February 13, 2025

Win One for the Gipper

Timothy Birdnow

Trump wins one on appeal.

Federal judge sides with Trump against unions and unfreezes buyouts for federal employees

The judge in the case dismissed the suit for lack of standing.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:37 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 12, 2025

Yep - Obama's Third Term

Timothy Birdnow

Lindi Li, a former top Democratic fundraiser, admitted that Obama was running the Biden Presidency while the senile Joe acted as figurehead.

Speaking on The Shawn Ryan Show Li, when pressed, admitted Biden was not in charge. Ryan thought it was Cherokee Lizzy Warren, perhaps, but Li confirmed it was Obama.

Ryan said:

"A lot of people say it was Obama’s third term. There’s rumors of… And these aren’t even… These are friends of mine that are moderate Democrats, say that they thought it was Elizabeth Warren running it. They thought it was Bernie Sanders running it,”

and Li replied:

"It was for sure Obama’s third term. I don’t think that’s even a question,” "That’s why you saw Obama fighting for his dear life. Why was he fighting so hard in the fall? Because he was fighting for his fourth term. He was fighting for his own legacy,”

She pointed to Anita Dunn and Biden's Chief of Staff Ron Klein as holdovers from Obama who were actually doing the dialy work of breaking America.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:30 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Nutters Squeezing the Dems

Timothy Birdnow

The radical left is making life miserable for Democrats, flooding their offices with calls demanding action against Trump.

This is truly delightful; the Democrats risk infuriating the lunatic fringe of their base or launching ill-considered attacks that will backfire on them.

Grab the beers and I'll make the popcorn...

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:10 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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The French Deception

Timothy Birdnow

David French, the National Review RINO who so despises Donald Trump and MAGA waxes poetic about the evils of "populism"

From the op-ed:

"I was listening to my colleague Ross Douthat’s excellent, informative interview with President Trump’s former chief strategist, and Bannon said this: "Trump came down in June of 2015, and for 10 years there’s been no real work done to even begin to understand populism, except that the deplorables are an exotic species like at the San Diego Zoo.”
I’m sorry, but that’s hilarious. Ever since Trump began winning Republican primaries in 2016, there has been a desperate effort to understand populism. JD Vance is the vice president in part because of that effort. His book, "Hillbilly Elegy,” which came out shortly after Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee, was a monumental best seller because so many Americans — including liberal Americans — wanted to understand the culture and ideas that brought us Trump.

That is either a lie or French is just plain dumb (to quote a game at Cracker Barrel); there has not been an effort to UNDERSTAND the current populism so much as to find a way to attack it. The Democrats and elitists Republicans STILL believe supporters of Trump are mind-numbed robots, intellectual slaves of a svengali. They don't understand that the reason they support Trump is because Trump supports THEM, cares about what they want and tries to restore an America they knew and loved. It has nothing to do with oratory, or with slick packaging, and everything to do with Trump being genuine, speaking like they do and promoting what they want and at least trying to honor his campaign promises.

French has to know this yet he lies and says there have been efforts to understand MAGA. There have been no efforts to understand it, just ways of trying to find weaknesses to exploit.

He continues:

"Regardless of how a populist movement starts, it virtually always devolves into a cesspool of corruption and spite."

Yet French provides no real proof  of  this assertion.

In fact he does not provide a definition of populism at all; it means essentially to oppose him and his cronies, nothing more.

There have been multiple, highly successful populist movements in America. The Revolution was one such. (Yes, the elites were heavily involved but the movement had deep roots in populist discontent.) Antislavery was a populist movement. Wommen's suffrage was a populist movement. so was Civil Rights. The Jacksonian era was entirely a populist movement. How was the West settled? It wasn't by scholars and bankers; it was a populist movement.

In point of fact "populism" is sneered as a pejorative but it is, in essence, a democratic movement. It used to be called "people power", the idea that the public should have a say in it's own governance and the country ultimately belongs to the silent majority as Richard Nixon called it, the "great unwashed". What French is supporting is oligarchy, rule by an unelected junta of the intelligentsia. This is as old as Mankind; there have always been intellectual snobs who believed they were superior by birth and upbringing and education and have a divine right to rule. French would be a Loyalist if this were during the Revolution; can't have those rowdy ignorant rubes running things! Only the aristocracy is fit to govern and that means His Majesty!

