January 14, 2025

Water Barrons

Timothy Birdnow

Meet the leftist billionaire family that controls 60-70% of all California water.

This is Lynda Resnick. According to the Revolver article:

– Her family donates HUGE amounts of money to Democrats
– She donated to stop Gavin Newsom’s recall
– They use over 150 billion gallons of water every year
– Her family was in the 1994 secret meeting that officially ended water being a public right in California
– They’re the largest agricultural owners in California, and their farms use more water than all homes in Los Angeles combined
– Lynda and Stewart Resnick own Fiji Water, POM Pomegranate Juice, Wonderful Pistachios, and many other food companies
– They’ve faced lawsuits related to their water management practices, with allegations of profiting from selling water stored in the Kern Water Bank to non-members at a profit, violating public utility laws
– The Resnicks have been accused of using their wealth to influence water policy and politics

They pay off Democrats and Gavin Newsom specifically to keep their scam going

Seems the Resnicks own massive agricultural holdings (as well as the Franklin Mint) and control the massive Kern Water Bank, which was privatized by California some years back (and sold to a big Democrat donor).

The Kern Water Bank was funded by taxpayers but now California has to beg the Resnicks for water form it.

The way water is handled in the west is entirely different from back east. Here east of the Rockies we just drill down for water or dam up a stream or just suck water out of a stream or lake without much thought to the matter. We don't have to suffer from the complicated issue of water rights; if you can get to it it's yours, by and large. In the dry west there is a hellishly complex legal mechanism over water, and you can get in some major hot water if you don't follow the law. Pull too much water out of a stream and the government comes a-knocking.

Any time you get the state involved you have problems with corruption and the abuse of the system.

At any rate I am going to bring up something I have discussed previously in other contexts - hydraulic empires, or as they are sometimes called water monopoly empires. We have had such in history and they are usually completely tyrannical. How they work is simple; the King or Pharoah or emperor owns the water and controls the devlivery systems. Piss him off and you go thirsty and so do your crops. As a result nobody ever rebels in a hydraulic empire; the big cheese controls life and death, literally.

IF this number is correct about how much water the Resnicks control (and the article doubts it) then they largely have a water monopoly empire. They say "jump" and California says "how high". This is not a good or stable situation. It means Newsome and everyone else danced to their tune (and Newsome dances with lots of gesticulations thanks to the coke he snorted, or so some believe - see the previous article this morning). Control of water gives immense power.

I have little doubt the Left - at least some of them - have thought this out carefully and realize the power they have. Places like the Imperial Valley, which is Republican country, are limited by fear of losing their water.

And the Imperial Valley suffered that very fate during the Obama Administration when the BHO cut off water to them from the Colorado river to save the snail darter. Many Imperial VAlley farmers lost their land or suffered in other ways as a result.

Water is the stuff of life. The Greek philosopher Thales believed life itself came from water, that water was the essence of the soul. That may not be the case but water certainly is a necessity, a very serious one. Only oxygen is more seriously needed than water.

Do we really want the Left controlling it?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:37 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Is Gavin Newsom a Cokehead?

Timothy Birdnow

Is Gavin Newsom on drugs?

'Cocaine-Induced'? Viewers Baffled as Newsom Begins Dancing, Swaying, Smiling in Extremely Weird Wildfire Interview

After speculation that he was on cocaine for his "shimmy dance" one X user observed:

I wasn’t really concerned about developers buying up all of the property devastated by the California wildfires until Gavin did his weird shoulder shimmy dance while talking about developers buying up all the property devastated by the California wildfires pic.twitter.com/k1VHJQVjMr

— Kevin Dalton (@TheKevinDalton) January 13, 2025

There appears to be speculation about the fires offering a prime opportunity for speculators to buy up the burned areas and redevelop them. Watch George Soros here; he may swoop down and pick this up for pennies on the dollar.

But to get back to Cokie Newsom, it was observed by many that swaying and arm gesticulating can be a sign or cocaine:

Gavin Newscum presents all the signs of cocaine use. Every time on camera, he sways back and forth, makes extremely dramatic hand gestures, his words are rambling and basically make no sense. He’s as fried as SoCal. Despicable empty soul.

