June 23, 2023

Narcissism, Honor, and Social Control

Timothy Birdnow

We see this in the outpouring of love and respect for those thrill seekers who died in the Titan sub. Yes, they were brave. Yes, they did something that I would have done myself. But they are being treated as heroes and martyrs. Really?

Daniel Jupp:

I remember years ago Celine Dion was interviewed and gave what I thought was the most perfect expression of narcissism I had ever seen.

At the time her husband of many years was fighting cancer. Celine basically said it was wonderful in a way because it had shown her what an incredibly strong person she was.

That struck me as a more evil thing than any meme I’ve ever seen.

For most of us, thankfully, we have to wait for bizarre tragedies involving strangers in the news for the wonderful opportunity to show that we are better then other human beings and how marvellously pious and righteous we are.

I never knew tragedies were so great for asserting moral superiority over the rest of the human race. It must be how the Green Apocalypse people feel every single day. This type of narcissism is Greta Thunberg Goodness.

People aren’t in love with being good. That takes work, not words, and actions, not reactions. People are in love with the appearance of being good. And that’s easy. That can be signalled just by saying how horrified you are with people who don’t play that game, telling other people how horrid they are, and screaming loudly about how much you CARE.

In other words, doing what Celine did. This has shown me how good I am.

Never mind the pressure below the water line. That feeling of being more compassionate and A Better Person must build inside until the pressure to release it is just unbearable.

It’s perhaps the strongest psychological weapon that has been applied to modern times to make people so happy with pervasive madness. Better than fear. Better than lies. Just giving people the opportunity to Be Good without, well, doing anything about Evil.

I’m instinctively suspicious of anyone who proclaims that they are a Better Person than the mass of mankind, or the common man with his tasteless memes, or the too common billionaire and his nasty tweets, or the churlish Brexit voter, or the ‘selfish’ anti vaxxer, or the bigoted nationalist. To me the assertions of horror at how brutish the reactions to the submersible deaths are strike me largely the same way. Just opportunities to say I’m Better.

Rather like the ‘compassion’ of progressives for migrants who choose to get in dangerous craft to flee the war torn hell that is, erm, coastal France.

I instinctively trust the people with dirt under their nails or crude cruel jokes on their lips before I trust the Better People telling me how evil we collectively are. The bad jokes people, I find, are more likely to give a shit about me and my family, or someone actually next to them. It’s the Better People who generally have the stupid ideas that lead to avoidable tragedy in the first place, and the Better People whose sympathy only ever manifests for the distant tragedy, in ways that only ever tell us that they are Better, without actually doing any good for anyone.

Tim adds:

The Powers That Be, call them Ruling Class, the Left, etc. have created new forms of social control.

Times past honor was the primary tool of social control; people stayed in line to preserve their honor in the community. This is essentially that same mechanism, only the Powers That Be control what comports with honor and defines it's parameters. Times past Christian beliefs were the defining aspect of honor and a family with a promiscuous daughter, say, would face dishonor. Now that is just dandy but honor is about - other things, liberal things. Being a victim is now honorable.

(Also guilt is the modern social control mechanism; we are all guilty, guilty GUILTY! and must atone for our sins by implementing the programs that empower and enrich the Ruling Class.)

Now, don't get me wrong; being a victim does not make one dishonorable (necessarily - one can be a dishonorable victim) but it is in no way a recommendation either. But victimhood serves the Ruling Class, the Powers That Be, as it turns everyone into a needy, grasping client of the State, requiring government and the Rulers' protection.

So they encourage this kind of narcissism. If it's all about you then it's everyone's duty to support your narcissism - and in the process they must support the institutions and organizations that are there to give succour to the crybabies and navel gazers.

Children are easily led. That is what so many of us have become, and in no small part to the rising narcissism.

And to return to a Christian theme, narcissism was the first sin; Lucifer himself became a narcissist before he rebelled against God. It's the road to perdition.

It is a making of onesself a god, and becoming isolated. The really diabolical thing is such narcissism only makes the person more inclined to curl up into themselves.
It is self-reinforcing, and makes the person so infected miserable.

