February 16, 2025

Off Switch for Appetite

Timothy Birdnow

Wow! Scientists just discovered a neuron that switches off the appetite making the possibility of a true weight-loss medication a reality.


"Columbia scientists have discovered specialized neurons in the brains of mice that signal the animals to stop eating.

While many feeding circuits in the brain are known to regulate food intake, the neurons within these circuits do not make the final decision to stop eating.

The newly identified neurons, a previously unknown component of these circuits, are located in the brainstem—the oldest part of the vertebrate brain. This discovery could pave the way for new treatments for obesity.

"These neurons are unlike any other neuron involved in regulating satiation,” says Alexander Nectow, a physician-scientist at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, who led the research with Srikanta Chowdhury, an associate research scientist in the Nectow lab.

"Other neurons in the brain are usually restricted to sensing food put into our mouth, or how food fills the gut, or the nutrition obtained from food. The neurons we found are special in that they seem to integrate all these different pieces of information and more.”
Cells found in the brainstem

The decision to stop eating is a familiar phenomenon. "It happens every time we sit down to eat a meal: At a certain point while we’re eating, we start to feel full, and then we get fuller, and then we get to a point where we think, okay, that’s enough,” Nectow says.

How does the brain know when the body has had enough–and how does it act on that information to stop eating?

Other researchers had previously tracked the decision-making cells to the brainstem, but the leads ended there.

Nectow and Chowdhury deployed new single-cell techniques that make it possible to peer into a region of the brain and discern different types of cells that until now have been difficult to distinguish from one another.

"This technique—spatially resolved molecular profiling—allows you to see cells where they are in the brainstem and what their molecular composition looks like,” Nectow says.

During their profiling of a brainstem region known for processing complex signals, the researchers spotted previously unrecognized cells that had similar characteristics to other neurons involved in regulating appetite. "We said, ‘Oh, this is interesting. What do these neurons do?’

This could be a godsend to the American People, who are increasingly morbidly obese. Most of America's health problems stem from being overweight.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:40 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Union Insurrection

Timothy Birdnow

The Federal workforce is under the bureaucracy, and the bureacracy is under the Exectuve branch, so how is Trump's action an "aggressive moves to shrink government and expand his power"? If he's shrinking government he's REDUCING his power, isn't he? Or is the bureaucracy running their own branch of government these days? Odd; I don't recall seeing a Constitutional amendment to that effect.Fed unions take lead in resistance to Trump’s presidential power grab

"Trump actions against federal employees pushed them to the forefront of resistance against his aggressive moves to shrink government and expand his power."

The author shrieks of "power heists" and how Trump is fomenting a "constitutional crisis". Guess he never actually READ the Constitution, which does not even mention a bureaucracy, much less grant it any sort of autonomy.

So basically these are employees telling their boss they are going to sabotage him. It's an insurrection.

The article goes on to state:

"Trump, however, rests his power plays on Article II’s first sentence, which says "The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.” In 2019, during Trump’s first term, he was clear on his strongly disputed, unique interpretation of that line: "I have the right to do whatever I want as president.” That’s his version of the unitary executive theory, which has right-wing support."

No, Trump isn't saying "I have the right to do whatever I want" but rather "I have the right to manage my own employees." The Constitution makes it quite clear he's responsible, and if his employees pulled some dirty tricks on the Left these people would be screaming bloody murder about how Trump bears the final responsiblity for them. So which is it?

And they have the gall to quote Jamie Raskin:

"Raskin pointed to the Constitution’s "core duty of the president” to "take care that the laws are faithfully executed, not frustrated, not defeated, not rewritten, not overturned"

As if the four years of Joe Biden never happened. I guess we didn't have a huge influx of illegal aliens then, in violation of our laws? I guess Biden didn't cancel the Keystone XL pipeline even though contracts were signed? I guess Biden didn't let the border wall material rot in Texas even though Congress had approved the construction of the wall? I guess Biden didn't impose his tuition waiver for students even though Congress didn't authorize it and the Courts didn't order him to stop?

The hypocrisy is astonishing; they can twist the law as they please.

These people are becoming unhinged. And insurrection is in the air. Hopefully Trump will scare them straight as they face either losing their jobs or obeying their boss.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:31 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Francis to Stack Deck in College of Cardinals

Timothy Birdnow

Pope Francis is going to employ the dirty trick the Democrats wanted to use with the Supreme Court, adding Cardinals so he can control any future conclaves, even from the grave.

