June 07, 2023

The Case for Trump

Timothy Birdnow

I've been in  a knock-down drag out fight with a supercilious, chest thumping ex-marine over  Donald Trump. While he claims to have voted Trump twice the froth dripping from this man's mouth is illustrative of a Nevertrumper, and is common among that rabid breed. You do not get so full of anger over mean tweets or what you perceive as poor behavior. It is pathological.

At any rate, along with some ugly insults we traded arguments. In all modesty I think I bounced him like a basketball. I shall reproduce the debate here. I had thought to make this an arguing with idiots segment but it is too long and I would rather just distill it down to it's core.

First, the argument is made that Trump cannot win. Trump, they say, lost big in 2018, '20, and '22 and would lose again big in '24. And he barely won in 2016 against a candidate everyone hated, who should have lost easily.


First, the Democrats were supremely confident in 2016, especially after the Access Hollywood video. See, they KNEW that was there and were actually happy Trump was the nominee so they could take him out and sail to easy victory. Hillary was SUPPOSED to win that handily.

They did not foresee Trump overcoming the video, or his subsequent aggression against Hillary. No other Republican would have gone after her in that fashion. Remember when Hillary first won her Senate seat? Her GOP opponent was stymied by civility. He was afraid to go after her, and the few times he did he took a beating for it. He was called a bully and misogynist and lost handily.

But Trump was Trump; people excuse that sort of thing from him.

So he went after her, going so far as to saying she should be locked up for her crimes (she should have been; she openly destroyed evidence under subpoena.)

THAT, dear friends, is why the Democrats were so enraged after election night. They doxxed electors to try to blackmail them into voting for Hillary. They rioted. People forget that on inauguration day hundreds of "protesters" were arrested in D.C. There were fires all over the city, and massive looting. No mention of an "insurrection".

Articles of impeachment were filed against Trump as early as spring of 2017, by the way, well before there was anything to impeach for.

And we know the rest; the Durham report spells out the abuse of power by the FBI and the false "Russian collusion" narrative that came out of the Hillary campaign.

So what happened? The Republican Party refused to defend Donald Trump. They also refused to move his agenda forward. They let him twist in the wind, even while knowing the "Russian collusion" narrative was nothing but a lie designed to attack Trump. And they refused to build the wall, and refused to rescind Obamacare, and did nothing whatsoever to aid the President - their President.

So we had the election of 2018. It should surprise nobody that the GOP lost seats.

Actually, the party out of power generally loses seats - usually a lot of them - in the first midterm.

In fact, during Barack Obama's tenure of office the Democrats got creamed - going from from 257 to 188 House seats. Under Obama they went from 60 Senate seats to 46. They also lost nine state governorships. The "Blue Wave" of the Democrats was not unusual for an off-year election.

But, and here we get into a big issue, the "Blue Wave" was nothing but a blue fart at first. The morning after election day the much anticipated blue wave had largely not materialized, and the GOP were in good shape. That changed in subsequent days as the Democrats "found" and counted massive numbers of ballots.

Republicans complained bitterly of election irregularities in the '18 election. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/11/29/california2018-midterm-elections-results-voting-republicans-1031072 In fact, there were over 14 House seats held by the GOP which were overturned after sudden vote surges in places like California. In the end there wound up being a blue wave after all.

The GOP was also defending more seats in the Senate than the Democrats, and they had been plagued by a rash of retirements by RINO Republicans who didn't like the fact the party was over and someone in charge who actually demanded they do their jobs.

The New York Times had this to say about the 2018 election: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/13/us/politics/midterm-results-democratic-gains.html

"What seemed like a mixed result for Republicans has turned more grim as Democrats continue to pick up seats in the House and statewide gains".

This was published ONE WEEK after the election. Not one day, one week. The Democrats stole the House with endless counting of newly discovered ballots.

