May 02, 2024

Meet the New God

A Greg Delany

Government can not replace God!

"Solzhenitsyn said: 'We better start arguing for an objective basis for law—e.g., that a "person” is a human being whose life comes from God—or we will have a totalitarian government before long.' Someone has to decide what it means to be human, and if the Creator God does not fill that role, then some person or group of persons will have to be substituted for God."

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:57 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Double Standard

Jerry S Rainforth

Oh, yeah...

Mike Huckabee

I bet you haven't heard this story: A new Harvard-Harris poll shows that a solid majority of Americans believe that the prosecutions of Trump are just Democrat election interference. But how can anyone believe any longer that we have a blind justice system when it’s been utterly and transparently corrupted, politicized and weaponized? Here’s an infuriating case in point. While violent, pro-terrorist leftist college students follow in the footsteps of violent Antifa rioters in being released scot-free (as the Squad Dems claim, they have a right to "peaceful protest”), look at the draconian sentences handed out to Trump supporters who merely stepped inside the Capitol for one minute on January 6th…Or to pro-life protesters railroaded into prison for praying outside abortion clinics. And once they’re in prison, the harassment continues. LifeSiteNews reports that Heather Idoni, who was sentenced to prison under the FACE Act for protesting at the only sacred space the Biden White House recognizes (an abortion clinic), was put in solitary confinement for 22 days with the lights on 24/7 (aka, "tortured”) for the crime of sharing her food with another inmate. She was allowed out to walk around for only two hours in the middle of the night.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:26 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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All Quiet on the Ozark FRont

Timothy Birdnow

All Quiet on the Ozark Front or the Moonshine's Brightly on my old Ozark Home.

It's been a while since my last Ozark Hilton visit, and the diurnal temperature has been rising in recent days. I needed to get down to the dumpster paradise, especially as I had a lot of cleaning up to do from the thieves.

Tuesday was supposed to have a low in the mid '60's and it was going to be sunny and low eighties during the day.I could go and wouldn't need a fire. That would be good; fires necessitate wood, and wood necessitates me hauling it into the cabin. Worse, since the thieves stole my firewood, it necessitates either going early and cutting some or buying it and hauling it down. Also, only one room is heated in the luxury resort and I wanted to sit in the outer, unheated room, which is brighter as I had painted that room, unlike the inner one which I never finished off.

Also the storms of last week were over, and although I like being there in the rain (it's a most poetic sound, the sound of raindrops beating on the tin roof, especially at night when you are safe and warm in the middle of nowhere with a storm outside) It's tough to drive in and I run the risk of getting stuck down there, as I did on two separate occasions. Once some locals towed me out. The second time I was almost to the state road and the Auto Club actually showed up in the middle of a monsoon and towed me out! I swear my truck sunk six inches into the mud that day.

At any rate I was reluctant to go. I knew it was going to be a huge amount of work. But when I did my thinking in the philosopher's room my last excuse was gone. So off I went, with the exhortation of my dear wife, who no doubt was looking forward to my getting out of her hair for a day.

As it was early and a pretty morning I decided to take a little-used route, one I seldom take but enjoy taking nonetheless. It went out of the way to no small degree, but that's what I like about it; quiet country roads most of the way. I went south to Perryville and turned west, driving over a little-used state highway.

And since I wouldn't pass the Birdnow Memorial Outhouse my body decided it was going to protest and I had to stop at a gas station for mor "thinking". Right about the time I would have been passing the outhouse had I taken Highway 67.

At any rate I was off on this quiet rural road. Everyone else was too!

The Missouri Department of Transportation decided to redo the rural road, having it down to a single lane for miles with flagmen and stop-and-go traffic the whole way. If I had wanted that I could have gone anywhere in St. Louis and gotten it!

It probably tacked on an extra 45 minutes to the drive at least. But it was a beautiful day so I didn't get too upset - especially given the amount of work waiting for me.

Eventually I got through the massive botttleneck and traffic was moving again. Moving too fast as everyone was antsy to make up time. Moving way too fast, actually, for these winding country roads. I had cars riding up my tailpipe the whole morning, whizzing past me in non-passing lanes, even though I was going the speed limit.

Eventually I got down to the Hilton, and turned onto my drive, which any sane person would be concerned about walking much less driving on this, well, it looks like a game trail. I weaved my way around trees that were growing into the "road" and came to the clearing and there it stood, the magnificent jewel of the Ozarks! Construction material all over the place, rickety half covered porch, weathered plank siding, all the trappings of a, well, Ozark shack. The amazing thing is my cabin is the spiffy "rich city boy" dude resort for down there. The locals mostly live in worse. One guy was living in tow old school buses buttedup emergency door to emergency door!

