September 27, 2023

Debt Slavery

Diane Kimura

Biden has introduced. The Department of Education, at President Biden’s directive has instituted the so called, "On Ramp Program” which goes into effect on October 1, 2023 and lasts through September 30, 2024.

This makes it a crime for any issuer of student debt to make any borrowers non payment delinquent, report to credit bureaus, place in default, or refer to debt collection agencies. There may be no negative recourse during this time with the power of law.

During this time interest keeps accruing and the burden on borrowers will be that much greater about one month before the next Presidential election in early November of 2024.

If you’re a lending institution and you see the federal government impacting your ability to get your money back, what will you do moving forward?

Where does this end? Furthermore this keeps ingraining a bad culture of kicking the can down the road and not being responsible with funds you borrow. The negative impact to millions of borrowers and lenders will be dramatic and I believe time will show this to be accurate.

Negative consequences keep a society in check and the left is increasingly allowing certain crimes and even incentivizing poor choices at alarming rates.

The current administration is restricting private business from recouperating lended funds with the force of law, while simultaneously creating and incentivizing young borrowers to be irresponsible.

Fast forward a decade and think about it. This is possibly the most damning thing Biden has done yet to solidify the hamstrunged trajectory of younger borrowers. 

The goal of the left is that this will disproportional ly impact minorities and I think it’s interesting they’ve made a real push to get minority students on insane debt?! Think about it.

Think of how these actions will impact decisions these borrowers make? Debt? Who cares right?

The left IS NOT there to help you, they’re there to KEEP YOU down in a calculated fashion, so you need government and will be locked in to voting Democrat out of necessity.

They’ve done this pushing the welfare state KEEPING a *disproportiona te* amount of black families in poverty for decades and now they’re coming for their families members and yours that work. Anyone can view the data where various Americans live and what political party is in charge, so none of this is opinion, it’s fact. They want you in the mud and staying there.

We’re watching the strong attempt to create a one party state, aka communism.

"Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer in which we use to crush the enemy.”

-Mao Zeding, Founder of todays Communist China

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:48 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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You Bet it Changes Your Genetic Code!

This courtesy of Diane Kimura.

From the Australian Spectator:

"Early in 2023, genomics scientist Kevin McKernan made an accidental discovery. While running an experiment in his Boston lab, McKernan used some vials of mRNA Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines as controls. He was ‘shocked’ to find that they were allegedly contaminated with tiny fragments of plasmid DNA.

McKernan, who has 25 years’ experience in his field, ran the experiment again, confirming that the vials contained up to, in his opinion, 18-70 times more DNA contamination than the legal limits allowed by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

In particular, McKernan was alarmed to find the presence of an SV40 promoter in the Pfizer vaccine vials. This is a sequence that is, ‘…used to drive DNA into the nucleus, especially in gene therapies,’ McKernan explains. This is something that regulatory agencies around the world have specifically said is not possible with the mRNA vaccines..

..Now, McKernan, Dr Buckhaults and other scientists are calling for urgent research to test whether the DNA contamination is lingering in the cells of mRNA vaccinated people, and whether the human genome has in fact been altered by mRNA Covid vaccines."

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:56 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 26, 2023

How the FBI Protected Biden

Timothy Birdnow

Even MSN has to admit the FBI has been the Praetorian Guard for the Biden Princeps:

Proof the FBI Has Been Protecting Biden All Along

Time to disband this corrupt and evil Stasi.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:38 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The New Opium War

Timothy Birdnow

I was chatting with Nikki Grace this morning and we discussed a point worth mentioning  here. Russia believes that what they are doing in the Ukraine is about the survival of their nation, even if we disagree, and hence this war will drag on and on as long as NATO is supplying the Ukrainians with weapons.

Think about the Opium Wars.

