October 17, 2024

Vance Says Trump was Cheated in 2020

Timothy Birdnow


Vance says 'no' Trump didn't lose the 2020 election

It's about time we challenged the lie of "no vote fraud" by the media. We should never have let it go in the first place; every Republican should have been ready with cases of fraud in 2020 and been prepared to say it over and over. That's how the Left managed to make it "conventional wisdom" that the elections were pure as the wind driven snow.

We have to challenge the basic assumptions made by the media. When we do not we invariably lose.


"Vance's response occurred when a reporter asked, "What message do you think it sends to Independent voters when you do not directly answer the question, 'Did Donald Trump lose in 2020?'"

"On the election of 2020, I've answered this question directly a million times. No, I think there are serious problems in 2020 so did Donald Trump lose the election? Not by the words that I would use," Vance responded.

"But look, I really couldn't care less if you agree or disagree with me on this issue."
Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. J.D. Vance speaks during a campaign event in Williamsport, Pa.,

In a recently resurfaced clip from Spectrum News 1 in 2022, Vance said, "Yeah, I do," when asked if he believed the 2020 election was stolen."

End excerpt.

Good for him! If only the rest of the GOP had the courage to tell the media they are liars!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:03 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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McConnell the Snake

Timothy Birdnow

Mitch McConnell has been withholding funding from Ted Cruz, who is in the fight of his life with Demcrat Colin Allred (appropriately named). Allread has outspent Cruz over three to one and McConnell's superpack - flush with cash - will not send the Texas Senator any money.

Why? No doubt because Cruz is a Conservative and McConnell is a RINO who wants to stack the Senate with toadies.

Back in February Cruz called for the geriatric McConnell to step down. McConnell announced he won't be seeking a leadership position but will remain in the Senate. That, no doubt, is to see to it he keeps control of that body, and of the GOP. Cruz called for McConnell's ouster after his ridiculous and disastrous and (thankfully failed) border bill, which would have allowed 1.5 million illegals in per year and mostly gave money to move alliens into Republican controlled states in the heartland.

Meanwhile it has come to light that Mr. McConnell utterly loathes and hates Donald Trump. He has privatly called Mr. Trump "stupid" and "despicable",too words that better describe his greedy and loathsome carcass than the former President's.

We need to get this creep out of office. He has hurt is terribly for years and continues to do so. Be it his deep ties to China (he is married to the daughter of a Chinese businessman/insider who works with the PRC), his willingness to compromise all of America's security, or his attacks on anyone in the GOP who does not bend knee to him. Oh, and he's had several bouts of confusion while in public. At age 82 it's past time for the sclerotic old geezer to step aside. He is no Donald Trump; his age shows.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:53 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Light Blogging

Timothy Birdnow

Dear readers,

Blogging will be light the next couple of days. I have a lot going.



Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:39 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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It's Howdy Doodey Time!

Timothy Birdnow

Watch Kamala Harris make a total fool of herself in her interview with Brett Baier on Fox.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:53 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Green Antarctica

Timothy Birdnow

0.00008% of Antarctica has turned green.

"Antarctica has turned green due to global warming: the vegetation cover has increased more than 10 times.

A team of scientists analyzed satellite images of the peninsula over the past 40 years to find out how much of the territory has turned green as a result of warming. The analysis of Landsat archives (1986-2021) was conducted using the Google Earth Engine cloud processing workflow, NatureGeoscience writes.”

"Back in 1986, the images show that only one square kilometer of the peninsula was covered with vegetation. However, by 2021, this area had grown to almost 12 square kilometers.”

Oh the horror! 

