February 13, 2021

2 Time Olympian Arrested in Connection with D.C. Mostly Peaceful Protest

Timothy Birdnow

Olympian Klete Keller indicted on 7 charges for involvement in U.S. Capitol riots

Keller should have donned a wig and bra and said he was transgendered; they would have left him alone!

The article lies, too; it claims 5 people were "killed" when in fact the only person we know who was killed was a protester. The rest were probably medical emergencies. I say probably because the authorities have not released cause of death reports. Which means they don't want  the public to get the "wrong" idea.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:57 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 100 words, total size 1 kb.

The Democrat's Nazi Plan

Warner Todd Huston

Democrats are following the Nazi playbook to a tee... I am not saying Democrats are specifically Nazis, mind you, but they are following the authoritarian, fascist plan in perfect order.

First they undermined society by tearing down religion. Then they undermined society by tearing down social norms. They are now at the stage of making citizens despise each other and are just starting the phase of training citizens to turn each other in to authorities for wrong think. After this phase comes the one where government is tasked with fanning out and taking your guns and arresting you for wrong think. Then comes the death camps and 100% control of the people by government. THIS is the plan the Democrats are following to a tee.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:31 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 132 words, total size 1 kb.

Mr. Bean Takes on Wokies

Timothy Birdnow

Mr. Bean takes on woke culture!

Mr. Bean Actor Rowan Atkinson Compares Cancel Culture to 'Medieval Mob Looking for Someone to Burn

Atkinson also starred in Blackadder and Johnnie English.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:04 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 37 words, total size 1 kb.

Coercive Government Fail

Chester McAteer opines:

The common view is that government is unlimited in its ability to provide for a functional society; thus, the view holds; that when a social need arises, the government is there to fill the need, provide for the gaps in every social sector possible.

Unfortunately, we have grown accustomed to that particularly well-manicured view in this country, we have lost a great deal of both the potential and the possibilities of a society with the overwhelming presence of government in our society.

While it is commonly thought that the government provides what the market cannot, the truth is that the government can never adequately substitute for the voluntary actions of the market. Now, obviously, when I use the term market I am not referring to the market that we see today, for it is far from free and far from capitalism.

The government, as we have witnessed over the last 10 decades, has attempted to be all things to all people, the social worker of the country, but the solutions provided by the government has been far from successful since it is a poor replacement for just about every possible service that the market would otherwise provide. It has basically embarked on a system of coercive redistribution of both income and wealth to provide its services. In the end, this always fails to produce the desired results and usually, as history provides the lesson, ends in failure and much more social distress than would otherwise be experienced.

The "war on poverty” is a perfect example, since the vast and expensive government programs began; poverty levels have increased proportionally in this country. So, this system, while widely promoted as beneficial, makes very little sense when looking at the facts. While the general standard of living has increased in this country, primarily because of a massive debt addiction, it is not the organic growth associated with a truly free market. Likewise, other government programs present the same lackluster results, just look at education in this country, it's an absolute mess.

The last century has seen a massive explosion in both the scope and power of the government in this country. Now, to follow common logic, it would appear that such an expansive and strong government would be able to accomplish feats unheard of in history on all social fronts however, that is not the case. The only success has been in the government itself, it has prospered, expanding its personnel departments to unprecedented levels; indeed the government has created a massive "business empire”.

In Liberty and Eternal Vigilance

Tim adds:

Government has taken the place of God in modern America Chester, and so many of the Faithful reside in the Democratic Party and in the media. They fail to understand that governnment is coercion by it's very nature and that it has no money of it's own, but must take from those who produce and redistribute it as they see fit.

That means it is grossly inefficient and causes resentment and leads to the productive spending more time trying to shelter their labor and wealth than actually produce stuff.

Big government is immoral. It steals from people by threatening ultimately to kill them if they don't fork over the wealth.

And it is unnecessary; we used to have limited government and the People themselves did what government now is doing, and did so far more efficiently. Government makes people dependent and unable to act or even think for themselves. Nobody ever, ever suggests we go back to a system where charity is run by charitable organizations, for example. In fact, most charitable organizations have largely died since government took over. The end result has been an ever-expanding government and an increased political polarization as the different recipient groups fight over control of the money taken from the citizenry by government.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:49 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 644 words, total size 4 kb.