As you may remember, in the 19th century the British found a wonderful use for the pretty poppy flowers that grow in Afghanistan and the surrounding regions; they could make a highly addictive narcotic called opium. The British, eager to take control of the vast Chinese market but knowing they couldn't just conquer so large a nation with a direct military invasion, came up with the simply solution. They would flood China with drugs, make the Chinese people complacent and weak, and then reap the rewards of a strangling economic power.

The British actually fought a number of military campaigns to force China to allow opium into the country.

The Chinese emperor was humiliated, and the Chinese People were debased.

In the end Britain didn't seize control of the Chinese economy, but they gave it a good try. It was one of the things that led to the revolution by Sun Yat-Sen and the Kuomintang, and it was that revolution that set the stage for the rise of Mao and the Chinese Communists. China was totally humiliated by being forced into the British sphere of influence and economic bondage.

In fact, the infamous Rape of Nanking was justified by the Japanese as punishment for the Chinese for allowing this to happen. They argued China had no honor and deserved it.

But Japan had been forced open by the U.S. (itself a thing which ruined the Japanese culture in many ways and led to Japan's arming itself and ultimately  attacking America at Pearl Harbor) and the U.S. was far less abusive than the British had been to the Chinese.

But the point is both nations had to "endure the unendurable" and were forced to accept the boot of Western imperialism on it's throat - indirectly, but it was there.

Russia is not a Western nation. It is a bridge between the West and the Orient, and it always has been. Vladivostok is an Oriental city owned by Russians, for instance. Lake Baikal is closer to Beijing than it is Moscow. Russia sits on two continents.

The Russians know what happened in China and Japan. And they don't want to become another colony of the West.

Which, in many ways, is what they see happening with the Ukraine. They  have watched NATO, their old enemy, gobble up nation after nation that were formerly under the Russian sphere of influence. It was galling, no doubt, but Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, etc. all fell to the Western coalition. That was  frightening; their enemies moving to their borders. Russia has been invaded countless times from the West and East and South; she has no natural defenses. The Urals are the only mountains protecting them from vast plains, and they aren't much (about the size of the Appalachians.) Russia always fears a potential enemy at her door.

But NATO began expanding into the Baltic States - former Soviet Republics - and now wants to expand into Georgia and Ukraine. Ukraine is one of "the Russias" and that is to them like it wold be if they had expanded into Texas.

So the average Russian sees what has been  happening as an existential threat. The U.S. led a revolution to kick out the pro-Russian President and installed a puppet government in 2004. The Orange Revolution was fomented largely by the CIA. See here and here.

And since then the U.S., particularly the Democrats, have used Ukraine as a piggy bank, which essentially gives them colonial status.

Also, America has been deploying missile defense systems right up to Russia's doorstep, and Ukraine would be the ideal place from a military standpoint. The know this.

The U.S. maintained biological labs in Ukraine, ostensibly to get rid of old Soviet biological weapons, but those sites continued to operate and probably still do. Even if they are what the U.S. claims, that doesn't matter; what matters is that the Russian People think they are weapons labs. Certainly the good work of the labs in Wuhan buttress this fear.

What Russia sees is an attempt to force them into the New World Order, the so-called "rules based order" which will essentially make them a pseudo-colony similar to China in the 19th century.

Russia has it's own unique culture and heritage and has always maintained a sphere of influence. They have to if they are to retain their independence as they have no natural defendable borders. So all of what we have been doing makes them very nervous.

I am not downplaying other things (the lust for power, the desire to profit from control of the flow of energy to  Europe) but I am saying the People themselves fear an ever-expanding West. They like their Russia. And just like Obama said "if you like your doctor you can keep him" when pushing Obamacare so too the Russians know the claims by the West "if you like your country you can keep it" is probably a farce.

When the Russians withdrew from the U.S.S.R. a bunch of carpet-baggers showed up and tried to carve the country up. This culminated in the financial crisis caused by George Soros which wrecked their whole economy and precipitated the rise of Putin.

Putin was a strong leader promising a restoration of the old Tsarist empire. The Russians were humiliated in a manner similar to the  Imperial Chinese. They wanted what Putin was selling.