But was it any wonder? The President had just gone through two years of investigations and endless accusations. The Democrats had not even pretended they wouldn't do this. They spoke of Resist! when he was elected. They vowed to bring him down. And all that bad press - and the refusal to defend Trump by Republicans - guaranteed a weak performance by the GOP. Many of those who did not vote may well have been disgusted Trump voters.

We know what happened in 2020. Massive irregularities, vote fraud, etc. We know that in many blue states governors or Secretary of States simply changed election laws without legal authority as "Covid protocols". We know they implemented mail-in voting - something the Carter Baker Commission had warned against as ripe for vote fraud. We have subsequently seen Democrats go to jail for fraudulent activity in that election - in Texas, in Michigan, Pennsylvania, etc. We know that election defied all statistical odds. We know there were many places with more votes than voters.

We also know Biden had no coattails; the Congress was largely the same after the election as before. That was a strong indication that the ballot box was stuffed; they didn't have time to fill it out completely, just punch Biden and go. Only the Presidency changed hands.

President had been impeached by Democrats and investigated using national security agencies in what is now known to have been a witch hunt. And we have the records of people like Peter Strzok who promised Trump would not be President.

It was a steal of breathtaking proportions. And the GOP refused to back Donald Trump because they wanted him gone, to return to business as usual, meaning going along to get along and make lots of money from China while enjoying the parties and the prestige.

The morning after the election the St. Louis Post-Dispatch said the election was too close to call. But before it was over Mr. Biden had "won" and big - by 81,283,361 votes compared to Trump's record breaking 74,222,960.

Now let us actually think about that for a moment.

First, a great many Democrats voted early via mail-in. Most Republicans actually went to the polls. We did so in no small part to avoid the Democrats knowing how many ballots they needed n advance. That is why it took so long to count the votes at the end; the Democrats were desperately stuffing boxes with half-filled ballots.

Now, Ronald Reagan won in an historic landslide in 1980 with 43,903,230 or about thirty million fewer. Granted, the nation has a population about a third higher than in 1980, but it is clear Trump was comparable to the Reagan tallies, more so in fact. (BTW that population has grown thanks in no small part to the Republican Establishment, which wants the cheap labor that immigrants provide.)

The number of aliens in America is unclear, but estimates range between 45 and 60 million. Now, either estimate is more than the population of Canada and double that of Australia. A great many of those are not eligible to vote, so you must subtract that number from the total in population growth. Also fewer people are voting now than in 1980.

But that was then and not pertinent right?

In 2008 when Barack Obama won his "historic" victory (during a time of economic crisis) he won by 69,498,516 votes. Five million fewer than the losing Donald Trump won in 2020. That was over the "ideal" Republican candidate, a war hero named John McCain. Mr. McCain was exactly the kind of candidate the current Dump Trump crowd would like to run now.

And in 2012 Mr. Obama handily defeated Mitt Romney with 65.9 million votes.

So Donald Trump would have crushed both Obama and Reagan.

In 2016 Trump won 63 million votes. So he would have lost to Obama narrowly in 2012, but that assumes the numbers would have remained the same. Trump managed to take many black votes the GOP had formerly not been able to win. Ditto Hispanic votes.

But of course Trump wasn't trying to win the popular vote. America does not have a popular vote. STATES have popular votes. America has an electoral college vote, and Trump wisely went after that rather than the popular vote. He didn't bother campaigning in, say, California where he was going to lose. He campaigned in Wisconsin, in Michigan, in Pennsylvania, in Florida.

He won those states in 2016, and very narrowly lost key states in 2020. It is clear the Covid protocols had a huge impact on that election. And those protocols were put in place by Democrats. Gee; I wonder why!

So this idea that Trump cannot win is hogwash. Unless one assumes that the America People have drastically flipped since 2020 one must assume Trump is still viable.

And '22? The Republican Party assured us there would be a red wave and it didn't materialize. Why not! Trump they say! But Trump was not on the ballot.