If I might add I see this in the kowtowing to the Titan Sub disaster. While it is very sad and tough luck for the deceased and I in no way am critical of them, they are being lionized by the media and called heroes and "intrepid explorers". They were nothing of the sort. They were people who essentially went for a joy ride and got burned. Like an amusement park ride killing a holiday reveler. But the point? Officially we are now supposed to tout them as the equals of any explorer who died. If you don't do that you are without honor and so everyone is falling over each-other to praise these people.

Again, this is about the power of the media and the Powers That Be to manipulate what people say and feel using honor and their control of the means of disseminating information.

The media could just as easily have painted them as villains, selfishly indulging their wealthy lusts for adventure and excitement at the expense of the taxpayer and the poor (since search and rescue had to hunt for the sub). The media chose to manipulate the public by making these people heroes. With all due respect to the dead, they were not.

At any rate Daniel is right on here!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:11 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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June 22, 2023

Paper Moon

Daniel Jupp

I’ve just seen three different people argue that the people in that sub deserve respect because they are alpha males, modern explorers, boldly going etc.

If that’s true than every fat dad who pays to go on a fairground ride is Ernest Shackleton.

All they did was pay and sit down. And be too stupid not to get up again when they saw the thing was being piloted with a jury rigged PS4 controller.

If you visit a safari zoo and step out of your car, you aren’t Tarzan, you are a bloody idiot.

Genuine alpha males are still protective of their kids when they are 19, they don’t take them on half arsed death trips for a thrill.

Genuine explorers are the first person to get somewhere dangerous. The clue is in the word ‘explore’. They aren’t paying for the rich tourist version.

This is actually about the difference between real adventure, real machismo behaviour, real exploration and alpha traits, and synthetic, fake, purchased versions of those that just happened to be a bit more real than anyone intended.

It’s also about the difference between real, genuine, legitimate emotion (the kind you have when your mum or dad die through no fault of their own) and synthetic, fake, false emotion (the kind you have when a celebrity dies, or when a tragedy hits a bunch of rich strangers and you want to show how much better you are than your friends who post dark humour memes about it).

Real and synthetic. These are the two most important distinctions we can make, on anything. It’s real for the actual family and friends. It’s not all that real for anyone else.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:53 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Gays Appropriate Juneteenth

Timothy Birdnow

I was discussing Juneteenth with Warner Todd Huston.

I observed:

Juneteenth was a long overdue holiday, one worth celebrating as it was historic and a celebration of America. The Left ruins EVERYTHING! I have little doubt they'll tie it in with LgBTQ and all the rest of the stupidity that has nothing at all to do with the freeing of black slaves in Texas.

Warner replies:

They already did. See mine from today:

Gay Group Slammed for Culturally Appropriating Black Civil Rights Cause on Juneteenth • Warner Todd Huston •

Forehead smite!  You can't make a joke these days...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:56 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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CDC Knew Vax didn't Work

Timothy Birdnow

They KNEW!

CDC chief KNEW COVID vaccine didn't work while pushing shots

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:54 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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June 21, 2023

Juneteenth has Nothing to do with Africa

Warner Todd Huston

Isn't it just like liberals to ruin everything. They finally make Juneteenth a holiday, and what do they do to it? They festoon it in the red, green and black colors of Africa. The country of Africa has ZERO to do with Juneteenth except in the most tangential way. It is the celebration of the end of slavery in the USA. The colors should be red, white, and blue. In fact, there was STILL slavery in Africa on Junteenth!!!! AND for more than 100 after Juneteenth!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:05 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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It's Going to Get Grim

Nikki Grace

17% of auto loans are $1,000 a months. So we will be back to the basics of transportation for work and food and likely reduced shelter with multiple unrelated people living in units. This will of course reduce consumer spending, the goal of the Fed money managers. It will also increase societal pathologies.