I schlepped all my stuff into the cabin, or onto the porch anyway. I always have a lot of stuff to take in; cooler, box of accessories which includes movies and cords and medical supplies, portable DVD player etc. a 12 volt battery to run my portable DVD player, and now I have to lug kerosene and four lanterns (as the thieves stole all of the ones I left down there). I also bring several battery-operated lights to augment the four kerosene lamps (I used to have ten but can't bring that many down with me.)

At any rate I was soon unloaded and had work to do. The cabin appeared rather trashed again and I was unsure if someone had been in or not. I think some THING had been in; in fact I'm sure of it.

I started cleaning up a pile of refuse and soon realized there was far more than I had expected. It was a bunch of debris torn into little pieces - an enormous rats nest. As I set all the knocked-over stuff back up and moved things around I realized the cabin was chock-full of nesting. I no longer have a shovel down there but had brought a dustpan and shoveled, shoveled, shoveled mounds of debris into toilet paper case boxes I had brought. I filled no fewer than FIVE boxes with it! It had been hidden by all my furniture and other stuff the thieves had tossed around.

So I spent the afternoon sweeping and scooping, scooping and sweeping. Only when I was done did I realize how stupid that was; this was no regular pile of debris, but had been in the mouth of rats or other feral creatures. I needed rubber gloves and a mask. I didn't have rubber gloves down there but I still had a Covid mask in the car that would have helped keep dust out of my lungs. Stupid of me - If I come down with some horrible disease it's my own fault! And the thieves had even stolen my soap so I had no way to actually WASH my hands. I had to settle for pouring some kerosene on them then rinsing them off with some of my drinking water.

By the time I finished filling the boxes and putting them in the truck to take for disposal (to a nearby state park) it was getting late and I settled onto my chair on the porch. It was quiet out, with few bird songs or the sound of other critters. I sat on the porch and enjoyed the evening. It really was too bad I didn't have any visitors; I always enjoy visits from opossum or armadillos or other critters.

It was time to light my lanterns. I filled them, trimmed the wicks (with my fingers, not a cutting tool) and lit them up.

I turned my attention to my battery operated lights. I had two Atomic Beam lanterns and two cheap hand-held flashlinghts/lights. One of those was low on battery power but to replace the batteries in those requires removing the back with a small machine screw in it, thus needing a very small screwdriver. I would have to make do with just the one.

But I started trying to replace the batteries in the Atomic Beam lanterns and all of my batteries were dead. I kept trying new ones and it was always the same. I eventually settled on batteries that were clearly weak. They went out soon after sunset, leaving me with just four lanterns and one flashlight. The light level was woefully inadequate, especially for me as my night vision sucks.

At this point I started having a lot of problems, I had set my "junk box" on one of the chairs and it dumped over - twice. I had to pick everything up, and then it did it again (I'm a slow learner I supposed). I had set one of my lanterns on a storage box that was also tipped and IT fell while lit, imperiling the entire cabin as had it broken it would have started a fire and the thieves stole my fire extinguisher. I would have had to dump my cooler on it and failing that the whole place would have gone up! Lucky for me the lantern didn't break, or even go out. But it was a disaster narrowly averted.

Then, in the middle of watching a movie the DVD player went out. I noticed the problem; I had pulled the plug loose, and as soon as the internal battery went dry the thing went off. I had to plug it back in and wait half an hour. When it finally came back on the movie made it to the point it went off and then locked up! I eventually had to give up on the movie and choose another.

I went to the door to go out on the porch and use the "bathroom". Something bit my hand on the door knob. It hurt quite a bit too but I never saw anything. My guess is a spider, and I feared it may have been a brown recluse.

I don't think so now,but my hand is swollen and itching all the way down past my wrist. I'm going to have to keep an eye on it. If it gets worse I'll go to an urgent care place.

Anyway I did what I always do down there; I stayed up very late and enjoyed the peace of the place. I was up at first light and on the road as soon as I was loaded. Stopped for breakfast at McDonalds. Traffic wasn't too bad and the drive home uneventful.

I'm going to have to get back there quite a bit in the coming months, before the big heat hits Missouri. I have a LOT of work left to do there.

I am worried though; if the place is infested with rats or something else my health could be in jeopardy. But I've always lived on the assumption that God appoints the time of our death and it is only our job not to be too stupid. That attitude has only strengthened in the last decade as I came so very near to a permanent reservation in the sub-basement level back in 2011. I'm going to live while I can.

So, barring the very unfortunate, I will have more Ozark Hilton tales to tell.