French continues:

"Andrew Jackson’s populist campaign for the presidency was started in the 1820s from his home state, Tennessee, but it’s the period after the Civil War when populism took a more permanent hold over Southern hearts."

"Populism" in the post Civil War South was a response to reconstruction and French should understand that. The peopleof the South were disenfranchised and had very unpopular policies shoved down their throats by the victorious North. Furthermore, they had carpet-baggers coming in to feast on the carcass of the dead South. You can call it "populism" or you can call it anger against exploitation. But to use the South as an example of populism is dishonest; there were a great many things going on at that time and Southern anger would have been in place even if the antebellum aristocracy had survived. Of course it hadn't, and so was replaced by the low-born - that hardly equates to "populism".

French actually goes on to quote the radical leftist rag The American Prospect as if it were somehow proper source material!

He says:

"In fact, populism is never separate from this "voice of passion.” That is its defining characteristic. It begins in deep grievance. Some of those grievances can be quite real and consequential — such as when modern populist anger is rooted in fury over the Great Recession, long wars in the Middle East or shuttered factories in the Midwest."

There is no proof of that first statement. What often happens is there IS passion, but that is the cornerstone of politics and always has been. Nobody charges guns for DEI; they say "remember the Maine" as they charge them. Passion has always been at the root of politics; it's how you get committed workers, how you get people to turn out to vote. The Left has been full of passion for 150 years now. There is nothing wrong with passion, nor is that the hallmark of the ill-defined "populism" of which French is so horrified.

As to the latter statement, this anger came well before the "Great Recession" and many of us have been cheesed off since the first Bush Administration. It's been a long time coming. And it is rooted in bad governmental policies, policies that have embedded themselves in our government adn seem almost impossible to root out. NAFTA, for instance, was not popular but was shoved down America's throats and led to the decline in manufacturing and making things - in favor of a "serive economy" which paid far less and had worse hours and just sucked more. Anger has been mounting against that for a long time. And against this internationalism. We want our incandenscent light bulbs. We want our SUV's - just as we wanted our station wagons before them (which clowns like French took away from us.) We don't want men in women's restrooms, or Pride days, or open borders. We want the America we knew.

French sees that as "passion" and thinks it's terrible; we should shut up and let people like him run things "for our own good". It has become passion, yes,but because it has NOT been for our own good but for the good of the ruling oligarchs and their friends, who have made huge sums of money out of it.

We see the truth; America is walking down the same path as did the Roman Empire. Rome had all our problems, and people who advocated for these same sorts of policies. They had an ever-widening gap between rich and poor. They had the declne of yeoman farmers, with farming moving to North Africa and farmers forfeiting their land to bankers. They had big welfare programs. They had an unsecure border with illegal aliens pouring in, displacing the Roman citizens. They had the decline of the old political order and the empowerment of the Senate and the Emperoro. They had high inflation and high spending and a huge bureaucracy bossing everyone around. Education suffererd and little by little the Romans forgot how to keep their civilization running. When Odoacer seized power and sent the trappings of the Emperor back to Constantinople the empire was dead and nobody really cared because it had stopped being of any value. That is where we are nearly at today in America.

It's not about a bunch of angry, excited hillbillies but about people who rightly see their country slipping away.

"But regardless of whether the grievances are justified, the real energy of populism is in its emotion — in its raw, unmitigated anger."

Oh? None of us are especially angry right now David! Quite the opposite.

No change happens without passion dude.

So if this is populism, why haven't the Democrats, who are nothing BUT rage and passion, populists? Was Rush Limbaugh a populist? He was frequently angry,but he was also full of good humor as often is Donald J. Trump.

French ignores his own anger and passion. His hatred of Trump oozes out of his every pore. Does that make French a populist?

"There was no easy way to crawl back from the 2008 financial crisis. There are no easy answers in the Middle East, despite Trump’s faith in coastal real estate development in Gaza. The reasons for the loss of Midwest manufacturing jobs go far beyond the trade deals that "they” inflicted on "us..

Uh, Trump didn't say coastal real estate development would solve all the problems there, did he? This is ignoratio elenchi, a straw man fallacy. What French ignores is that nobody has ever even TRIEd any differnt approaches to the Middle East, and we have actually funded both sides for half a century or more. The public is sick of it and wants there to be an honest attempt to solve the problem. Elites like French don't like to solve problems,but to dwell on how hard they are and how smart they are in supporting the process. It's all process to them.