Life is going to get grim for the next 2 to 3 years. I don't like reporting this, but better to know and plan.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:31 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Getting Ready to Ruin Trump

Elizabeth Ferguson

Sure, the "Republican Party” would prefer to win (without Trump), but given the fact they lost to Obama TWICE, then covertly tried to stop Trump in 2016, then did not fully support Trump in 2020 leading to the stolen election, & NOW are desperately attempting to subvert the will of Republican voters by supporting their shill DeSantis…I think it’s obvious that the GOP has accepted the role as "2nd Lieutenants” in their Uniparty arrangement with the wealthy Globalist Crime Syndicate…

Tim adds:

If they were truly worried about Trump they would support him and try to help keep him on an even keel so he does nothing rash. But they aren't doing that. They are working with the Democrats and media. They are refusing to stand with him against these scurrilous political attacks by the DOJ and other Democrat prosecutors. In short, they are NOT acting in the interests of rthe rank and file of the Party nor in their own electoral interests. But they ARE acting in the interests of the cigar-chomping,

monocle wearing party bosses and the rich donors who want the GOP to be the Democrats with lower top marginal taxes.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:11 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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The Incredible Shrinking Carbon Dioxide

Will Steiner

My response to a person who was denigrating those who challenge the narrative of CO2 climate change:

So, you're sure that human produced CO2 is causing the current climate change.
Here's a few inconvenient facts.
1. CO2 makes up but .0004 of the total atmospheric gaseous profile. NOT much.
2. Humans safely produce 12% of that, although some will say most of it. And they are grossly wrong. I actually looked at the stoichiometry used to measure the tonnage of human produced CO2. Its GROSSLY over-exaggerate d. Why? They assume ALL carbon atoms from carbon fuels eventually becomes the carbon atoms of CO2 molecules. That has NEVER happened and never will happen.
I used as a basis for my conclusion actual physical research of which I was a part. We once studied the properties of particulate carbon using Raman spectroscopy. <--Not the tasty noodle. What was our goal? To turn black smoke(particula te carbon) into white smoke(water vapor) I get a kick out of adds coming from the AGW world that show smoke stacks with black smoke to prove CO2 emissions. Of course, they "forgot" that CO2 is a colorless gas.
So...let's just take that .0004 of total CO2 and factor in 12%. The amount human influence would be .000048 of the total gaseous profile. Ain't much.
Now let's look at the "macro" quantum mechanics of the CO2 molecule. <-Not talking about the Eigenstates, Eigenvalues or harmonic oscillations. With sunlight it vibrates in four phases. In its symmetrical stretching phase, it CANNOT retain IR or heat. In its asymmetrical stretching phase, it can retain IR or heat. In its two bending phases it can only briefly retain IR or heat as it transitions through a symmetrical phase.
We can now safely state that its quantum ability is about half. Now factor in .50 to the .00004 = .00002.
To say that man's contribution of CO2 to the GASEOUS atmospheric profile is actually causing climate change is ludicrous, at best.
This can be emphasized by the fact that CO2 levels reached 4000 ppm during parts of the Cretaceous and man was not here to cause or abate it...but it all changed by itself. And now we have fools predicting catastrophic climate change at 400+ppm.
To help yourself out, I would suggest you also gain a better understanding of the heat retention abilities of gas vs liquid vs solid.
And to make it easier to understand...go to humid Louisiana and to dry Nevada on an equally hot day. When the sun goes down, it becomes much cooler in Nevada and remains quite hot in Louisiana. Hint: It ain't because of atmospheric CO2.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:42 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 447 words, total size 3 kb.

The Democrat Drug Lords

Robert Fenton Gary

The Dems must get their harvested ballots to and through the tally machines.

The drug felons have all the skills needed to make that happen.

They know how to conceal the suitcase, get it under the table, get it out at the best moment, and feed the ballots through.

A billionaire was willing to get 10,000 drug felons out of jail because they are so valuable in winning an election.

He's still around. Still a billionaire. Still ready.

The GOP is 100% asleep at the switch.

They cannot and will not keep the 2024 election clean.