Can't wait for the next one.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:00 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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April 30, 2024

The REAL Rulers

John Madric

Does the CIA Run America?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:08 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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A Rigged Game

Glenn Glazier

Even Chunk Yogurt and Ana Kast-aspersions are admitting that Big Gov't (i.e. Democrats & RINOs) have set up the system so that the wealthy become SUPER WEALTHY, and the Average Americans becomes impoverished.

Be careful there, Young Turks, you're starting to sound like Conservative MAGA country!

MSNBC Accidentally Airs The Truth

Tim adds:

The strange thing about the young is they do understand the corporatism of the Democrats but their solution isn't to return to true capitalism but to promote socialism. They don't realize you are trading one set of thieves for another if you do that, and the new set has even more power. They don't understand these megacorporations love big government and use it as a tool to get wealthier at the average person's expense. What is neededis what G.K. Chesterton called Distributism, which is small enterpreneurs running a decentralized economy.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:57 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Stephanopoulis: We Must Lie

Greg Malakoff

The democrats that relentlessly accuse their opponents of disinformation are busy lying at levels never imaginable before. The only thing worse than a lie, is telling half truths with everything out of context. We have many dangerous enemies on the world stage, China, North Korea, Russia, Iran, Mexico, but none are as diabolical as the democratic party and their filthy disgusting media.

ABC's George Stephanopoulos says 2024 race can't be treated normally after Biden urges press to alter coverage

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:45 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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The Empire Strikes Back

Jerry S. Rainforth

This is an excerpt from a long article on the effects and results of the recent pandemic.

By Jeffery Tucker

It was about a growing global revolt that needed to be tamped down. The most extreme trick in the shock-and-awe playbook was infectious disease.

This provoked a global establishment, backed by intelligence agencies and the world’s richest corporations, into extreme action with the purpose of reminding populations of the world about who was really running things. As part of that, global media companies, tech companies, and Pharma companies became rich with subsidies and forced consumption. It was not only a political coup but an industrial one too.
We are left today to pick up the pieces even as elite forces are attempting another power grab through the World Health Organization, as its international health regulations imagine many world scenarios of "lockdown until vaccination.” Many nations in the world today are working to stop these efforts.

What was my main takeaway from these meetings? It became very obvious to me that we are facing today a beast of a different sort than we’ve ever seen. The problem is not only national but global. It is not only government but an international government/industry combine that seeks to become a ruling cartel that utterly disables freedom and democracy all over the world.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:42 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 226 words, total size 2 kb.

April 29, 2024

Ukrainian Lawmaker Votes Against Aid

Timothy Birdnow

Congress has one and only one Ukrainian in its membership. And she voted against the Ukrainian aid package.

What does that say about it?

If U.S. Rep. Victoria Spartz,who was born and raised in Ukraine, thinks this is a boondoggle why do we doubt it?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:28 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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U.S. Buying Old Soviet Fighters

Timothy Birdnow

Your tax dollars at work!

Business InsiderBusiness Insider
US buys 81 Soviet-era combat aircraft from Russia's ally costing on average less than $20,000 each, report says

Yes, we really ARE buying old Soviet MIGS from Khazakstan!

Hopefully  we're giving them to Ukraine and not using them ourselves, but given the problems with Boeing who knows?

Any way you slice it it's a bad deal. It's perhaps better than nothing for Ukraine but not much.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Ukraine's Defensive Perimeter About to Collapse

Timothy Birdnow

Ukraine's defensive line is about to collapse, according to The Institute for the Study of War.

All the money we are about to pour into the Ukraine is money down a rat hole.

Russia will win this. They have the manpower, the equipment, and the determination. While Ukraine has Western aid they don't have the manpower to win; they will need NATO troops, boots on the ground.

I suspect we're  going to see a movement to get "peacekeepers" in the region, and then an "incident" will occur to turn this war into a world conflict.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:13 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Biden Set Trump Up

Timothy Birdnow

Well, well, well....

The National Archive story takes an intersting twist. Seems the GSA was holding a whole pallet of classified documents then called Trump and demanded he take them all shortly before the raid on Mar-A-Lago.

So the Biden Administration shipped classified documents to Mar-A-Lago to set Donald Trump up for this prosecution.

Even if that was not the intent, it was the GSA that mishandled classified material, not reviewing it before shipping it to Trump.

This has all the earmarks of a Barack Obama dirty trick.

Strange how little the media is reporting on this.

Meanwhile Joe Biden had classified documents from when he was a Senator and had no right whatsoever to be holding such material. Yet no charges were filed against him, ostensibly because he's senile.