Midwest manufacturing jobs were indeed dropping off prior to NAFTA,but why? Bad government policy created by the same people French is protecting. Democrats climbed in bed with labor unions, who fleeced the industries they were engaged with, for instance. Then companies started outsourcing overseas and the government made that easy. Had the government stayed out of it that wouldn't have happened; the unions would have realized they could not afford to push the companies into bankruptcy. But it wasn't just the unions, excessive regulations from multiple government agencies, OSHA, the EPA, the Department of Energy, etc. drove the cost of manufacturing way up. These were policies fromt he elites. Then when they didn't work the elites outsourced the manufacturing and put countless Americans out of work. You're damned right it didn't start with NaFTA, but it was ALL the fault of big government and the elites who suckle at the boated teat of Auntie Samantha (Uncle sam got a sex change.)

I could continue dissecting French but the point is made; he's a braying jackass who is projecting his own hatred and rage onto his enemies - the American People. I was sore tempted to use the line Joe Pesci made to the jury in My Cousin Vinny "everything that guy said was bullshit...thank you". But since French sees himself as some enlightened rationalist I thought it wise to demolish his pseudo-arguments. The fact is he doesn't have a leg to stand on. He really cannot even define the term populist, so how can he argue about how bad it is? All he can do is spew his own hatred and insecurities.

MAGA isn't just angry, although it is angry because we are seeing our country being stolen from us. But what MAGA wants is accountability and new policies. The elites have ruined the country, and their policies have been horribly destructive and self-serving. Americans are just fed up. French wants us to continue with the same failed approach, like the coach of the Chiefs kept trying the same plays during the last Superbowl and his team was obliterated. That's where America is at now and French and his friends want to double down on the bad play calling. As Einstein said, insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Nice try David! You keep pushing for the same thing over and over!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:46 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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End Biden Green Boondoggle

Timothy Birdnow

The latest from our old friend Frank Lasee.

Time for Trump to Place Another Biden Green Energy Boondoggle on the Chopping Black

Frank was a former Wisconsin Congressman and past President of the Heatland Institute.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:36 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Gabbard Confirmed

Timothy Birdnow

Tulsi Gabbart Confirmed!

Naturally our old friend Mitch McConnell voted no.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Appelate Court Continues DOGE Ban

Timothy Birdnow

A New York appeals court judge has temporarilyupheld a lower court ban on DOGe accessing Treasury Department records. There will be a hearing on Friday to determine if the ban remains in place permanently.

Judge Jeannette A. (Scutt) Vargas issued the ruling from her swank Manhattan courtroom after Democrats argued that DOGE are political appointees, not "trained" to handle such big information as government bureaucrats with their gigantic brains are capable of interpreting.

I'd like somebody to tell me how Democrat AG's had standing in this case in the first place. I'd also like to know how it wound up in a Manhattan court.

Lawyers for the Department of Justice argued the ban was unconstitutional as the Treasury Department works for the President and as such is subject to audity by people he appointed.

I have little doubt this activist judge will make the ban permanent, triggering an appeal to a higher court.

When the Constitution was being debated one of the big sticking points was the judiciary; the anti-federalists worried about it's potential for tyranny as the judges were not elected but selected and had lifetime tenure. The federalists scoffed at that; Alexander Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Papers that the courts were the weakest branch of the three and only could issue judgments. They had no money of their own and had no enforcement powers, so were no threat, he argued. Hamilton could not imagine Congress surrendering their power to the courts as a way to avoid political embarassment and let others do the dirty work, nor could he imagine the kind of hyper-partisanship which makes the President impotent in disregarding the courts rulings (which Hamilton himself argued the President could do). The courts have been filled with activists. The Founders didn't think that would happen. (Of course they didn't think taht would happen in the Senate either, but the direct election of Senators via the 17th Amendment which turned the Senate into a purely partisan body,just another version of the House.) Andrew Jackson told the Supreme Court to stuff it, saying about Worcester v. Georgia (1832) "John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!".Wor But the matter never came to a head and so Jackson did not face impeachment for refusing to enforce a Supreme Court decision. (Worcester v. Georgia was a case where SCOTUS ruled Cherokee land was sovereign and not subject to the laws of Georgia. Worcester was arrested for living on Cherokee land without a Georgia permit and his appeal argued the law was unconstitutional because Indians were sovereign and not subject to the laws of the states. He won and Jackson said he would not enforce the ruling on Georgia.Georgia repealed the law and Worcester and his co-defendant accepted pardons.)