From NC Register:

Pope Francis creates five new cardinals during a consistory in St. Peter's Basilica on June 28, 2017.
Is Pope Francis About to Name New Cardinals?

NEWS ANALYSIS: Pope Francis could soon convene a consistory for the creation of new cardinals, taking the number of cardinals eligible to take part in a future conclave over the 120 limit established by Paul VI.

Why? Cardinals choose the Popes and he wants to make absolutely certain his replacement isn't a John Paul II or Benedict but a Progressive who will "lead the Church into the modern age" as he sees it.

This is so typical of a leftist; if the rules do not favor you just change them!

Lying and cheating are sins and this man will face the consequences of his sins.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:59 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Solldiers Ripped Off

Timothy Birdnow

An army travels on it's sttomach, the old saying goes. So why did the Biden Administration divert funds intended to feed our soldiers?

Over $151 Million Taken from Soldiers Paychecks for Food Costs Spent Elsewhere

Anyone want to guess? My guess is this found it's way back into the coffers of the Democratic Party.

If we can't treat our military fairly who CAN we treat fairly? They are the ones who make us safe.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:03 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Losing Battle for Dems

Timothy Birdnow

Swing voters in Arizona overwhelmingly support Trump's budget cutting in a sharp rebuke to the Democrat's latest scheme to erode the Orange Menace's popularity.

It's fun watching the Democrats flounder about in a desperate attempt to find something that will stick. They just don't understand that the public has finally realized they were being punked and that what the Dems are selling the public is no longer buying.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:19 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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James Invokes "Rule of Law"

Timothy Birdnow

In an unhinged rant recently New York's kommisar, er, Attorney General Letitia "I will get Trump" James raged against Elon Musk and DOGE:

"Elon was not voted in by the people. The American people deserve better. We will be in the courthouse time and time again. The American people will not back d

Elon Musk was as much voted into office as was any bureaucrat; he was hired by the President to audit the federal government. Trump was elected to cut spending.

I wonder if James holds the same standard where, say, Jack Smith is concerned; no American voted for Mr. Smith yet here he was hounding then-candidate Donald Trump for political purposes.

In fact none of the agencies Musk is investigating are run by elected officials; they are all Presidential appointees.

She knows this; she isn't stupid (well, not THAT stupid). This is an argument the Democrats are using to trick the low-information types. They know full well that most of our government is NOT elected but selected, and mostly by them, which is why they are so enraged by this move by Trump to ferret out the bad actors. The bureaucracy was part of a machine they built to give themselves eternal power.

The Federal bureaucracy consists of some 3 million people, but that's just the folks who are employees; there are many more independent contractors. (I couldn't find if that three million includes the 1.5 million non-military civilian employees of the armed services.) Were ANY of these people elected?

There are 542 elected offices in the Federal government, and all of them have unelected staff (who very often write the bills and speeches and whatnot.) So James is fine with all those unelected people running America as long as it's not a guy who is trying to make cuts.

But of course the average person won't think of that and many will buy the shibboleth. It's how the liberals have always succeeded in the past. Fortunately there is new media and for those who bother to look this information is there and it can be ascertained.

James is now under investigation for her efforts to subvert immigration law. She clearly has a laissez-faire view of the Rule of Law when it suits her.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:13 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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George Soros, USAID, and the Woketopus

Timothy Birdnow

Here is a rundown on the dark ties between George Soros and USAID.e.

Soros and the Open Society deny any funding from USAID but the facts show that is at best only technically true.

From the article:

"Not only has Open Society funded the same projects as USAID, but its leaders met with former USAID Administrator Samantha Power at least twice, the Soros foundations network listed USAID among its "donor partners” in 2001, and an Open Society nonprofit actually sued USAID twice, with the cases reaching the Supreme Court both times.
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USAID and Open Society Foundations jointly funded the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project—an organization that attacked conservatives for criticizing Soros and that published the report that sparked the first Trump impeachment. USAID’s connections to the project raise uncomfortable questions about whether the agency was trying to oust Trump.