There will be drug felons running every which way.

When the count comes in the RNC will say "Whazzat?"

There's one thing that Dems do well.

Get lots of ballots counted.

GOP, again, is not ready.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:38 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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O'Keefe on the Black Rock

Carlos Velazquez

James O'Keefe - OMG is his new investigative unit, O'Keefe Media Group - just released a MASSIVE story exposing BlackRock Inc. Their undercover journalist met with Serge Varlay, a recruiter at BlackRock and recorded him on hidden camera saying the following words: "It’s not who is the president, it’s who is controlling the wallet of the president. You can buy your candidates. First, there is the senators....these guys are <expletive> cheap. Got 10 grand? You can buy a senator. I’ll give you 500k right now.....It doesn’t matter who wins they’re in my pocket.” He also said that the "Ukraine war is good for business” and that "it’s exciting when <expletive> goes wrong,” and the "news....is propaganda”.

BREAKING: BlackRock Recruiter Who ‘Decides People’s Fate’ Says ‘War is Good for Business’

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:00 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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How Informed Are Americans About Race And Police Shootings?

James Doogue
Our friend from Down Under:

After the death of George Floyd on 25th May 2020, America was rocked by weeks of protests and rioting – 25 people lost their lives and property damage totalled US$1–2 billion.

The protestors’ main grievance was "systemic police racism”. As the media reported endlessly at the time, black people make up around 30% of the victims of police shootings despite comprising only 13% of the population. Black people, it was said, could not even walk down the street without fear of being gunned down by a racist police officer.

Yet the narrative was flawed. After all, victims of police shootings are overwhelmingly male, but this doesn’t mean the police are sexist against men. It is simply that men are more likely to get into situations where a police officer ends up shooting them.

What’s more, activists were vastly inflating the numbers.

According to the Washington Post’s police shooting database, only 12 unarmed black men were killed by police in 2019 –in a country of 330 million.

In 2020, Skeptic Research Centre asked a representative sample of Americans, "How many unarmed black men were killed by police in 2019?” Options were: "about 10” (the correct answer), "about 100”, "about 1,000”, "about 10,000”, and "more than 10,000”. Results are shown below in the dark graph.

As you can see, "very liberal” respondents – the ones most supportive of the protests – massively overestimated the number of unarmed black men killed by police. Over 50% said "about 1,000” or greater, and only 16% gave the correct answer of "about 10”. It’s possible that America would have been spared the unrest in the summer of 2020 had people been better informed of the facts.

It’s now three years later, and Skeptic Research Centre just asked another sample of Americans the same question. What did they find?

There were slight improvements, but "very liberal” still massively overestimated the number of unarmed black men killed by police. Results are shown below in the light coloured graph.

Fewer "very liberal” respondents gave answers of "about 1,000” or greater, and more gave answers of "about 100”. Yet only 17% gave the correct answer of "about 10” – just one percentage point more than in 2020. "Conservative” and "very conservative” respondents did about as well as last time.

On the one hand, it’s surprising we don’t see more improvement among "very liberal” respondents. There are numerous articles, https://www.samharris.org/blog/can-pull-back-brink, and videos, https://youtu.be/OkkigSuznkI , debunking the narrative about "systemic police racism”, and the Washington Post’s database is freely available online; https://github.com/washingtonpost/data-police-shootings ,
anyone can download it and check the numbers for themself.

On the other hand, it’s not surprising. Why not? Because the mainstream media hasn’t levelled with its audience. Liberal Americans don’t get their news from the kind of outlets that question the narrative about "system police racism”. They get their news from CNN and the New York Times. And those outlets still cover race and crime in a highly misleading way. https://freebeacon.com/media/yes-the-media-bury-the-race-of-murderers-if-theyre-not-white/

You can’t expect people to update their beliefs when they don’t have correct information.

Tim adds:

Exactly James. And many police shootings involve BLACK cops shooting black perps. How do you associate that with "systemic racism"? Do these black cops have to become "honorary white men"? Do they have to join the Rotary Club, take up golf, listen to Frank Sinatra, and learn to swing dance? Is there some sort of white man's training program?