At any rate there has never been a mechanism put in place to rein in out-of-control judges. There is impeachment but that is difficult in a hyperpartisan atmosphere, and it is for "high crimes and misdemeanors" anyway and not just being jackasses. So the Demo-Left has exploited the courts for generations, getting what they want without actually appealing to the will of the People nor using the political process. Roe v. Wade was a prime example. So too is gay marriage.

And the Democrats always file in jurisdictions that will favor them, as well as jurisdictions where the appeals will end up favoring them as well. It's insane; a low level judge can stop the President with a signature, and all we can do is appeal it to another corrupt judge.

We should end lifetime appointments of judges, or at least impose a retention process on them. There must be a way to remove activists from the courts. But then Congress would actually have to do something, stick their necks out. I doubt it will ever happen.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:13 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Radical Judge Orders Restoration of Government Webpages about Transgenderism

Timothy Birdnow

The Empire strikes back - again.

Lefttist Judge orders HHS, CDC, FDA, to Restore Deleted Webpages on transgender health Information

There is no way this can be arrived at through any form of legal reasoning. There is no "right" to information on cutting off your son's wedding tackle, and these agencies are under the auspices of the Executive branch.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:14 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Apooplexy Over Trump

Timothy Birdnow

A Democrat suffers apoplexy while railing against Trump.

Yes, the man actually suffered apoplexy from his conniption (I never thought I'd use both those words in the same sentence about a politician.) He was rendered speechless out of rage at Donald Trump.

#BREAKING: Watch as 76-year-old Democratic congressman John Larson suffers a medical episode while speaking on the House floor, freezing for nearly a minute. pic.twitter.com/e7BFBvra7y

— R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) February 11, 2025

Larson simply froze up and could not speak until his time expired.

That's how much they hate Donald Trump.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:04 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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USAID Money Laundering

Timothy Birdnow

Arizona State University and the University of Arizona were both receiving hundreds of millions in grants from USAID to fund climate change alarmism overseas, according to Rachel Alexander at the Arizona Sun Times.

From Rachel:

The Trump administration, with the assistance of X owner Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), is shutting down partisan spending under the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), placing a freeze on all the agency’s spending while pursuing plans to shut it completely down — the website has already been taken down. In Arizona, hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer-funded grants have gone to Arizona State University and the University of Arizona to address climate change overseas and other questionable purposes.

Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) (pictured above) denounced the move. "Doing away with this agency or severely undermining its capacity will not just hurt people, it will also push countries that receive our help into the arms of our adversaries, making us less safe,” he said.

According to the University of Arizona Daily Wildcat, "The UA was Kelly’s fourth largest campaign donor, bringing in $101,501 to his political campaigns since his 2020 run for the remaining two years of Senator John McCain’s term, who passed away in 2018. ASU was the fifth largest contributor with $94,369.” That money includes contributions from the universities’ employees.

Mike Benz, founder and executive director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, which aims to protect free speech online, posted on X earlier this month, "USAID grantee NGOs literally take their USAID money then turn around and lobby all key members of Congress to give more and more US taxpayer money to USAID each year in the budget. USAID buys an army of lobbyists with your tax dollars to give it more of your money.”

Why is an organization dedicated to FOREIGN AID giving money to American universities to promote climate change alarmism overseas? Now we know how the Democrats laundered money via USAID.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:43 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 330 words, total size 2 kb.

February 11, 2025

Democrat Activists Wear Black

Timothy Birdnow

Does this surprise anyone?

Federal Judge Threatening Trump Admin With Criminal Charges Over Spending Freeze Used To Be A Major Dem Donor

This jackass (named McConnell, is everyone so named a Trump-hating creep?) threatened criminal contempt charges over the Administration not restoring funding to DEI in numerous states.

He needs to be impeached.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:47 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 59 words, total size 1 kb.