Is anyone really concerned that part of the Antarctic Peninsula ( a highly volcanic region0 has some lichens growing? Wouldn't a greener Antarctica actually be a benefit to Mankind?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:50 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Judge Blocks Hand Countinf of Ballots in Georgia

Timothy Birdnow A Georgiajudge has blocked a rule that requires counties to hand count ballots on election day. So every ballot doesn't count as far as this judge is concerned. This is nothing but a way to sow chaos in the upcoming election. This judge has to know that. According to the Daily Caller article: "Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney blocked Georgia from hand-counting ballots Nov. 5 over concerns that it could slow down reporting of the battleground state’s results, NBC News reported. The Georgia State Election Board voted 3-2 in favor of an Election Day hand-count Friday in September, prompting McBurney to issue a temporary injunction, according to the outlet. The judge wrote in his decision that the rule would cause “administrative chaos” if upheld." End The whole point of the rule is to STOP administrative chaos in the first place. Everyone knows full well that Fulton County (in Atlanta) is going to take days to count the votes if it is going against Madam Harris. The whole reason to NOT hand count is to stuff ballot boxes. Judge McBurney argues there isn't enough time to train poll workers (how much training does it take to look at a ballot and say "yea or nea"?) The reality is they want to make it impossible to SEE the ballots so we can know if there are fakes being stuffed in. Machine counting alone makes that easy. The article continues: "“From the beginning, this rule was an effort to delay election results to sow doubt in the outcome, and our democracy is stronger thanks to this decision to block it. We will continue fighting to ensure that voters can cast their ballot knowing it will count,” Vice President Kamala Harris’ Principal Deputy Campaign Manager Quentin Fulks, DNC co-director Monica Guardiola and Rep. Nikema Williams, who is chair of the Democratic Party of Georgia, said in a joint statement." So our "democracy" is STRENGTHENED by not actually counting votes but just letting a machine do it? I thought the Democrats were all about making all votes count! Well, it seems as long as they do the counting. And what of this "chaos" and the fact NBC won't get their answer when they want? We waited months in the 2000 election to get an answer. Why is a day or so of extra counting going to rip the fabric of our political order asunder? In point of fact the Democrats have frequently demanded hand counts of ballots and have stolen a number of seats that the Republicans won in Congress and elsewhere by continuous counting, counting countin. Now they want to avoid counting at all and leave it up to the same machines that just were proven to have stolen the election in Venezuela for Maduro. In the election of 2000 Al Gore's people argued before SCOTUS to continue recounting ballots that had already been counted several times. They argued every vote must count and they found all sorts of creative ways to carry the day, such as "pregnant chaffs". Strange how now they don't want to actually look at the physical evidence. Why not? We all know. They are preparing for the Mother of All Steals (MOAS). Someone looking at the ballots could screw that up big time.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:31 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Facebook Admin Admits Censorship

Diane Kimura

BREAKING: Senior Meta Engineer Reveals Anti-Kamala Posts Are "Automatically Demoted,” Admits Shadowbanning Tactics

"Say your uncle in Ohio said something about Kamala Harris is unfit to be a president because she doesn't have a child, that kind of sh*t is automatically demoted,” reveals @Meta Senior Software Engineer, Jeevan Gyawali (@JGyawali), to an undercover @OKeefeMedia journalist during a hidden camera date. He confirmed, "The person would not be notified,” but would see a decline in their post engagement and impressions, explaining that Meta’s "Integrity Team” is responsible for controlling content through "civic classifiers,” a system that "shadowbans” posts without notifying users.

Gyawali also revealed a specialized Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) team that was created at Meta, stating, "There is a SWAT team that's already set up since April… just to think about all the scenarios of how the platform could be abused.” When asked if Meta is doing their due diligence to protect democracy from disinformation, Gyawali ensured "that’s all going to be demoted 100%.”

When asked, "You guys [Meta] have the ability to influence the outcome of the election?” Gyawali confirmed, "Yes,” admitting Meta’s power to sway political outcomes. When asked if Mark Zuckerberg (@finkd), Co-Founder and CEO and Meta, supports Meta’s political influence and agenda to help the Democratic Party, Gyawali answered, "100%.”


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:25 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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October 16, 2024

Another One Bites the Dust

Timothy Birdnow

Another Nobel laureate calls Global Warming a crock!