— Nancy Trapp (@NancyTrapp09) January 14, 2025

Of course swaying back and forth can also be a sign of tardive dyskinesia - which is caused by too much dopamine in the brain, usually as a result of taking L-dopamine to control menttal disorders (such as schizophrenia) or to control Parkinsons. But it doesn't generally cause incoherent logic from the sufferer.

So we don't really know what's going on with the Newsuiance, just that something ain't right in his noggin.

Neurosyphillis can cause TD too, but usually primarily in the face, not the arms. Newsom admitted to having an affair.

He also admitted to an alcohol problem in the past, but it seems unlikely alcohol caused this. I've known drunk people and they do some crazy things but not this.

So we are unlikely to know what is going on, but it seems at least logical he may be on a coke high. Any way you look at it the man doesn't belong in his position.

Oh, cocaine does indeed cause movement disorders. It is associated with hyperkinesis, includes de novo tics, dystonia, essential-like tremor, myoclonus, and chorea, all of which resemble TD.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:45 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Premature Discharge

Ttimothy Birdnow

So Judge Juan Merchan wished Mr. Trump Godspeed, and issued "unconditional dishcarge" which to me sounds suspiciously like what a teenage boy does the first time he gets a teenage girl alone in the back seat of his car. Premature and unproductive to put it mildly.

But to wish him "Godspeed" after what he'd pulled? The hypocrisy is astounding!

New York legal code section 65.20 states:

"When the court imposes a sentence of unconditional discharge, the defendant shall be released with respect to the conviction for which the sentence is imposed without imprisonment, fine or probation supervision. A sentence of unconditional discharge is for all purposes a final judgment of conviction.”


And that was the entire purpose, to get "convicted felon" attached to Mr. Trump's name for all eternity. Merchan knew he couldn't make any actual punishment stick so he was happy to settle for this just before Trump was inaugurated.

Seems to me the judge was the one who messed his pants with his unconditional discharge. He made it clear there was no there there, nothing Trump had actually done wrong (or else he would have punished the Great Orange Menace).

At the end of the film "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" Father Moore is convicted of criminal neglect for Emily's death by the jury with the recommendation of time served. The judge sentences him "Father Moore, you are guilty - and you are free to go". It was an exhoneration even while he was TECHNICALLY guilty under the law, but the judge and everyone else knew he had no malicious or selfish intent and the conviction merely followed the letter of the law. The spirit demanded Moore be released.

One is tempted to look at Merchan much like the judge in TEOER but that is not the case; Merchan did everything possible to secure a conviction, twisting the law into a pretzel. He broke with all American jurisprudence by telling the jury if they FELT something was illegal to vote to convict without proper definition or legal foundation - the epitome' of a kangaroo court. He refused Trump's defense strategies. He allowed the prosecution to withhold evidence. He allowed multiple violations of jury protocol. And he was seriously compromised; his own daughter worked for Kamala Harris and donated to Biden. He should have recused himself.

Like the teenager who fumbles with his Mentors and in his eagerness winds up with a mess of unconditional discharge all over his tidy whities, the judge, in his eagerness to take out the source of all political misery found himself in premature legal exclamatio. Now he's all revved up with nothing to show for it except a mess.

(BTW on my copy of TThe Exorcism of Emily Rose they speak with a producer of the movie who tells a story about Winston Churchill. During the war the British troops were having trouble with their guns jamming due to cold. They found they could stretch condoms over them aned they would do much better, but the condoms were too small and burned through too quickly. The War Department went to Churchill with a proposal from a condom manufacturer to make giant condoms to cover the whole gun. Churchill approved it on two conditions 1.They had to be stamped "British made" and 2.they had to be stamped "medium size".

Merchan and the rest went up against a guy with Churchill condoms while they were packing extra smalls.

This was nothing but an act of premature unconditional discharge and was about as productive.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:27 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 13, 2025

The Big Climate Lie

Timothy Birdnow

Dimwittia Dana Griswold Criswell, Obama's FEMA director, blames Global Warming for the fires of Mordor of so cal.


"Criswell said, "We’re seeing the change coming from climate change, and we’re seeing more significant severe weather events. That’s what we’re seeing here in California.”

Host Jake Tapper said, "You just touched on something we’re hearing from a lot of survivors of these fires, which is this idea that this is just the new world we’re living in due to the climate crisis extreme heat, prolonged, prolonged droughts, hurricane force, Santa Ana winds, all of that created the tinderbox fueling this catastrophe. Does this scale of devastation in Los Angeles indicate that we as a country, are just simply not prepared for the realities of the climate crisis?”