Denmark Wants to Buy California

Timothy Birdnow

Sold to the man with the curly locks! (Sorry Bill and Mike!)

Denmark citizens offer to buy California.

Of course this is not an apt comparison; California is one of the actual states in the union while Greenland is an independent territory of Denmark, like the U.S. Virgin Islands is to America. And of course California has a much, much higher economic ratting than does Greenland. Denmark's total GDP is 404.2 billion, and they are suggesting they would buy California for a trillion dollars. They don't have it and can't get it. But if they could and if California would prefer to join the Danish Kingdom then so be it! Oh, and they can defend the Golden State while they are at it.

California's domestic product is $3.9 trillion, so the Danish offer is not serious. I hate real estate bargain hunters who lowball and waste everyone's time!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:39 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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Pope Francis Stuck on Stupid

Timothy Birdnow

Pope Francis strikes again, sending a letter out to America's Catholic Bishops whining about Trump's deportations.

The man is stuck on stupid.

After admitting America has the right to defend itself he moves on to attack us:

"That said, the act of deporting people who in many cases have left their own land for reasons of extreme poverty, insecurity, exploitation, persecution or serious deterioration of the environment, damages the dignity of many men and women, and of entire families, and places them in a state of particular vulnerability and defenselessness,”


"I have followed closely the major crisis that is taking place in the United States with the initiation of a program of mass deportations ... The rightly formed conscience cannot fail to make a critical judgment and express its disagreement with any measure that tacitly or explicitly identifies the illegal status of some migrants with criminality.”

What does that paragraph even mean? It's a word salad in ANY language. This is like something Kamala Harris would say.

What does this pinhead Pontiff think is happening here? We've had officially 10 some odd million aliens come here illegally (beaking the law) according to very low-balled sources. (It's interesting that the same numbers being used now are identical to what they were years and even decades ago; clearly they aren't being updated and the number of illegals is being hidden. We've all seen the caravans.) The reality is it's much higher. In fact I have little doubt the number of illegal aliens in America tops 30 MILLION. A study done by Yale and MIT (not exactly right wing sources) found 22 million illegals in this country - and that was in 2018, before the floodgates REALLY opened under Biden.

Argentina's entire population is just 46.65 million (Frankies home country) and the population of the country in which he currently resides is 764 souls. Maybe he should volunteer to take a million of them or so!

So Francis needs to walk a mile in our shoes but of course he won't bother. And he needs to quit running his mouth.

I would add Frankie apparently doesn't understand we are prioritizing illegals who committ serious crimes like murder and rape. But I guess we are supposed to just accept that as part of a "moral" society?

The first duty of any government is to maintain order and stability. We are being invaded and the fact is most of our problems stem from that fact.

Francis also said:

"What is built on the basis of force, and not on the truth about the equal dignity of every human being, begins badly and will end badly"

What does he think any government does? It's ALL based on force you fool! And it is a refusal to obey our laws in the first place that requires this exercise in force. I guess we shouldn't enforce speeding laws either? Laws against marrying cousins? Laws against drug abuse? Against moving into a vacant house and not paying rent?

And how is evicting someone disputing the "truth about the equal dignity of every human being"? Is evicting squatters from your house somehow diminish their dignity? They did that themselves by squatting.

Well, I imagine he does think that as he is a squatter tenant of the Vatican himself, having hustled in to steal Pope Benedict's chair at St. Peters.

ALL laws are enforced using the threat of violence. And that is right and proper as laws are how civilization is kept orderly. It's government's duty.

I would say we cannot get a new Pope fast enough, but sadly Francis has fired anyone who would vote for a conservative and stacked the College of Cardinals with clones of himself, so the next guy may be even worse.

I ama a Catholic and normally have a healthy respect for the Pope, but the Pope is just a man and his opinions are just that - opinions. Only when he speaks ex cathedra is he infallibel - and that hardly ever happens. The last time a Pope spoke ex-catthedra was in 1950, when Pope Pius XII endorsed the doctrine of the bodily assumption of Mary into Heaven.

It's always easy to moralize when it's not you living with the consequences of your positions.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 01:17 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Trump Pardons Blago

Timothy Birdnow

Donald Trump just corrected a terrible wrong and pardoned former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.

Blago was pretty much a political prisoner, imprisoned for bucking Barack Hussein Obama by not giving Valerie Jarrett his old Senate seat. Blago wanted something in return other than Obama's good will.