Nobel Laureate in Physics; "Global Warming is Pseudoscience"

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:27 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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On Columbus and the West

Selwyn Duke

I wrote a long essay in defense of Columbus in 2017: And, yes, we shouldn't "defend" Western Civilization. We must mount an offense for it, as I emphasized in another essay, "A World Without the West": We should have a take-no-prisoners attitude.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:04 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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October 15, 2024

Chewing the Fat

Jerry S Rainforth

Poor diet is one of the biggest drivers of America’s chronic disease epidemic, says Dr. Malhotra, with 60% of calorie intake in the U.S. and 57% in the U.K. coming from ultra-processed foods. More than 60% of America’s adult population is overweight or obese, with 88% having abnormal metabolic health markers. "You can't fix healthcare until you fix food,” Dr. Malhotra told our colleague, Jan Jekielek in an interview on American Thought Leaders.

Dr. Malhotra recently released a documentary, "First! Do No Pharm,” which examines the commercialization of modern medicine and how that is affecting our physical, mental, and social well-being. "There is a false perception out there that medicine is an exact science, like, say, physics or chemistry, when in fact, it is a social science—the science of human beings,” says Dr. Malhotra.

Epoch Times

Tim adds:

People were slim until the late '70's then they ballooned up after that. Why? I would point out the USDA came up with the food pyramid, which was devised to take into account the "Population Bomb" and "Limits to growth" thinking of that era and included cereal grans as the base of the pyramid. We eschewed meats, which had always been a staple of the American diet. (The pyramid was introduced in Sweden in 1974 and although not formally adopted by the U.S. until 1992 it was most definitely used as a guide by most doctors and nutritionists. ) According to the PEW research center " Americans consume 29% more grains, mostly in the form of breads, pastries and other baked goods, than they did in 1970" Carbohydrates all turn into sugars in the blood stream and when there are too many are stored as fat in the body. Eating more processed food undoubtedly makes it far worse.

Obesity was created by our ruling class, whether consciously or unconsciously. (One could argue that it was intentional; fat people are less combative and energetic and thus more likely to simply let them have their way.)

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:59 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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The Unholy Trinity

Steven Chase

The Left lost its bearings when the Soviet Union collapsed and socialism gave way to neoliberal privatizations.

The moral fury of the leftwing movement had to go somewhere, and it found its home in Identity Politics in which the white heterosexual male takes the place of the capitalist, and his victim groups—blacks, women, homosexuals, illegal immigrants—take the place of the working class.

Tim adds:

Very astute Steven! I think you are dead right about that. Identity politics and environmentalis

m and transgenderims are now the unholy trinity of the Left and it takes the place of the old class struggle.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:44 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Harris the Plagiarist

Timothy Birdnow

Lookie here; Kamala Harris plagiarized multiple sections of her book "Smart on Crime"!

Everyone may remember Joe Biden's first Presidential campaign went bust when it was revealed he had plagiarized speeches of foreign leaders. Like pseudo-father like pseudo-daughter! In many ways this is worse because it went into print - and the publishers let it happen.

In a normal world plagiarism would end her candidacy. Not today.

It shouldn't surprise anyone though; the woman does not have an original thought in her bulbous little noggin.

of course the media is in full damage control (which is why I had to find a link to an Indian news source.)

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:26 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Genesis of the Jew Hatred Pandemic

Jerry S Rainforth

"The beginnings of the Jew-hatred endemic in the United Nations today can be traced to President Obama and Vice President Biden failing to veto Security Council Resolution 2334 (Resolution 2334) - adopted on 23 December 2016 - as they were in the very act of preparing to vacate the White House to make way for Donald Trump."

Jew-hatred at United Nations could have been avoided

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:19 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Bad Money after Good

Diane M. Kimura

So far this year, the United States has given:

- $24,400,000,000 to Ukraine.

- $11,300,000,000 to Israel.

- $1,950,000,000 to Ethiopia.

- $1,600,000,000 to Jordan.

- $1,400,000,000 to Egypt.

- $1,100,000,000 to Afghanistan.

- $1,100,000,000 to Somalia.

- $1,000,000,000 to Yemen.

- $987,000,000 to Congo.

- $896,000,000 to Syria.

- $9,000 per illegal immigrant that has entered the U.S.