Criswell said, "Well, I think what we have to do is look at what these new weather events are bringing, the severity that they’re bringing, and think about what the future risk is going to continue to be. And as we have these tragedies, we also need to make sure that we’re taking this as an opportunity to rebuild these communities in a way that’s going to make them more resilient against these types of disasters. I talked about this all last year. FEMA had a year of resilience and trying to get people to understand what is it we do to protect these communities and reduce the impact. There are things that we can do, and those are the steps we’re going to have to take to make sure that they don’t have as much impact as we’re seeing right now from these fires.”

Only a few niggling problems with this claim. First, California has just gotten past a period of TOO MUCH RAIN which actually had reservoirs over-full. Since 2022 the state has been above average on rainfall. So how is that "climate change" related?

And the summer of 2023 was the coolest summer they've had for over a decade. That's the New York Times making this claim, not Breitbart. Temperatures fell all over the state.

Last year was the quietest spring in years in California, I might add.

So how is "climate change" responsible for the fires? As of December of last year California's precipittation was above average so one cannot blame this on lack of rain. Certainly one cannot blame empty fire hydrants on climate change.

But of course our government overlords, never willingt to let a good crisis go to waste, are now proclaiming 2024 the hottest year on record since record keeping began in a lame attempt to keep their climate change grift alive.

They arrive at that by downplaying previous temperature data from hot periods like the 1930's via "data smoothing" and other statistical tricks. But it's a lie and they know it.

Not sure where it was so hot. certainly not in the Midwest where we had perhaps one or two days above 100* all summer and winter temperatures were not exactly sultry.

NASa and NOAA rely on people not knowing what it is doing elsewhere then they fib about it.

At any rate there is no way at all to justify claims that it was global warming that caused the California fires and not dreadful public policy. From refusing to remove deadwood from forests to not storing enough water to shutting off electricity needed to run pumps to DEI hiring in Las Angeles fire deparment to giving it's fire equipment to Ukraine and cutting the LAFD's budget, everything they have done worked together to cause this disaster. It had nothing to do with "climate change".

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:07 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Newsom Fiddles...

Timothy Birdnow

There is talk of a recall election to remove Gavin Newsom so I guess it makes sense from his perspective. But talk about a tin ear!

Governor Newsom Reacts to Wildfires by Launching Campaign Website.

Maybe he can talk about snail darters and electric vehicles instead of raging infernos...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:29 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Facebook Board in Rebellion

Timothy Birdnow

The board of Meta appear to be in rebellion against Zuckerberg for his plan to loosen up censorship on the international chat room.

Zuck needs to sack them.

They accuse Zuckerberg of bowing to political pressure. Well, yes, he is but he bowed to political pressure BEFORE when he agreed to censor people in the first place.

What is a free speech platform other than a place for FREE speech? Why bother if a group of self-appointed "experts" are going to tell you what to think and what to say?

Zuck at least had the sense to realize he was going to kill Facebook if he didn't go back to the old standards. Apparently his woke board doesn't grasp that.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:24 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Timothy Birdnow

Battywoman is still playing with Covid in Gain of Function experiments despite the whole world being plunged into the abyss by tinkering with SARS Covid 2 genes.


Shi Zhengli, 60, earned herself the nickname of China's "batwoman" as one of the world's leading scientists working on bat coronaviruses in Wuhan.
Portrait of Shi Zhengli.

Shi releases a fruit bat in China’s Guangxi province in 2004 after taking a blood sample.

Her team at Wuhan Institute of Virology collected more than 20,000 samples from bat colonies in China over nearly two decades.

Then, when a mystery pneumonia-like illness emerged just a stone's throw from the lab in late 2019, Shi was thrust into the spotlight.

Many scientists questioned whether the virus - which had unusual features suggesting it was genetically engineered - may have leaked from the lab.

Five years later, a landmark congressional report has ruled that the "weight of the evidence" suggests it was a lab leak that sparked the pandemic - and left millions dead.

Despite the report's damning conclusion, Shi and her team are still carrying out "risky" research, according to top scientists and virologists.

Viktor Frankenstein had nothing on these crazy gene-splicers.

