May 26, 2021

Facebook Censorship Of Vaccine Discourse Proves They Have A Weak Case

James Doogue

It also proves Facebook and the rest of Big Tech are fascists, enforcing their will globally.

Plenty of people would have just gone along and got their vaccine if there weren't so many things making them suspicious about it's necessity and efficacy. But the biggest thing creating suspicion is Big Tech's censorship.

Since when was enforcement of public policy the role of social media platforms and search engines? If allowed to continue, where will this Big Tech control of information end?

Since January 2020 we've had social media censorship on the source of the covid virus, on the effectiveness of masks or lockdowns, on proven covid treatments and now on anything which questions the vaccines.

Of course people will see that censorship as red flags. So whatever Facebook's motivations, they have served to make more people wary of the vaccine.

The truth should be enough to prove a case to the public. Suppressing public discussion, whether it's about climate change, economic policy or a pandemic, simply confirms the case is weak.

This video shows Orwell's Big Brother is Big Tech!

Facebook Whistleblowers LEAK DOCS Detailing Effort to Secretly Censor Vax Concerns on Global Scale

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:37 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Mistake of "Greenhouse" Theory

This from Jim Church

The concept of the "Greenhouse Effect” demonstrates a misunderstandin g of how Earth’s average surface temperature is achieved. The energy balance of the oceans, and consequently the entire earth, are related primarily to the upper and lower thermostatic limits on ocean surface temperature. The area of 30C warm pools expand and contract in response to variation in the top of atmosphere insolation due to the orbital eccentricity combined with the extent of water surface exposed more directly to the sun. Sea ice expands and contracts in reverse to the warm pools but to reduce heat loss from water below the ice due to the low thermal conductivity of the sea ice. The temperature of the ocean water surface ranges from minus 2C (271K) to 30C (303K). It should be no surprise that the average surface temperature of the globe is 14C (574/2=287K) given the distribution of water having equatorial dominance over polar extent causing average ocean surface temperature higher than 14C and average elevation of land at 800m with more land at higher latitudes than equatorial resulting in average land temperature being slightly less than 14C.

Climate models are based on a flawed assumption. Until they can replicate the actual physics of deep convection tightly linked to surface temperature rather than the naive parameterisatio n of clouds they will remain nothing more than extended weather models with useful predictive ability of a few days.

Ocean Surface Temperature Limit Pt. 3

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:21 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Clovid Change

Allan MacRae goes on a tear about Climate Change and Covid:

It's ALL a leftist scam – false enviro-hysteria

including the Climate and Green-Energy frauds, the full lockdown for Covid-19, the illogical linking of these frauds ("to solve Covid we have to solve Climate Change"), paid-and-planne d terrorism by Antifa and BLM, and the mail-in ballot USA election scam - it's all false and fraudulent.

The Climate-and-Cov id scares are false crises, concocted by wolves to stampede the sheep.

The tactics used by the global warming propagandists are straight out of Lenin's playbook.

The Climategate emails provided further evidence of the warmists' deceit – they don’t debate, they shout down dissent and seek to harm those who disagree with them – straight out of Lenin.

The purported "science” of global warming catastrophism has been disproved numerous ways over the decades. Every one of the warmists’ very-scary predictions, some 80 or so since 1970, have failed to happen. The most objective measure of scientific competence is the ability to correctly predict – and the climate fraudsters have been 100% wrong to date.

There is a powerful logic that says that no rational person can be this wrong, this deliberately obtuse, for this long – that they must have a covert agenda. I made this point circa 2009, and that agenda is now fully exposed – it is the Marxist totalitarian "Great Reset” – "You will own nothing, and you’ll be happy!”

The wolves, proponents of both the very-scary Global Warming / Climate Change scam and the Covid-19 Lockdown scam, know they are lying. Note also how many global "leaders” quickly linked the two scams, stating ”to solve Covid we have to solve Climate Change”- utter nonsense, not even plausible enough to be specious.

Regarding the sheep, especially those who inhabit our universities and governments:
The sheep are well-described by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of the landmark text "The Black Swan”, as "Intellectual-Y et-Idiot" or IYI – IYI's hold the warmist views as absolute truths, without ever having spent sufficient effort to investigate them. The false warmist narrative fitted their negative worldview, and they never seriously questioned it by examining the contrary evidence.