So this is more than just a fight over territory or oil or any of the other things we normally associate with a military invasion. It's a clash of civilizations. Russia wants to be Russian and fear they are being slowly eaten by the flesh-eating organisms of the multi-corporatist West. This is, to them, a struggle for their way of life.

I would remind everybody that the U.S. tried to invade Cuba during the Kennedy Administration, and while we did not actually invade Nicaragua we fought a proxy war very similar to the one being waged now by NATO in Central America. Why? Because we wanted to stop the Soviets from creating hostile vassal states in both places. And we actually invaded the small island nation of Granada to kick the Communists out. And we fomented a revolution in Chile to kick the Communists out. We have done repeatedly what the Russians are now doing and for the same reasons. We invaded Afghanistan, Iraq, sent troopsinto Syria,  etc. I do not think we can claim any moral high ground.

I'm not saying that Russia is right to invade Ukraine, or that Putin is some good guy. But I am saying that they have their point. They don't want to end up like the Quing Dynasty of China after the Opium wars.

Now all sorts of commercial pirates sit in wait, salivating over the bits and pieces of Russia they can snatch up at fire-sale prices. Russia does not intend to become another colony of Western Imperialists, or a pony to be ridden by the New World Order.

Putin and Russia will  keep fighting. This can only end in two ways - either a negotiated settlement or one side is completely wiped out. The Russians have the nukes and other advanced weaponry, much of which they have held in reserve. If it comes to a skirmish to the death they intend to be the last living souls.

Do we? Are we that willing to die for Green Energy and the profits of the uber rich and their mad schemes of depopulation and world socialism?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:05 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 1315 words, total size 8 kb.

Vax Coverup Continues

Timothy Birdnow

The coverup continues:

The CDC refused this month to release updated information on case numbers of myocarditis and pericarditis in the USA.

If this wasn't happening why do not they tell the world, eh?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:58 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The National Church of Pergamos

Timothy Birdnow

So the National Cathedral in Washington has replaced it's traditional stained glass windows with scenes of "social justice". Our nation's place of worship now gives homage not to the Lord our God, nor any traditional American heroes,  but to a bunch of hate-filled black supremacists and other social revolutionaries.

We are replacing the Lord of Hosts with a new, communist-allied religion that promotes revolution. America is now  a pagan nation.

IF they wanted to remove windows with depictions of Confederates that is one thing, but to promote these new "heroes' is quite another.

From the article:

The new windows "lift up the values of justice and fairness and the ongoing struggle for equality among all God's great children," the Very Rev. Randolph Marshall Hollerith, the cathedral's dean, said on Saturday at the unveiling.

They are erasing America one piece at a time. What we are seeing is the founding of a whole new nation, one that rejects and despises the America we love and the America our leaders have all sworn allegiance.

Our culture isn't just dying it's  being murdered.

The Cathedral is managed by the Protestant Episcopal Cathedral Foundation. May as well sell it to the Rainbow Coalition or Al Sharpton.

Congress should pass a bill that makes it illegal for them to call themslves the "National Cathedral" if this is where it is going. This violates the Establishment Clause. It enforces a new, alien pagan religion.

This is the new church of Pergamos, one that has fully surrendered to the seat of Satan.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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What's the Fun in That?

This from Bob Clasen

What do people do for fun? Eat out at a nice restaurant hopefully with a view. Travel to see strange and beautiful sights. Listen to music, depending upon one’s taste. Watch movies which are made up stories about interesting and often beautiful people often in dangerous situations. Go dancing. Go to a bar and drink and chat with friends. Go to a sports game and watch a contest and root for your team
. Go for a drive. Have sex. Go surfing. Go swimming. Go on a date. Read a book, which can vary according to taste. Take a class in something that interests one, according to your taste. Go to the gym. Go to an "amusement park” like Disneyland. Go to the zoo. Have a picnic. Take a hike.