The Democratic Governor was given 14 years in prison. Trump commuted his sentence in 2020 but has now formally pardoned him.

Yes, Blago was corrupt, but no more corrupt than any other Democrat, particularly in Illinois. His mistake was bucking the very hateful and corrupt President Obama, who wanted his BFF Jarrott in the Senate.

Blago calls himself a "Trumpocrat" now. Reality has a way of knocking the stupid out of people.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:32 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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The Final Death of Docugate

Timothy Birdnow

A federal judge just dismissed all charges not just against Trump but against associates being charged in the classified documents case.

The 11th Circuit appeals court has formally dismissed the remainder of that case against Trump's valet Walt Nauta and property manager Carlos De Oliveira, effectively ending the matter entirely.

How much taxpayer money was wasted in this tilting at a windmill?

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:23 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Lord They Were Lovey Dovey at the IRS

Timothy Birdnow

I had to call the IRS yesterday. Normally I would rather get a tooth pulled and colonoscopy at the same time sans anesthesia, but something was quite different.

I've had an ongoing problem with the IRs since 2020 when they sent us the wrong refund. We sent it back but they charged us penalties and interest anyway. We sent in a request for those to be waived and got a letter telling us to sit tight, that it was under reviewbut there was a backlog. We sat tight.

And sat and sat. We would occasionally get new letters assuring us it was in the works.

Then this week we got a notice telling us we were in default and they were going to seize our assetts!

So I had to call and speak with one of their agents.

I've had terrible times with them in the past. About a year ago I called over this and was treated like a pedophile at a Baptist retreat. The first agent was yelling at my wife for volunteering information and not just giving a yes or no answer. She then hung up on me and blocked my phone number, so I had to call back on another line.

The second gal seemd o.k. until I asked for a receipt of payment since they were saying I still hadn't paid the original money back. I said I needed a receipt if it became a legal matter and she went ballistic "don't you threaten me!" I pointed out asking for a receitp for a payment is hardly threatening and if I had to hire a tax lawyer it would become a legal matter. Eventually she calmed down but she was just hateful.

That was your IRS.

So I dreaded caling yesterday but it had to be done.

It was the difference between night and day. The woman I spoke with was polite, tried to help, and actually pleasant. She laughed at my jokes even! I was quite impressed.

Granted, I still had to pay up, but she put a hold on the account for now and is sending me more forms to fill out since it didn't show up that I appealed and she said I could get a refund if they agreed. She at least was trying.

Now whydo you suppose that is?

Trump. She, and the rest of them, are afraid for their jobs.

This is what happens when you hold workers accountable rather than give them carte blanche. If they know they have to be polite they will be - if they can treat people any way they like they surely won't bother.

And frankly I hope most of them do lose their jobs. I'm not a mean person and don't wish anyone ill but most of these people should never have been hired in the first place. In fact the IRS should never have been created, nor the income tax imposed. It has been nothing but a massive abuse of power and a tool that has metastasized the central government. At this point I don't think it is reformable; it needs to go away.

Maybe the DMV is hiring in their home states?

The title comes from George Thoroughgood's song "One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer".

BTW Here is a poem I wrote about my prior experience with the IRS:

Dancing with Iris

by Timothy Birdnow
April 2, 2024

There are devils in this world my friend, and some we can't escape
they'll pursue you to the end and your bankroll they will rape
I once danced with such a one, a demon out of Dis
Let me tell you chum that it's no fun to dance with old Iris

She'll take all of the meat and will leave just a bone
and if you think she cheats just leave a message at the tone
You do not want to feel the love of one such as Iris,
Nor wish her tender lips to grip you with her venom poison kiss

she'll drag you to the edge and toss you off the great abyss

Iris came to me one time, and wanted me to dance
she lured me in with her mistake, a victim of circumstance
but the romance was short and soon she sunk into my flesh her sharp red devil's claws
and rendered my account a mess to pay for all her flaws

Stay away from Iris, get as far as you can go
if she sends you any gifts my friend you'd better tell her no
You had better pay her promptly or the pentalty will grow
she'll feed upon your carcass like a buzzard or damned crow