All three of these elections had one thing in common; the Republican party refused to fight electoral fraud and seemed more interested in winning certain key races then in victory in general. They appeared to want MAGA candidates to lose.

The Democrats outspent the Republicans ten to one. And the GOP, at the behest of Mitch McConnell and Rona McDaniel (a woman Trump endorsed, alas) stripped many viable MAGA candidates of funding to go after deep blue districts to no avail. Then when the GOP failed they blamed Trump. Remember, Trump only endorsed certain candidates, often because they were the most obvious. Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania, for example. Who were the Republicans going to run against Fetterman? Nobody would have done any better; the deck was clearly stacked. Fetterman didn't campaign and still won. He's been in a mental hospital ever since.

Still Trump is taking the blame when the GOP leaders were the ones who screwed this up. Most of the candidates Trump endorsed won, I might add.

And how do you win elections when the Democrats have "the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics" as Joe Biden, in a moment of candor, admitted. They built a machine based on it. Such machines seized California and Illinois and the GOP is incapable of making any headway in either. You don't beat political machines; they are designed to stack the deck.

I would add the Covid protocols - including the mail-in balloting - remained in effect through the '22 elections.

I would further point out that the Democrats fought in court to stop signature matching and other ways of determining if a ballot was legitimate. You don't go to court to stop signature verification for any reason other than to support fraud.

Trump won may of the lawsuits in '20 over such things, I might add. He never got his day in court over actual fraud though; most cases were tossed for standing or procedural reasons. And Trump had to have access to the raw data to prove fraud, something the courts refused to grant. So many RINO Republicans use that fact as "proof" there was no fraud.

Trump still raises lots of money and draws huge crowds. And he's way out in front of the next contender (Ron DeSantis). And the GOP RINO class is funding DeSantis rather largely. And the media is still screaming bloody murder about Trump. And Democrat prosecutors are going after Trump all over the place. I would say they clearly fear him even now. If he weren't viable they wouldn't go after him so ferociously.

Some argue that this is reverse psychology, that the Demo-media is trying to get us to nominate Trump. But it's too much. They have to know there is a real danger of a backlash if they do that. Right now Trump is actually picking up sympathy votes. And it is exposing their hand, showing they will do anything ANYTHING to win. If they thought Trump such a loser they would merely need to keep some pressure on so as not to lose the independents but avoid the ferocity we have seen.

You will notice too that DeSantis is not taking that much abuse from the media. Why not? Surely they should be going after him now. But they want him to be the nominee. They are trying to lull us into rushing onto the DeSantis bandwagon.

Now this is not a condemnation of DeSantis; I rather like him. But I think he is untested and unproved. He was not that conservative as a legislator. He gave Obama fast track authority to make trade deals, for instance. He voted for TPP. And he has taken money from the RINO wing, lots of it. He will have to give something in return.

And worse of all we don't know what they have in their hand. They will no doubt trot out something innocent to attack him with once he is the nominee. Remember what they did to Brett Kavanaugh? They'll find some former girlfriend, or business partner, or just pay a prostitute to come out against the man.

And it will be new, exciting accusations. Fresh hell. Trump has taken all of this and the public no longer listens. There is a law of diminishing return, and Trump is beyond that. He's ABC gum. As Saul Alinsky said, "a tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag". Attacking Trump is a drag. Not so will it be with DeSantis, or any other Republican. And we don't know the meddle of the man; can he take it? Will he risk his life, his fortune, his family, for principle? Trump does so out of ego. But will anyone else?


And if they don't attack our man? It means we really don't want him. Friendship with the media is like friendship with the devil. If the devil likes you you are in big trouble.

America cannot afford someone who doesn't' understand the gravity of what we are up against. Tim Scott is a prime example of that. When the FBI raided Trump's home he admonished we "wait and see" what they had. That alone disqualifies him as a candidate, in my opinion. He has no understanding of the nature of what we are up against. Nor does he have a pair of danglies.