Colt Leaves America

Warner Todd Huston

Colt has been flailing for years. Horribly run company. I feared they'd sell out eventually.

Colt Ends 175 Years as an American Gunmaker with Purchase by Czech Firearms Company

Tim adds:

Will this drive the price of firearms up? And if so, won't that fit in with the Progressive program quite well!

Another part of Red State America that is being outsourced. The Left wants to strip us of our firearms and how better to do it than to eliminate America's iconic gun manufacturer.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:35 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 90 words, total size 1 kb.

Memories of Youth

Timothy Birdnow

So I was talking to my dear sweet wife Cathy this morning and we did some reminiscing. In particular we were talking about cigarette smoking.

My parents both puffed away why like coal-fired train engines why I was growing up, and often I would get sent up to Gasen's drug store to buy them cigarettes. Now, I was as young as 8 years old when they had me do it. Can you imagine that today? There are legal age limits for buying tobacco products, and here I was a little boy sent by himself with a dollar to pick up a pack of camels!

And nobody said a word at Gasens; just handed over the pack and off I went!

Now parents wouldn't even let their kid walk the two blocks to the store alone. At that age I wandered the entire neighborhood. I remember being ten or eleven and walking miles from home. I went to a day camp for kids at Florissant Valley Community College, which was a number of miles away, and occasionally walked home from there.

It was a very different world.

Back to the smoking; my parents would light up as soon as they got in the car, and we would be treated to a car with smoke as thick as a forest fire. I mean it was like the mist werewolves would come out of in horror movies. If it was cold they would keep the windows up. And if it was my mother she would keep them up even on boiling hot days to avoid her hair being blown all over. In those days we didn't have air-conditioning in our car. If we were lucky they opened the little wing window, but that was about all we could hope for. Even after my dad bought a LTD station wagon with a/c he wouldn't run the air because it burned more gas (and this at a time when gas was under a buck a gallon.) So we would swelter in a car that was probably over 120 degrees F. And the seat would burn the backs of our legs.

Those were the days!

Later, we would put Gasen's lax attitudes to good use when we became teenagers because they weren't very scrupulous in checking I.D.'s for beer. I remember getting warm beer from there, and a bag of ice, and going over to "the little creek" which was basically a drainage ditch with some trees along the side of Lewis and Clark BlVD. Once we tried digging a hole in the ground to act as a cooler, but it just made the beer muddy. Good times!

The other day the local PBS station ran the eighties movie "Arthur" and I watched a portion of it. It's amazing how much our civilization has changed; Arthur was a sloppy drunk and that was accepted as humor back then. No more. He drove while drinking hard liquor, and in one scene parks on the sidewalk because he was too drunk to park properly. Nobody thought anything of that back then. Now the man would probably wind up in prison for DUI and wreckless driving.

It's a very different world now. Safer in some ways but far more stifling. Kids are never away from some authority, and their lives are always structured. Back then we were the freest human beings on Earth during the summer months. It was paradise! We could go where we pleased and do pretty much what we wished as long as we were home before dark. Parents did not fear this freedom for their children. They knew the kids would develop an adventurous spirit and a curiousity by interacting with the world. And there was little fear of perverts kidnapping a kid; any adult man would step in if a kid started shouting, and he would know what to do with such a scumbag. Now the man would be arrested and the pervert would wind up being feted on television as an oppressed class. And, of course, the kids all knew not to get into a stranger's car. We knew the ropes.

We are told how much we have advanced, how the Progressive project has made our lives so much better. Yes, materially things ARE better; my family didn't have air conditioning until we moved into Bellefontaine and then it was only a window unit. My parents rarely ran it because of the cost, too. We didn't have computers or anything like that. We were lucky; we had two black and white television sets, one with a rooftop antenna which my father had to adjust on the roof during storms. Here he would climb a ladder during an electrical storm and manipulate the antenna until we said the picture was watchable, while the rain poured down and the lightning flashed. He - and we- thought nothing of it.

The television used to roll, too, and we'd always have to screw around with the vertical hold to stop it. I remember watching half a picture and the bottom half over the guy's head! And "snow"!

