February 02, 2025

Girl's Night Out

Timothy Birdnow

The co-pilot of the Blackhawk helicopter that hit a passenger plane was also a woman.


As I have pointed out in a prior post, there are indeed women who would make good pilots BUT there was such a big push to get them in they took in less qualified candidates and saw to it they succeed. Women pilots in the Navy, for instance, are given extra downs (demerits) before they wash out of the program, or used to anyway.

One wonders if these gals were really capable of the task they were given.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:59 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Schumer Under Investigation

Timothy Birdnow

The DOJ is launching an investigation into minority leader Chuck Schumer over his threats against two Supreme Court Justices a few years ago.

Schumer made a veiled threat against Brett kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch, addressing them at a rally:

"I want to tell you Justice Kvanaugh and Justice Gorsuch, you have unleashed a whirlwind and you wil pay the price"

This is a violation of 18 U.S. Code S 115.You cannot threaten a judge or legislator to change the outcome of a vote or ruling.

Perhaps justice will finally be served? The Democrats have imposed laws on us they exempt themselves from for years now.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:21 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Cheerio CEO's!

Timothy Birdnow

These were the clowns who gave us DEI, no doubt.

Record Number of American CEOs Quit: Report

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:16 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Timothy Birdnow

Don't tell me tariffs aren't going to work!

China Will Accept the Return of it's Migrants from U.S.

Why would they if it weren't for the big stick of Mr. Trump?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:14 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Another Hogg at the trough

Timothy Birdnow

David Hogg, the insufferable little snot who made his claim to fame trashing gun rights after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, is now a Democratic Co-Chair. That's fitting; a know-nothing knothead is one of the people running the children's party.

Just one more hogg at the Democratic trough.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:05 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Gotcha Question; Was Snowden a Traitor

Timothy Birdnow

During Tulsi Gabbard's confirmation hearing she was badgered by several Democrats about whether she considered Edward Snowden a traitor. Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., and Sen. Michael Bennet both badgered her for an answer to that question, a point that is entirely moot, yet it was the best they could do. Gabbard's response was to try to move away from the issue. Gabbard admitted he broke the law but wouldn't use the term traitor, which was purposely chosen by the Democrats to drive a wedge between her and the MAGA wing of the Republican Party, many of whom consider him either a hero or at least a whistleblower.

Were I she I would have demanded a definition of traitor by the good Senators, and asked who decided if someone was met that definition or not. I would have pointed out that Mr. Snowden isn't a traitor until found guilty of treason by a court of law, and I supported the rule of law unlike these gentlemen who apparently place themselves above

I would point out that by their own standards certainly Hunter Biden was a traitor, and probably his old man and ask if they would call him such publicly right now.

Of course it's easy to say such things from the comfort of my armchair; not so easy in front of the whole world with people who hold your fate in their hands screaming at you.

I would mention John Kerry violating the Logan Act. I would mention the Biden Administration giving intel to Hamas. I would mention Ted Kennedy talking to Moscow. I would mention Gen. Milley telling the Chicoms he would alert them if Trump made a move against them. I would mention Bill Clinton giving Loral Aerospace a waiver to give the Chicoms ICBM technology while taking laundered Chinese campaign money via James Riady and the Chinese restauranteur Charlie Trie. I would ask if it was treason when Sandy Berger, Clinton's former national security advisor, stole classified documents from a sCIF and stuffed them down his pants, later to hide them in a construction site.

I would ask the good Senators what they thought was the difference between treason and whistleblowing.

And I would stress Snowden was innocent until proven guilty.

Of course this was just a "gotcha" and these two hacks had no interest in a real answer. And of course it has little to do with the issue at hand, whether Gabbard was qualified to be Director of Intelligence. Too bad she didn't think of all this. But who can blame her when faced with this kind of vicious attack by former colleagues?

BTW Meet the Press pressed Eric Schmidt over the same question and he artfully dodged it. We need to take this head on.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:57 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Meet the Dim Press

Timothy Birdnow

I caught Meet the Press this morning and host Kristen Welker asked the same question of both Republican guests on her show - Kristi Noem and Mo. Senator Eric Schmidt. That question was an attack on Trump's claim that DEI may have had something to do with the Blackhawk disaster in D.C. She demanded to know HOW that was possible, and stated the FAA claims to hire only the best and brightest and to do regular testing to ensure quality.

Noem didn't answer very well; she seemed stilted and a bit confused. Schmidt did much better, pointing out that this is about staffing or lack thereof.

Were I on the hot seat I would have answered this quite easily "exactly". The FAA is trying to have it's cake and eat it too. They want to hire good people but they want to hire a particular kind of good person and they can't find them. So these positions go unfilled and controllers (or pilots) wind up doing double duty.