Ameirica looks increasingly like a banana republic.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:48 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Navarro Going to Prison

Timothy Birdnow

Peter Navarro has had his appeal to the U.S. Suprme Court that he be released from prison pending appeal dismissed by the supposedly conservative court.

This is the second time John Roberts has refused Navarro's request.

Navarro, former trade advisor to Donald Trump, refused to obey a subpoena by Congress and was found guilty of contempt.

Interestingly enough both Obama and Biden have had multiple advisors who ignored subpoena's and nothing happened to any of them, but Navarro has to serve four months in the slammer.

One example was Eric Holder, who refused to comply with a subpoena over Fast and Furious. He was convicted of Contempt of Congress but never served any time,nor was criminally prosecuted.

Navarro, on the other hand, had the book thrown at him.

Navarro's great crime was in refusing to appear before the hyper-partisan J6 committee where he was going to be put in a perjory trap so they could squeeze him to finger Donald Trump.

So a man guilty only of not participating in a lynch mob is going to prison while Holder - whose Fast and Furious scheme cost lives - walks around free as a bird.

Something must be done about this.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:35 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Biden Wants Netanyahu arrested

Timothy Birdnow

Robert Spencer says the Biden Administration has sworn out a warrant with the International Criminal Court in the Hague to have Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders arrested for war crimes.

According to Spencer:

If a Wednesday report in the Israeli media is accurate, this is one of the most, if not the most, craven betrayal of an ally in American history, and in the entire world’s history.

The Israeli journalist Amit Segal published a Hebrew-language story in the popular Israeli news outlet Mako that reveals an American betrayal of Israel of stupefying magnitude. "Very senior officials associated with the International Criminal Court in The Hague,” wrote Segal, "have spoken about Israel’s fear of arrest warrants for senior officials in the context of the war in Gaza. The officials told N12 [Mako’s broadcast channel] that the intention to issue such orders would not have been possible without American consent.”

The threat of arrest from the International Criminal Court is not hanging over the heads of minor officials only. "Last week,” Segal reports, "the Prime Minister’s Office held an urgent discussion on the issue, in which serious concerns were raised about allowing the issuance of arrest warrants against senior Israeli security and political leaders, including against Netanyahu himself.” This could all happen quickly: "Reports that have recently arrived in Jerusalem,” Segal continues, "indicate that the chance of issuing arrest warrants has increased dramatically, possibly as soon as next month.”

Segal noted that this was happening with American approval: "Regarding the intention to issue arrest warrants for senior Israelis, the sources at The Hague said that it is impossible that the chief prosecutor would have decided on such a dramatic step, in a war that is still ongoing, with very little evidence, if he had not at least had a ‘green light’ from the Americans. If this is true, this is another and unprecedented low in relations between Israel and the US, at a very sensitive time, on the eve of the ground entry to Rafah.”

Bebe should swear out a warrant for Joe Biden, who has repeatedly broken international law.

Biden and his leftist bosses are isolating Israel, in much the way that the Bible predicted so long ago.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:08 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Ban the Jab!

Timothy Birdnow


ARizona GOP passes Ban The Jab Resolution



Strong and credible evidence shows Covid 19 and Covid 19 injections are biological and technological weapons, and Pfizer’s clinical data revealed 1,223 deaths, 42,000 adverse cases, 158,000 adverse incidents, and approximately 1,000 side effects, and an enormous number of people have died and or have been permanently disabled after having been injected by the Covid 19 injections, and strong and credible evidence from Sweden exists that Covid mRNA shots alter human DNA, and government agencies, media, and tech companies, and other corporations have committed enormous fraud by claiming Covid injections are safe and effective, and The Florida Department of Health has called for a halt to the mRNA injections, and continued experimentation on humans and denial of informed consent are violations of the Nuremberg Code and therefore constitute crimes against humanity,


On behalf of the preservation of the human race, the 2024 Arizona Republican Party Presidential Nominating Convention Delegates call upon Governor Hobbs and the state legislature to prohibit the sale and distribution of Covid injections and all mRNA injections in Arizona, and for the Arizona Attorney General to immediately seize all Covid injections and mRNA injections in Arizona and perform a forensic analysis on these so-called "vaccines.”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:58 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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A Sinister Force for Evil

Timothy Birdnow

Instapundit discusses the end of the university system and how this offers us an unique opportunity as colleges becomes cesspools and money pits.

I agree,although I think we need to ask afew fundamental questions.

We must ask "what is the purpose of college?" I really can't get an answer to that question most of the time.