Most of these things don’t seem particularly rational to me. This goes along with my basic idea that reason can help you to find a goal, like looking for a good restaurant, or traveling to an interesting place, or earning enough money to be able to afford any of these pleasures. But the ultimate activities that give life pleasure are not particularly "rational.”

They are pleasant experiences. Just for fun.

Tim adds:

One must ask why we have these irrational pleasures if Darwinian evolution is at work. Seems to me all energy would be expended to improve the situation of the organism in question. That we do all manner of things solely for enjoyment suggests there is so much more to it than a blind, deterministic world and an organism programmed to seek it's own survival and propagation. Pleasure is one of those things, like humor, or love, that cannot be explained materially. In my mind it is proof of God.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:28 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 300 words, total size 2 kb.

You Know It's Not a Revolution

This from Lance Sjogren

You know it's not a revolution when the regime is the one wielding the torches and pitchforks.

(In reference to the attempts to shut down Rumble for hosting a person who has been ALLEGED to have committed sex crimes.)

No trial, just self-appointed judge, jury, and executioners are stringing up Russell Brand and those who allow him to speak and make a living.

(Even if Brand were a convicted criminal, should he be prohibited from speaking and making a living after he had served his sentence? I am unaware of the clause in the constitution that says your civil liberties are stripped from you if you have a criminal record.)

The mob that runs our country is facing more pushback, but its response is to become all the more vicious.

It's possible that the extreme viciousness of the regime toward Brand is partly due to him being a left winger. I'm sure there's nothing the "liberal" establishment in this country hates more than those who point out that its agenda today is little more than war and authoritarianis m.

As has been often stated, the establishment tends to be a lot more comfortable with its enemies that are genuinely bad dudes, such as white supremacists. Because such enemies serve to further convince establishment authoritarians that they are the forces of good. A leftist who believes in civil liberties is a far more insidious enemy because such a person glaringly exposes defenders of the establishment as frauds.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:26 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 256 words, total size 2 kb.

Growing Wealth Inequality

This from Diane Kimura:

While ordinary Americans have struggled with w/inflation & and declining real incomes over the last 3 years and now face the least affordable housing market ever the top 0.1% again sees record wealth.

$18.6T of wealth in the hands of just 132K households having increased by $5.2T since 2020.

The minimum cut-off to be in the top 0.1%?

$38.2M as of 2019.

Given the record of Fed policy errors in recent years ('inflation transitory' with over-easy policies and now the process of fixing the policy error with aggressive tightening) the data results send an unmistakable message:

Fed policies have disproportionat ely benefitted the top 0.1% at the expense of the vulnerable & poor in society with added pressure on the middle class. Inflation helps the wealthy as their investment asset values rise more than offsetting any increases in prices of goods and services.

The majority pays for the Fed's policy mistakes while the ultra wealthy minority benefits with ever more wealth as the middle class keeps shrinking.

The Fed claims to be in service for all Americans, yet the results show that not to be true.

The true tragedy here is that the Fed is not held account for this blatant disparity and faces no consequences for this dismal record while ordinary Americans have no recourse, voice or say in the matter while the top 0.1% are laughing all the way to the bank.

While so many are busy expressing outrage over various buzzwords & cultural issues on social media they are distracted from the real war, the one that has the most impact on their economic lives, yet the war most are not even aware of that has been raging behind the scenes for decades.

Nothing has changed other than wealth inequality getting ever more extreme.

May be an image of text that says 'FRED 20,000,000 Net Worth Held by the Top 0.1% (99.9th to 100th Wealth Percentiles) 18,000,000 16,000,000 14,000,000 Lolg ㅎ0 10,000,000 12,000,000 Munds 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 000 2,000,000 000 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020'

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:25 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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In the End

In the End

Timothy Birdnow

What have we wrought
is it all that we sought?
Man in all his glory
is but a vain and empty story

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:09 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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September 25, 2023

Move On Morons and the Big Steal

Timothy Birdnow

The architects of the Big Steal in Georgia want the state GOP to "move on".

