February 18, 2022

Firm that Spied on Trump for Hillary Worked for Biden

Chuck Callesto

BREAKING REPORT: Tech Firm Used by Hillary to Spy on Trump’s Internet Activity – Also Found to be ON BIDEN'S CAMPAIGN PAYROLL in 2020...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:59 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Hot Polish Link

Timothy Birdnow

New Study: in Northern Poland the Medieval Warming Period was 3* C Warmer than Today

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:24 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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The Fed and Inflation

Timothy Birdnow

In a discussion about the role of the Federal Reserve vis-a-vis inflation, Bill Judge observes:

The Fed bears as much, or more, blame for inflation as Biden. They have been printing zero percent interest money since 2008. The only time they raised rates significantly was when Trump was president and that was to hurt him (causes the stock market to go down). The Fed, obviously, is stacked with liberals. They are complicit.
When they announce their first interest rate rise in March, you can bet it will be the bare minimum of a quarter of a percent when it should be at least a half percent with the warning that there will be more (like they did to Trump) if inflation is not brought under control.
However, they are now between a rock and a hard place. Because Biden has shut down industries in the US, like the pipelines and refineries, there has been a producer regression which will manifest as a recession. When they raise the rates, this recession will become much more visible. But they made the bed, they need to lie in it.
The Democrats trillion dollar extravagances certainly were instances of throwing gas on the fire of inflation so Biden does bear responsibility but he shares it with the Fed.
As far as supply chain, I really don't think Biden and Buttgieg have the slightest idea of the complexities. They are like 2nd graders. They just expect things to show up.

Oh. To tell you the truth, I don't keep up with that addled brain puppet. But you are right and he is right. You are right because goods, services and labor costs/prices are rising - raw goods, half-finished goods that are needed in assembly, services such as transport, storage, etc and labor are all rising. However, he is right (but he doesn't know it) because each of these things (millions of moving pieces) are all rising in cost at each step of the supply chain so the end product is more costly. The prices are rising in each of the millions of moving pieces because the Fed (and Biden) have flooded the zone with paper. Not sure if you know about the multiplier effect of injecting money into the system, but essentially a trillion dollars injected by the Fed or Biden, turns into 5 trillion so the base of money is outrageously out of whack, and inflation is spiraling upward, out of control. The Fed needs to take control or we will be a 3rd world country - that's a guarantee not a scary warning.


He's right,  and I add:

The Fed expanded the money supply over the last year to hide the destruction of the economy we've seen under Biden. It has gone up to record highs. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/money-supply-m2 As this site says: https://economics21.org/americas-ballooning-money-supply#:~:text=The%20money%20supply%20in%20the%20U.S.%20has%20spiked,its%20prior%20fastest%20rate%20in%20the%20modern%20era. "The money supply in the U.S. has spiked at an unprecedented rate. M2 rose 3.8 percent in March, 6.7 percent in April, and 5.0 percent in May, a stunning 83 percent annualized growth rate for three months. This lifted the year-over-year growth rate of M2 to 23 percent, almost double its prior fastest rate in the modern era. The money stock has also increased rapidly in other nations. Traditionally, rapid money growth would point to booming economic growth and soaring inflation. But it is not doing so this time, because extreme uncertainty and fear are causing people to hoard cash." End excerpt. Couple this with low interest rates which are stimulating the housing bubble, and we are creating the perfect storm for inflation and disaster. Hyperinflation comes on quickly and once engaged is hard to stop. I fear we are heading in that direction. The Great Depression was caused by this very thing; the Fed expanded the money supply through the roaring twenties then contracted it out of fear of inflation - which tanked the economy. We are making the same mistake again.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:07 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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Charlie Foxtrot and Durham

Timothy Birdnow

Here is an essay arguing that the Durham investigation is setting us up for a Yuuugggeee disappointment.

Here are a few snippets:

Durham Appointed A Democrat To Be His #2

In March of 2019, Nora Dannehy returned to the U.S. Attorney’s Office to serve as Durham’s top aide. She left a year later in August. What happened? According to press reports at the time, Dannehy had to resign from the Justice Department "at least partly out of concern that the investigative team is being pressed for political reasons to produce a report before its work is done, colleagues said.” In case you missed the point, the Hartford Courant added helpfully: "Colleagues said Dannehy is not a supporter of President Trump and has been concerned in recent weeks by what she believed was pressure from Barr, who appointed Durham, to produce results before the election. They said she has been considering resigning for weeks, conflicted by loyalty to Durham and concern about politics.”