The Organized Crime Corruption and Reporting Project also attacked Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J.; Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah; and Mike Gonzalez, a senior fellow at the Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy at The Heritage Foundation. These conservatives made the mistake of noticing that the U.S. Embassy to Macedonia had selected Soros’ Open Society Foundations as the main implementer for USAID projects in the Eastern European country.

According to Rep. Scott Perry, R-Pa., USAID awarded a $2.54 million contract to Open Society for training in "civic activism,” "mobilization,” and "civic engagement” in Macedonia in February 2017.

The East West Management Institute—which has long listed Open Society Foundations as a donor and implementing partner and which received $31.2 million from USAID in the last full fiscal year ending on Sept. 30—launched court changes in Albania that critics allege resulted in the prosecution of Albanian opposition leader Sali Berisha, silencing the opponent of the country’s socialist prime minister.
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As for its role in the Woketopus, Open Society Foundations or its partners, the Open Society Policy Center, the Open Society Institute, or the Foundation to Promote Open Society have funded:

* the American Civil Liberties Union (which pushed open borders in the Biden administration)
* the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and the Southern Poverty Law Center (which pushed the weaponization of federal law enforcement agencies against conservatives)
* the Human Rights Campaign (which pushed gender ideology)
* the Sierra Club (which pushed climate alarmism)

The Tides Foundation

USAID has awarded more than $27 million in grants to the Tides Center, which forms part of the Left’s dark money network I expose in "The Woketopus” along with its sister groups the Tides Foundation and Tides Advocacy.

USAID awarded the Tides Center four grants: a $24.7 million grant in 2016, of which $20 million has been spent; a $1.5 million grant in 2016, of which $147,000 has been spent; a $700,000 grant in 2014 that appears not to have been fulfilled; and another $150,000 grant that appears not to have been fulfilled.

The largest grants came from USAID’s Foreign Assistance Program, which "works to support long-term and equitable economic growth and advance U.S. foreign policy objectives by supporting economic growth, agriculture, and trade; global health; and democracy, conflict prevention, and humanitarian assistance.”

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Tides, like Open Society, has funded many of the leftist groups that called the shots under Biden. The Tides Foundation, Tides Advocacy, or the Tides Center have funded:

* the Center for American Progress (which fed more than 60 officials into the Biden administration, pushing both open borders and climate funding)
* the Natural Resources Defense Fund and the Sierra Club (which pushed a crackdown on oil and gas)
* the Southern Poverty Law Center and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund
* the ACLU

The Tides Center launched an organization, Palestine Legal, that represents anti-Israel rioters in court and gives them legal advice. A Palestine Legal senior attorney told a leftist magazine in January that the group has "represented or advised hundreds of students” since Oct. 7, 2023."

And the same left wing stooges appear in both Soros organizations and in USAID:

"Olivia Callahan, for example, served as a law clerk at USAID before taking roles at the ACLU’s Immigrant Rights Project, according to her LinkedIn profile.
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Ann Van Dusen, who spent 25 years at USAID, now serves as a senior associate at Arabella Advisors, a for-profit company that launched nonprofit entities that funnel money to the Woketopus.

Anne-Marea (Tangee) Griffin, who worked for one year at USAID, now works as a senior fellow for Africa at the Center for American Progress.

Miriam Rashid, an associate director of racial equity and justice at the Center for American Progress, worked as a graduate research fellow at USAID.

Brandon Hooks, deputy director of creator and partnership strategy at the Human Rights Campaign, served as an LGBTI office intern at USAID.

Jay Gilliam, who served as an LGBTQI+ coordinator at USAID until January, previously worked as director of global programs at the Human Rights Campaign. Before joining HRC, he spent four years at USAID.

Chika Nwankwo, who worked as a research assistant for USAID, now works on vaccines via a contract with New Venture Fund, one of the Arabella Advisors-established nonprofits. New Venture Fund sponsored Governing for Impact, a shadowy nonprofit that enjoyed tremendous access in the early Biden administration.

Cuthbert Tinavapi, who served as a USAID regional auditor, now works with the Open Society Foundations as a finance consultant.

Tinatin Tsertsvadze, an advocacy adviser at Open Society Foundations, previously worked as a USAID assistant in the nation of Georgia.