Also, some of these shooters are women. Does carrying a gun make them honorary dudes? Is that what Johns Hopkins means about "male" and "non-male"? A chick with a gun who shoots a criminal of color is essentially a trans dude?

If the media ever told the truth about anything our whole society would be so very different. They are the father of all lies.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:32 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 20, 2023

82nd Airborn Promotes Homosexuality

Timothy Birdnow

Anyone who thinks the military is not part of the Swamp needs to take a look at this.

The 82nd Airborn posted a "Survival Guide for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Teens,” on their website as part of Pride Week.

They got an earful from ex-military for it and were quite defensive.

Why would the 82nd think they had any business at all addressing this topic? Where is there any rational reason for doing this?

The military is as much a tool of the Left these days as the most woke corporations.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:59 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 99 words, total size 1 kb.

Trump Trial Set for August

Timothy Birdnow

So, Trump's trial will begin August 14, but could be pushed back if the Prosecution requests.

Hmm. Just as the election season heats up.

But like there's no election tampering here!

This judge should dismiss this case with prejudice. Any fool can see this is a political witch hunt by out-of-control prosecutors.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:54 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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No Canada!

Timothy Birdnow

This from the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network:

Canada is Literally Killing Itself as Thousands of Patients are Euthanized

The suicide of the West is becoming reality. According to the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, Canada saw a sharp increase in government-assisted suicides last year, with an estimated 13,500 taking place in 2022.

This is a 35% increase from 2021, when 10,064 took their lives through the program. The number represented 3.3% of all deaths in Canada in 2021, which is deeply alarming.

"It has been reported that the province of Quebec saw a 51% surge in assisted suicides, with 3,663 such deaths being recorded in 2022 compared to 2,427 in 2021,” according to Life News. "7% of all deaths in Quebec in 2022 were therefore state-sanctioned assisted suicides.”

CONTINUE at https://bobbyschindler.com/2023/06/17/canada-is-literally-killing-itself-as-thousands-of-patients-are-euthanized/.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:14 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Muslim City Council Bans Pride Flag

Joanne Moon-Yarwood

Hamtramck Michigan is now the first city in the United States to have a majority  Muslim city council with the help of the left in its push to achieve this .But the city council vote against the Pride Flag to fly over government property ,its free to do so on private property . But the sexual deviance and perversion then it shouldn’t be pushing any other religion .

Muslim leaders in the US understandably want to uphold their Islamic values.The distance between those values and Western values is going to become increasingly apparent for years to come .

I wonder why Christianity doesn’t seem to see that ?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:25 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Eternal Ruling Class

Timothy Birdnow

Can you guess who about whom I am speaking?

He was a public figure, dangerous to the Ruling Class. He traveled about the country giving speeches to huge, wildly enthusiastic audiences, and the government types feared his popularity among the masses.

They accused him of multiple crimes.

They attacked him as a cold-hearted louse who was only out for his own power and aggrandizement.

He gave them plenty of ammunition, calling them names and attacking them at every turn.

He was known to lose his temper, once even trashing a market.

He hung out with prostitutes and other loose women. He hung out with crooks and those whom the social mandarins deemed unsavory.

The authorites were determined to break him, and often sent the media to try to trap him in interviews.

He did a great deal of charity privately, avoiding his charitable acts being made public.

He was accused of bilking his supporters. He was accused of being a fraud.

In the end they framed him on trumped up charges and arrested him and brought him to trial.

Who am I talking about? Donald Trump.

No; read your Gospel friend.

I am in no way comparing Trump to Jesus, but am pointing out the similarities in the way both were treated by the Ruling Class. The Ruling Class changes faces and named, but they remain ever the same.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:20 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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A Global Climate Experiment

Timothy Birdnow

America skipped along merrily, happily ignorant of the growing cancer of socialism and environmentalism . I've been warning about it for decades; I feel like Cassandra from Greek mythology sometimes.