Trump isn't perfect. I did not support him in the primaries for 2016, and I thought his treatment of Ted Cruz and attacks on Mr. Cruz' wife were disgraceful. I thought Trump an agent-provocateur, a guy who came into the race to split the conservative vote and allow the RINO wing to get the nomination. It may have been the case too, but Trump proved far more dangerous an opponent than they realized. He won the primary.Then the media, who had loved him when he was signing checks to Hillary, turned on him like a mad dog. They had the Access Hollywood tape and figured that would take him down. It didn't, to their horros, prompting Peter Strzok to tell his girlfriend Lisa Page that "we won't let that happen". Then the black op against Trump began in earnest.

Trump tried to do what he promised, and tried to do what America wanted. He was thwarted at every turn, by his own party as much as by the Democrats. The GOP refused to build the wall. They refused to repeal and replace Obamacare (something they had promised for years). They were slow in confirming Trump nominees, and in fact Mitch McConnell kept the Senate in session so Trump couldn't make recess appointments. It was why the Trump Administration had so many Obaam holdovers, and why they knifed him in the back repeatedly. Case in point; when Trump banned air travel from China at the beginning of the pandemic one of the old Obama people in his Administration overrode the executive order. Just refused to implement it. And nothing happened because Trump couldn't fire the man. Without GOP support Trump was neutered.

Still he accomplished a great deal.

Yes he did some bad things. His pandemic response was dreadful; he believed Fauci and theCDC and they were not acting in his interests nor in the intersts of the nation. Trump also was terrible at appointments; he gave us Christopher Wray, for instance, a man currently under Contempt of Congress charges. He appointed Jeff Sessions as Attorney General and Sessions let the witch hunt that paralyzed Trump go forward. He then appointed the Bush family lawyer William Barr. Always Trump thought he could reach out to the other side. And always they bit his hand off. When you go into the swamp you don't try to shake with alligators.

But I see Trump as a known quantity and a man who has shown in the past he can win and someone who will defend America and the values she holds.

And right now America has no time. We are reaching the end of the line rapidly and we need major surgery, not a band aid. The political class in America still is acting like a schoolteacher fixing an ouchy. We need a heart transplant.

Newt Gingrich praised the recent budget ceiling deal, saying "this is how you do it...in incremental steps". We've been dying by incremental steps, by blood flowing from a thousand papercuts. Somebody has to go in and blow the system up. These people are too well entrenched and happy with the way things are now. They like gargantuan immigration that is erasing our national culture. They are happy with socialized medicine, or with our owing our entire future to the red Chinese. They're making money, times are good for them, and how dare we be so ungrateful as to not want the future they have planned for us. They want us riding on trains and not cars. They want us using electric toys to come and go. They want us living in enormous cities, eating bugs, and owning nothing and being happy (or else). They want us to be deprived of our "God and guns".

They want serfs. Now they may not even realize that is what they want but it's true enough. Why else did Bush the younger push Common Core, whose emphasis was on STEM and job training? It has destroyed our already faltering educational system. That's because it is not designed to educate but trains grunt workers. WE are drones in the international economic machine. We need to accept and be thankful for our place in the pecking order.

Donald Trump upended all that. He appealed to the working class, to blacks https://www.vox.com/2020/11/4/21537966/trump-black-voters-exit-polls, to Hispanics https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-political-scene/the-deep-origins-of-latino-support-for-trump, to groups traditionally allied with Democrats. He was sneeringly called a "populist". But a populist is, uh, popular. He appeals to the public. Trump brought in all kinds of new voters. Diamond and Silk, for example, were his biggest fans - two black women.

But we are told we must go back to business as usual. We don't want the hoi poloi. They are dirty mud people who should be disdained!

We were told repeatedly over the years how we must broaden the base, expand the tent, and yet when Trump did it they hated it. Now why is that?

The fact is the old coalition no longer works. The Democrats coalition didn't either which is why they dumped the working class and other traditional constituencies. They knew they had to change with the times. This offered the GOP an opportunity, but so many of the GOP elites don't want change and won't have it.