And that is assuming they ARE the best people. The testing and training is "race normed" I am sure (sex normed and every other normed too) meaning they give breaks to those who they want.

For example, I learned recently that in colleges across the country you can claim some sort of disability and get UNLIMITED time to take tests. That requires a simple note to authorize it. The result is those who know this and employ it get a huge leg up on those who play by the rules and take timed tests. I strongly suspect they are doing this in government hiring as well, including by the FAA and their "standards".

The Americans with Disabilities Act provides for extra testing time in most circumstances. I was unable to open the FAA document on the matter, but I suspect they adhere to it.

Extra time is fine if you are going for a job as janitor or Congressman but air traffic control, or pilot, requires split-second action.

Anyway Schidt pointed out that time spent on DEI training was time not spent on actual job training - or on actually doing the job. And he pointed out, rightly, that DEI had driven a lot of career people out, as did the Covid protocols put in place by Biden.

A purely skills-based hiring standard had been scrapped by the Obama Administration in favor of a questionnaire over background, and sadly Trump didn't have time to reverse this (he had other fish to fry while himself being in the frying pan over his four years with baseless accusations made against him and two impeachments). Still, Trump chucked the DEI program in 2018, but Biden immediately revived it.

Democrats and the media are furious at Trump for pointing this out. They know they are vulnerable over it and do not want anyone talking about it.

I watched Hancock and Kelly, a local "Left wing/right wing" show on a local station and Hancock, the supposed conservative and former Speaker of the Missouri house, showed why the GOP keeps losing. He invoked Reagan and spoke of Reagan's rhetoric after the Challenger disaster and sneered at Trump for being "divisive" over this. Reagan is dead Republicans; get over him! He was also one of a kind. But if anyone thinks Reagan would not have blamed DEI had it been in force then they are kidding themselves. You cannot fix a problem if you won't admit what it is.

You can always tell how effective you are being by how angry you make these people. If Trump weren't angering them now we would know we were losing.

At any rate Noem didn't do so well with this or with the other questions. She was wooden and gave formulaic answers. Schmidt looked pretty good but even he missed the mark quite a bit. Our leaders simply need to read The Aviary and learn how it's done! Especially Schmidt,who is from St. Louis. Hell; I'll go have a beer with him if he wants. Many of the solutions to the world's problems are first elucidated on barstools...

I rarely watch paleomedia and this morning reminded me why I do not.

Oh, Welker also recycled the old canard of "no evidence" over this issue, you know, the one they repeated like parrots when Trump complained of vote fraud after 2020. What evidence would be satisfactory to this woman? In cases like this crash there is little in the way of actual physical evidence to prove the point anyway. What is Trump supposed to do? Get a signed affidavit from the Blackhawk pilot?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 01, 2025


Timothy Birdnow


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:09 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Shapiro Tells Peta to Pee Off

Timothy Birdnow

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals aka PETA want to end the use of the groundhog to predict the coming end of winter and Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapira had the good sense to tell them to bugger off.

"Come and take it" he wrote on social media when the ppops at Peta demanded he replace Punxsatawney Phil with a vegan cake. Shapiro was right to tell Peta to kiss his feeta.

I think Shapiro is positioning himself like Bill Clinton did back in before he was elected - as a centerist Democrat. I don't know if it will work; the radicals have such a hold on the party it may not be possible to pry it away from their grubby little paws. But Shapiro is clearly trying.

If somehow he gets the nomination for President he would be a formidable foe, from what I've seen of him. An idiot in the end, certainly, as are all Democrats, but formidable. Democrats are great at tactics, horrible at fundamental reasoning. They know how to get what they want; their minds work that way. But they don't understand why they want what they want and what the repercussions of their hearts' desires will be. Oh, and they are great at forgetting the damage they do - and blaming it on others.

We need to keep the Democrats divided. We should fire up the lunatic fringe that is there base whenever possible. I don't think that too hard; they already have years of Trump Derangement Syndrome and the next four years should prove most fruitful in that regard, especially as Trump will be very successful. You can only pull a 2020 rabbitt out of your hat so many times, I might add. The Pandemic and the endless lawfare brought Trump down, but the public seems to have realized their mistake at last. I suspect their brand will be tarnished in the next election as well, but perhaps '32 will go better for them. I hope not but the American People just aren't intelligent in terms of ideology.

So we have to keep fighting. Shapiro is one guy we need to keep an eye on (I used to worry about Gavin "firechief" Newsom but not anymore; he's jumped the shark in his viability since fumbling so badly on the whole fire issue.)

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 02:07 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Trudy's idle threats

Timothy Birdnow

What? He'll send a nicely worded letter. Then if that fails he'll have no choice but send a nicely worded letter again.

