February 07, 2025
Military recruitment hit a fifteen year record high after Trump's taking the reins of government.
Considering soldiers were being forced to attend "sensitivity training" and accept trans "women" in their midst as well as take the clot shot whether they wanted it or not, it's no wonder nobody was joining and everybody was leaving.
Now many of the former soldiers have returned and now young men are willing to join up again.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
09:52 AM
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Not sure if this is such a good idea; once established this thing will be at the service of future Democrat Presidents who will use it to abuse religions, not protect them.
EXCLUSIVE: White House Lays Out Policy Priorities For New Faith Office
If President Trump wants to protect religion from government the big thing he can do is get Congress to reform the tax code and allow churches to get directly involved in political issues - as they used to do until Lyndon Johnson changed things. Johnson changed them because he and his party were getting creamed by priests and ministers preaching from the pulpit. So he used bribery; you can preach politics if you want, but you lose your tax-exempt status. The result was destructive to most churches who suddenly found themselves watching everything they said out of fear. Even clear moral issues - such as opposition to transgenderism or homosexuality - disappeared in the eternal fear of losing tax exemption. Johnson completely muffled the Christian faith with this.
Yes, there were groups that were christian - like the Moral Majority - which were heavilly involved in politics, but they did not enjoy the tax benefits that the actual churches did.
Oh, and this has always been a one-way street; liberal churches simply ignore the prohibition and are not molested. You can organize a Black Live Matter rally if you are a mind, and even stump for Democratic candidates, but you can't organize a MAGA rally.
A return to the old law would fix most of this.
Anyone who has attended a Catholic mass (Novus Ordo, as my Latin Mass friends would call it) knows full well how weak and generic and simply pathetic the sermons are, and how it feels rather pointless to go to mass. There is no sense of doing something important. That is because from the seminary on the priests are instructed to preach that way. "Mustn't offend people!" meaning mustn't offend the government. So the pews are empty but there's plenty of pew coming from the pulpit.
Actually coming down to Earth and promoting the faith will reinvigorate most faiths. As it is often said, tax a thing and it will wither, subsidize it and it will flourish. We have seen a withering of Christianity under the government lash.
Also, this new office will be led by Rev. Paula White-Cain. While I know nothing about her, everything about her name screams liberal activist. A woman minister is not Biblical, and a woman with a hyphenated name is usually a big leftist.
So I looked her up; she's the wife of Jonathan Cain, which puts her in good stead. But she is a believer in Prosperity Theology, which I find disturbing. Prosperity theology makes God into a kind of glorified ATM. Prosperity was promised by God - to the Jews. Remember, they didn't get saved by Judaism and the Law, just were prospered. Christians get the big enchilada but are promised suffering in this life (I sure do hope the former is true as I can attest to the latter!) I think Prosperity Theology is a misleaading and perhaps dangerous idea.
At any rate I doubt she'll do much damage to us, and perhaps may do a lot of good. But I fear this whole thing may be a double edged sword.
The article says the duties of this new office will be:
"Working in tandem with the domestic policy center, White-Cain and her team will address poverty alleviation, religious liberty, strengthening marriage and family, advancing education, addressing substance abuse and addiction, crime prevention and reduction, supporting prisoner reentry and expanding health and humanitarian services, according to a White House official."
It's too broad a scope by far, and it will certainly be turned to evil in a Democrat Administration. And this being a government committee it will be making government policy proposals - which will mean government money being allocated. Why spend more money on this when DOGE is busy cutting waste elsewhere? Don't private institutions (like the Catholic Church) already do a lot of this stuff?
I do not like this at all.
The Inquisition was the Catholic Church's investigatory body and served the purpose that this committee is designed to serve. For those who do not know the Inquisition was not an abusive operation by and large (that was mostly the SPANISH Inquisition and even they weren't as bad as we are told - the Protestants pushed that idea and since they had the printing press made it stick, although they weren't choir boys) but they certainly stuck their noses in places that we today would not tolerate. This outfit could wind up being quite similar.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
09:41 AM
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Well, well, well....