BTW a Battyman is a homosexual in Jamaican slang - Bat is slang for buttocks. That's why it's funny that the old Underdog cartoon had as one of it's principle villains Battyman. In this case she's a batty woman, even if her sexuality isn't in question (I assume).

There are things Man is not meant to play with. Creating new and deadly diseases is just one such.

There was a novel by Frank Herbert I ready years ago called The White Plague. In it a molecular biologist who happened to be rich saw his wife and children killed by a car bomb in Northern Ireland he plotted a terrible revenge - a disease that was 100% lethal in women and benign in men, so al lthe men in Ireland would suffer as did he. But of course the disease spread beyond Ireland and Britain (the places he attacked) and it mutated.

It was a very good novel, well worth reading.

The point was and remains it's foolish and dangerous to play with such things. Yet here we are gambling with our own existence. Even Richard Nixon was wise enough to ban biological weapons.

And since the equipment to do gene splicing is becoming increasingly inexpensive the dangers metastasize; some fool will start the last plague.

Plagues can indeed wipe out whole species and have done so in times past. And these are naturally occurring diseases. We are actually tailoring diseases to kill people, and that will make it much, much harder to control if the disease mutates and gets otu of hand.

I really do worry about this. Oh, and the Bible warns of terrible diseases in the Last Days; in fact one of the four horsemen is a pale horse, symbolizing disease.

Yet here we have battywomen like this chick working to create terrible life forms and risk humanity's existence.

I see no way to stop this genetic research, alas. I fear the only solution is to wait for something so terrible the survivors hate genetic manipulation as badly as we hate cannibalism.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:19 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Making Tikttok Great Again

Timothy Birdnow

He really would be "Mr. Wonderful" if he were to do this!

Mr. Wonderful to Buy Tiktok

Kevin O'Leary is an enterpreneur and good conservative who supports MAGA. He is one of the panelists of Shark Tank where he is called Mr. Wonderful for his rather hard-bitten approach.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:58 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Because Journalism, like Democracy, Dies in Darkness

Timothy Birdnow

Go woke go broke!

Washington Post Online Traffic Collapses: from 23 Million Daily Users to 3 Million

WaPo's changes (which were don to survive as PC advocacy has lost all appeal) drove away the nutters that did read the paper. Now they have nothing.

Maybe Bezos should sell to Rupert Murdoch or Elon Musk?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Global Cooling Caused Collapse of Gulf Stream - now Warming does so

Timothy Birdnow

Another from Tony Heller at Real Climate Science:

Fifty years ago, global cooling was causing collapse of the Gulf Stream. Now. global warming is causing collapse of the Gulf Stream.

"Pack ice around Iceland is becoming a serious navigation hindrance to an extent unmatched since a "little ice age” in the 17th and 18th centuries.

England’s growing season has shortened a week to two weeks since 1950 and the Arctic ice and snow cap has expanded 12 per cent since 1964.

North Atlantic surface waters have been cooling for the last 30 years. The tepid Gulf Stream, a major warming influence on Western European weather, has retreated south about a sixth as far as it did at the height of the last full-fledged ice age, 20,000 years ago, according to ocean bed fossil records.”

Jun 15, 1975, page 250 – The Miami Herald at Newspapers.com

"Yes, global warming is considered a significant factor in the potential collapse of the Gulf Stream”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:39 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Global COOLING Causes Wild Fires

Timothy Birdnow

This courtesy of Real Climate Science:

July 12, 1976

"The weather seems to have gone berserk lately. The tennis courts at Wimbledon in England have not been as parched since the 1920’s. The same is true for croplands in northern France, the Soviet Union, Minnesota and the Dakotas. It’s so dry, brush fires have started several weeks early in California, and water is being rationed.

They believe that the earth’s climate has moved into a cooling cycle, which means highly erratic weather for decades to come. And that, they say, has profound implications—most of them bad—for world food production, economic stability and social order.”

Climatologists Forecast Stormy Economic Future – The New York Times

March 8, 1977

"Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr., warned here today that drought?stricken California was "facing a disaster of immeasurable magnitude.”

TimesMachine: March 8, 1977 – NYTimes.com

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:36 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Deep State "Shenanigans"?

Timothy Birdnow

Seth Tillman, writing at the New Reform Club, dissects an interview with Professor Jack Goldsmith by the everlasting neocon Bill Kristol.