And real American citizens who have lost everything to Hurricane Helene will be getting $750.

Nice job, FEMA. You suck.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:20 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Bad City People

Timothy Birdnow According to the World Health Organization], in 2021 - the end of the pandemic - starvation deaths rose to a record 828 million - 150 million more than in 2019. Why? Because we shut down economic activity out of fear of a COLD virus! Progressivism brings famine, disease, poverty, and warfare. And what did we gain? We reduced world economic activity by 25% and yet atmospheric carbon dioxide link=https://research.noaa.gov/2021/04/07/despite-pandemic-shutdowns-carbon-dioxide-and-methane-surged-in-2020/]continued to rise as before. So we know that the shutdowns didn't help the environment and they did cause mass starvation. But that is liberalism for you! Don't worry about such minor details and learn to believe! Frankly I am of the opinion that many in the Progressive movement want pain and suffering and death. They are essentially anti-humanists who seek to feed their own schadenfreude. Most of them hate people, especially Christians and devout Jews. They use the Judeo-Christian (actually it's a tendency in other religions as well) concept of an apocalypse. In their case the apocalypse is one where the planet burns from our industrial waste and the only hope of salvation is to join them, buy carbon credits, drive electric toy cars, live as poorly and as frugally as possible so as to leave a smaller "carbon footprint." I remember a slogan a while back "live simply so others can simply live". It ignores the way economics work, where buying luxury homes or boats puts people to work and lets them all live, and better than a world without consumption. Progressivism truly is a religion, a religion that hates and despises God. I am mindful of Flannery O'Connor's story "Good Country People" where the protagonist Hulga (she renamed herself that because it was the ugliest name she could think of) tried to seduce a young Bible salesman so as to destroy his faith and his "shatter his illusions" which really was just her way of trying to hurt him because she despised what he believed and stood for. But in the end he was the one who used her - he was not the person he put forward, but rather like her "don't think you are so smart believing in nothing...I've been believing in nothing for years." That encapsulates perfectly the Left and it's allure to the suffering and the angry. How many young people became leftists because they wanted to hurt someone, their parents or their neighbors? That is what we see these days, and we really saw it in Climate Change and in the Pandemic. How many people seriously wanted to hurt those who refused to take the vax, or wouldn't wear masks or whatnot? I had a woman scream at me in a doctor's office because I was physically supporting my disabled wife and not following "social distancing" protocols! We got into a nasty shouting match. I didn't know this puta from Adam, but she wanted to show me she could vent her spleen. That is the classic modern leftist.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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October 14, 2024

Happy Columbus Day!

Timothy Birdnow

Happy Columbus Day! Today we celebrate Christopher Columbus, without whom our modern world would not exist and many of us would still be sacrificing captives to Huitzilopochtli .

The discovery of America connected East and West and started the world on its journey to modernity.

See this defense of Columbus.here Also this https:// www.hispaniccoun cil.org/ 5-reasons-to-def end-christopher -columbus-today /]here.

Columbus was a man of his times. People weren't so nice back then. But Columbus was a devoutly religious man who was motivated in no small part by a desire to save the souls of the natives he encountered. His motives were pure.

So God bless him! Let us celebrate the great accomplishments of Columbus on this day (who, by the way, was dead wrong; the Earth was twice the size he believed - against all science of the day- and he was not in the Indies as he died believing.)

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:55 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Timothy Birdnow

From the archives. It's long but well worth the read!

Throughout history certain days and events have been momentous, and the future often depends on the outcome of single occurrences. The battle of Marathon, Caesar`s crossing the Rubicon, Pope Leo facing down the ``Scourge of God``Attila, Charles Martel`s victory over the invading Saracens at Poitiers (or Tours), Washington`s victory at Yorktown, etc. are all examples of events which changed history. Oftentimes nobody understands the significance of the event. Today marks the anniversary of one such turning point, one which few know much about; it was on this day, October 14, in the Year of Our Lord 1066 that William, Duke of Normandy, destroyed the English army at the battle of Hastings and set the English speaking peoples on the path which would lead them to rule the world.