Who’s Responsible For Georgia’s Disastrous 2020 Election?


Governor Kemp and Secretary of State (SOS) Raffensperger want Georgia voters to move on from the 2020 election. Correspondence and official decisions made over the summer indicate the State Election Board (SEB) wishes the same. While this may work for politicians and government officials, President Trump and 18 others, including Georgia voters, are under indictment for the 2020 election. CNN reported that all are being charged with serious crimes that, if not disproven, could alter the course of their lives.

Some believe it is a witchhunt prompted by bitter disdain for the former President. In any case, the charges make it exceedingly difficult for the indicted to leave 2020 behind unless they can prove the election resulted in anomalies and errors that should have rendered its certification a certifiable sham.

Several of the indicted were longstanding and earnest election officials who witnessed problems with tabulators and other election-related snafus. When they investigated, they were doing their jobs. However, it’s not the way their actions are being portrayed. They are being treated like criminals, punished for questioning and attempting to legally remedy election errors that didn’t seem right at the time.
Coffee County/CNN

100% of the Coffee County Board of Elections (Georgia) agreed they 'cannot certify the electronic recount numbers given its inability to repeatably duplicate credible election results.'

Today, two members have been indicted.

— Call Charles (@CallCharles) August 15, 2023

In addition to the great work of groups like VoterGA, True The Vote, and others, three citizens, Kevin Moncla, Joseph Rossi, and David Cross, have worked tirelessly to investigate the 2020 Presidential Election. Evidence shown in two complaints, one from Rossi in September 2021 and the other from Moncla and Rossi in July 2022, would easily validate Trump’s request for an investigation into the election, proving he was correct to request an investigation of the 2020 election during the Jan. 2, 2021, one-hour conference call with SOS Raffensperger. The various investigations and complaints documenting anomalies or outright errors affected roughly 50,000 votes, exceeding the narrow margin in the Presidential election of 11,779 votes.

Dominion: "our shit is riddled with bugs…"

EAC/Pro V&V: "Good enough!"

Krebs/CISA:"Best evah!" @JenaGriswold : "Gold Standard!!!"

But YOU'RE the conspiracy theorist….

— Shawn Smith – Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes (@ShawnSmith1776) September 21, 2023

During their investigation of Fulton County’s election, Moncla and Rossi have written countless FOIAs and letters. They have poured doggedly over tabulator tapes, ballot images, system logs, and batch tally sheets to document the irregularities in the election. Their collective work shows undeniable proof of missing ballots and missing ballot images, meaningful gaps in the chain of custody, and myriad other anomalies and errors that failed to comport with state laws.

However, two years later, with few exceptions, there has been no remedy but rather a series of delays, blocks, and at times, by officials. Others have derided their findings, saying they are Trump-loving election denies. Raffensperger’s office should have undertaken their investigatory work, not two uncompensated citizens. What’s worse is that Raffensperger continues to misrepresent the phone call with Trump. And he continues to tell Georgia voters that Biden won, as shown by his audit and his recount.

Read the rest; the best is after this part!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 05:05 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 570 words, total size 4 kb.

Canadian Book Ban

Timothy Birdnow

A school in  Ontario, Canada  has removed all books from their library that were written before 2008.

Funny; I remember a time when the Left complained about book burning, supposedly by right wing fanatics. And in fact they made a big stink here  in Missouri about a state Senator named Bill Eigle who used a flamethrower to incinerate some k]boxes which liberals falsely claimed were books.

So it's o.k. to just remove them from the shelves but not to burn them?

And remember the hew and cry over the removal of pornographic books in schools in Florida?

The Left always wants to have it their own way.

But removing all books before Obama (BO)? (I know; this is Canada and Trudeau didn't take over until 2015, so it must be to honor Obama.) 

Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:59 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 149 words, total size 1 kb.

With Friends Like These...