Beth Dunlap, a director at the Open Society Foundations, served as a "senior transition adviser” at USAID. In this role, she "provided strategic guidance, facilitation, and operational support to programs funding political transition in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East,” according to her LinkedIn profile. Her profile lists countries served: Myanmar, Syria, Lebanon, Tunisia, Libya, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Colombia, Yemen, Somalia, Ukraine, and North Macedonia.

Andrea Guardo, a former "human rights specialist” at USAID, now works in Democracy Protection for Latin American and the Caribbean at the Open Society Foundations.

Diego Garcia Devis, drug policy team manager at the Open Society Foundations, previously worked at USAID for nearly five years.

Rajiv J. Shah, president at the Rockefeller Foundation, part of the Left’s dark money network that funded climate activist groups such as the Nature Conservancy and the World Wildlife Fund, previously headed USAID under President Barack Obama.

There is much more and it shouldn't surprise anyone. The left has always been extraordinarily devious and scheming, and George Soros is particularly nasty.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:44 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Unhappy Women Wanderers

Timothy Birdnow

It sucks to be a liberal woman.

Just 12% are satisfied with their lives. But we all knew they were miserable, angry people. And lonely; the survey showed them three times as likely to be lonely as normal women.

Just look at Maureen Dowd; she's a miserable, lonely old hag and a proud liberal. She bought into the liberal stupidity long ago. I wrote about her woes years ago at the old Birdblog website.

So why are liberal women so unhappy? The article gives these reasons:

"than their liberal counterparts.

"We’ve seen in the research that conservative women tend to be more likely to embrace a sense of agency and to have the sense that they are not, in any way, the victim of larger structural realities or forces,” he told Fox News Digital. "They’re also less likely to catastrophize about public events and concerns,” and "more likely to think of themselves as captains of their own fate,” Wilcox added.

He's right but it goes farther than that. Basically these are spoiled girls who place themselves at the center of the universe. They are "self-actualized" and proud with no particular reason to be so. They believe they are at the center of multiple circles of virtue. They push men away because they don't have control of them, then complain there are no decent men around, and often they turn to women for comfort - women with the same emotional problems. Any men they get are going to be most unsatisfactory; beta males who submit to their will. They ultimately don't want that; no woman does. Whatever else they are they are first and foremost women, made by God and three million years of biology.

Science fiction writer William Tenn wrote a great story back during the golden age of s-f called Venus is a Man's World[/lin] in which an Earth ruled by women (there were few men as a result of wars and men became docile pets) produced too few real men and so women headed to the space colonies for husbands. The story - told by the little brother of a bitchy feminist type - involves her anger at a "man's man" type settler on Venus (this was when they thought perhaps Venus was habitable). Of course she secretly wanted him even while displaying open hostility, as he was not at all what she believed. She thought running her mouth was the way you fought, and was shocked at how he just DID things. No blather, just did them. In the end she married the guy (who was hard up enough to put up with her crap). The point of the story - and why I'm telling this - is that women may say they want to be strong and independent, but they don't know how to go about it in many instances (liberal women, that is) and it just makes them miserable. Men who share their values are held in contempt because they don't have the stones to stand up to them, and the men who do frgighten and disgust them. There is always another war to wage,another microaggression, another sleight to fume over. Feminism did this. Liberal women aren't happy because liberalism is essentially a doctrine of resentment.

And God made them women; they do not thrive by pretending they aren't.

It was true of Maureen Dowd and it's true of every feminist woman. In the end they are seduced by a lie, a lie that promises paradise but gives suffering and misery and emptiness. No matter how high these women rise in corporate America or how many men they dominate they will never be able to just relax and enjoy their lives.

Driven, ambitious men have a touch of this problem too, but for different reasons. In the end it's about wanting to compete with people, often for no good reason. Being satisfied with who God made you is the way to be happy; these people are not.

It's a sad fate.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:21 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Sunday Morning Stupidity

Timothy Birdnow

On Fox News Sunday Juan Williams just said that what Vice President Vance said to the Europeans "harkens back to Naziism". The truly offensive thing is that the panel just let him get away with that claim. EVERY member of that panel should have jumped down his throat.

This shows the Left is getting desperate.

He also called Nazis "right wing" and nobody corrected him. Molly Hemmingway (from the Federalist) argued with him but did not point out that Naziism was a leftist philosophy. We have got to do that every time the Left pulls this "right wing Nazi" b.s.