A U.S. Attorney resigning due to politics is like a Navy captain resigning due to water. It’s an absurd excuse. (Dannehy has since confirmed her liberal credentials by being named General Counsel to Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont (D). It looks like Dannehy signed up for an investigation that would do nothing, and then resigned publicly when the American public demanded an update on her activities. Needless to say, there was no reason for Durham to name someone like Dannehy to help investigate the origins of the Russia Hoax when everybody knows that the Russia Hoax leads back directly to Democrats like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Remember that Durham and Dannehy and the rest of the Justice Department sat around and did nothing about the Russia Hoax through most of the Trump Administration — an inexcusable lapse that should never be forgotten. Their boss, Attorney General Bill Barr, played a heavy hand in the stolen 2020 election— and it was to ignore election fraud. Getting rid of President Trump has been the overriding goal of the FBI and the CIA and the DOJ since 2016 — and Durham is an employee of the DOJ. He’s not Clint Eastwood and the Lone Ranger rolled up into one superhero.


Why has Democrat super attorney Marc Elias not been indicted yet? Why was the Democrat snakepit law-firm Perkins Coie allowed enough time to sever itself from Marc Eliaslast year (on August 22) while Durham was going over their billing records before filing charges (on September 16) against Perkins Coie partner Michael Sussmann? Let me hazard a guess. It’s probably because Elias is absolutely essential to Democrat efforts to stop election integrity laws in various swing states across America. In other words, he’s too valuable to the Biden Administration to be indicted right now. Maybe after the midterms.

How about National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan— was his indictment lost in the mail too? Sullivan is up to his neck in the Russia Hoax, and he’s easy to find over at the White House with those blank eyes and that terrible haircut. Why hasn’t the Biden Administration been deprived of his services yet? The answer is perfectly obvious: Sullivan and Elias are getting the kid glove treatment from the U.S. federal government.


Just look at the Kevin Clinesmith case. The sentence was a complete farce. Durham asked for a few months in prison (which is absurd) as punishment and got nothing but probation. How’s that for justice? Clinesmith pled guilty to a felony, but he’s not even been disbarred in Washington DC.

That’s what happens when you charge national security officials who conspire against the President with process crimes. This should tell you that Durham’s investigation is basically a sham. It took 3 years just to get to the lowest tier of conspirators. By the time Durham gets to the major players in the Russia Hoax, we will all be living through the second Hunter Biden Administration.

I am unfamiliar with the author Emerald Robinson, but the essay is quite sound and I agree with it.

Durham is clearly foot-dragging to put this to bed. While there are going to be some blockbusters, in the end this will only raise hopes to dash them.

There is nothing more disheartening than dashed hopes. The Left understands that, which I am sure is why they inflate such things as the Durham investigation; it numbs the public to any offense that is worthy of being investigated ("they are ALL investigated") and it breaks the spirit of the conservatives at the same time. It's a game of cat-and-mouse. The mouse always loses at that game.

I agree; this dragged on far too long with far too few indictments. That is the tipoff.

Durham is a swamp rat and always has been. We've put Adof Eichman in charge of prosecting the Nazis after the war, in essence.

So to all the Foxenators, take a stiff drink and relax. This has all the makings of a Charlie Foxtrot, with us as the starring recipient.


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:36 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Victory or an Illustion?

Timothy Birdnow

Here is an intersting conversation on Facebook.

Lance Sjogren observes:

I saw one commentator express the opinion that the Democratic Party will no longer exist within a few years.

He feels the radical left wing such as The Squad will shift to the Green Party.

What about the mainstream Democrats who aren't quite as extreme? He didn't elaborate on what's gonna happen with them. But thinking about it, for one thing a lot of them are very old and due to retire, like Pelosi and Schumer. Younger Democrats in Congress who have been marching in lockstep with Pelosi could try to rebrand themselves. However, they ran in 2018 as "moderates", so the public is probably not going to be willing to be fooled a second time.

A healthy democracy requires more than one good and competitive political party to have a healthy marketplace of ideas and to keep any single party from dominating. But the Democratic Party has proven itself unfit to serve as one of those parties. We'll need something new to replace it.

In the meantime, having the Republican Party as the only major political party may not be a bad thing. There will still actually be two strong political forces competing for power in the federal government. The Republicans and the unelected Deep State. Once the Deep State has been eradicated there will be a need for a new political party to rise up and compete with the Republicans so they don't become autocratic.