We had a party line telephone, too, and often had to wait until the old ladies who shared it with us hung up.

But it was amazing luxury compared to most people in the world.

Frankly, I wouldn't trade the freedom and joy of my youth for all of the electronic gadgets. Kids these days are withered and strangled. They have amusements to make their prisons easier, but they are still prisoners. We were free. I am so very sorry for what we have done to our youths.

It's why they are angry and want things like socialism and radicalism. They sense they were cheated out of something.

It's sad that those days are gone, distant memories for me now. And they grow more dim as each year passes. The years grow shorter and the memories grow weaker. Ah well.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:21 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 995 words, total size 6 kb.

Good and Erroneous Philosphy

This from Bob Clasen

Many modern people proclaim that philosophy doesn’t matter. It’s just impractical abstract ideas. What matters is facts.

But if you look around at our world, you will see that what is happening now is the result of philosophy, specifically nearly a hundred years of Marxism and Post-Modernism and so called "Critical Theory.”

The Left become skeptical of everything, even reason. Man is not capable of knowing the truth. We are merely sponges that absorbs whatever our culture tells us.

The Left has assaulted the idea of free speech in favor of speech that does not offend or frighten anyone. They decide what is permissible. People who dispute political sacred cows are "canceled” i.e. they are silenced and fired and prevented from working. It is like mobs who stoned old ladies accused of being "witches” or burned heretics in the town square in the Middle Ages.

Philosophers have taught that there is no right or wrong. Everything is "relative.” Might makes right. If you repeat the lie enough, people will believe. This in turn has justified propaganda, and silencing opposition.

And so what do these unimportant abstract ideas taught by philosophers mean today?

We see liberal cities burning in perpetual rioting. We find that disapproved ideas are silenced by politicians and corporatations. Propaganda and lies are justified as necessary means to re-educating the masses. Reason is ridiculed and ignored.

Individuals are told they must bow to the will of the majority, even if it means their own destruction. This is "democracy.”

Even science is now vulnerable to political propaganda. Science has become Dogma. Science is ruled by "consensus” (or popularity) and questioning sacred scientific dogma might get you fired. Examples, Climate Science, Covid-19 Science. The science of sexual differences.

Current events are a harsh lesson into just how much philosophy does matter. It is critically important.

Tim adds:

"The Left become skeptical of everything, even reason." Nietzche warned of this in the 19th century. He said Western thought would eventually question it's fundamental assumptions that the Universe is rational and knowable. He was right; that's where we are at present. And it was Rousseau who taught that society should be run democratically, meaning reality should be defined by the collective and not by an absolute measure. Rousseau has poisoned our thinking ever since, and Marxism, socialism, and fascism are all the fruits of his ponderings. You're darned right philosophy matters. America was established based in no small part on philosophy of John Locke and Adam Smith. Rousseau, Marx, and Schopenhaur held sway in Europe and the result has been some of the worst times in human history thanks to their relativistic visions. And it only is going to get worse as intellectuals double down on this insanity. The no longer believe in a concrete reality.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:48 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 472 words, total size 3 kb.

How the Left Marginalized the Countryside

Timothy Birdnow

So, how did America get into the pickle it currently enjoys?

Jeff Howe sent this article which explains in part.

The 1929 Permanent Apportionment Act capped the number of U.S. Representatives at the level established by the 1910 census at 435. As a result the cities - where the population is most dense - became the real power brokers and the more conservative countryside lost influence as more Congressional seats were given to metropolitan areas at the expense of the rural areas. The result was Democratic political machines wielded undo influence.

Couple this with other reforms of the Progressive era, such as the Federal Reserve, the Income Tax, anti-trust laws, Prohibition, the direct election of Senators, etc. and you had a recipe for expanding Federal power and the growth of the Democratic Party.

We are now ruled by the very left wing cities. The country folks have little say in how America is governed.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:38 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 162 words, total size 1 kb.

February 12, 2021

Many D.C. Rioters Didn't Vote

This from Willis Eschenbach:

This is hilarious. President Trump was telling people for a year to vote for him, but the people below paid him no attention.