Timothy Birdnow

The GOPe donor class is throwing in the towel, admitting there is no alternative to Trump.

Big GOP donors hoped for an alternative to Trump. Now some are giving up..

They are taking their ball and going home.

But increasingly, it’s become evident to a large segment of the donor class that salvation isn’t coming. And in a lopsided primary, their money matters less than ever.

And so, many of these uber-wealthy donors are keeping their wallets closed.

"Trump’s like 50 points ahead,” said one New York-based GOP fundraiser, granted anonymity to speak freely about the state of play. "Who wants to get involved and waste money?”

The hesitation to give is already having an impact on Republican super PACs, which are not bound by the limits of regulated political campaigns. Across all such groups focused on the GOP presidential primary, only 66 individual donors made contributions of $250,000 or more through the end of June — the latest period covered by federal filing deadlines, according to a POLITICO analysis of committee filings from the Federal Election Commission.

That marks a 24 percent drop from this time in 2016, when the party last had a competitive primary. At this point in that cycle, 87 donors had given at least $250,000 to one of the candidates’ super PACs, the analysis found.

The sidelining of big donors, meanwhile, is doing nothing to hurt Trump, who has become the alpha by running a small-dollar fundraising campaign.

The super PAC supporting the former president has received relatively few major donations this year. But through the end of June, Trump’s joint fundraising committee reported raising $23.7 million from donors giving less than $200 — more than twice the grassroots donations of all other GOP candidates combined.

So The Donald is fundraising like crazy and his opponents aren't. What does that tell us?

It says the rank and file of the GOP is all on board with Mr. Trump and the mandarins of money and power are losers.

Watch out though; they'll pull some nasty trick on Trump, or will  refuse to support him in the end.

With friends like these...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:46 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 361 words, total size 3 kb.

Trump in Commanding Lead

Timothy Birdnow

Trump 51% to Biden's 42% in a WAPO/ABC NEWS POLL for crying out loud!

It's a long way to the elecction but this is pretty impressive. Nine points in a mainstream media poll equates to about 15 points.

Biden is going to be forced out soon, mark my words.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:40 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Dragon Bellyflop

Timothy Birdnow

I've said all along China is an economic paper tiger. Well, the real estate market is in free fall and the Chicoms just arrested the top brass at their largest real estate corporation.

Evergrande Former CEO And CFO Arrested As Insolvent Property Giant Misses Payment On $550MM Onshore Bond

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:00 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 53 words, total size 1 kb.

September 24, 2023

Fight Fire

Michael Smith

What Democrats have done to Trump must be done to Biden. There is no choice.

The keyword is "ruthless”.

When the Mueller report hit the ground and as Trump was impeached - twice - I said there was no evidence because there was literally no evidence.

In both impeachments, as well as the Mueller "investigation" , the "evidence" was actually based on opinions about stuff the Dems didn't like. People like Adam Schiff spent the entire four years trying to reinvent things Trump did that Obama, Bush and Clinton had done, as crimes. They chose to interpret actions taken by the President as criminal or "high crimes and misdemeanors" to suit their need of the moment.

As a sidebar, I'm aware of someone (whom I know well), who is the plaintiff in a breach of contract case and the defendants, her former employers have literally taken her job responsibilitie s and actions and tried to turn them into bad acts. For example, they vested the responsibility in her to negotiate a deal and now they are claiming all sorts of improper actions when she was just doing what they asked her to do.

It's not going anywhere because it is a farce - they are doing this to her to try to run up her legal bills and force her to give up.

That was - and is - the strategy regarding President Trump.

When they say "there is no evidence" in regard to Slow Joe, what they mean is there is evidence, just none they are willing to accept, so the plan to ignore it until they can't.

Greg Abbot and Ron DeSantis, in a true Alinsky move (make your enemy live up to his own rules), changed the discussions about illegal immigration forever when they sent illegal aliens north for the Sanctuary City crowd to enjoy. We all see how few illegals it took to expose these people for the frauds they have always been.