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:47 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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February 17, 2022

Sleeping Dogs Lie

Leonard Rusciani Jr.

Would you put a dead dog's body on someone's door step and more to the point, would you brag about it?
We are in serious trouble folks.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:05 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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No Fear!

Steven Schueler

'I'm ready. I am not afraid.' Freedom Convoy leader breaks down saying she expects to be hauled off to jail TODAY in emotional video - as she urges supporters to continue their fight and 'to be kind and respect police'

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:14 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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If the Left Can't Win in Frisco...

Lance Sjogren

We already know Hispanic voters are abandoning the Democratic Party.

The next will be Asian Americans.


From the Post Millennial:

San Francisco has recalled three members of the city's school board after a vote Tuesday showed that residents were overwhelmingly in favor of yanking the progressives from their posts. Asian-American voters turned out in large numbers to remove the school board members, who many saw as anti-Asian due to their changes in admissions standards and their public comments.


If Democrats can't win the votes of San Francisco Asian Americans, it's hard to see how they can win the votes of Asian Americans anywhere in the country.

The final nail in the coffin for the Democratic Party will be when they lose the votes of African Americans. So far they've only lost a few, but that trend will massively increase as more African Americans come to realize that party is hurting them.

And eventually the Democratic Party will reach its true destiny. A party of 10-15% of the populace who are privileged white people. (Not that all priveleged white people support it, to which I can provide first hand evidence.)

The more I think about that election in San Francisco the more I realize just how revolutionary it is and how much the Democrats ought to be terrified about it.

If the wokie cult can't win school board elections in San Francisco, it's hard to see how they can win them anywhere.

Just saw a clip from The Five. To quote Jesse Waters: "If the left can't win a culture war in San Francsicso- good luck in the midterms."

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:08 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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February 16, 2022

Judge Shafts Sarah Palin

Judson Phillips

I'm no fan of Sarah Palin, but the Clinton appointed judge screwed her. He announced over the weekend that he was going to dismiss her case against the New York Times, but would let the jury deliberate. That is a civil jury, so they are not sequestered. Some of them no doubt read the judge's remarks and came back today with a verdict for the times.

This makes an appeal a nightmare. Had the judge done this before or after the trial (assuming the jury came back for Palin), the appeal would have just been about his actions. Now, Palin has to appeal the judge's actions and the verdict. That makes the job almost impossible.

As I said, I am no Sarah Palin fan, but she got banana republic justice in her libel suit.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:50 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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Mo. Republicans Cower Like Scared Bunnys

Timothy Birdnow

Want to see why the GOP always seems to be shooting it's own foot from the stump of it's leg?

Missouri offers a classic example.

Now, the GOP holds a supermajority in both houses of Congress in the Show Me State. The governor is also a Republican. But what good does that do us?


The GOP has control of redistricting, and has the opportunity to eliminate the Democrats from all but ONE Congressional seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. That means they can get rid of Squad member Cory Bush, for instance.

But the imbeciles don't want to do that. The RINO wing wants to keep the Congressional map exactly as it has been.

Why? No doubt they think it somehow "fair".

State legislatures have the power to draw Congressional districts, a power enumerated by the U.S. Constitution and for good reason. That was a part of Federalism, a check on an out-of-control central government. It is SUPPOSED to be partisan; the public elected their state governments and the will of the People is being exercised.

Control of one small area doesn't guarantee you a representative in Washington of the party of your choice. It guarantees you a representative in your state capital, maybe. But it was never supposed to allow a political party to attain power over the national government. This power was granted to the state governments for this very reason.

But the cowardice of the GOP is legendary, and especially here in Missouri, where we enjoy the banner of endless retreat.

Missouri used to be a blue states not so many decades ago, and really is purple despite a GOP supermajority; too many of the Missouri political class are RINO's. Their knees knock and their palms sweat at any confrontation.

A leader leads. It's what you do when you are in power. The Democrats understand this full well, and would not have thought twice about taking a House seat from the opposition. Only the GOP will wring it's Elephantine hooves over this.

At any rate, there was a rally to push the Republicans into doing what is right. Unfortunately I rather suspect it won't work. The political class is more afraid of the media than of leading.

Craven cowards.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:33 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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Remember the Maine!

Warner Todd Huston


On this day in 1898, USS Maine explodes in Havana Harbor. To this day, no one knows exactly why the warship was destroyed. But at the time, Americans were pretty sure that Spain was to blame.