But now, these same people are supposed to have used their secret decoder rings to turn President Trump's instruction to assemble peacefully into "EVERYONE ATTACK THE CAPITOL".

They paid no attention to President Trump about voting but they're his minions anyhow?

The stupidity, it burns ...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:18 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 78 words, total size 1 kb.

Policy On The Fly - Health Advice To Suit

James Doogue

On 19 March 2020 Scott Morrison announced that Australia’s borders are now closed to non-citizens and residents. Australians were urged to return home as soon as possible.

Locking down the borders but letting thousands of people a week return, months after the lock-down, is a farce.

Combined with insecure hotel quarantine, and state governments which moved from 'slowing the spread' of Covid-19, to 'elimination' without public debate, is why millions of Australians are locked-down. It's why so many businesses are closing and people are losing jobs. It's why our children's schooling is interrupted and none of us can get back to normality.

And what use is the National Cabinet who told us we were just slowing the curve?

May be an image of text that says 'Flatten the curve How to lower and delay the coronavirus pandemic peak No protective measures Protective measures* slow the spread disease and reduce burden on hospitals With protective measures Healthcare system capacity (Emergenc Room visits, Intensi Care Units, etc.) Time since first case'

Tim adds:

The Ruling Class found a sure-fire way to impose unlimited power and the public happily accepted it. There is a story told about a man and a horse. The horse offers an alliance with the man against a common enemy (usually told as wolves) and agrees to let the man put a saddle on him and ride him temporarily for their mutual benefit. After killing the wolf the horse says "now you can unsaddle me" and the man laughs "NEVER" and strikes the horse with his riding crop. The moral of the story should be obvious.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:11 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 227 words, total size 3 kb.

Make America California Again (MACA)

From Jim Church

President Biden recently suggested that he wants to "make America California again”. Yet before leaping on this particular train, he should consider whether the California model may be better seen as a cautionary tale than a roadmap to a better future in the digital age.

The on-the-ground reality — as opposed to that portrayed in the media or popular culture — is more Dickensian than utopian. Rather than the state where dreams are made, in reality California increasingly presents the prototype of a new feudalism fused oddly with a supposedly progressive model in which inequality is growing, not falling.

California now suffers the highest cost-adjusted poverty rate in the country, and the widest gap between middle and upper-middle income earners. It also has one of the nation’s highest Gini ratios, which measures the inequality of wealth distribution from the richest to poorest residents — and the disparity is growing. Incredibly, California’s level of inequality is greater than that of neighbouring Mexico, and closer to Central American countries like Guatemala and Honduras than developed counties like Canada and Norway.

The Collapse of California

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:27 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 190 words, total size 1 kb.

February 11, 2021

Whobbly Joe

Warner Todd Huston

Joe Biden: We must wear masks, get tests, shut the economy, and stay home to beat the coronavirus.

Also Joe Bide: Hey, let's release millions of illegals from custody and throw open the borders to millions more despite all the diseases they carry.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:24 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 48 words, total size 1 kb.

February 10, 2021

It's Cold Because it's, Well, Cold

Timothy Birdnow

Contrary to what Judah Cohen says, the Polar Vortex theory, which argues that a warming Arctic causes a collapse of the "polar vortex" and leads to bitter cold snaps in North America and other places, has been refuted by the Journal Nature.

According to the No Tricks Zone Article:

For example a recent paper appearing in Nature titled "Weakened evidence for mid-latitude impacts of Arctic warming", authored by Blackport et al, refutes this highly fantasy-rich hypothesis pitched by the two PIK scientists.

The Nature article writes:

Jennifer Francis, whose seminal work proposed that Arctic warming was leading to a wavier jet stream, predicted in 2014 that "within a few years, as Arctic amplification continues, we will have enough data to know whether or not we’re right”6.

So, six years on, what has changed? Arctic amplification and sea-ice loss have indeed continued (Fig.1). But predictions of a more negative Arctic Oscillation, wavier jet stream, colder winters in mid-latitudes or, more specifically, in Eurasia, and more frequent and/or widespread cold extremes have not become reality (Fig.1).

Cold waves have been decreasing

Other experts have also noticed what PIK is doing here. Dr. Roy Spencer wrote at his blog in 2019 that U.S. cold waves have been decreasing, thus contradicting the PIK:

Source: Dr. Roy Spencer.

