down and reinvent the wheel.

The right seeks to persuade with reason, the left seeks to persuade with emotion, and failing that, to suppress and strongarm opposition into silence.

The right believes in the wisdom of the group and the benefits of an informed public opinion while the left believes in the rule of experts and believe the masses must be "prepared" and "guided" by their betters.(Interestingly enough the left always promotes "democracy" which is NOT about the wisdom of the group in it's modern incarnation but about the power to demagogue using mass media and their control of the flow of information. When the public rejects their program they try to force it on them, whereas the right does not do such things except where there is an obvious moral imperative i.e. the right would ban euthanasia even if the public thought it wanted that because there are absolutes.

By these metric it's obvious fascism and naziism are solidly on the left. Shoot; Nazi stands for National Socialist. They weren't just kidding when they chose that name. And it must be remembered Benito Mussolini was the editor of Italy's socialist magazine before becoming a Fascist. He explained the difference as embracing a kind of spirituality that was excluded by most socialists. But that spirituality was the deification of the People and the State was their church. This comes straight out of Jean Jacques Rousseau, who advocated making the State supreme. Mussolini rightly called Fascism Totalitarian in that it is, as he pointed out, intimately involved in every aspect of life. That is not "right wing" at all. It is merely a competing socialist doctrine to Communism.

Rousseau was the father of socialism as everyone agrees - all forms.

I would add that the Communists had a slogan prior to Hitler's attack on them "first Brown then Red"; they believed Naziism was the final stage before Communism and were quite happy with it. As soon as Hitler betrayed Stalin their tune changed and they disavowed the Nazis and convinced a bunch of commie professors in college to teach the false dichotomy of left and right as we now believe it to be. Naziism and Fascism being evil makes anyone who champions civil liberties and individual rights suddenly a genocidist and oppressor by association. But it's a lie.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:20 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 14, 2024

67% of Palestinians Think the Hamas Attack ws a Good thing

Timothy Birdnow

Two thirds of Palestinians still support Hamas' attack on Israel.

This is what  happens when a war is fought in so sanitary a fashion. The public hasn't suffered, so they still want to continue the fight.

Wars are won or lost only when the people themselves feel beaten.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:25 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 61 words, total size 1 kb.

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