You can imagine that didn’t go too well.

Spain was then in a period of transition. It had long been a powerful influence in the New World, but now it was losing its foothold in the western hemisphere. Its main remaining possessions were Cuba and Puerto Rico. On the other side of the Pacific, it retained islands in and around the Philippines.

By the 1890s, even those interests were in trouble. Cubans were fighting for their independence. Puerto Ricans were split between those who wanted autonomy and those who wanted to join the United States. Filipinos, too, were chafing under Spanish rule.

Meanwhile, many Americans sympathized with the plight of Cubans. It hadn’t been that long since the American Revolution, and many felt they saw similarities between the two fights for independence.

But did Spain really sabotage USS Maine or was something else to blame? The story continues here: https://www.taraross.com/post/tdih-uss-maine

Tim adds:

This was the beginning of the rise of the imperial America, along with an imperial news media. William Randolf Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer were locked in a death-struggle to corner the newspaper market, and both were radical lefties, the so-called "Progressives" who wanted to transform the country into something more in line with European socialism.

Hearst is famous for telling one of his editors, when told there was no news that day "well, go out and make some". And it was Hearst who pushed and pushed for a war with Spain, once one of our staunchest allies.

It was disgraceful, as was the war that followed.

It started the U.S. on the road to where we are now - an imperial America, meddling all over the world often where we have no interest. And it led to a foreign policy that emphasized the American idealism over practicality.

So we kicked Spain out of Cuba, giving them a dictator and eventually the Communist Castro.

That's what happens when you have a big heart and a pea-sized brain.

Ever since the Spanish American War we have been heavily involved all over the world, eschewing George Washington's admonition to avoid foreign entanglements. Now we are entangled in a Gordian knot.

At any rate, there was considerable evidence the Maine was a dirty trick by our own side. If not a dirty trick, it was a matter of gross incompetence. I've heard it said ammunition was stored too close to the coal fires. Maybe. But Hearst and Pulitzer immediately blamed Spain (who had no reason to sink an American ship) and thus fomented a war of conquest.

Of course, Teddy Roosevelt, the Godfather of Progressivism, made his fame climbing up San Juan Hill. Bully.

America changed profoundly after this. The Maine sunk the whole country, if you ask me.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:03 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Sinking Ships

Steven Schueler

New York Democratic Rep. becomes 30TH to bow out before the midterms: Kathleen Rice joins exodus from Nancy Pelosi's party by retiring in the face of a Republican bloodbath in November

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:39 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Steven Schueler

Freedom Convoy leaders claim 'nefarious elements' are planning to plant 2,000 stolen guns on protesters in Ottawa to 'discredit' their movement - after Mounties arrested 11 with cache of firearms in Alberta

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:55 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Endless Twilight Zone



Al Gore hearing of the covid testing of deer and ever the champion of the plight of the polar bear to organize expedition of school children to swab bears. President Clinton and First Lady Hillary to chaperone.

How else was he to pay for the covid testing of deer. There is rumor that the deer population may be facing a mask mandate in the future. Just google and be astounded that people with masks on are swabbing deer for covid. Tax dollars spent wisely. Cant wait until they start swabbing grizzly bears.

Its like living a never ending twilight zone episode.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:16 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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February 15, 2022

What an Amazing Coincidence

Steven Chase

The 'official story' is that we live in a free democracy where our teachers tell us the truth about our nation, our government and our world when we are children, and then the free press continue telling us the truth about our nation, government and world when we are grown, and then every few years we have free and fair elections in which we use this truthful information to make decisions about which politicians and policies to vote for.

It is only by an immensely consistent series of coincidences that society remains perpetually shaped in a way that permits a small minority of rich and powerful to benefit and profit from profound inequality, injustice, oppression, exploitation, war and ecocide.

-C. Johnstone

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:47 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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False Charity

Chester McAteer

Spare us from society's do-gooders, while good intentions are indeed good they rarely translate into policies that actually benefit our society. When we are allowed to act in our own self-interest the results are that society eventually benefits from our actions; in our striving to help ourselves, others are helped as a consequence. In the striving to gain wealth, others are likewise made richer through our contributions.