Woke Bishop Who Attacked Trump Received $53 Million in Taxpayer Dollars to Resettle Illegalsra
Yes, that "Bishop" (I put it in quotes because the Bible - the core of Protestantism - says quite plainly women cannot be bishops or in high leadership positions) who went on that passive-aggressive tirade against Trump at that prayer breakfast when he was elected had ulterior motives -big, big bucks.
From the article:
Trump has since paused these programs for evaluation.
EMM received $53 million in taxpayer funds from various government programs to resettle 3,600 individuals in 2023, according to records.
EMM sponsored 6,400 individuals from 48 countries, including:
* Afghanistan
* The Democratic Republic of Congo
* Vietnam
* And others
The Episcopal Church advocates for additional programs that benefit EMM in Washington, D.C.
A 2012 Government Accountability Office report states:
"Funding is based on the number of refugees they serve, so affiliates are incentivized to maintain or increase the number of refugees they resettle each year rather than allowing the number to decrease.”
Because of the federal funding for refugee resettlement programs, Episcopal Bishop Mariann Budde has been accused of delivering a self-serving sermon when she attacked Trump over his immigration policies at the prayer service.
"Let me make one final plea, Mr. President,” Budde said.
"In the name of a loving God, have mercy on the people in our country who are scared now. There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in Democratic, Republican, and Independent families, some who fear for their lives.”'
And who do these scared people fear? Not Donald Trump certainly. A great many of them fear the unvetted invading aliens who are showing up and taking over whole neighborhoods and apartment complexes and implementing gang warfare, that's who!
Bude seemed not to care about the sex-trafficked children, or the Lakin Riley's of this country, people raped or murdered by criminal aliens. She doesn't care about the fentanyl being brought in by these people.
But apparently she does care about tax subsidies. Lots of 'em. I suppose she has forgotten that greed is one of the seven deadly sins.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
09:07 AM
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Think of it as evolution in action - and a marginal improvement of the human genome.
Michigan Rep. Laurie Polutsky Opts for Voluntary Sterilization to Avoid Pregnancy in Donald Trump's America
on behalf of all Mankind I say "thank you"!
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
08:59 AM
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February 06, 2025
The Ruling Class in Britain is cancelling elections around the country to hold onto power and deny the upstart Nigel Farage the reins of government.
From Breitbart:
This makes voting new councillors pointless, the government argues because new council areas will be created by the end of the decade. Yet the terms of thousands of councillors are about to expire, and in many cases four year terms could become seven years without any democratic oversight from the public. The number of seats up for election this year is said to have been slashed from 2,200 to 1,600.
As asserted by Mr. Farage, almost all of the areas impacted leant towards the Conservative Party last time there were elections and some of the counties cancelled are those in which his party was predicted to do best this year.
Expressing his anger at democracy denied on Wednesday afternoon, Mr Farage accused the government of dictatorial behaviour for postponing elections for years during peacetime and accused the legacy parties of colluding to damage his Reform party’s rise in the polls.
Farage said: "that’s how we do things. We have elections… we judge those we voted for, whether they’ve done well or badly, and we have the ability to remove them… We think it is completely outrageous, in fact despite the fact we are a very happy, optimistic, forward-looking party we are blimmin’ angry this afternoon that five and a half million people in this country are being denied their vote on May 1st this year.”
Reform UK members are "particularly aggrieved” because of the cancelled elections in places like Essex and Norfolk, where the party is performing particularly strongly, he said, continuing: "they will be denied the opportunity to vote on May 1st this year. The elections are cancelled! Now, I thought only dictators cancel elections, but no this is the connivance of the now-terrified Labour Party”.
While Mr Farage has called the decision "sheer cowardice”, the government and top Labour minister Angela Rayner insist running elections is just too expensive and not running them is essential to do the "significant amount of work is needed to unlock devolution and deliver reorganisation”, reports The Times. Indeed, the deputy prime minister insisted they had set a high bar for postponement
So they will just eliminate districts that oppose them and hold onto power. Sounds very much like what gerrymandering to me.