Most people say "to get an education" but that clearly isn't the purpose any longer. College kids are often woefully educated on basic issues. And their professors are no better; a few years ago a bunch of them FLUNKED a 7th grade general knowledge test from the 19th century. So it is not about educating young people.

Nor does it teach them to think. Just try to reason with a college kid and see the giant gaps in their reasoning.

It's mostly about instilling values in kids - values that are at odds with those of the parents and of our society as we have always known it.

So what is the value in a college education?

Basically it's social life and having a degree so hopefully you can get a good job.

But so few college kids get good jobs these days. Often there is no market for their degrees. Who wants to hire a bachelor of women's studies? It doesn't prepare the kids for real life. And since everyone now has a degree it has become essentially worthless.

We need to have a serious alternative to college, not just change the institutions. For some an apprenticeship in a trade is fine, but for others we need to find a way to recreate the things kids go to college for without the framework of a university that has shown itself so easily corrupted.

We need a kind of self-study program with a kind of campus atmosphere where young folks can socialize and enjoy a bit of freedom without the professors twisting their minds.

We must find a way to certify kids as competent without making them kowtow to the professorial class, the leftists.

I remember there was a program years ago which helped give college credits to people with expertise (remember the commercial with Abraham Lincoln discussing the Kansas Nebraska Act?) We need more of that. Not just the AP test to cover credits, but a more comprehensive approach that certifies knowledge without the "benefit" of a communist prof.

More thought on this is needed.

One thing is clear; colleges are now the citadels of Satan, and the source of most of the misery in the Western World. They have outlived their usefulness and are now nothing but a disruptive and sinister force for evil.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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April 28, 2024

How Do You Know?

Selwyn Duke

When Supreme Court justice Ketanji Brown Jackson claimed she couldn’t define "woman” during her confirmation hearings in 2022, it created quite a stir. The story only would’ve been better if Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), who’d asked the then-judicial nominee to define the term, had followed up with, "Are you a woman, Judge Jackson?” The follow-up to that then should’ve been:

"How do you know?”

Do "Scientists” REALLY Claim There’s No "‘Simple’ Answer to Define ‘Woman’”?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:08 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Kavanaugh "Malicious Prosecutions Could End Presidency"

Timothy Birdnow

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh warns that malicious prosecutions could spell the end of the Presidency as an institution.


Justice Kavanaugh said that when presidents are subject to prosecution, history shows that it’s not going to stop.

"It’s going to cycle back and be used against the current president or the next president ... and the next president and the next president after that.”

Justice Neil Gorsuch, who said that the court is "writing a rule for the ages,” along with Justice Samuel Alito and Justice Kavanaugh all said that their concern was not so much the case against President Trump, but rather the effect of the ruling on future presidencies.

"This case has huge implications for the presidency, for the future of the presidency, for the future of the country,” Justice Kavanaugh said.
‘Rule for the Ages’
Former Deputy Solicitor General Michael Dreeben, who argued for Mr. Smith, said that the framers of the U.S. Constitution never intended for presidents to be above the law.

Mr. Dreeben also said that the crimes President Trump is charged with—including allegedly participating in a scheme to enlist dueling electors in battleground states won by President Joe Biden to cast alternate slates of electoral votes for him—weren’t a part of the president’s official duties.

Attorney D. John Sauer, who argued for President Trump, told the justices that without presidential immunity from criminal charges, the "presidency as we know it” will be changed, contending that the looming threat is that a decision to deny immunity would "destroy” presidential decisionmaking at a time in the nation’s history when it needs to be bold.

Mr. Sauer argued that the impact of the case would have implications far beyond the question at hand, raising the hypothetical prospect of President Biden facing charges of encouraging illegal immigration with his border policies.

Justice Kavanaugh expressed concern about the future implications of the case, warning of the prospect of a vicious cycle of malicious prosecutions that could hamper presidents for years to come.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:41 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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538 Says Biden is Losing

Timothy Birdnow

According to 538Trump leads Biden in all swing states and is even with Commander McBiden nationally.

538 is the Democrats beloved pollster and no fan of the Donald.

"It's the moment you've all been waiting for: Today, 538 launched our interactive polling averages for the 2024 presidential general election. They show incumbent President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump essentially tied in national polls and Trump with a tenuous lead in key swing states.

Specifically, as of April 25 at 9 a.m. Eastern, our national polling average shows 40.9 percent of likely voters would support Biden if the election were held today, while 41.6 percent would support Trump."

So Biden is losing both nationally and especially in the battleground states.

Time to expect some fireworks. Biden and his ilk no doubt have an October surprise for Trump. Probably a war but it could be a number of other things. No doubt Biden is hoping for a conviction in New York.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:23 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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