Tim adds:

Charity is necessary in a private system. In a system where government runs charity nobody sees a reason to giver - and they oppose efforts to be charitable because it just winds up costing them more. I once wrote about the cruelty of Caesar's charity. God didn't tell Caesar to be charitable, he told YOU to do it. Anything else is simply robbing one person to buy another.https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2011/05/the_cruelty_of_caesars_charity.html

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:43 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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The Knave's Speech

Selwyn Duke


"As the Founding Fathers warned, for example, only a virtuous people can enjoy freedom — and a virtuous people never confuses 'good enough' with competence."

Tim adds:

Truly the King's Speech has been replaced by the Knaves Speech. You are so right Selwyn! As a man thinketh so shall he be. If we thinketh with jumbled or incoherent or dishonest thoughts then we become jumbled, incoherent, dishonest people. Our minds need proper language. It's what separates us from the beasts - or used to.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:04 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Biden Kills Insulin Cost Measure

Steven Chase

On Biden's first day, he 'froze' Trump's directive aimed at lowering insulin prices, until a review had been completed. He froze ALL of the previous administration' s executive orders. 35 million diabetics have been denied relief. Trump's plan was scheduled to be implemented Jan. 22, 2022. As of today, no progress, no review.

Insulin back up to $1,500 for a 90-day supply. Big Pharma's investment paying off. Meanwhile, trade protections disappear, low-wage immigration influx, supply chain issues, energy jobs and U.S. production cut doubling price of oil, and 40 yr. record-breaking inflation. How can anyone support Biden?

In July 2020, Trump signed a series of executive orders that he proposed as a solution for lowering the high premium prices of prescription drugs, including the price of insulin. Per the Executive Order on Access to Affordable Life-Saving Medications, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is required to "enable Americans without access to affordable insulin and injectable epinephrine through commercial insurance or Federal programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, to purchase these pharmaceuticals from an FQHC at a price that aligns with the cost at which the FQHC acquired the medication.”

Tim adds:

And the FDA will not authorize generic insulin because it is a process that was patented, so they say you cannot have a generic process. That and a ban on animal insulin here (If you have to have it due to allergies to humulin you have to buy it at great cost from overseas) guarantees the price of insulin remains sky high in the U.S.Eli Lilly holds peoples lives in their hands. It is absolutely disgraceful; When Banting and Best invented the process to make animal insulin they gave it to Eli Lilly for one dollar, so it would hit the market quickly and save lives. Now it is being used to soak the sick. B and B are rolling over in their graves. One final word; oyou can get 70/30 insulin fromWalmart for $26 a vial without insurance. It's affordable enough and may save your life. It's not the best insuline as it is a mix of short term and long term insulins. But it's better than nothing. I use it by necessity.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:59 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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No Comment

Steven Schueler

Something to hide? Biden's Deputy Press Secretary repeatedly refuses to answer questions on Durham's bombshell allegations that Hillary spied on President Trump - and that Biden and Obama KNEW about it.

Ex-Director of National Intelligence says Hillary tried to 'frame' Trump with a 'false Russian collusion' narrative: Furious former Clinton campaign lawyer charged in special counsel's probe plays the witch-hunt card https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10513711/Ex-Director-National-Intelligence-Hillary-Clinton-frame-Trump-false-Russian-collusion.html

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:37 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Durham and the Donkey Herd

Steven Chase

If you get your news from ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, MSNBC, or CNN, you are screwed.

They are ignoring John Durham’s revelation that the Clinton Gang spied on our own government and a sitting president.

As president Trump stated, this is worse than Watergate. Why?

Watergate was different because more than 50 people went to JAIL including the Attorney General. More than 100 were found guilty. This time more than 50 people were given IMMUNITY agreements from Obama's corrupt Department of Justice. Obama’s first Attorney General destroyed evidence of a crime and didn’t even get charged with obstructing justice. His second Attorney General secretly met with Bill Clinton even as Hillary was under investigation. - Paraphrased slightly from the brilliant mind of Robert DuChemin, Attorney and Federal Mediator.

NAMING NAMES: In connection with an email exchange regarding FALSE allegations of a secret communications channel between the Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa Bank. That email exchange involved former Perkins Coie attorney Marc Elias and three Clinton campaign officials: communications director Palmieri, Clinton campaign manager Robbie Mook, and Jake Sullivan, who at the time was the senior foreign policy adviser to the Clinton campaign. Sullivan now serves as President Joe Biden’s national security adviser.


Tim adds:

The Democrats and the faux media are making a big stink about Trump allegedly crumpling a document and tossing it in the waste basket. So why is this story out now?

Because they need a distraction to put the fire back on Trump and take it away from Frau Blucha. The timing is no coincidence.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:26 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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