But it's clear we have already had the coup and now are living in a tyranny unlike any in human history.

We are even now engaged in  weather manipulaton, we know they've talked about doing that for years but now are actually doing it.

I submit you this https://library.noaa.gov/Collections/Digital-Collections/Weather-Modification-Project-Reports and this https://www.nsf.gov/nsb/publications/1965/nsb1265.pdf It's clearly not just something they have been thinking about.  Here's more. https://cwcb.colorado.gov/focus-areas/supply/weather-modification-program The Chicoms have been doing it too. https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/03/asia/china-weather-modification-cloud-seeding-intl-hnk/index.html

This is crazy; it's hubris and it will lead to disaster if we keep it up.

Of course they created the lie of Global Warming to cover their tracks; any disaster caused by this tinkering will be blamed on climate change caused by industrial emissions and they will just double down on their call for more restrictions and the Great Reset.

God will quit bailing us out at some point. Then we'll see the plagues of Armageddon break loose on our world and all Mankind.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:23 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Antibiotic Shortage and Syphillis

Nikki Grace


where all these stds are coming from.....open border?

Pfizer Warns of Penicillin Shortage Looms

Increased demand and more diagnoses of syphilis are driving shortage,

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:57 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Yes, Trump Had the Authority

Lynn Chu

Factual context of the specific case is everything in justice.

And the factual context in the Trump indictment is that it is obvious that the Biden government is engaged in an illegal bill of attainder targeting Trump. Trump’s boxes, as ex-president, are his, and there was no evidence of any national security issue, in this ex-president’s situation. The DOJ simply had no national security warrant for any invasive search and seizure of Trump’s boxes or home. It is pathetic that judges issuing such a warrant—relying on a good faith in the government that obviously is not present—seem to have been converted into mindless rubber stamps. This has resulted in grave harassment and injustice to Trump. And no doubt this kind of prosecutorial bad faith is ubiquitous, so the Left is probably not wrong about widespread prosecutorial malfeasance in the larger criminal justice system. Or about ignorant and apathetic and partisan juries, easily spun by a lying government, leaving many defendants unjustly charged with inadequate protection in the contemporary appeals process.

Tim adds:

Agreed. Trump was only following a well-worn legal precedent, one set by former Presidents including Bill Clinto, who actually won in court over this very thing. Precedent is important in law, not just statute. (Actually both are on Mr. Trump's side as the Presidential Records Act makes this whole case a moot point.)

Trump isn't stupid. He knew they were coming after him. He undoubtedly consulted his attorneys when they began hounding him for these records.

I saw Brett Baier interview Trump yesterday on Fox, and the fat fascist kept hammering Trump about comments he made about hiding the evidence. Well duh! While it wasn't illegal it would give the media a hayday if they could find anything that was classified - even though Trump had all the authority needed to declassify them.

 (BTW Baier hammered Trump on the 2020 election fraud too and wouldn't let him answer the questions posed. He kept insisting there was no evidence and that Trump had lost all lawsuits. I could have provided him with multiple pieces of evidence if the lazy grease stain would have bothered to ask me. Fox is utterly determined to denounce the truth of 2020.)

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:43 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 375 words, total size 2 kb.

Environmentalism in Biblical Times

Mark Musser

The postmodern environmental sustainabilty cult goes all the way back to biblical times as many folks, particularly pagans, in their great fear and unbelief living in a fallen world cursed by God, were/are all concerned about running out of land and water circa 2,000 B.C. This is an old, pagan false doctrine based on religious evolutionism in obstinate denial of a good Creator that has been around for millenia and has nothing to with science, but only its corollary - scientism - that willfully conflates political policy with facts as if they are one in the same. They are most certainly not the same. More to the point, just as Abraham and Isaac were pushed around by erattic weather patterns in difficult terrain, but then even pushed around more by pagan worries and fears, so it is today too. Yet God's promises/

covenants were stable and faithful and gave them grace to get through such difficulties. Such are important history lessons of the biblical past to learn by faith today too.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:25 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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