And so it begins… Told you so, months ago.

I think the mRNA vaccines will ultimately kill more than the Covid-19 illness, especially among under 65's.

The Covid-19 injections for teens and young adults are high risk, no reward. Criminal negligence!

By Jack Phillips
May 23, 2021 Updated: May 23, 2021

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says it’s investigating reports of heart inflammation in teenagers and young adults who have received the Covid-19 vaccine.

Noting that there have been "relatively few” reports of "mild” cases of myocarditis, the agency said that its COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Technical Work Group should investigate and communicate the findings to vaccine recipients.
The agency said that vaccines using the mRNA technology—from pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Moderna—appear to be causing the issue. Vaccines using mRNA, which are relatively uncommon, use messenger ribonucleic acid (RNA) to create a protein that prompts an immune response within an individual, while Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine instead uses an adenovirus that was rendered unable to replicate.

David Redfern adds:

I knew months ago mate. As soon as they said they would rush through a 'vaccine' even my wife agreed it was very suspect.

Even allowing someone healthy under about 60 to take the vaccination without at least taking precautions first is criminal.

Everyone eligible for the so called vaccine should have an antibody test first and a full blood test to establish vitamin levels.

Anyone healthy, under 60, and not overweight should be told to self medicate with Vitamins C and D and, Zinc (if necessary) before they even consider jabbing them.

The UK government know full well about Ivermectin and HCQ. If anyone is genuinely worried about Covid they should be allowed to buy both over the counter, or at least on prescription to be used as a prophylactic.

They knew there were unacceptable risks with the jab, the fact they are experimental and never subject to human trials is, in itself and unacceptable risk. So why the hell weren't they dishing out Ivermectin at least. The drug is known to produce positive responses in 100% of cases across a range of studies done, with treatment for early stage Covid showing a recovery rate of 86%. That's three pills taken over five days at a cost of less than £1 from memory.

If you haven't already watched it, take a look at Dr. Campbell's You Tube video.

BTW, he's not a medical Doctor, he's a retired A&E Nurse and Nurse Lecturer.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 790 words, total size 6 kb.

Proof of Facebook Censorship

This from Jim Church:

Project Veritas releases insider whistleblower info on Facebook censorship.

Facebook Whistelblowers Give Project Veritas Leaked Documents Detailing Censorship Effort

Tim adds:

Heh! It cracked me up you didn't have the link in the body of the post Jim. Reminds me of an old Cheech and Chong bit "sign ze papers old man!" "I cannot sign ze papers" Sticks cigarette in the man's eye "sign ze papers!" "I cannot" "but they merely say you have not been mistreated while you were here". "Sing ze papers!" "I cannot" "Why can you not?" "Because you have broken both of my hands."

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:36 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 106 words, total size 1 kb.

Millenials Approve of Communism and Atheism

Selwyn Duke

It might have shocked many to hear a 2019 study’s finding that more than a third of Millennials approve of communism. But it shouldn’t. After all, a new survey informs that 43 percent of them have no problem with one of communism’s tenets: the creation of a world without God, churches, and the Bible.

Related to this, Millennials also believe that government "should continue to expand in reach, authority, power, and spending, in order to facilitate a more desirable way of living,” as the survey page puts it.

Read more.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:51 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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May 25, 2021

The Protest Power Grab

Timothy Birdnow

"A façade of political 'truth' can be more dangerous than no disclosure at all. Biden and congressional Democrats are seeking to turbocharge their push for a new domestic terrorism law to permit widespread federal crackdowns on their opponents. Any rigged commission would likely pour gasoline on a fire that could singe far more American rights and liberties."

Exactly the intention.”

The Bogus January 6 Commission Poses a Real Threat to Freedom

Tim adds:

This is all about suppressing opposition. It's what every successful revolution does, it consolidates power by stifling dissent. That is the whole point of this. Notice there was no suggestion of investigating the Portland or Seattle riots. No. Just one mostly peaceful protest in D.C. that smells of a Reichstag fire with Capitol Police escorting the "insurrectionists" into the People's House to break a few windows and sit at Pelosi's desk (and I hope whoever did has some delousing powder at home.) This smells like nothing short of a Marxist takeover by the Left.
BTW I refuse to call it the "January 6 Commission". That is intended to put it on a par with the murder of 3000 Americans on 9-11 and the subsequent 911 Commission. This was nothing of the sort. It was at worst a rowdy crowd of trespassers. It likely was a staged event, too, as there were Antifa members in the crowd and the Capitol Police seemed mighty cooperative, after having refused National Guard support.