So they knifed Trump in the back.

You can judge a man by his enemies. Trump's enemies are Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Dick Durbin, AOC, Cori Bush, etc. His enemies are CNN and NBC and the New York Times and Washington Post. He is loathed by Communist college professors. He is despised by thuggish labor union leaders, by radical lgbtq people, by Black Lives Matter, by Antifa. The same Communists and degenerates who hated Ronald Reagan hate Trump.

THOSE are the people the Dump Trump crowd makes common cause with. THEY are their allies. As are the GOP RINO wing, the billionaires who want to make money from the New World Order and from Covid shots and you eating bugs and living in tenaments and riding electric buses.

If you can judge a man by his friends, what does that say about the Dump Trump crowd?

Maybe Trump can't win. I don't know. If I could make that prediction I would be a wealthy man. And it may be we would be better with a DeSantis. But DeSantis can wait four years with little to lose. Now he is going to split the GOP wide open by going against Trump. Trump is like a porcupine; full of quills. He's like a honey badger too; so ferocious nobody wants to tangle with him. It is a good quality against Democrats, not so good against our own side. But he is what he is and he's not going to lay down for Ron DeSantis nor anybody else. DeSantis should be the bigger man here. After all it was Trump's coattails that brought Mr. DeSantis to power in the first place.

This is vintage Republican; we toss away our best people all the time when the cold wind blows. The media is always choosing our candidates because we say "damaged goods" when they howl. We have to stop listening to them. Like the Devil during an exorcism it is incumbent upon us to shut our ears and not let them into our heads. Sadly we so often get bogged down in conversation with the demonic.

They have no love for us. They seek to lull us to sleep. And it works.

Much is said about the vaunted independents, the middle who must be swayed we are told. Two points: 1.leadership is about leading, not following. If you want to win independents you have to lead them. They are independents because they do not have strong beliefs in the first place. You must show them the way. Bandwagons work for a reason. 2.the media will overblow the idea of the independents to get us to move to the left on the theory we must appeal to them. Its'a sucker's game; the Democrats never move to the right. (Well, they did under Clinton but it was clearly a ruse.) The Democrats know how to do retain politics. They can win the independents by bold colors. Pastels inspire nobody. They know that. We don't.

Furthermore, if you want to win independents you must go after the Left. Sun Tzu warned that penetrating but a short way into enemy territory leads to dispersion. He was right. We always dip a toe in the water and pull back when it is not to our liking. Case in point is the debt ceiling deal. Instead of showing the courage of their convictions the GOP caved and gave most of the store away. What does that say to independents? That Republicans don't really have strong values, but rather hold positions for political advantage alone. When push comes to shove they abandon their position because they never really believed in it. So every time the GOP "compromises" (which is no compromise - it's the Communist dialectic) it surrenders on principle. The independents see that and know what it means.

So if we go for a candidate who appeals to the independents we choose a RINO moderate, who appears totally lacking in conviction to these same people. It's a trap and it was set by the media and we fall for it every time.

Trump is not ideologically conservative. I would prefer an ideologically conservative candidate. But Trump stands by his convictions. Can we say that about many other Republicans? DeSantis may too. So too may Pence. But D and P may not be willing to go to the mattresses over such a principle.

Trump, for all his faults, is willing.

So maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's past Trump's time. But we really have few good options and time is precious at this point. America is amazingly similar to Rome at the very end. If something drastic isn't done we are going to the ashbin of history. Pence, Haley, Scott, The Outlaw Jersey Whale, none of those are going to take the kind of action we need at this moment in history. And with Sununu promising to resist! Trump at every turn, we know the GOP will not try to save this country. Who will?

Trump at least tried to restore sanity. I can't say that will be true of anyone else. And any attacks on him will have already been tried and failed.

Like it or not the best chance for this country is probably with Mr. Trump.

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