"The trend is markedly downward in the most recent 40 years (since 1979) which is the earliest we have reliable measurements of Arctic sea ice from satellite microwave radiometers (my specialty),” Spencer noted.

"Made to fit where they don’t fit”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:14 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Proof of the Folly of Minimum Wage

Timothy Birdnow

If anyone needs proof that government-imposed wage hikes cost jobs, here it is.

Kroger grocery chain announced it would be closing two stores in Long Beach after the City Council voted to create an "honoring heroes" minimum wage granting an extra $4 an hour to grocery workers as a thank you for working through the pandemic.

Needless to say the Long Beach Bums are not happy:

Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia was a key proponent of the measure and signed it into law. He argues it is justified because grocery store workers "have been on the frontlines of this pandemic and deserve this support.”

Tomorrow, on the day we inaugurate our new President, I’ll sign into law a $4 an hour hero pay increase to our hardworking grocery and supermarket workers. They have been on the frontlines of this pandemic and deserve this support.

— Robert Garcia (@RobertGarcia) January 20, 2021

Similarly, Garcia and other supporters of the mandated wage hike argue that companies are just being selfish by closing down rather than paying their workers more. They point to the fact that Kroger has seen high levels of profit this year.

When large corporations make record profits and double their earnings - they need to share that success with those providing the labor. Period.

— Robert Garcia (@RobertGarcia) February 2, 2021

In truth, whether the company is being selfish and whether it’s really flush with cash (Kroger says these specific stores were already financially struggling) are both beside the point. This mandatory wage hike "honoring heroes” was passed by politicians eager to spend other people’s money and claim the credit. But like any minimum wage law, it was always going to have the unintended consequence of eliminating some jobs altogether.

End excerpt.

That is correct; the Mayor of Long Beach had no right to decide how Kroger was to spend their money, and his actions, not Krogers, is the cause of these people losing their jobs.

That's what is wrong with a minimum wage to begin with, and most especially a high one. It inevitably leads to fewer jobs. And that means the marginal employees - the ones who need these jobs the most - are first to go.

Try telling that to a liberal though.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:09 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 386 words, total size 3 kb.

Where's the Autopsy Report

Timothy Birdnow

So, if capitol police officer Sicknick was murdered, where is the autopsy report?

From the Revolver article:

"Law enforcement officials now tell CNN that there was no fire extinguisher blow, no bloody gash, and no blunt force trauma to Sicknick’s body when he died.
Not only that, but it is increasingly unclear when, where and if Sicknick was even rushed to the hospital.

As it turns out, multiple hours after the protest had already concluded, Sicknick texted his own brother Ken that very night he was basically fine, other than being "pepper sprayed twice,” confirming he was safe and "in good shape.”

Then, an odd thing happened. The next afternoon, the Sicknick family began getting phone calls that Officer Brian Sicknick had been declared dead. The phone calls didn’t come from the hospital. They didn’t come from the treating physicians. They didn’t come from the US Capitol Police, or the FBI, or the DOJ.

They came from media reporters.

Certain privileged media personnel were evidently the first to receive sensitive information circulating among "law enforcement officials” that Brian Sicknick was dead.

But then the story got stranger. In a dark, twisted echo of Monty Python’s "bring out your dead” scene, it turned out Sicknick was not dead yet."

end excerpt.

Read the whole thing.

The only person who died of volence was that Army Captain who was shot while unarmed and climbing in a window.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:58 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 243 words, total size 2 kb.

When the FRENCH are Alarmed...

Warner Todd Huston

Even France Is Alarmed by America’s Drift Into Left-Wing Radicalism

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:55 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Pipeline Joe

Timothy Birdnow

Having killed the Keystone XL pipeline, which brought Canadian oil to the U.S. , making America more energy secure and providing thousands of jobs, Joe "Captain Peachfuzz" Biden is now promoting a pipeline through Talibani-controlled territory in Afghanistan to bring oil and gas to India.

 It will enrich the Taliban, who were cut in on the deal. We've only been at war with these radical Islamists for 20 years now.