Some insurrection.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 05:24 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 250 words, total size 2 kb.

Biden Schemes to Give IRS New Powers Over Your Bank Account

Timothy Birdnow

Biden's latest scheme - get banking information on Americans.

Biden’s ‘American Families Plan’ lets the IRS snoop on your bank accounts

For one thing, Biden wants to expand the federal tax credit that provides for up to $3,600 per eligible childin stimulus checks, spread out over monthly payments (starting this July). Instead of the current 1-year expansion that’s already underway, though, Biden now wants to stretch that out through 2025. Meantime, the American Families Plan also calls for everything from the tax credit expansion to greater access to Medicaid, paid family leave, free community college tuition, and much more. The big question — how will all of this be paid for? Answer: Partly by taxing the rich, and to help that process along, Biden’s plan wants to give an extraordinary amount of new power to the IRS.

Take a look at this fact sheetfrom the Treasury Department, explaining a new provision that would require banks and financial institutions to start telling the tax agency what people have in their bank account, when money is moved around, and the like. This proposal, according to the fact sheet, "leverages the information that financial institutions already know about account holders, simply requiring that they add to their regular, annual reports information about aggregate account outflows and inflows. Providing the IRS this information will help improve audit selection so it can better target its enforcement activity on the most suspect evaders, avoiding unnecessary (and costly) audits of ordinary taxpayers.”

Giving the IRS more power to track money that moves into and out of your accounts is supposedly meant to help the tax agency go after the wealthiest taxpayers. However, this new authority has been describedas being akin to giving federal tax "cops” even more of an excuse to claim a metaphorical probable cause to financially "stop and frisk” someone.

The US operates under a so-called pay as you go tax framework, meaning that people are penalized if they wait until the end of the tax year, for example, to pay all their taxes in one lump sum. This way, the IRS could see that people have a certain degree of taxable income flowing through their financial accounts that they should be paying taxes on throughout the year.

The Biden administration wants to spend $80 billion to expand the IRS’ compliance abilities in order to generate $700 billion over the next decade to help pay for the American Families Plan, and the benefits it includes like new quasi-stimulus checks. Where does that $700 billion come from? From the increased tax enforcement that the $80 billion IRS expansion made possible.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 05:20 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 447 words, total size 4 kb.

"Defund the Police" the Road to Serfdom

Warner Todd Huston

OK, so I am "sort of" on board with the concept of eliminating some particular police departments. I have said for years that every tiny town in dense urban areas do not each need their own police forces. It is a HUGE waste of tax money and offers FAR more places for corruption, negligence, and incompetence. County sheriff forces should be bigger to service these areas. However, I am NOT on board with doing without any police at all which is what the left-wing, BLM, nutcases want. That is idiotic.

Tim adds:

There are so many speed traps and cornpone departments, for sure. But the goal is to nationalize the police. That's what they want, to take the local cops out of the citizen's hands. Makes us easier to control. Defund the police is code for eliminating local control of police and giving it to Washington. That is one brick in the Red Brick Road to serfdom.

BTW I grew up in a small suburban town with a large police force. They were out of control, and even cops in other jurisdictions warned us about it "if you go out on the weekends drive the shortest way to and from your home. Those guys are cowboys." There were a number of "incidents" with these goons. So I understand how people feel about bad cops. (A cop who was high as a kite pursued my brother into our house and  almost shot my dad, who was roused from his sleep by this rowdy, who also knocked my mother to the floor.)

But in the end the city had to clean it up or face lawsuits into bankruptcy. That would never happen in a nationalized police setup.

There is only one purpose for "defund the police"; it's to take power away from the citizens and give it to Washington.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 04:24 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 317 words, total size 2 kb.

Judge Rules for Audit in Fulton Co. Georgia Election

Timothy Birdnow

I thought this was the cleanest election in history and that no judge was interested in "fake Trump claims" about fraud. Well...