I got caught by evil Iris and she played an evil game
she sucked away my money and she left me broke and lame
I called her on the telephone for advice from her to tell
but she laughed at me with demonic glee and told me to go to hell

Well if I do go there I have this single consolation
Iris and all her devilish friends I'll find in the oblation
how many poor souls has she tormented and brought to consternation?
she'll be trapped in the bowls of the firey Tartorus, to burn in eternal immolation

There are devils in this world my friend, and some we can't escape
they'll pursue you to the end and your bankroll they will rape
I once danced with such a one, a demon out of Dis
Let me tell you chum that it's no fun to dance with old Iris

Stay away from Iris, stay out of her path
for she is just the tool of Satan and the instruement of his wrath

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:19 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Timothy Birdnow

Trump just sacked CFO of FEMA in a long-overdue firing, as well as two program analysts and a grant specialist.

After Eon Musk found that FEMA was paying to house illegals in luxury hotels at taxpayer expense Kristi Noem at the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees the corrupt emergency management agency, ordered the dismissal of these employees.

It's long overdue; we know FEMA sent out orders to workers to bypass any house with MAGA signs, for instance, after a hurricane decimated part of Florida. The lower-level manager who issued the order was let go,but she insists this came from higher up (and of course the media isn't interested in THAT.) That manager said it's standard practice, or was. The House wants to investigate this as they should.

Obama and Biden have weaponized almost every branch of government and it's going to take a while to ferret out all the corruption. This is a good start.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 12:02 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Job Openings Up

Timothy Birdnow

While Trump has only been in office a short time he has been President-elect for three months now and it shows. One way it shows is in job openings.

Job openings posted the biggest drop in 14 months

Why? Because businesses are in a hurry to hire before the big expansion comes and because those who quit seeking work have returned to the labor force.


"Job openings, a measure of labor demand, decreased 556,000 to 7.6 million on the last day of December, the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics said. The decline was the largest since October 2023.

Data for November was revised higher to show 8.156 million vacancies instead of the previously reported 8.098 million. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast 8.0 million unfilled positions. Vacancies were down 1.3 million over the year. They remain above the 2019 average.

It's now safe to hire people, and it's now worth looking for a job. Oh, and those who have been on permanent vacations now understand the gravy train is about to end.

As consumer confidence rises and businesses see economic growth and spur expansion we will see more and more job openings (plus we'll have a ot of openings when illegals leave). What this means is a job for everyone who wants one, and it will be a good job, too, not part time work as was common during the Biden era.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:49 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 239 words, total size 2 kb.

Beat the Court in Short

Timothy Birdnow

An interesting idea about how to rein in these activist judges blocking Trump's agenda!

X User Reveals How DOGE Can Beat leftwing Activist Judges at their own Game

Here is the tweet:

Dan Huff:

@DOGE, a single district judge has issued a ruling blocking the executive branch from access to Treasury data. There’s a simple fix: DOJ should demand injunction bonds. 1/

This will be a repeat problem for the Trump administration, just like it was in the first term, unless something is done to rein in frivolous injunctions. Activist judges could single-handedly gum up the entire Trump/DOGE agenda. 2/

Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65(c), judges can issue injunctions "ONLY IF” the suing party posts a bond to cover potential damages if they’re wrong. But guess what? This rule is hardly used! 3/

When I was in the White House, in Trump’s first term, I suggested this, but DOJ didn’t make it happen. Imagine if we had applied this to the travel ban – activists would think twice before blocking policies with potentially billions at stake. 4/

The government has expert economists who can easily price out the cost of policies like birthright citizenship or wasteful spending. Price injunction bonds fairly, and frivolous lawsuits become a financial risk, not a free pass. 5/

Without injunction bonds, the American people bear all the costs of activists and judges blocking the agenda they voted for. Why should activists and judges get to overrule the American people with no penalty if they’re wrong? Our system wasn’t meant to work this way. 6/

For national injunctions, we’re talking bonds in the hundreds of millions or even billions. It will become prohibitive unless the activists have a slam dunk case. 7/

If a judge tries to lowball the bond amount, it’s a quick and easy reversal given the unambiguous language in the federal rules. 8/

The best part? This doesn’t block activists from court; it just stops them from using preliminary injunctions to pause government action based on arguments that might not hold up in an appellate court.


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:38 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 353 words, total size 3 kb.

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