In this interview Goldsmith states:

"But it’s normal for Trump, and let me just say part of what Trump is about is to just blow up all these norms [which] he just thinks … he thinks or talks acts as if he thinks, that they are just illegitimate, that they are corrupt, that the justice department is under the control of the Deep State or Democrats or some combination of both, and you know there were some Deep-State shenanigans against him in his first term, so and I get it, but this ? is all completely out of the ordinary. For us? We unfortunately: it is about to become ordinary ….

"Shenanigans"?  Well shucks; let's go find Alfalfa and Buckwheat and Spanky and the gang!

Among other things the Cambridge dictionary says shenanigans are "silly behavior that is usually not very serious or harmful". Yet Trump was openly accused of being a "Russian asset, meaning he was a traitor and spy. He was accused of colluding with a foreign power. He was accused of abusing his office by asking the Ukrainian president to reopen a corruption investigation against Joe Biden's son. He was accused of multiple crimes (over 88 crimes and faced over 900 years in prison). He was sued in civil court purely for political reasons and wound up with almost a half a BILLION dollars in a civil judgment. He has had multiple investigations of himself, of his companies, of his family. And he has faced two assassination attempts, attempts that showed a level of incompetence with the Secret Service that cannot be explained away, making one suspect it was intentional. The CIA used such tactics overseas, and fomented the different color revolutions, particularly the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, using these same tactics.

In a moment of candor Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer warned Donald Trump " "You take on the intelligence community? They have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you". And they certainly tried their best. Remember all those intelligence agency heads who signed the letter claiming the Hunter Biden laptop was "Russian disinformation" after they had it for months? Or do you remember former FBI Director Andrew McCabe calling Trump a Russian asset"?

I would call all of this a bit more than "shenanigans". More like Treason and revolution.

And don't forget the way they meddled with the electtions in 2020. And how they went after everyone who was present at the J6 affair? You needn't have actually done anything wrong to get arrested and charged and get draconian sentences.

And remember the armed raid on Trump's home at Mar-a-Largo with orders to "shoot to kill" if anyone resisted. Then they went through Melania Trump's underwear drawer, sniffing her panties and the like.

Remember trump's arrest and mug shot. Remember how Alvin Bragg, doing the bidding of his boss who campaigned on "getting Trump", twisted the law into a pretzel to create a whole new class of crime and the corrupt judge letting him get away with that and other abuses of power. Remember Fani Willis coordinating with Jack Smith (who himself was appointed illegally) to throw Trump in prison.

What about the TWO impeachments of Trump and the J6 committee in which we now know people lied and there was collusion between "witnesses" and the members of the committee (like Liz Cheney)?

What about the censorship online pushed by the Biden Administration? They found a loophole in the First Amendment and rammed a whole parade through it. They suppressed information that would lead people to support Trump.

Shenanigans? I think not.

I seem to remember another President faced not just impeachment but removal from office over "shenanigans" involving a third rate burglary at a hotel in Washington. At the time these same clowns took that very, very seriously then.

How was Trump supposed to react to this? Laugh it off? They wanted to send him to prison for nine hundred years, and then they tried to kill him twice. I'm sorry but nobody would be chuckling at that.

See, this wasn't even just an attack on Donald Trump but rather was an attack on everyone who supported Trump, who voted for him. It was an attack on the very soul of our Constitution and republic. If Trump were NOT to take this very seriously he would be derelict in his duty as the prime law enforcement officer in the country. He HAS to go after these people at this point. It would be a travesty of justice if he were to just dismiss this.

So don't tell me Trump is overreacting; if anything he's under-reacting. Our Constitution, our rights as free citizens, our way of life was under attack by the Deep State. We had all sorts of laws rammed down our throats, not by our elected representatives but by unelected bureaucrats and national security goons and it was enforced with raw power - arrest and imprisonment and death if you dare resist. Joe Stalin was looking on proudly at this.

I'd like to ask Goldsmith what HE would do if he were falsely accused of multiple crimes, framed, set up, had half a billion dollars stolen from him, threatened with prison for centuries, had his name tarnished, his family harassed, and had people trying to kill him? I suspect the good professor would not be quite so forgiving as he is now.