Judge allows audit of 145,000 Trump-Biden ballots in Georgia

Now, this won't overturn anything at this point; the EC elected Biden and the Democrats have already been seated in the Senate. About all this will do is show the election WAS rigged and maybe stop the Democrats from using these particular tricks in the future. But it's a start.

From the article:

A judge in Georgia ruled on Friday to unseal and permit the audit of more than 145,000 absentee ballots cast for Joe Biden and Donald Trump in Fulton County during the 2020 presidential election.

Henry County Superior Court Judge Brian Amero allowed the ballots to be audited, but the ballots must remain in Fulton county’s possession to prevent mishandling, and the results of the audit cannot change the certified election, Atlanta Journal-Constitution first reported on Friday.

The details of the audit are not established with Friday’s ruling, but will instead be decided in a future decision.

The lawsuit was brought forth by nine plaintiffs who argued that some of the ballots were fraudulent, and the counting processes were plagued by irregularities.

The claims were investigated by the office of the secretary of state, who viewed hours of video from election day. The claims were dismissed when they declared nothing improper had taken place.

Gabriel Sterling, chief operating officer for the secretary of state’s office, said in March that witnessed were wrong in describing what they saw. "They don’t understand what they’re saying,” he told Atlanta Journal-Constitution at the time.

According to Georgia elections data, 115,788 absentee ballots were cast for Biden, 29,479 for Trump, and 1,727 for Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen. Overall, Biden won Fulton County with a total of 381,144 votes – or 72.65% — while Trump received 137,240 votes – or 26.16%.

The ballots have remained sealed in the Fulton County Superior Court Clerk’s Office, in accordance with state law. Judge Amero said they will remain there until the audit details are determined.

Amero said the audit will entail county officials scanning absentee ballots to develop high-resolution images, which will then be examined by the plaintiffs –at their expense – to determine their validity. The images would reveal whether ballots were completed by hand or mass reproduction with a copy machine.

The plaintiffs requested taking the absentee ballots into their possession and transferring them to a private company to scan and inspect them, but Amero denied that request.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:26 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 435 words, total size 4 kb.

Borrowing Our Way to the Graveyard

From Steven Chase

In a one year period, the Gov't borrowed, printed and spent $10 Trillion dollars. The predictable results are inflated cost of EVERYTHING which hurts poor people the most, while inflating the assets of the already wealthy, further widening America's wealth gap.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:39 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 50 words, total size 1 kb.

Florida Cracking Down on Censorship

Timothy Birdnow

On the right track! God bless DeSantis.

New Florida Law Requires Social Media Companies to Explain Censorship or Pay Fines

Hat tip: Chester McAteer

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:47 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Warren on Warpath against Drug Companies

Selwyn Duke

As if bad American policies weren’t aiding China enough, now Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has revealed another leftist aim that will make Beijing jump for joy:

She wants to remove big drug companies’ intellectual property (IP) protections.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:39 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 45 words, total size 1 kb.

Arguing with Idiots Economics Edition

Timothy Birdnow

In a discussion on Facebook a guy named Sebastian Clay Kinsey makes the following claim about taxation, claiming it won't drive business away:

Republican short-sightedness. Any company that leaves will be instantly replaced by a new one, especially with a population full of cash to go spend on a daily basis. Repubs always think one-step ahead & nothing more.

I replied:

Sebastian Clay Kinsey history proves you wrong; just look at how many corporations left during the NAFTA era. You have a nice faculty lounge theory but the real world explodes it.

David Redfern replies:

Where were all these 'replacement' businesses to fill the holes when US manufacturers went to China?

Where's the equivalent Apple, Dell, IBM and Motorola factories producing phones, laptops and TV's?

Where are all the textile manufacturers to replace those that moved production to India and China?

Then there's white goods and kitchen appliances. Whirlpool imported 2,368 different products from China in 2019/2020.

Why would a US business not take advantage of Chinese wages which are pennies on the dollar? Especially when they have to pay exorbitant corporation Taxes.

socialists can't think one step ahead.

Mr. Kinsey says:

David Redfern... you don't understand how these things work. It's a theory of specialization.