The Left always talks about "democracy" but in the end they always take away the right of the People to govern themselves.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
10:15 AM
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The FBI just caved on handing over the 5,000 files on agents involved in the J6 abuse of power scandal.
Meanwhile a lawsuit by FBI employees seek to keep all this private out of fear that angry villagers with torches and pitchforks will set upon them.
During the so-called "insurrection" it was the authorities who killed a woman in cold blood; the protesters merely defended themselves when attacked by them, I might add.
WE The PEOPLE are the ones who need to fear them, not the other way around.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
09:55 AM
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More on USAID's funding of Politico.
Politico received $34.3 million dollars from diverse government agencies, much of it for subscriptions for government officials.
So we had the direct subsidizing of our so-called "free press" by the Deep State. Is it any wonder the country seemed to go mad?
Everybody who worked for Politico should be blackballed, completely untouchable. And everyone involved in giving this money to Politico should be prosecuted for violating the First Amendment.
BTW if Politico was getting all this money, one must wonder at who else? The New York Times, perhaps? Wapo? This needs to be heavily investigated and punishment needs to be doled out to anyone who was involved.
Oh wait; we already know.
Somehow I doubt Newsmax or Breitbart got any of those goodies...
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
09:26 AM
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Right on cue:
Judge Blocks Trump's Order to Send Transgender Prisoners to the Correct Prison
And who issued this order? Our old friend judge Roy (Bean) Lamberth, the guy who went after J6 tourists so ferociously. (Sadly Lamberth had been appointed by Reagan, who appointed a lot of terrible judges during his tenure.)
The plaintiff's lawyers argued that cutting off the transitioning hormones would "increase emotional distress". Oh boo hoo! Prison isn't club Med and EVERYONE suffers emottional distress there. Grow a pair (since you seem determined to cut the pair you have off.)
(Oh, we can ultimate thank Neil Gorsuch for this, btw, as the article states. Why can't Republicans nominate people with at least half a brain to the Court?)
So even if this gets to the Supreme Court the outcome is dicey.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
09:18 AM
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As was to be expected Hamas is apoplectic over Trump's suggestion the U.S. might take over the Gaza Strip.
Reader Bill and I just discussed the matter. Bill said:
"Again, people hear Trump's words, but do not hear what he is saying. He does not start bargaining by demanding the $ 50 that he actually expects to get, he starts by demanding $100 and working his way down to the figure he will accept. People hear the opening bid of $ 100 and claim he is insane."
And Bill is right; it's how Trump negotiates.
What Trump is probably doing is threatening Palestine - get rid of Hamas or we're coming. It's likely a negotiating tool.
BUT there are many who will want us to do it, especially Israel (for their own protection) and our enemies probably do to. I image Xi would be thrilled with this. Putin - maybe. It would be a quagmire for sure and that would make him happy, but this area is critical to Russian commercial and military interests and losing Syria was a huge disaster for Putin's plans.
This could be a suggestion that turns into a promise and into reality. But Trump usually knows what he is doing.
Anyway Hamas loses big time if we do, and just the threat alone puts them on the defensive.
Sun Tzu said the greatest victory is the battle not fought. I think Trump is trying for that now.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
09:04 AM
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February 05, 2025
It's actually come to this; theives are hijacking eggs!
The yoke appears to be on us.
A modern day Lufthansa heist of cacklefruit actually happened when $40,000 worth of eggs were stolen from the back of a trailer in Greencastle, Pennsylvania.
This is what Joe Biden has given us. He drove prices of everything up,but his destruction of millions of chickens has made eggs - an American breakfast staple - unaffordable at $7 bucks a carton or more.
I imagine the owners - some organic farmers - had egg on their faces when this happened. But I'm sure Jesse Jackson was happy as most eggs are full of whites...
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
11:28 AM
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The Deep State used USAID to help oust Bolsonaro from power in Brazil and put that marxist guy in charge.