Our story begins in Roman times with the conquest of Britain by Caesar. The Britons were a Celtic people who lived on the southern half of the Island. Because of their proximity to Gaul they had cultural and trade contacts with the Continent, and so were a bit more cosmopolitan than their Highlander cousins. Eventually Rome cast covetous eyes on Britain, and Caesar launched the first of several invasions of the island. The Britons put up a half-hearted resistance, and took easily to life as a Roman province. (Rome was never able to subdue the Scots and Pics, nor the Irish. In fact, the Emperor Hadrian built a giant wall to keep the Scots from raiding Roman territory, much like the Chinese had done to keep the nomadic tribes out of the Middle Kingdom.) Times were good, and Britain became an amalgamation of Celtic and Roman culture. more...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Taxpayer Money for Overseas Sodomy

Timothy Birdnow

Here we have Americans suffering in the Southeast and Forida and the U.S. is paying for LGBTQ indoctrination in Latin America and the Caribbean!

Biden-Harris Govt Defies Congress, Blows $1.5M on Foreign LGBTQ Initiatives.

The U.S. is broke and here we are wasting money promoting homosexuality and other sodomite activities.

Maybe Iran is right and we ARE the Great Satan!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:27 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Venus Fry Trap

Maurizio Morabito

Poster child of runaway greenhouse effect, planet Venus isn't at all "just" a case of runaway greenhouse effect.

There are many more characteristics of it that need be considered, regarding a surface temperature above the melting point of lead.

First of all the atmosphere is 90 times more massive than Earth's. If our planet were surrounded by so much gas, of whatever composition, our surface temperature would be in the range of 700K, 500C, 800F.

Then there is the fact that the atmosphere of Venus rotates around 50 times faster than the surface. This generates an enormous amount of friction, that is, heat.

Then there is the fact that the planet rotates clockwise as seen from the North Pole. This is the opposite of the planet's rotation around the Sun and thus has only happened because I was some massive impact in the past. And by the way, the entire surface of Venus has melted around 500 million years ago. Probably because of the same impact.

Imagine how much heat has been generated at the time.

CO2 greenhouse effect characteristics might as well be playing an important role in determining the current surface conditions on Venus but no theory could be possibly be considered scientifically plausible unless the above has been considered (and much more, including current volcanism, and the remarkably high reflectivity, something that has helped made Venus the brightest object in the sky besides the Sun and the Moon.

In science, the ability to explain the details is everything. To talk about a runaway greenhouse effect without looking at the details is bad science at best.

Tim adds:

This can be titled Venus Fry Trap, or One Hot Chick!

Venus also has a very thin crust and no ring of fire, but rather the whole planet is highly volcanic. This is possibly caused by the extremely slow rotation. There is no magnetic field as a result too. But what this does is allow the Venusian atmosphere to constantly renew itself, and that traps the volcanic heat in. There are over 1600 major active volcanoes on Venus - more than any other planet in the solar system. Io, Jupiter's "Hell Moon" has a scant 400 major active volcanoes (although both worlds are lousy with smaller ones which we cannot enumerate as of yet.)

All of this has a profound impact on the Venusian climate.

There are no plate tectonics on Venus.

It is thought Venus was probably around 200 degrees in it's early days but something - possibly the increase in solar irradiance - made it start to warm. No doubt that big impact really drove that home. At any rate Venus is thought to have had oceans which all boiled away into space. Now it's just carbon dioxide, multiple acids, and blast-furnace heat.

BTW there are places in the upper atmosphere where the air pressure is Earthlike and the temperature is agreeable. We could float people in balloons there and they could sit outside with just a breather. Whole cities could theoretically be constructed (imagine how much life a hydrogen balloon gets in so dense an atmosphere! And no fear of it exploding in the co2.) But the only value of such a thing would be research; there is NOTHING to see on Venus but clouds!

NASA is actually thinking about a manned Venus mission rather than Mars because it's closer. But I'm not sure how they would lift off from the atmosphere if they do descend down.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:09 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
― George Orwell

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:51 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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