.. they have labor costs far below what ours are. So we either pay far less & use that money elsewhere (ideally on stuff further up the chain), or we have a few million sub-starvation level wages, or we pay 3x the price for stuff we opt to produce here. Currently the model is the first one. If we don't turn around and use that gained time & money to an even greater benefit, then THAT is where we'd be failing... so for example, all the Republican efforts to hobble future tech, modern energy production, educating our public to perform 1st world tasks, etc... THIS is what your short-sighted repub leaders do. I realize you don't understand what I'm talking about, and that you're imagining some 1950's fantasy version of today, but that's just not reality anymore. We have a global economy bcuz the complexity of products, materials & markets are 1000x more complex than what they were in the era you're remembering. As for your dem-economic claims, they're mostly false - Trump was a nightmare in all of these fronts... the orange imbecile didn't even understand what trade deficits or surplusses mean. I realize you think you're correct, but it's only bcuz you're lacking a profound understanding of the subject(s)

David Redfern replies:

You said it mate: "It's a theory of specialization.
" In your case, an unproven, bizarre type of distorted 'theory' of specialisation.

Clearly you have not read Adam Smith who was amongst the first, and by far and away the most famous to quantify the concept of specialisation.

It's nothing new, as Matt Ridley points out in his book The rational Optimist. Mankind began specialising shortly after discovering the concept of free trade.

This is not a 1950's concept, nor an 1850's, 1650's or 1150's concept; it goes back to the dawn of time, when a guy realised he was a lousy fisherman, but could make great hooks. He teamed up with a guy who could fish but was a lousy hook maker. They specialised, traded and prospered. The concept is not unique to fishing of course.

The concept can be traced back through time by Anthropologists studying artefacts and their locations to determine how trade evolved and progressed around the world with specialisation at it's core principle.

It can also be applied to every single manufacturer and profitable trading operation throughout the world, over time, including the present day. It all works on the same principle.

Trump understands the concept intimately because he is a businessmen. Biden, the Clintons and Bernie don't understand it because they have been politicians all their life and have never had a real job in that time. And to be fair, most career politicians are the same.

What did Trump do to "hobble future tech, modern energy production, educating our public to perform 1st world tasks, etc..."?

He encouraged businesses to return to the US by lowering Corporation Tax so jobs would be created. That increases receipts from income, local and purchase Taxes, and all the benefits to society that cascade from that like infrastructure improvement.

And what modern energy sources are you referring to. Trump was a supporter of Nuclear power and was taking an active interest in SMR's (Small Modular Reactors) an energy source even the most committed green, Michael Shellenberger, supports in his recent book Apocalypse Never (Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All).

As for education, Trump was attempting to improve educational choice, supported home schooling, and was attempting to hand authority back to individual states for education that reflected their regional priorities instead of the one size fits all, centralised DC governance. This required an overhaul of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act. Spending $1.2 billion on a program last overhauled by Congress in 2006. His Title I aid was typically directed at low-income students.

Trump improved employment and wages across Women, Blacks, Hispanics and Asians. More Tax receipts for the country from participants utterly ignored by Obama. Again, another theorist career politician with no understanding of Free Trade because he had never encountered it before.

Trumps only mistake was the vocalisation of his desire to Drain The Swamp. It had every corrupt politician from both sides of the house mounting smear campaigns against him via the MSM who were in on the Swamp up to their armpits.

Like any other country on the planet, America is a giant business. Who better to get it functioning properly than a demonstrably effective businessman? Certainly not a bunch of Crony Capitalist politicians desperate to milk the country for as much as possible, for as long as possible.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 06:46 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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May 24, 2021

What Means This Bleating of Sheep?

Fay Voshell

The Church is falling because of her leaders' nearly total failure to recognize, confront and exorcize this neo-gnostic heresy. I am stunned by the rapidity of the capitulation.

Baylor U opens door for recognizing LGBT student group, says sexuality stance remains unchanged

Tim adds:

Disgraceful. And once the nose of the camel is in the tent the camel will be sleeping in your bed. Christians MUST learn there is no compromising with the World. You cannot meet them half-way on matters of basic morality. As Samuel said to Saul after he disobeyed the ban and saved some livestock "what means this bleating of sheep?" Saul tried to do what the modern Christian churches are now doing and God hated him for it. He was punished with madness and the eventual loss of his Kingship and a humiliating death. Why do we expect a different result?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:56 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 153 words, total size 1 kb.