Trudeau promises 'forceful and immediate' response from Canada to Trump's tariffs

While Baby Doc has been a feckless weakling he's in political trouble and will probably want to take a hard line against Trump to show how tough he can be. But there are plenty of fish in the sea and we can get from other countries what we currently buy from Canada. The inverse is not entirely true.

And Mexico? Fuggetabout it! We only import goods as a matter of convenience from them. If Trump squeezes the main employers down there - mostly American companies that moved to avoid regulations and high wages - will move back to the U.S., exactly as planned.

According to the U.S. State Department, since 2008, the U.S. has provided over $3 billion in assistance to Mexico to address crime and violence and enhance the country's rule of law. They won't get another penny from us.

According to government statistics:

"U.S. goods exports to Mexico in 2022 were $324.3 billion, up 17.0 percent ($47.2 billion) from 2021 and up 50 percent from 2012. U.S. goods imports from Mexico totaled $454.8 billion in 2022, up 18.9 percent ($72.2 billion) from 2021, and up 64 percent from 2012."

So we have less to lose than Mexico, decidedly so. And what goods are we importing and what exporting?

Mexico exports commodities and crude oil to the U.S. as well as auto parts and cars (made by American companies). The U.S. exports complex electronics, computers, all the tech stuff which Mexico MUST have but can't make for itself. We can replace most of Mexico's exports - they can't. Same as with Canada (although the trade imbalance is reversed with Canada.)

Trump knows what he's doing with all this. Just forcing Mexico to take back their invading illegals is going to squeeze them into negotiations. And Canada may be a tougher nut to crack but they need us and know it. You can't piss off a neighbor with an economy ten times the ssize of your own and expect to win.

Mexico has a GDP of $1.818 trillion U.S. collars. Canada $2.117 trillion. The U.S. comes in at $30.340 trillion dollars. You do the math.

This is like a chipmonk trying to fight a bear.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:54 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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New DNC Chair

Timothy Birdnow

Because Bozo just wouldn't take the job...

Ken Martin Elected New DNC Chair

No mention in the article if Martin will wear his giant shoes and red nose.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:20 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Did Sullenberg Call Trump's Response or DEI "Disgusting"?

Timothy Birdnow

So the famous Sully Sullenberg, the pilot who landed the plane on the Hudson in a miraculous emergency landing, said when asked by Lawrence O'Donnell what he thought of Trump blaming this crash on DEI:

"Not surprised, disgusted" and left it at that.

What does that mean? Does it mean as the left is claiming Sullenberg is disgusted at Trump's remark, or at the truth they underline?

It can just as easily be argued Sullenberg was displaying his disgust at the fact that DeI has ruined the industry and he's not surprised by the statement and is disgusted by the policies in place.

Naturally the libiots (to coin a phrase) assume the former and didn't seek to clarify.

But even if Sullenberg means what they think, I would point out that it was THEY who harangued the man in the first place after his heroic "miracle on the Hudson". The NTSB raked him over the coals over his actions on that day, an NTSB owned by the Democrats and Mr. Barack Hussein Obama.

From the NTSB report:

NTSB report on Flight 1549

US Airways violated Federal migratory bird regulations by hunting geese with an A320 Airbus jetliner, claim anonymous government sources. The pilot of flight 1549, Air Force veteran and avid hunter Chesley B. Sullenberger, tried combining both of his interests by bagging a brace of geese over the wetlands near New York's LaGuardia airport after takeoff, on his way to Charlotte, North Carolina.

The imported European $77 million A320 airliner is not certified for either waterfowl or upland bird hunting, so it was not surprising that the aircraft malfunctioned. When he realized that both New York and New Jersey State Game and Fish enforcement officers would soon be approaching, Captain Sullenberger unsuccessfully attempted to hide the plane in the Hudson River.

The crew and 150 passengers were chilled and shaken but unhurt. Most were simply grateful to avoid spending the weekend in Charlotte.

National Transportation Safety Board inspectors rushed to the scene, and reportedly found no Duck Stamps on the downed aircraft's fuselage. Captain Sullenberger has not been charged, but is being held incommunicado at an undisclosed location.

PETA is urging the government to prosecute the pilot for double honkercide and poaching, and the animal rights group is expected to file a civil suit on behalf of the flock. The two victims were undocumented aliens, according to sources close to the investigation, Canada geese who had over-stayed their visas. Their goose gang scandalized their quiet Queens community by squatting in local cemeteries and golf courses, parking on the grass, cooking strange-smelling food and throwing wild parties late into the night. Neighbors say police dogs were called out on several occasions."


And Sullenberg had been a staunch critic of efforts by ailines to reduce requiements for pilots (prompting him to resign from the International Civil Aviation Organization or ICAO.)

Sullenberg also complained bitterly about the antiquated technology used at Reagan.