Williams, whose I.Q. rivals his belt size, was arguing about how we had to fight WWII because we didn't act earlier. Odd; he and his buddies opposed every and all interventions by prior Republican administrations. I seem to remember Williams was bitterlya gainst the Afghan and Iraqi wars, yet the argument made for both was identical to the hypothetical one he now employs.

When did the Democrats ever care about displaying strength?

Later Senattor Tim Kaine was on complaining about Trump's firing the Inspector Generals "the first thing Trump did was fire all the Inspector Generals, the people who act as watchdogs". So WHY DIDN'T THESE CLOWNS DO IT BEFORE TRUMP CAME INTO OFFICE? How did spending get so out of control with these wonderful watchdogs?

If you hire a plumber do you keep paying him even though your plumbing remains broken for years?

He whines about Congress not being included, but the same argument applies; they are the ones who blew all the money in the first place. This is like going to an abortionist for pediatric care.

He said Bill Clinton cut spending, and he did to a degree, but why? He was blowing money fast and furious until the Republican Revolution swept Newt Gingrich and the GOP into office and he had no choice. Clinton figured "if you can't beat them join them" and took credit for what the Republicans did in the legislature.

Kaine is saying DOGE is a tool for the rich to cut spending and get a big tax cut for themselves. Who cares? THEY are the ones who provide jobs, not the illegal aliens.

The Democrats are truly getting desperate and think Americans will buy the same old story from them. Rush Limbaugh used to say they always recycled the same playbook because it worked, and it did because they owned the media. But now technology has weakened the corporate media and people are realizing these same tired shibboleths are just lies.

Update: Juan Williams just said the Constitution places the courts in the position of final authority. I'd like him to provide the actual Constitutional clause where it says that - he can't because it isn't there. SCOTUS asserted this right in Marbury v. Madison and while it has worked for us, by and large, it is in no way set in stone - it is merely precedent. Congress could pass a law any time it liked putting the Courts in their place and the judges couldn't stop it (of course they could declare the law unconstitutional,but if they don't have the authority to make such a claim it's a moot point - nor do they have the power to implement their judgement.)

Alexander Hamilton, writing in Federalist 78, said of the courts:

" The judiciary, on the contrary, has no influence over either the sword [executive] or the purse [legislative] ,”


and the judiciary has "no direction either of the strength or of the wealth of the society; and can take no active resolution whatever.”

In short it is not supposed to have the kind of power it currently exercises. Now it has power over the purse and the sword.

So Williams doesn't know what he's talking about (as usual).

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 15, 2025

Adams Suing Trump, Musk

Timothy Birdnow

NYC Mayor Eric Adams is scheming to sue the Trump Administration for eighty plus million dollars for money he somehow thinks Trump and America owe his city for offering to be a sanctuary city for illegal aliens.

Here is a snippet:

The Adams administration’s legal team informed City Comptroller Brad Lander on Friday that they are drafting litigation to recover the $80.5 million in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) payments, which were pulled by federal authorities on Tuesday without the mayor’s prior knowledge.

The city’s Law Department plans to initiate legal action by February 21.

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"The Law Department is currently drafting litigation papers with respect to this matter,” wrote Corporation Counsel Mureil Goode-Trufant in the letter.

"We intend to initiate legal action by February 21, 2025. As the Law Department is representing the City of New York in this matter, there is no need for an authorization for the Comptroller’s Office to engage external legal counsel.”

The letter was sent shortly after Lander urged Adams to either file a lawsuit himself or authorize him to hire outside legal counsel to sue the Trump administration and Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) head Elon Musk.

"Given the gravity of the situation, we cannot afford to waste any more time,” Lander said in a statement Friday.

"If the Mayor would prefer to spend his days advancing President Trump’s agenda instead of fighting for New Yorkers, then the Law Department must allow me to do so.

Here Trump just pulled Adams' cookies out of the fire. Maybe the DOJ should take a fresh look at them...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:49 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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FBI Leaking Raid Info to Venezuelan Gangs

Timothy Birdnow

An FBI agent has beencaught tipping off Venezuelan Gangs raids members of Tren de Aragua in Aurora, Colorado, and Los Angeles, California.. My question is, was this a rogue actor or is it a policy being implemented by Biden holdovers?