Feel that Berning Sensation

Timothy Birdnow

Bolshevik Senator Bernie Sanders has this to say:

Total student debt of 43 million Americans: $1.8 trillion

Total wealth of 719 billionaires in America: $4.56 trillion

Our job: Cancel student debt, make public colleges and universities tuition free and have the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share of taxes.

I retort:

Why? Why should lenders pay to fund colleges and help brainwash naive students and get them into debt? What about the Universities which are getting filthy rich on the money they scam from students and taxpayers? Harvard alone is worth $28.3 billion. Yale $29.4 billion, U of Texas 30.9, Stanford 26.5 bill, Princeton 25.9, etc. You want to ultimately take money from lenders and taxpayers to make these rich stuffed shirts richer and to promote anti-American values. Why should we all pay for some kid to get a degree in Womyn's Studies, say, which has no benefit to anyone outside of the Ivy League faculty?

Oh, and in case you missed it Bern, IT'S NOT YOUR FRIGGING MONEY! But then you've been living high on the hog on other people's money for years - or do you not own three houses anymore?

You are amazingly free with other people's money. That makes you a thief, no matter how you want to paint it.

Oh, and Bernie old buddy, didn't Barack Hussein Obama fix all this? I thought when government took over all student loans this was no logner a problem! Strange how you guys seize control of something then it gets worse then your answer is to double down.

Kurt Womack adds:

Cancel, as in telling the lenders to suck it? Or hose the taxpayers to pay the schools, essentially the Marxist agenda of paying off the Leftist higher education brainwashing system. Seeing how stupid some people are with higher degrees, makes me wonder if it's a horrible idea, a waste of money.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:15 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 323 words, total size 2 kb.

Crumbling Covid Consensus

This from Anthony Watts:

You are being lied to, daily. "Fake consensus" on the COVID19 origin is now crumbling.

"What is concerning about this episode is not so much that a consensus has been overturned, but that a fake consensus was so easily enforced for year.


Probity came from knowledgeable individuals that were outside of the field of virology."

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:33 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 63 words, total size 1 kb.

The Modern Alchemists

Timothy Birdnow

So the big issue now is "transgenderism" and the Left is claiming there are multiple "genders" based on how a person feels.

We know that having a penis and testicles and a y chromosome makes you a man.

The Left, in their insane drive to deify themselves, simply ignores that inconvenient truth and says you can wish yourself into whatever you want. That is magic in the old pagan sense. These people are modern day necromancers and sorcerers, only they use pop psychology and pseudo science rather than magical incantations. But in the end both seek to alter reality by an act of will. Sorry,but it doesn't work. As the Emperor learned, no matter if almost everyone SAYS you have on a nice suit you are still walking around naked.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:27 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 135 words, total size 1 kb.


Timothy Birdnow

From the Captain Obvious department:

UFO's Aren't Real

We are still left with the Fermi Paradox which says that we should find solid evidence of aliens if they are visiting. Now we still just have grainy photos and possibly doctored film.

Here is a good quote from the article:

As West points out in the first video above, there is nothing new about the latest UFO releases. All that has changed is that now the government has released its own footage, which is basically the same kind of evidence that he and other skeptics have debunked in the past, just with better resolution. But because the government now tells them it’s ok to believe something, people take that as a sign of credibility.

What’s depressing about this, as someone who writes about foreign policy, is that the national security bureaucracy is apparently still considered credible. These are the people who spent50 years investigating psychic ability while James Randi was alive. Glenn Greenwald has written abouthow the media often treats unsubstantiated claims from this class as gospel, even when officials might have obvious political motivations for what they’re saying (think the "Russian bounty” story meant to keep the US in Afghanistan).

Marco Rubio brings up UFOs as a "national security issue” as he tells us thatthey might be some advanced technology coming from China and Russia, and encourages us to spend more money to compete with those countries. It seems to me that if China and Russia have figured out how to defy the laws of physics, then nothing we do is going to help us catch up and we might as well give in to whatever their demands are.