Naturally Kristol didn't bother to correct this man,but then Kristol is a neocon and wants endless war and hates a guy like Trump who wants to restore old virtues (like Washington's admonition to avoid entanglement with foreign powers or the horrible idea that America should actually be great and not just a cog in a new world order that benefits others at our expense).

Yes, America's institutions are hollowed out and full of termites who are eating out our nation from within. Middle America has shown they see it and voted for the one man offering a way out. Nobody else dared try it.

But if America is to survive it must restore the basics that made her great in the first place. Fail to do that and we join the other nations in the ashbin of history who went down this same path - Rome, the Holy Roman Empire, Carthage, Egypt, Spain and Portugal come to mind.

Trump gives us some breathing room. Now we have to make this revolution permanent by electing like-minded people to Congress and our next President needs to be MAGA. Either this nutty professor doesn't understand that or wants America to fall. I suspect deep down it's the latter.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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No, Biden did not "Eclipse"Trump in Judicial appointments"

Timothy Birdnow

The media reported with much fanfare how Joe Biden had "eclipsed" Trump in appointting judges. Not so say our old friends at the New Reform Club.


"Again, Trump-45 outpaced Biden: Trump-45 had 2 more Supreme Court Justices, 9 more federal circuit judges, 11 more federal appellate judges, 9 more Article I specialty court judges, and 8 more federal judicial appointments in toto.

Biden outpaced Trump in one category—Biden had 1! more Article III judicial appointment—and that is the lead, the news, and the only news.

So why did the media lie to us about this? No doubt to depress our side and to elevate the sagging spirits of theirs. The fact is we are winning and they simply cannot stand to admit that.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:29 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Panitent

Timothy Birdnow

Maybe Mark Zuckerberg means it when he says he'sending DEI at Meta/Facebook. In addition to getting rid of partisan "fact checkers" he's ending the practice of putting female hygene products in mens rooms to cater to the "transgendered".

A baby step perhaps but a step nonetheless.

I have my doubts about all of it. Zuck's censorship went way beyond computer algorithms (which is what he blamed it on) and to actual decisions being made by the management of Facebook. Shadow banning,for instance, was common and I spent most of my time in that particular gulag when I was on Facebook. I heated arguments with Facebook editors about the way I was treated and they clearly thought they had every right to shadow-ban me because I was not "right thinking". Oh, and then there was "Zucker bucks" as the article mentions, where Zuckerberg spent big amounts to help Democrats steal 2020. He knew what they were doing and knew tho new machines he was giving away were being tampered with.

I suspect Zuckerberg is only doing this because he realizes he's in trouble with Trump 2.0, and because Facebook has been losing a lot of users such as myself who are moving elsewhere - to places like Truth Social and to X. He's got to fool people into coming back,and fool the Republicans into not breaking his empire into pieces via antitrust.

But who knows? Maybe the eternal juvenile is finally growing up, like Wendy in Peter Pan, he's finally realizing that you can't stay a child forever. Maybe.

(BTW Disney recreated Peter Pan in their own sappy image, and he was the unquestioned her of the movie, but the book was quite a bit different; Pan was in fact a villain, a happy villain but one of the bad guys in the novel. Notice the name Pan; Pan was one form of the god Dionysius, the god of wine and insanity, and Peter Pan represented the childish impulse to not grow or accept responsibility, and like worshippers of Pan he kept his accolytes enslaved in a perpetural pre-adolescent state. Peter Pan should be the symbol of the modern Left.)

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:05 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Make People Work for their Welfare and Immigration Decreases

How can anyone argue against work requirements for able-bodied individuals on welfare?

Implement this and not only does the deficit go down, demand for illegal immigrant labor is reduced, and national economic productivity increases.

Republicans should pass this immediately.

— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) January 6, 2025

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:04 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 12, 2025

Ayatollah Bin Biden

Timothy Birdnow

Does anyone still believe Biden supports israel?

Biden Admin Shifts Millions in Aid from Israel to Hezbollah

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:21 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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E.U. Threatens to Cancel elections if Right Wins

Timothy Birdnow

Remember, they always had elections in the old Warsaw Pact countries too. But that didn't mean the public had any choice.

EU Globalist Explicitly Threatens To Cancel German Election Result If Right Wing AfD Wins

From Tyler Durdin at Zerohedge:

Former French European Commissioner Thierry Breton has essentially openly confessed that the West stole the Romanian election and stands ready to do it again in Germany if deemed necessary.