The individual or individuals has not yet been officially named by the DOJ.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:46 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Gulf of Trump

Timothy Birdnow

Funny; this woman didn't complain when Obama changed the name from Mt. McKinley to Denali, or when Biden systematically scrubbed confederate names from military bases and ships and whatnot. She made nary a peep about Ft. Bragg becoming "Ft. Liberty". But now she's juiced about the Gulf of Mexico becoming the Gulf of America.

Historian Warns If AP Doesn’t Keep Wrongly Calling Body Of Water Gulf Of Mexico, US May Slide Into Authoritarianism


Historian Heather Cox Richardson warned journalist Katie Couric during a Thursday podcast that if The Associated Press (AP) refers to the Gulf of America by its new name, it could be a significant step toward authoritarianism.

President Donald Trump’s administration first barred the AP from the Oval Office on Tuesday for continuing to call the Gulf of America the Gulf of Mexico, despite the president’s day one executive order to change its name. Couric, on her YouTube channel, asked Richardson for her response to the situation, with the historian immediately suggesting it "speaks … to the rise of authoritarians” and that AP must continue to refuse in order to stave off the potential tyranny.

"That idea that reporters have to use the Gulf of America when it has been called the Gulf of Mexico since at least the 1550s is, I think, a way to say, ‘You’re in my reality now, and you have to bow to my reality,'” Richardson told Couric. "And it’s a terribly slippery slope because once you start to say, ‘Okay, I’ll let you get away with that,’ it’s harder the next time to say no. That’s a really important line to hold.”

What psychobabble "you're in my reality now!" A name is a name, an arbitrarily-given linguistic phrase to designate something. The thing itself is the reality - the name is largely symbolic and immaterial. The sea is still the sea even if Russians call it Morye...

One of the hallmarks of the Left is confusing symbolism over substance, thinking their internal emotions are the core of reality. In her world this is a critical fight because if others start defining the terms they define the reality, and that means they win. In her moonbat thinking the name defines it.

This is the cornerstone of liberal thought. Leftists do not believe in a concrete reality but rather believe reality is malleable and subject to human will and belief. They believe they are gods, and reality is their bitch, to be changed by an act of will. If you understand that you understand most leftist crusades; transgenderism, for instance, is a rebellion against biology but in their minds if you BELIEVE you can be whatever sex you want to be. Same is true for abortion, since human life is a matter of interpretation and what people want trumps the baby, which is not real until the mother decides it's real. It's why they believe in socialism, which has never worked. It's why they are so eager to push drug use in society; it helps bring their disassociation with reality closer to everyone else.

It's basically magical thinking, black magic, witchcraft. It's what sends lefties up on mountains to "visualize world peace" as if our wishes will somehow magically morph into reality.

At any rate the AP and this "professor" are both just looking to fight Trump on this as part of "RESIST II!" The fact is the Gulf's name was changed legally, and they can no more dispute that than they can dispute the fact Bruce Jenner changed his name to Caitlyn. Jenner is not a woman but he can in fact legally change his name. Somehow I doubt the AP will insist on calling him Bruce, yet they are quick to complain about the name of the Gulf.

They should be happy; given his propensity I'm surprised Trump didn't call it "The Gulf of Trump" - he names everything else after himself, after all.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:16 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Lawfare May Be Trump's Secret Weapon

Timothy Birdnow

All the lawsuits to "stop Trump" may be playing into his hands.

From the DailyCaller article:

"But the most lasting change Trump’s actions could make at the high court might be surrounding the role of executive power.

"President Trump is acting fully within his Article II powers with these executive orders,” Mike Davis, founder of the Article III Project, told the DCNF. "Activist judges are attempting to steal his executive power over nothing more than political differences. This is unacceptable, and these activist judges are creating a constitutional crisis. If it comes to the Supreme Court to put an end to this, then so be it.”

Harvard law professor Jeannie Suk Gersen noted in The New Yorker that lawyers likely predicted Trump’s early actions would be challenged and ultimately land at the Supreme Court. "This makes Trump’s legal strategy intelligible,” she wrote.

"What is playing out through a veneer of chaos is a deliberate and organized tactical program to undertake actions that provoke a raft of lawsuits, some of which could become good vehicles for establishing a constitutional vision in which the President has sole authority over the entire executive branch,” she wrote.