It seems to me stoking UFO mania serves the National Intelligence community and the Deep State well; it distracts from what they are doing by laying out red herrings, and it allows the Deep State defenders to call conservatives crazy conspiracy nuts because of all the fake conspiracy theories propogated by the Deep State. Nobody believes you when you point to what they are doing since so many conspiracy theories are floating around by their design.

I think this business came out when it did precisely to divert attention away from U.S. complicity in the Covid Pandemic (we were funding the Wuhan lab) and from Biden's theft of the election. They need some red herrings to distract the public. This is one of them, I suspect.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:25 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 408 words, total size 3 kb.

So Many Volcanoes, So Little Time

From Richard Cronin:

Geldingadalir volcano, Iceland

Thordarson explained that "eruptive episodes" can last for hundreds of years. "And then there's a pause that lasts for 500 or 1,000 years or so, but 800 years on average,"

Quite some time ago I roughed out some numbers for the cycles of global warming & cooling. Looking at the approx. durations of the Roman Warming, Dark Age Cooling, Medieval Warming, and Little Ice Age, I came to the same 800 year cycle, trough-to-peak- to-trough.

The linked article describes how the Geldingadalir volcano "pulses”. Several volcanologists have identified that the mantle plume volcanoes of Iceland and the Hawaiian Islands "co-pulsate”, as if the Earth has a heart beat. Also, it was recently observed that sections of the mid-Atlantic Ridge are mantle plume "hot spots”. Yellowstone is another mantle plume hot spot. The mid-Atlantic Ridge passes thru Iceland and extends into the very active Gakkel Ridge, spanning the Arctic. With the Earth as a globe, the thinnest part of the crust is at the North Pole, closest to the Earth’s heat engine.

Finally, NASA satellites have observed that East Antarctica is pulsing up and down, pumping "rivers of ice” thru the mountain passes of the TransAntarctic Mountain Range and out to West Antarctica where the greatest amount of calving occurs at the Ross Ice Shelf.

Tim adds:

Oh, and they say "80% of volcanic eruptions happen under water". That's interesting as the global warming crowd insists volcanism has nothing to do with climate change based on research done on just five land-based volcanoes which "showed" not a lot of carbon dioxide being released. This puts the lie to that.

Mr. Cronin replies:

Per Hillier and Watt there are a possible 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 undersea volcanoes. An estimated 75,000 seamount volcanoes rise 1 km or more above the ocean floor. This compares with 50 to 75 land-based volcanoes in a given year.



Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:58 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Gore Says Pipeline is Racist

This from Jim Church:

Al Gore claims this pipeline is "racist”.

Nashville Group Says Running the Byhalia Pipeline Through Memphis Violates Civil Rights Act


The Virginia-based Southern Environmental Law Center has filed a complaint with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) alleging that running the proposed Byhalia Pipeline through Memphis violates the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Byhalia, according to its website, is a crude oil pipeline that is supposed to run nearly 49 miles from Memphis to Marshall County, Mississippi. The pipeline, the website went on to say, will connect the Diamond Pipeline with the Capline Pipeline. The Diamond Pipeline provides the Valero Memphis Refinery with crude oil to produce gasoline and jet fuels. The Capline Pipeline, meanwhile, runs between Central Illinois and the U.S. Gulf Coast.

Staff for the Southern Environmental Law Center said in a press releaseFriday that they have submitted an administrative complaint to the EPA under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This, on behalf of a group they identified as Memphis Community Against Pollution.

"The complaintalleges the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, or TDEC, violated Title VI by making a permit decision that disproportionately burdens black communities in southwest Memphis without a substantial justification for doing so. Specifically, the permit authorizes construction of a crude oil pipeline over the drinking water source and through black communities that already bear the health and financial burdens of an oil refinery, retired coal plant, active fracked gas plant, wastewater treatment plant, and many other industrial facilities,” according to the press release.

"The complaint further alleges that TDEC violates Title VI on a continuing and ongoing basis by adopting a policy that it cannot and will not consider the environmental justice impacts of its water quality permitting decisions, including whether those decisions disproportionately burden communities on the basis of race.”

Former Vice President Al Gore, speaking of the Byhalia Pipeline, saidearlier this year that "building more fossil fuel pipelines is reckless and many proposed routes are racist.” Gore, however, did not explain how the proposed routes are racist.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:07 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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