Amazing how Biden and those running him love tyrants and terrorists but hate Americans.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:04 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Expanding Earth

Richard Cronin

Plate tectonics doesn’t adequately describe what happens in the Earth. More correctly, we have Expansion Tectonics, as described by Ott Hilgenberg, Samuel Carey, James Maxlow, and Giancarlo Scalera at least. Jan Mestan describes this phenomenon as the Chthonian Planetary Model. Dr. J. Marvin Herndon describes this phenomenon as "Whole Earth Decompression Dynamics” and soundly explains that strict Plate Tectonics cannot exist — that is, with crustal material thrusting below, then convection recirculating this matter laterally from subduction zones then rising back up at ridge systems, like the mid-Atlantic Ridge. The are no subduction zones around the perimeter of the North Atlantic. Moreover, the Deltares group of the Netherlands, examining satellite observations spanning the early 1980s to early 2000s has found the that area of the oceans has expanded, but the area of the land has expanded more. This is due to an Expanding Earth providing more upthrust on the crust. We know that Tuvalu and several island nations have grown in surface area. Expansion Tectonics provides a much simpler explanation for Continental Drift. Also, the idea that crustal plates have wandered around like so many carnival bumper cars hitting one another then spinning off in another direction is patently ludicrous.

Herndon describes how all stars and planets basically start as gas giants. In the case of the Earth, the initial gas/ liquid proto-atmosphere of Earth had exerted 300 Earth masses onto a solid inner "kernel”, compressing it to approx. 2/3rds of its current size. When the Sun ignited as a thermonuclear detonation, the blast wave blew off the outer gas/liquid overburden of the four (4) rocky inner planets and these 4 inner planets have been expanding ever since. The surface of Mercury bears savage scorching and the crust is quite thin, overlaying the heavy Iron inner body. The Messenger mission identified that the composition of Mercury is quite different than Earth, with silicate minerals absent while the Earth is described as the Bulk Silicate Model (BSM).

In all events, the expansion of the planet provides greater containment volume for the ocean basins. Rising sea levels from melting ice to flood out coastal regions is bunkum. The expansion of the oceans easily accommodates the thermal expansion of the ocean waters (Rietbroek, Univ. of Bonn Jan. 2016 ) plus the additional water from subglacial volcanic steam (melting of the Antarctic Ross Ice Shelf).

Geological Phenomenon Widening the Atlantic Ocean

Herndon advises that the Earth may be approaching the end of its expansion phase. We observe that the Earth’s surface conditions have fairly stabilized since the beginning of the Holocene.

Another chunk of knowledge comes from James Edward Kamis and his pronouncements about Plate Climatology.

http:// www.plateclimato logy.com/

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:19 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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The Great Insurrection

Willis Eschenbach observes:

This is how terrifying and out of control the "armed insurrection" was ... watch the video.
Bradley Marcus on Twitter

Russell Cook adds:

Plus, never lose sight of how that character was the so-called 'leader' of a Sept 2019 Greta Thunberg-embracing climate strike march, something which no Trump supporters would be caught dead doing. https://www.azcentral.com/picture-gallery/news/local/arizona-environment/2019/09/20/hundreds-march-arizona-solidarity-climate-strikes-around-world/2391592001/

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:56 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 61 words, total size 1 kb.

February 09, 2021

No Systemic White Violence Against Blacks

From Willis Eschenbach:

For those who think that the riots by the BurnLootMurdere rs and the Pantie Fascists were justified because of white violence against black people, I implore you to think long and hard about the following facts.
May be a cartoon of text that says '25 3,228,201 Violent Incidents, By Race Of Offender And Victim National Criminal Victimization Survey (NCVS), 2018 2,224,025 2.0 (millions) 1.5 Incidents 1.0 Violent 0.5 547,948 0.0 396,450 59,778 White on White White on Black on Black White Race (Offender on Victim) DATA: US D-t/18 Black on Black'

May be an image of text that says 'Who/What Kills Black People DATA: FBI, kff.org, & WaPo Shootings Dataset, 2018 0009 5000 4000 Deaths 3000 2018 2000 1000 Police White People Black People Drug OD'

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:54 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 45 words, total size 2 kb.

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