Acting Solicitor General Sarah Harris notified the Democratic Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin on Wednesday that the Trump DOJ would seek the reversal of a nearly 100-year-old Supreme Court precedent preventing presidents from removing agency officials without cause."

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Bill to Pull Tax Exemptions for NGO's Aiding Illegals

Timothy Birdnow

Could somebody explain to me why these Nonprofits kept tax-exempt status when they were openly facilitating the invasion in the first place?

Bill to Revoke Tax Exemt Status of Nonprofits Aiding Illegal Immigrants Filed by sen. Bill Hagerty

There needs to be more punishment than just losing tax-exemption. It is a federal crime to knowingly encourage anyone to enter the U.S. illegally in 1907. Title 8, U.S.C. 1324(a). This section lays out a standard penalty of five years in prison, and more if it was purely for commercial purposes.

Top brass at these NGO's need to be prosecuted under 1324 and sent to prison. The only way you can effectively enforce a law is to punish lawbreakers.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:07 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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IRS in Panic Over DOGE

Timothy Birdnow

Good! It couldn't happen to nicer guys!

DOGE shows up at IRS, sending taxmen into panic

"Christian Whiton, a senior adviser in the first Trump administration, told Sky News, "It's poetic justice for the IRS to be facing scrutiny since they scrutinize the rest of us." '

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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No More Tiptoe Through the Tulip GI's

Timothy Birdnow

No more Corporol Klingers in Pete Hegseth/Donald Trump's army!

Trannies in fatigues was just laughable and I am sure our enemies thought it funny as hell. No more; the American soldier will be someone they will fear and respect again.

MAGA now stands for "Make the Army Great Again"!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:27 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Hypocrisy in iB flat

Timothy Birdnow

This guy is irony impaired:

"As I speak with a lot of my colleagues who have been in Congress for a long time, this is completely abnormal. We should all be concerned about the fact that Elon Musk and his small team of, uh, DOGE, uh, you know, coders have absolutely zero oversight. There’s no one looking over the work they’re doing to make sure that, of course, there’s no conflict of interest, but that it’s also being done in the right way.”

Representative Maxwell Frost D-Florida

NOW Frost wants to actually do oversight. Where were he and his friends when the disparate government agencies were running hog wild with taxpayer dollars? He only cares about reining in those recommending budget cuts.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:08 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 128 words, total size 1 kb.

Turning ESG to Good

Timothy Birdnow

Here is an interesting essay about hwo the Left almostwon with ESG, and how the tactics employed by ESG could be turned to serve America. I recommend it.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:00 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 34 words, total size 1 kb.

February 14, 2025

Judge Orders Foreign Aid Restored

Timothy Birdnow

Another partisan hack restores the piggy bank for leftists.

U.S. District judge Amir Ali (yes, that is his name!) ordered all funding be restored to NGO's and all foreign aid restored because, as he sees it, Trump's pause is "capricious" and he just doesn't like it.

I hate to tell this creep, but he has no authority to decide such matters; they are a political decision,not a judicial decision. He has grossly overstepped his bounds.


"In a ruling on Thursday, U.S. District Judge Amir Ali stated that the administration failed to justify why a blanket suspension of all congressionally appropriated foreign aid was "a rational precursor to reviewing programs.”

Ali said that implementing the blanket suspension was likely "arbitrary and capricious” because it failed to consider the "immense reliance interests” of businesses and other organizations that had previously been awarded the aid.

So he is in essence saying ill-gotten gain must continue because the crooks have come to rely on what they are stealing. You could make the very same argument that an embezzler should be allowed to continue embezzling.

This guy needs to be impeached, if for nothing but massive stupidity at a minimum (he's not that stupid.)

Nobody is entitled to money from taxpayers, something forgotten in most stories about cuts. Tax funds are money essentially stolen from unwilling donors. It's a GIFT to these NGO's and nothing more. There is no right to a free lunch. There IS a right to hold recipients accountable.

Apparently not to this judge.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:10 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 260 words, total size 2 kb.

Musk to Audit IRS

Timothy Birdnow

WAY past time!

IRS to be Audited by Doge

The IRS is the most abusive and intrusive agaency in America.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:55 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 26 words, total size 1 kb.

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