"We did it in Romania, and we will do it in Germany if necessary," a translation from the French of Breton's recent appearance in European media said. Early last month a top Romanian court simply annulled the first round of the country's presidential election in order to create what amounted to a 'do over' election.

The publication Romania Journal highlighted Breton's words as follows: "If, on the other hand, the Tesla and X boss breaks the law, especially in Germany, by supporting the 'extremist' AfD party, the former European Commissioner believes that it will be necessary for the authorities to act as in Romania, where the presidential elections were canceled, writes the website of the French television BFMTV, which recalls Călin Georgescu’s TikTok campaign.

The court had decided "to annul the entire electoral process for the election of the President of Romania… to ensure the correctness and legality of the electoral process" - in the controversial ruling which was completely unprecedented.

The 'problem' was that Calin Georgescu, the widely dubbed 'far-right' contender, came out on top in a first round of voting in a 'shock' outcome which left political opponents claiming Russian election interference.

Apparently the 'smoking gun' is related to mere social media posts on platforms like TikTok. "The Constitutional Court’s unprecedented decision — which is final — came after President Klaus Iohannis declassified intelligence on Wednesday that alleged Russia ran a sprawling campaign comprising thousands of social media accounts to promote Calin Georgescu across platforms like TikTok and Telegram," The Associated Press noted.

Here's more from Breton's words:

Now we are equipped, and we have to enforce this law to protect our democracies in Europe.

For now, let’s keep calm and enforce our laws in Europe, when there is a risk that they will be bypassed and if they are not enforced, they can lead to interference.

We did it in Romania, and if necessary, we will have to do it in Germany as well.

Elon Musk responded by saying this is what a tyrant sounds like...

The segment had discussed Musk and European officials' allegations of his supposed interference in Europe's internal affairs.

"Freedom of expression is a fundamental element in Europe," Breton had claimed in the news segment. "If they don’t, there are fines and the possibility of a ban. We are equipped to enforce these laws to protect our democracies in Europe."

"Let’s stay calm and enforce the laws in Europe, when they risk being circumvented and if not enforced, could lead to interference," he had added.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:14 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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A Little Dab'll Do Ya Gavin!

Timothy Birdnow

This is definitely the line of the week. Actor Mel Gibson trolled California Governor Gavin Newsom over his failures:

" My message to Governor Gavin Newsom is that maybe he should spend less money on hair gel and more on protecting against such disasters."

Gibson lost his home to the largely preventable fires.

Many hair gels are made with petroleum and are flammable. Wonder how many jars Mr. Newsom has tossed in landfills over the years?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:53 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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LA Has to beg Canada for Fire Suppression Planes

Timothy Birdnow

Well, well, well...seems California had to ask the Canadians to send planes to drop water on their fires because they were in a dispute with the U.S. Forest Service and were boycotting American planes.

So they actually had to beg Canada for help!

Here is an article from last year discussing the dispute between LA and the USFS.

So once again bad public policy has turned this into an apocalyptic disaster. But we aren't supposed to mention that!

I watched several Sunday morning shows and all of them accused Trump of 'politicizing it' when in fact all Trump has done is lay blame where it belongs. We can't fix the problem until we affix blame - it's that simple. We need to know what went wrong.

We know what went wrong; the Democrats.

Oh, and California is importing Mexicans to "do the work Americans Just Won't Do" to put out the fires.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:44 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 163 words, total size 1 kb.

Myorkas Grantts Illegals Amnesty Because of BAD WEATHER!

Timothy Birdnow

In yet another standing hampton in the American eye of the zombie Biden's impeached DHS Secretary Allejandro Myorkas has granted amnesty to 850,000 invaders because of bad weather.

I kid you not.

Here is what Myorkas said:

"El Salvador’s extension of TPS is based on geological and weather events, including significant storms and heavy rainfall in 2023 and 2024, that continue to affect areas heavily impacted by the earthquakes in 2001."

If that is the case shouldn't Myorcas crack down on granting work visas now since the U.S. is experiencing inclement weather? Does not the fires of California and the snows of the rest of the country not warrant removal of these folks on "humanitarian" reasons?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:33 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 126 words, total size 1 kb.

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