That's what has to happen with Biden.

Harry Reid, Schumer, Obama, Biden and people like Adam Schiff, Sheldon Whitehouse and Fang Dang Swalwell made these new rules, now Biden needs to be forced to live by them.

Tim adds:

I've been saying this for some time now. Politics is war by other means. And especially now as the Democrats crossed the Rubicon of civility long ago (Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas come to mind). Now they are com pletely ruthless. The Republicans kept refusing to return fire because they feared escalation. But how many stab wounds does it take before you stab back? The only way we will return to a civil order is for everyone to know the consequences are dire. What was done to Trump required a ferocious response, if not for Trump then for the future of all Republicans. You cannot let them get away with this.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:59 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 480 words, total size 3 kb.

Nice Work When You Can get it

Diane Kimura

Thanks to the vaccine mandates and push to vaccinate Americans from infants to the elderly, Fauci is worth over $12.6 mil from royalties from big pharma while he was a government employee.

He and his wife have a substantial investment portfolio, although there was some controversy surrounding some of the investments. One particular questionable investment is in Matthews Pacific Tiger Fund. The fund is run by California-base d Matthews Asia, which has up to 42% of the fund trading in "China/Hong Kong" stocks. In addition, there were some questions about any financial benefits that could derive from the COVID pandemic.

But did Dr Fauci's net worth significantly increase during the COVID-19 pandemic?

What was Fauci's net worth before the COVID-19 pandemic?

Dr. Fauci and his wife, Christine Grady, enjoyed over a two-fold increase in net worth during the COVID pandemic crisis. From the beginning of the crisis in 2019 to 2021, their net worth doubled and grew from $5 million to over $12.6 million.

Pre-COVID pandemic, Fauci's net worth in 2019 was approximately $7.5 million. However, after two years into the COVID pandemic, his net worth increased to slightly more than $12.6 million.

What are the sources of income for Fauci's in 2021- 2022?

The Fauci's have multiple income streams, including being a federal employee for 55 years. Among the sources of income for Dr.Fauci and his wife, Christine Grady, for 2022 are:

Whitehouse Chief Medical Advisor - In his role as President Biden's Chief Medical Advisor, Dr. Fauci has a higher salary than the president at $480,000.

Christine Grady - Her work at the Clinical Centre at NIH (National Institutes of Health) pays $238,970 annually.

NIH and NIAID Pharmaceutical Royalty Payments - In 2021, Dr. Fauci received 23 royalty payments from pharmaceutical companies through his association with NIAID, worth $456,028.

Dr. Fauci Gifts and Awards - Dr. Fauci received awards and gifts from international non-profit organizations totaling nearly $1 million, including a $901,400 "gift" from the Israel-based Dan David Foundation.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:21 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Another Cheap Doomsday Prediction

Timothy Birdnow

So why did Barack Obama just buy ocean-front property? Why does ANYBODY in the wealthy class buy it?

Why did the low-lying Seychelles build new airports if it will soon be under water?

Drowning Predictions: Yearly 100-Year Floods Loom on the Horizon


Most coastal communities will encounter 100-year floods annually by the end of the century, even under a moderate scenario where carbon dioxide emissions peak by 2040, a new study finds. And as early as 2050, regions worldwide could experience 100-year floods every nine to fifteen years on average.

IF this were true then the smart money would be leaving beachfront property in droves. They aren't. Instead they are building hotels in droves.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:18 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 122 words, total size 1 kb.

Snuffing Out Liberty

Lance Sjogren

Ezra Levant got prosecuted for publishing a book that was critical of Prime Minister Castreau of Canada.

This is an example of how totalitarians stretch the laws of free societies to snuff out civil liberties. The particular tactic here is to say that a book critical of politicians is implicitly...

Ezra Levant takes on Trudeau in court over book censorship

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:46 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 67 words, total size 1 kb.

The Most Dangerous Subversion

"Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us."

Justice William O. Douglas

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:45 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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