So, despite the multiple media accounts trying to make Sully a Nevertrumper, the fact remains he is probably complaining about the decline of the American airline industry under O'Biden. And if Sullenberg tries to set the record straight we won't hear it from them.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:12 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 546 words, total size 4 kb.

Time to Frickassee Bigbird

Timothy Birdnow

The Trump Administration is looking to defund something that has long been a thumb in the eye of good Americans. They are looking to defund PBS and NPR, two publicly funded leftist political propaganda arms. May as well call them Democrat Broadcasting.

I had my fifteen minutes of fame when I noticed PBS published a "transcript" that omitted a gaffe by Barack Obama and I wrote about it at American Thinker and the story went viral. For a couple of days it was the talk of the internet, and PBS had to issue a retraction. Their ombudsmen had to do a mea culpa. although they blamed it on publishing the transcript as provided by the White House prior to the speech. But it said "transcript right on it" and they sneakily changed it to "transcript as provided" and a lot of idiot liberals were mocking me over it. Naturally they didn't go to the AT piece because editor Thomas Lifson thoughtfully provided a screen shot.

Anyway this got the web a buzzing and people like Hugh Hewitt and Jonah Goldberg weighed in. (A Google search won't show that now though. I do have a piece from the liberal Meciaite showing up.)

The point is this is just one instance of PBS and NPB twisting facts to suit themselves. They've done it repeatedly and they've done it on our dime. It's time we stop funding them.

PBS does quarterly fundraisers and always brags it doesn't take much government money, so why don't they just eschew it all? They run commercials between their programs anyway; maybe they should stop giving away freebies to leftist groups and start looking for serious, high dollar advertisers? And if they should fall? There are plenty of others who will take Sesame Street or The Electric Company (which I remember watching as a boy and hated because it was full of hippies - even then). Won't CNN pick up Bill Moyer's Journal? (Well, fat lot of good THAT would be.) If their programming is so important and in demand why don't they put it out there on the commercial market? Could it be most of it is just crap nobody cares about? Does ANYBODY watch Independent lens, or Reframing America?

I watch some stuff on PBS; the travel shows, the cooking shows, National Geographic and Nature. But most of it competes with drying paint.

So, to quote Obama a while back, it's time to "bring the hammer down on Big Bird". That oversized chicken would do better Ala King anyway.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:35 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Blackhawk of Doom

Timothy Birdnow

The Blackhawk that crashed into the passenger jet in D.C. was on a doomsday training exercise. It was a "continuity of government" mission, one to practice evacuating high government officials in the even of a disaster.

Seems it was the exercise that caused a disaster.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:52 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Pritzker Bans J6 People from State Employment

Timothy Birdnow

Illinois Governor J.D. Pritzker has banned all J6 people from state employment in a move that is guaranteed to wind up in court.

Unless these folks were charged with state crimes Pritzker has no authority over them. He cannot ban them from employment just because he doesn't like it.

A pardon absolves the pardonee from any and all consequences of their crime. And since these folks haven't been charged in a state court for violating a state law they cannot be punished. This is much like refusing employment to a person because they are, say, a recovering alcoholic and MIGHT get drunk on the job.

Which is what I think old J.B. often does; he certainly behaves like a man with a snootful!

I hope he loses his shirt, pants, and underwear in the upcoming lawsuits! Only a tyrant wannabee pulls something like this.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:47 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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CNN Blames Trump for Crash

Timothy Birdnow

The leftmedia is astounding!

CNN Hit with Backlash After Attempting to Blame President Trump for American Airlines Crash

Trump has been in office TWELVE DAYS dummies!

I suppose he's been sneaking out of the White House and sabotaging airlines in his apare time?

Department of Transportation Inspector General Mary Schiavo made the following statement:

"Air traffic controllers do not come and go with the change of an administration … The politics of the situation should have had no impact whatsoever on air traffic controllers,”

And one CNN dolt tried to claim it was Trump's hiring freeze that caused all the problems!

The media is going to blame every bad thing that happens on Trump. It's what they did last time and what they will do now. But whose fault is this? Joe Biden had control of this for four years and it was HIS policies in place, not Trump's.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:37 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Intel Officials Banned from Secure Property

Timothy Birdnow

Payback's a bitch!

BREAKING: The 51 former intel officials who engaged in brazen election interference and lied about the Hunter Biden laptop, have now been banned from entering federal buildings.

It should be noted that this will likely negatively impact their consulting and lobbying grift. pic.twitter.com/0lzi263kfc

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) January 31, 2025

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:19 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Illinois is not so Hot!

Timothy Birdnow

This from Tony Heller at Realclimate:

During 1953, Harrisburg, Illinois had 100 days over 90F. Last year they 42 days over 90F. The percent of hot afternoons has plummeted in Illinois over the past ninety years.

Illinois – State Climate Summaries 2022

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:03 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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