The article states:
Catch Up:
Mike Benz on how USAID spent tens of millions of dollars of US taxpayer funds to remove Jair Bolsonaro from power and end free speech in Brazil:
"When populist waves swept the world within the U. S. in 2016 with Trump and with what happened all over Europe with Marine Le Pen and Matteo Salvini and Nigel Farage, USAID declared censorship holy war against every single populist group, including Bolsonaro. Steve, I’m telling you right now, if USAID did not exist, Bolsonaro would still be the president of Brazil and Brazil would still have a free and open internet.
It was USAID that spent tens of millions of dollars of American taxpayer money funding the push to get anti misinformation bills passed in the parliament there. Funding the legal advocates who pushed the censorship court there, the TSE, to crack down on Bolsonaro. tweets and WhatsApp and Telegram messages.
They built a censorship octopus in Brazil and it was built entirely on USAID because USAID declared Bolsonaro a populist, Trump of the tropics, and then set up this operation to control the information ecosystem there. One of the USAID grantees even said on a public call that the purpose was to eliminate the, uh, the international exchange of ideas between the Trump movement and the Bolsonaro movement.
That’s what USAID does. They kill domestic populism because it gets in the way of their foreign policy goals.”
so it has been a destructive force all over the world and has ties to the CIA, and it launders money to Democrats. I am so very glad Trump is killing it now.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
11:12 AM
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After a flurry of document shredding and removing anti-American paraphenalia, the good folks at USAID are finally out.
Don't feel sorry for them:
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience)
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
10:34 AM
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So Chuck Schumer is fearful of DOGE, believing the agency is a "shadow government". I guess he never heard of an outside audit before?
"An unelected shadow government is conducting a hostile takeover of the federal government
DOGE is not a real government agency. DOGE has no authority to make spending decisions.”
Perhaps that last is even true but Donald J. Trump has that authority and he is backing DOGE and it's head Elon Musk.
Schumer and the Democrats are watching the Trump Administration dismantle their power base one piece att a time and they are panicking. Of course they were the hostile shadow government that took over the U.S. and don't want to give it back to the People where it belongs.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
10:21 AM
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Ukraine Open To Trump Demand To Exchange Rare Earth Elements For Arms
About time we started getting some return on the weapons and aid we've poured into the Ukraine. Oh, and China can suck on it!
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
10:02 AM
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Ukraine Open To Trump Demand To Exchange Rare Earth Elements For Arms
About time we started getting some return on the weapons and aid we've poured into the Ukraine. Oh, and China can suck on it!
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
10:01 AM
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And this meant no work to catch terrorists, no efforts to find rapists, child traffickers, drug dealers, mobsters. This was their top priority!
5000 FBI Agents Worked on Prosecuting J6 Cases
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
09:50 AM
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This is interesting; Politico suddenly couldn't pay staffers after Trump shut down USAID. And according to Charlie Kirk they were given $8 million dollars by this very same institution.
In other words the U.S. government was tampering with the free press.
We all knew Politico was left wing, but now we know they were probably a propgaganda outlet for the U.S. government.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
09:46 AM
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Interesting though it won't happen, and if it did it would likely lead to Israel being invaded by her neighbors.
Exclusive: Israel May Propose Moving Palestinians from Gaza to Indonesia
The modern day Phillistines are not going anywhere by choice, and if Israel forcibly moves them they will be accused of genocide and war crimes. It's not going to happen.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
09:22 AM
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There is nothing more hypocritical than a rich white liberal!
Martha's Vineyard Snobs Now Defend Illegal Aiens After previously Kicking Them off the Island
There was a rally with many vowing to Resist! Trump deportations. Of course, they didn't seem so generous when they actually had illegal aliens living among them. As long as it's not in their backyards.
Might I suggest Trump send the overflow that cannot get into Club Gitmo to Martha's Vineyard? I mean, since they want them so badly...
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
09:07 AM
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After accusing Russia of purposely cutting undersea cables it turns out it was just an accident after all.
Sweden Says Ship Broke Baltic Sea Cable by Accident - USNews.com
Sowill the American media report this as zealously as they did the original cutting of the cable? Just doing a Google search shows they are trying to sweep it under the rug.
Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at
08:33 AM
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